Example #1
     def test_unsubscribe_only_if_max_reached(self):
          nc = Client()
          options = {
               "io_loop": self.io_loop
          yield nc.connect(**options)

          log = Log()
          sid = yield nc.subscribe("foo", cb=log.persist)
          yield nc.publish("foo", b'A')
          yield nc.publish("foo", b'B')
          yield nc.publish("foo", b'C')
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
          self.assertEqual(3, len(log.records["foo"]))
          yield nc.unsubscribe(sid, 3)
          yield nc.publish("foo", b'D')
          yield nc.flush()
          self.assertEqual(3, len(log.records["foo"]))

          self.assertEqual(b'A', log.records["foo"][0].data)
          self.assertEqual(b'B', log.records["foo"][1].data)
          self.assertEqual(b'C', log.records["foo"][2].data)

          # Should not exist by now
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
          with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('' % self.server_pool[0].http_port)
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(0, connz['subscriptions'])
Example #2
     def test_close_connection(self):
          nc = Client()
          options = {
               "dont_randomize": True,
               "servers": [
               "io_loop": self.io_loop
          yield nc.connect(**options)
          self.assertEqual(True, nc._server_info["auth_required"])

          log = Log()
          sid_1 = yield nc.subscribe("foo",  "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_1, 1)
          sid_2 = yield nc.subscribe("bar",  "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_2, 2)
          sid_3 = yield nc.subscribe("quux", "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_3, 3)
          yield nc.publish("foo", "hello")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)

          # Done
          yield nc.close()

          orig_gnatsd = self.server_pool.pop(0)

               a = nc._current_server
               # Wait and assert that we don't reconnect.
               yield tornado.gen.sleep(3)
               b = nc._current_server
               self.assertEqual(a.uri, b.uri)


               yield nc.publish("hello", "world")

               yield nc.flush()

               yield nc.subscribe("hello", "worker")

               yield nc.publish_request("hello", "inbox", "world")

               yield nc.request("hello", "world")

               yield nc.timed_request("hello", "world")
Example #3
def test():
    client = Client()
    options = {"servers": ["nats://%s:%d" % (NATS_HOST, NATS_PORT)]}
    yield client.connect(**options)
    msg = "0" * size
    for i in range(0, COUNT):
        yield client.publish(TOPIC, msg)
    yield client.publish(TOPIC, "quit")
    yield client.flush()
Example #4
def main():
    nc = NATS()

    # Set pool servers in the cluster and give a name to the client.
    options = {
        "servers": [

    # Explicitly set loop to use for the reactor.
    options["io_loop"] = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

    yield nc.connect(**options)

    def subscriber(msg):
        yield nc.publish("discover", "pong")

    yield nc.subscribe("discover", "", subscriber)

    def async_subscriber(msg):
        # First request takes longer, while others are still processed.
        if msg.subject == "requests.1":
            yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
        print("Processed request [{0}]: {1}".format(msg.subject, msg))

    # Create asynchronous subscription and make roundtrip to server
    # to ensure that subscriptions have been processed.
    yield nc.subscribe_async("requests.*", cb=async_subscriber)
    yield nc.flush()
    for i in range(1, 10):
        yield nc.publish("requests.{0}".format(i), "example")
    yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)

    while True:
        # Confirm stats to implement basic throttling logic.
        sent = nc.stats["out_msgs"]
        received = nc.stats["in_msgs"]
        delta = sent - received

        if delta > 2000:
            print("Waiting... Sent: {0}, Received: {1}, Delta: {2}".format(
                sent, received, delta))
            yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)

        if nc.stats["reconnects"] > 10:
            print("[WARN] Reconnected over 10 times!")

        for i in range(1000):
            yield nc.publish("discover", "ping")
Example #5
def main():
    nc = NATS()

    # Set pool servers in the cluster and give a name to the client.
    options = {
        "name": "worker",
        "servers": [

