Example #1
 def test_DictTerms(self):
     #Get all distinct dicts terms out of a term
     strList = [
     self.ts[0], "AND", [self.ts[1], "AND", self.ts[2]], "AND",
     self.ts[3], "AND", self.ts[4], "AND", self.ts[5], "AND", self.ts[0]
     dictTerms = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList).allTermDicts()
     compareTo = [NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList).terms for strList in self.ts[:6]]
     self.assertCountEqual(dictTerms, compareTo)
Example #2
 def test_TermResolve(self):
     #Tests the resolve function of terms
     #Workhorse for resolving term trees in compare and other situations
     nts = [NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(ts) for ts in self.ts] #Create terms from all tuples
     def mapFunc(obj):
         if isinstance(obj.terms, dict):
             if obj == nts[0]:
                 return True
             elif obj == nts[1]:
                 return False
             elif obj == specialnt: #Term which contains a tuple of items
                 return False
         raise RuntimeError("No match in mapFunc")
     def joinFunc(firstTerm, join, secondTerm):
         if join == NASSSearchJoin.AND:
             return firstTerm and secondTerm
         elif join == NASSSearchJoin.OR:
             return firstTerm or secondTerm
     #Simple testing strList function, calls resolve
     def t(strList, m=mapFunc, j=joinFunc):
         term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList)
         return term.resolve(m, j)
     #ts[0] becomes True, ts[1] becomes False
     #Simple test, no recursion
     #                    TRUE      OR/AND    FALSE
     self.assertEqual(t([self.ts[0], "OR", self.ts[1]]), True)
     self.assertEqual(t([self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[1]]), False)
     #Will test the operator precendence
     #                    TRUE        OR      FALSE     AND      FALSE
     self.assertEqual(t([self.ts[0], "OR", self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[1]]), True)
     #Test tuple terms (recursing into, not replacing), and operator precedence
     #                    TRUE        OR      FALSE     AND      FALSE      AND       TRUE
     self.assertEqual(t([self.ts[0], "OR", self.ts[0], "AND", [self.ts[1], "AND", self.ts[0]]]), True)
     #Test mapping whole tuple terms
     specialnt = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList([self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[2]])
     def mapFunc2(obj):
         if isinstance(obj.terms, dict):
             if obj == nts[0]:
                 return True
             elif obj == nts[1]:
                 return False
         elif isinstance(obj.terms, tuple): #Resolve tuple terms by recursion, like most mapFuncs
             if obj == specialnt: #Term which contains a tuple of items
                 return False
         raise RuntimeError("No match in mapFunc: \n" + str(obj))
     #                    TRUE        OR   [            FALSE             ]
     self.assertEqual(t([self.ts[0], "OR", [self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[2]]], m=mapFunc2), True)
Example #3
 def test_ValidTerms(self):
     strLists = [
     #Single term
     ("NOT",) + self.ts[0][:],
     #Multiple terms
     [self.ts[0], "OR", self.ts[3]],
     ["NOT", self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[1]],
     #Nested terms
     ["NOT", self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[1], "OR", [self.ts[0], "OR", self.ts[2]]],
     #All lists should succeed
     for strList in strLists:
         outStr = None
             term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList)
         except ValueError as e:
             outStr = ("Extended Exception (see below)\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() +
                 "\n" + str(strList) + " was invalid and should have been valid")
         if outStr:
         #Also, check the conversion: NASSSearchTerm <=> String List
         self.assertEqual(strList, term.toStrList())
Example #4
 def test_TermOfDB(self):
     #If we ofDB for db1...
     strList = [
     self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[1], "AND", self.ts[2], "AND", #... in this row just self.ts[0]
     self.ts[3], "AND", self.ts[4], "AND", self.ts[5], "AND", #... in this row just self.ts[3]
     [self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[3]]                          #... lastly, the entire chunk self.ts[0] and self.ts[3] will come out
     outStrLists = [self.ts[0], self.ts[3], [self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[3]]]
