Example #1
def test_dask_array_creates_cache():
    """Test that dask arrays create cache but turns off fusion."""
    assert _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.cache.available_bytes == 1
    # by default we have no dask_cache and task fusion is active
    original = dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None)

    def mock_set_view_slice():
        assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active") is False

    layer = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))
    layer._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice

    # adding a dask array will reate cache and turn off task fusion,
    # *but only* during slicing (see "mock_set_view_slice" above)
    assert _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.cache.available_bytes > 100
    assert not _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.active
    assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original

    # make sure we can resize the cache
    assert _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.cache.available_bytes == 10000

    # This should only affect dask arrays, and not numpy data
    def mock_set_view_slice2():
        assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original

    layer2 = layers.Image(np.ones((100, 100)))
    layer2._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice2
Example #2
def test_link_image_layers_all_attributes(key, value):
    """Test linking common attributes across layers of similar types."""
    l1 = layers.Image(np.random.rand(10, 10), contrast_limits=(0, 0.8))
    l2 = layers.Image(np.random.rand(10, 10), contrast_limits=(0.1, 0.9))
    link_layers([l1, l2])
    # linking does (currently) apply to things that were unequal before linking
    assert l1.contrast_limits != l2.contrast_limits

    # once we set either... they will both be changed
    assert getattr(l1, key) != value
    setattr(l2, key, value)
    assert getattr(l1, key) == getattr(l2, key) == value
Example #3
def iter_layer_events() -> Iterator[Ev]:
    basenames = base_event_names()
    docs = class_doc_attrs(layers.Layer)
    for name in basenames:
        yield Ev(name, layers.Layer, description=docs.get(name))

    EXAMPLE_LAYERS: List[layers.Layer] = [
        layers.Image(np.random.random((2, 2))),
        layers.Labels(np.random.randint(20, size=(10, 15))),
        layers.Points(10 * np.random.random((10, 2))),
        layers.Vectors(20 * np.random.random((10, 2, 2))),
        layers.Shapes(20 * np.random.random((10, 4, 2))),
            20 * np.random.random((10, 3)),
            np.random.randint(10, size=(6, 3)),
            np.column_stack((np.ones(20), np.arange(20), 20 * np.random.random(
                (20, 2))))),

    for lay in EXAMPLE_LAYERS:
        docs = class_doc_attrs(type(lay))
        for name in [i for i in lay.events.emitters if i not in basenames]:
            yield Ev(name, lay.__class__, description=docs.get(name))
Example #4
def test_link_invalid_param():
    """Test that linking non-shared attributes raises."""
    l1 = layers.Image(np.random.rand(10, 10))
    l2 = layers.Points(None)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        link_layers([l1, l2], ('rendering', ))
    assert "Cannot link attributes that are not shared by all layers" in str(e)
Example #5
def test_dask_not_greedy(dtype):
    """Make sure that we don't immediately calculate dask arrays."""


    def get_plane(block_id):
        if isinstance(block_id, tuple):
            nonlocal FETCH_COUNT
            FETCH_COUNT += 1
        return np.random.rand(1, 1, 1, 10, 10)

    arr = da.map_blocks(
        chunks=((1, ) * 4, (1, ) * 2, (1, ) * 8, (10, ), (10, )),
    layer = layers.Image(arr)

    # the <= is because before dask-2021.12.0, the above code resulted in NO
    # fetches for uint8 data, and afterwards, results in a single fetch.
    # the single fetch is actually the more "expected" behavior.  And all we
    # are really trying to assert here is that we didn't fetch all the planes
    # in the first index... so we allow 0-1 fetches.
    assert FETCH_COUNT <= 1
    if dtype == 'uint8':
        assert tuple(layer.contrast_limits) == (0, 255)
def test_list_of_dask_arrays_doesnt_create_cache():
    """Test that adding a list of dask array also creates a dask cache."""
    utils.dask_cache = None  # in case other tests created it
    original = dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None)
    _ = layers.Image([da.ones((100, 100)), da.ones((20, 20))])
    assert utils.dask_cache is None
    assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original
Example #7
def test_list_of_dask_arrays_doesnt_create_cache():
    """Test that adding a list of dask array also creates a dask cache."""
    resize_dask_cache(1)  # in case other tests created it
    assert _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.cache.available_bytes == 1
    original = dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None)
    _ = layers.Image([da.ones((100, 100)), da.ones((20, 20))])
    assert _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.cache.available_bytes > 100
    assert not _dask_utils._DASK_CACHE.active
    assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original
Example #8
def test_link_different_type_layers_all_attributes(key, value):
    """Test linking common attributes across layers of different types."""
    l1 = layers.Image(np.random.rand(10, 10))
    l2 = layers.Points(None)
    link_layers([l1, l2])

    # once we set either... they will both be changed
    assert getattr(l1, key) != value
    setattr(l2, key, value)
    assert getattr(l1, key) == getattr(l2, key) == value
Example #9
def test_dask_array_creates_cache():
    """Test that adding a dask array creates a dask cache and turns of fusion.
    # by default we have no dask_cache and task fusion is active
    original = dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None)

    def mock_set_view_slice():
        assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active") is False

    layer = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))
    layer._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice
    # adding a dask array will turn on the cache, and turn off task fusion.
    assert isinstance(utils.dask_cache, dask.cache.Cache)
    assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original

    # if the dask version is too low to remove task fusion, emit a warning
    _dask_ver = dask.__version__
    dask.__version__ = '2.14.0'
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
        _ = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))

    assert 'upgrade Dask to v2.15.0 or later' in record[0].message.args[0]
    dask.__version__ = _dask_ver

    # make sure we can resize the cache
    assert utils.dask_cache.cache.total_bytes > 1000
    assert utils.dask_cache.cache.total_bytes <= 1000

    # This should only affect dask arrays, and not numpy data
    def mock_set_view_slice2():
        assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original

    layer2 = layers.Image(np.ones((100, 100)))
    layer2._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice2

    # clean up cache
    utils.dask_cache = None
def test_dask_array_doesnt_create_cache():
    """Test that dask arrays don't create cache but turns off fusion."""
    # by default we have no dask_cache and task fusion is active
    original = dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None)

    def mock_set_view_slice():
        assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active") is False

    layer = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))
    layer._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice
    # adding a dask array won't create cache, but will turn off task fusion,
    # *but only* during slicing (see "mock_set_view_slice" above)
    assert utils.dask_cache is None
    assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original

    # if the dask version is too low to remove task fusion, emit a warning
    _dask_ver = dask.__version__
    dask.__version__ = '2.14.0'
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
        _ = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))

    assert 'upgrade Dask to v2.15.0 or later' in record[0].message.args[0]
    dask.__version__ = _dask_ver

    # make sure we can resize the cache
    assert utils.dask_cache.cache.available_bytes == 10000

    # This should only affect dask arrays, and not numpy data
    def mock_set_view_slice2():
        assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original

    layer2 = layers.Image(np.ones((100, 100)))
    layer2._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice2

    # clean up cache
    utils.dask_cache = None
Example #11
def test_list_of_dask_arrays_creates_cache():
    """Test that adding a list of dask array also creates a dask cache."""
    original = dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None)
    _ = layers.Image([da.ones((100, 100)), da.ones((20, 20))])
    assert isinstance(utils.dask_cache, dask.cache.Cache)
    assert dask.config.get("optimization.fuse.active", None) == original