    # Explicitly set loop to use for the reactor.
    options["io_loop"] = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

    yield nc.connect(**options)

    def subscriber(msg):
        yield nc.publish("discover", "pong")

    yield nc.subscribe("discover", "", subscriber)

    def async_subscriber(msg):
        # First request takes longer, while others are still processed.
        if msg.subject == "requests.1":
            yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
        print("Processed request [{0}]: {1}".format(msg.subject, msg))

    # Create asynchronous subscription and make roundtrip to server
    # to ensure that subscriptions have been processed.
    yield nc.subscribe_async("requests.*", cb=async_subscriber)
    yield nc.flush()
    for i in range(1, 10):
        yield nc.publish("requests.{0}".format(i), "example")
    yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)

    while True:
        # Confirm stats to implement basic throttling logic.
        sent = nc.stats["out_msgs"]
        received = nc.stats["in_msgs"]
        delta = sent - received

        if delta > 2000:
            print("Waiting... Sent: {0}, Received: {1}, Delta: {2}".format(sent, received, delta))
            yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)

        if nc.stats["reconnects"] > 10:
            print("[WARN] Reconnected over 10 times!")

        for i in range(1000):
            yield nc.publish("discover", "ping")
Example #6
class NatsUtils(object):

    def __init__(self, servers, subject, handle):
        self.__nc__ = Client()
        self.__servers__ = servers
        self.__subject__ = subject
        self.__handle__ = handle

    def main(self):
        yield self.__nc__.connect(self.__servers__)
        for i in range(0, len(self.__subject__)):
            yield self.__nc__.subscribe(self.__subject__[i], cb=self.__handle__[i])

    def startNats(self):

    def publish(self, subject, data):
        yield self.__nc__.publish(subject, data)
        yield self.__nc__.flush()

    def isConnect(self):
        return self.__nc__.is_connected
Example #7
     def test_subscribe_sync(self):
          nc = Client()
          msgs = []

          def subscription_handler(msg):
               # Futures for subscription are each processed
               # in sequence.
               if msg.subject == "tests.1":
                    yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)
               if msg.subject == "tests.3":
                    yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)

          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          sid = yield nc.subscribe("tests.>", cb=subscription_handler)

          for i in range(0, 5):
               yield nc.publish("tests.{0}".format(i), b'bar')

          # Wait a bit for messages to be received.
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(4.0)
          self.assertEqual(5, len(msgs))
          self.assertEqual("tests.1", msgs[1].subject)
          self.assertEqual("tests.3", msgs[3].subject)
          yield nc.close()
Example #8
def main():
    nc = NATS()

    # Establish connection to the server.
    options = {"verbose": True, "servers": ["nats://"]}
    yield nc.connect(**options)

    def discover(msg=None):
        channel_message = message_pb2.ChannelMessage()
        print("[Received]: %s" % channel_message)

    send_message = message_pb2.ChannelMessage()
    send_message.chan_num = 5
    #send_message.from = "python"
    send_message.message = "Hello, World!"

    sid = yield nc.subscribe("world.channel_message", "", discover)

    yield nc.publish("world.channel_message", send_message.SerializeToString())

    loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    yield tornado.gen.Task(loop.add_timeout, time.time() + 20)
        start = datetime.now()
        # Make roundtrip to the server and timeout after 1 second
        yield nc.flush(1)
        end = datetime.now()
        print("Latency: %d µs" % (end.microsecond - start.microsecond))
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
        print("Timeout! Roundtrip too slow...")
Example #9
     def test_subscribe_async(self):
          nc = Client()
          msgs = []

          def subscription_handler(msg):
               # Callback dispatched asynchronously and a coroutine
               # so it does not block.
               if msg.subject == "tests.1":
                    yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
               if msg.subject == "tests.3":
                    yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.2)

          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          sid = yield nc.subscribe_async("tests.>", cb=subscription_handler)

          for i in range(0, 5):
               yield nc.publish("tests.{0}".format(i), b'bar')