     outTerms = [NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(sl) for sl in outStrLists]
     term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList)
     #Finds all sections of the term that specify a given db
     ofDBSet = term.ofDB("db_1")
     self.assertEqual(ofDBSet, set(outTerms))
Example #5
 def test_CaseFromJSON(self):
     #Take JSON and create a term from it
     translateObj = {
         "dbName" : {"db_1":"DATABASE_1"}, #Only translate db_1 and col_1
         "colName" : {"col_1":"COLUMN_1"},
         "searchValue" : None,
         "compareFunc" : None
     #Simple (one term)
     myJson = {
         "terms" : {
             "dbName" : "db_1",
             "colName" : "col_1",
             "searchValue" : "val",
             "compareFunc" : "something"
         "inverse" : False
     myStrList = ("db_1", "col_1", "val", "something")
     self.assertEqual(NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(myStrList), NASSSearchTerm.fromJSON(myJson))
     #Same with translate obj
     myStrList = ("DATABASE_1", "COLUMN_1", "val", "something")
     self.assertEqual(NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(myStrList), NASSSearchTerm.fromJSON(myJson, translateObj))
     #Complex (multiple terms)
     myJson = { "terms" : 
         "terms" : {
             "dbName" : "db_1",
             "colName" : "col_1",
             "searchValue" : "val",
             "compareFunc" : "something"
         "inverse" : False
         "terms" : {
             "dbName" : "db_2",
             "colName" : "col_1",
             "searchValue" : "val",
             "compareFunc" : "something"
         "inverse" : False
     "inverse" : False}
     myStrList = [("db_1", "col_1", "val", "something"), "AND", ("db_2", "col_1", "val", "something")]
     self.assertEqual(NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(myStrList), NASSSearchTerm.fromJSON(myJson))
     #Same with translate obj
     myStrList = [("DATABASE_1", "COLUMN_1", "val", "something"), "AND", ("db_2", "COLUMN_1", "val", "something")]
     self.assertEqual(NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(myStrList), NASSSearchTerm.fromJSON(myJson, translateObj))
Example #6
 def test_InvalidTerms(self):
     strLists = [
     #Single term
     None, #Empty terms are invalid
     [self.ts[1]], #Don't accept collected terms with just one item
     ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"], #A tuple term that should be a list
     #Multiple terms
     ["AND", "AND"], #Not even
     ["AND", "AND", "AND"], #Not of form (NOT,), term, join, term
     ["NOT", self.ts[0], self.ts[2]], #Same as above
     #All lists should fail
     for strList in strLists:
         with self.assertRaises(Exception, msg=str(strList) + " was valid and should have been valid"):
             term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(caseStrList)
Example #7
 def test_CaseCompare(self):
     #Just db1
     strList = [self.ts[0], "AND", self.ts[3]]
     term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList)
         "col_1" : "aaa", #Doesn't match anything
         "col_2" : "bbb",
         "col_3" : "ccc"
         "col_1" : "val", #Only matches one column
         "col_2" : "bbb",
         "col_3" : "ccc"
         "col_1" : "val", #Matches necessary columns
         "col_2" : "val",
         "col_3" : "ccc"
Example #8
#Go into each file and get column info on each db
#Present this to user and let them form a search
#Take this search back to the database and search

#Find relative database for search
#Search those databases to find the casenos of all relevant data
#Take those casenos and search all other databases for their information

def areEq(foundValue,findValue):
    return foundValue == findValue
def strIn(foundValue,findValue):
    return findValue in foundValue

search = NASSSearch(NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList([
("acc_desc.sas7bdat","LINETXT","dog", strIn), "OR",
("acc_desc.sas7bdat","LINETXT","pet", strIn)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("NASS Search Tool (c) Peter Fornari 2015-2016\n")
    cases = search.export("links")
    print("Outputting matches")
    f = open("output.txt", "w")
    for case, link in cases:
        f.write("\n" + ("="*110) + "\n" + case.prettyPrint(fixedLen=100) + "\n" + link)
Example #9
 def s(strList):
     term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList)
     search = NASSSearch(term)
     return search.export("links")
Example #10
 def t(strList, m=mapFunc, j=joinFunc):
     term = NASSSearchTerm.fromStrList(strList)
     return term.resolve(m, j)