def test_unidify_stdin(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, capsys: CaptureFixture) -> None: monkeypatch.setattr( sys, "stdin", StringIO("\n".join(("1115690002233556993", "1115690615612825601", "1115691710657499137"))), ) main("unidify") assert [ "We encourage submissions of new, previously, or concurrently published " "research. The event should be a forum for researchers to exchange ideas, " "discuss work, and get feedback. We hope you'll consider submitting your work.", "We'll have talks from research leaders on the latest advances in NLP. " "@NandoDF will be giving the keynote and more speakers will be announced soon. " "", "Registration will open soon. In the meantime, we'll hope you'll save the date " "and consider joining us for what should be a fun day of listening to " "stimulating talks, mingling with like-minded people, exchanging ideas, and " "maybe even striking up a collaboration.", ] == [ Tweet(json.loads(line)).text for line in capsys.readouterr().out.strip().split("\n") ]
def test_correct_call(request_: Request, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, capsys: CaptureFixture) -> None: mock_context: MockRequestContext = MockRequestContext() monkeypatch.setattr(type(request_), request_.request.__name__, mock_context.mock_request) main(*_make_args(request_)) assert mock_context.request == request_ assert not mock_context.remaining_result_tweets assert capsys.readouterr().out == ""
def test_no_batch_file(tmp_path: Path) -> None: batch_file = tmp_path / "batch.jsonl" results_dir = tmp_path / "out" with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): main( "batch", "--batch-file", str(batch_file), "--results-dir", str(results_dir), )
def test_idify_indir(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path) -> None: mock_context = MockBatchResultsContext() monkeypatch.setattr( nasty._cli, nasty._cli.BatchResults.__name__, # type: ignore mock_context.MockBatchResults, ) main("idify", "--in-dir", str(tmp_path)) assert mock_context.init_args == (tmp_path, ) assert mock_context.idify_args == (tmp_path, ) assert mock_context.unidify_args is None
def test_incorrect_calls(args_string: str, capsys: CaptureFixture) -> None: args = args_string.split(" ") if args_string != "" else [] logger.debug("Raw arguments: {}".format(args)) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: main(*args) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 captured = capsys.readouterr().err logger.debug("Captured Error:") for line in captured.split("\n"): logger.debug(" " + line) assert "usage: nasty" in captured and ": error: " in captured
def test_idify_indir_outdir(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path) -> None: in_dir = tmp_path / "in" out_dir = tmp_path / "out" mock_context = MockBatchResultsContext() monkeypatch.setattr( nasty._cli, nasty._cli.BatchResults.__name__, # type: ignore mock_context.MockBatchResults, ) main("idify", "--in-dir", str(in_dir), "--out-dir", str(out_dir)) assert mock_context.init_args == (in_dir, ) assert mock_context.idify_args == (out_dir, ) assert mock_context.unidify_args is None
def test_correct_call_to_batch( request_: Request, capsys: CaptureFixture, tmp_path: Path, ) -> None: batch_file = tmp_path / "batch.jsonl" main(*_make_args(request_, to_batch=batch_file)) assert capsys.readouterr().out == "" batch = Batch() batch.load(batch_file) assert len(batch) == 1 assert batch[0].request == request_ assert batch[0].id assert batch[0].completed_at is None assert batch[0].exception is None
def test_correct_call_results( request_: Request, num_results: int, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, capsys: CaptureFixture, ) -> None: mock_context: MockRequestContext = MockRequestContext( num_results=num_results) monkeypatch.setattr(type(request_), request_.request.__name__, mock_context.mock_request) main(*_make_args(request_)) assert mock_context.request == request_ assert not mock_context.remaining_result_tweets assert capsys.readouterr().out == (json.dumps( mock_context.RESULT_TWEET.to_json()) + "\n") * min(10, num_results)
def test_idify_stdin(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, capsys: CaptureFixture) -> None: tweet_json = tweet_jsons["1142944425502543875"] tweets = [] for i in range(5): tweet = deepcopy(tweet_json) tweet["id"] = i tweet["id_str"] = str(i) tweets.append(tweet) monkeypatch.setattr( sys, "stdin", StringIO("\n".join(json.dumps(tweet) for tweet in tweets)), ) main("idify") assert capsys.readouterr().out == "\n".join(str(i) for i in range(5)) + "\n"
def test_correct_call_to_batch_daily(capsys: CaptureFixture, tmp_path: Path) -> None: batch_file = tmp_path / "batch.jsonl" request = Search("trump", since=date(2019, 1, 1), until=date(2019, 2, 1)) # Needed for type checking. assert request.until is not None and request.since is not None main(*_make_args(request, to_batch=batch_file, daily=True)) assert capsys.readouterr().out == "" batch = Batch() batch.load(batch_file) assert len(batch) == (request.until - request.since).days for batch_entry, expected_request in zip(batch, request.to_daily_requests()): assert batch_entry.request == expected_request assert assert batch_entry.completed_at is None assert batch_entry.exception is None
def test_correct_call( monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, capsys: CaptureFixture, tmp_path: Path, ) -> None: mock_context = MockBatchContext() monkeypatch.setattr( nasty._cli, nasty._cli.Batch.__name__, # type: ignore mock_context.MockBatch, ) batch_file = tmp_path / "batch.jsonl" results_dir = tmp_path / "out" main("batch", "--batch-file", str(batch_file), "--results-dir", str(results_dir)) assert mock_context.load_args == (batch_file, ) assert mock_context.execute_args == (results_dir, ) assert capsys.readouterr().out == ""
def test_correct_call_to_batch_exists( old_request: Request, new_request: Request, capsys: CaptureFixture, tmp_path: Path, ) -> None: batch_file = tmp_path / "batch.jsonl" batch = Batch() batch.append(old_request) batch.dump(batch_file) main(*_make_args(new_request, to_batch=batch_file)) assert capsys.readouterr().out == "" batch = Batch() batch.load(batch_file) assert len(batch) == 2 for batch_entry, expected_request in zip(batch, [old_request, new_request]): assert batch_entry.request == expected_request assert assert batch_entry.completed_at is None assert batch_entry.exception is None