          # Wait a bit for messages to be received.
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(4.0)
          self.assertEqual(5, len(msgs))
          self.assertEqual("tests.1", msgs[4].subject)
          self.assertEqual("tests.3", msgs[3].subject)
          yield nc.close()
Example #10
     def test_publish(self):
          nc = Client()
          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          self.assertEqual(Client.CONNECTED, nc._status)
          info_keys = nc._server_info.keys()
          self.assertTrue(len(info_keys) > 0)

          log = Log()
          yield nc.subscribe(">", "", log.persist)
          yield nc.publish("one", "hello")
          yield nc.publish("two", "world")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)

          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('' % self.server_pool[0].http_port)
          varz = json.loads(response.body)
          self.assertEqual(10, varz['in_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(10, varz['out_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(2, varz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(2, varz['out_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(2, len(log.records.keys()))
          self.assertEqual("hello", log.records['one'][0].data)
          self.assertEqual("world", log.records['two'][0].data)
          self.assertEqual(10, nc.stats['in_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(10, nc.stats['out_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(2, nc.stats['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(2, nc.stats['out_msgs'])
Example #11
     def test_publish_max_payload(self):
          nc = Client()
          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          self.assertEqual(Client.CONNECTED, nc._status)
          info_keys = nc._server_info.keys()
          self.assertTrue(len(info_keys) > 0)

          with self.assertRaises(ErrMaxPayload):
               yield nc.publish("large-message", "A" * (nc._server_info["max_payload"] * 2))
Example #12
def notify_new_user(user, config):
    client = Nats()
    server = 'nats://{}:{}'.format(config['host'], config['port'])
    opts = {"servers": [server]}
    yield client.connect(**opts)
    notif = {
        'message': 'created',
        'user_name': '{0}'.format(user.name),
        'user_id': '{0}'.format(user.user_id)
    yield client.publish('userAction', json.dumps(notif))
    yield client.flush()
    log.info("New user notification sent on NATS for {0}".format(user.user_id))
Example #13
def notify_new_user(user, config):
    client = Nats()
    server = 'nats://{}:{}'.format(config['host'], config['port'])
    opts = {"servers": [server]}
    yield client.connect(**opts)
    notif = {
        'message': 'created',
        'user_name': '{0}'.format(user.name),
        'user_id': '{0}'.format(user.user_id)
    yield client.publish('userAction', json.dumps(notif))
    yield client.flush()
    log.info("New user notification sent on NATS for {0}".format(user.user_id))
Example #14
def main():
    nc = NATS()

    yield nc.connect("demo.nats.io")

    def subscriber(msg):
        print("Msg received on [{0}]: {1}".format(msg.subject, msg.data))

    yield nc.subscribe("foo.*.baz", "", subscriber)
    yield nc.subscribe("foo.bar.*", "", subscriber)
    yield nc.subscribe("foo.>", "", subscriber)
    yield nc.subscribe(">", "", subscriber)

    # Matches all of above
    yield nc.publish("foo.bar.baz", b"Hello World")
    yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
Example #15
     def test_subscribe_async_non_coro(self):
          nc = Client()
          msgs = []

          def subscription_handler(msg):
               # Dispatched asynchronously but would be received in sequence...

          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          sid = yield nc.subscribe_async("tests.>", cb=subscription_handler)

          for i in range(0, 5):
               yield nc.publish("tests.{0}".format(i), b'bar')

          # Wait a bit for messages to be received.
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(4.0)
          self.assertEqual(5, len(msgs))
          self.assertEqual("tests.1", msgs[1].subject)
          self.assertEqual("tests.3", msgs[3].subject)
          yield nc.close()
Example #16
     def test_subscribe_sync_non_coro(self):
          nc = Client()
          msgs = []

          def subscription_handler(msg):
               # Callback blocks so dispatched in sequence.
               if msg.subject == "tests.1":
               if msg.subject == "tests.3":

          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          sid = yield nc.subscribe("tests.>", cb=subscription_handler)

          for i in range(0, 5):
               yield nc.publish("tests.{0}".format(i), b'bar')

          # Wait a bit for messages to be received.
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(4.0)
          self.assertEqual(5, len(msgs))
          self.assertEqual("tests.1", msgs[1].subject)
          self.assertEqual("tests.3", msgs[3].subject)
          yield nc.close()
Example #17
     def test_auth_connect_fails(self):

          class Component:
               def __init__(self, nc):
                    self.nc = nc
                    self.error = None
                    self.error_cb_called = False
                    self.close_cb_called = False
                    self.disconnected_cb_called = False
                    self.reconnected_cb_called = False

               def error_cb(self, err):
                    self.error = err
                    self.error_cb_called = True

               def close_cb(self):
                    self.close_cb_called = True

               def disconnected_cb(self):
                    self.disconnected_cb_called = True

               def reconnected_cb(self):
                    self.reconnected_cb_called = True

          nc = Client()
          component = Component(nc)
          options = {
               "dont_randomize": True,
               "servers": [
               "io_loop": self.io_loop,
               "close_cb": component.close_cb,
               "error_cb": component.error_cb,
               "disconnected_cb": component.disconnected_cb,
               "reconnected_cb": component.reconnected_cb
          yield component.nc.connect(**options)
          self.assertEqual(True, component.nc.is_connected)
          self.assertEqual(True, nc._server_info["auth_required"])

          log = Log()
          sid_1 = yield component.nc.subscribe("foo",  "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_1, 1)
          sid_2 = yield component.nc.subscribe("bar",  "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_2, 2)
          sid_3 = yield component.nc.subscribe("quux", "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_3, 3)
          yield nc.publish("foo", "hello")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1)
          self.assertEqual("hello", log.records['foo'][0].data)
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)

          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('')
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['subscriptions'])
          self.assertEqual(1, connz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(5, connz['in_bytes'])

          yield component.nc.publish("foo", "world")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
          response = yield http.fetch('')
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['subscriptions'])
          self.assertEqual(2, connz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(10, connz['in_bytes'])

          orig_gnatsd = self.server_pool.pop(0)

          # Wait for reconnect logic kick in and fail due to authorization error.
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(5)

          # No guarantee in getting the error before the connection is closed,
          # by the server though the behavior should be as below.
          # self.assertEqual(1, component.nc.stats['errors_received'])
          # self.assertEqual(ErrAuthorization, component.nc.last_error())
          # self.assertTrue(component.error_cb_called)
Example #18
     def test_auth_connect(self):
          nc = Client()
          options = {
               "dont_randomize": True,
               "servers": [
               "io_loop": self.io_loop
          yield nc.connect(**options)
          self.assertEqual(True, nc._server_info["auth_required"])

          log = Log()
          sid_1 = yield nc.subscribe("foo",  "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_1, 1)
          sid_2 = yield nc.subscribe("bar",  "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_2, 2)
          sid_3 = yield nc.subscribe("quux", "", log.persist)
          self.assertEqual(sid_3, 3)
          yield nc.publish("foo", "hello")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)

          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('')
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['subscriptions'])
          self.assertEqual(1, connz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(5, connz['in_bytes'])

          yield nc.publish("foo", "world")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
          response = yield http.fetch('')
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['subscriptions'])
          self.assertEqual(2, connz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(10, connz['in_bytes'])

          orig_gnatsd = self.server_pool.pop(0)

               a = nc._current_server
               # Wait for reconnect logic kick in...
               yield tornado.gen.sleep(5)
               b = nc._current_server
               self.assertNotEqual(a.uri, b.uri)


          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('')
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['subscriptions'])
          self.assertEqual(0, connz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(0, connz['in_bytes'])

          yield nc.publish("foo", "!!!")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)
          response = yield http.fetch('')
          result = json.loads(response.body)
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['subscriptions'])
          self.assertEqual(1, connz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(3, connz['in_bytes'])

          full_msg = ''
          for msg in log.records['foo']:
               full_msg += msg.data

          self.assertEqual('helloworld!!!', full_msg)