Example #1
def test__natsort_key_with_bytes_input_and_PATH_returns_number_in_nested_tuple():
    # It gracefully handles as_path for numeric input by putting an extra tuple around it
    # so it will sort against the other as_path results.
    sfunc = _parse_path_function(string_func)
    bytes_func = _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH)
    num_func = _parse_number_function(ns.PATH, '')
    assert _natsort_key(b'/hello/world', None, sfunc, bytes_func, num_func) == ((b'/hello/world',),)
Example #2
def test__natsort_key_with_tuple_of_paths_and_PATH_returns_triply_nested_tuple():
    # PATH also handles recursion well.
    sfunc = _parse_path_function(string_func)
    bytes_func = _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH)
    num_func = _parse_number_function(ns.PATH, '')
    assert _natsort_key(('/Folder', '/Folder (1)'), None, sfunc, bytes_func, num_func) == ((('/',), ('Folder',)), (('/',), ('Folder (', 1, ')')))
Example #3

if PY_VERSION >= 3:
    long = int

regex = _regex_chooser[ns.INT]
pre = _pre_split_function(ns.INT)
post = _post_split_function(ns.INT)
after = _post_string_parse_function(ns.INT, '')
string_func = _parse_string_function(ns.INT, '', regex.split, pre, post, after)
bytes_func = _parse_bytes_function(ns.INT)
num_func = _parse_number_function(ns.INT, '')

def test__natsort_key_with_numeric_input_and_PATH_returns_number_in_nested_tuple():
    # It gracefully handles as_path for numeric input by putting an extra tuple around it
    # so it will sort against the other as_path results.
    sfunc = _parse_path_function(string_func)
    bytes_func = _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH)
    num_func = _parse_number_function(ns.PATH, '')
    assert _natsort_key(10, None, sfunc, bytes_func, num_func) == (('', 10),)

@pytest.mark.skipif(PY_VERSION < 3, reason='only valid on python3')
def test__natsort_key_with_bytes_input_and_PATH_returns_number_in_nested_tuple():
    # It gracefully handles as_path for numeric input by putting an extra tuple around it
Example #4
def natsort_keygen(key=None, alg=0, **_kwargs):
    Generate a key to sort strings and numbers naturally.

    Generate a key to sort strings and numbers naturally,
    not lexicographically. This key is designed for use as the
    `key` argument to functions such as the `sorted` builtin.

    The user may customize the generated function with the
    arguments to `natsort_keygen`, including an optional
    `key` function which will be called before the `natsort_key`.

    key : callable, optional
        A key used to manipulate the input value before parsing for
        numbers. It is **not** applied recursively.
        It should accept a single argument and return a single value.

    alg : ns enum, optional
        This option is used to control which algorithm `natsort`
        uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see
        the :class:`ns` class documentation. The default is `ns.INT`.

    out : function
        A wrapped version of the `natsort_key` function that is
        suitable for passing as the `key` argument to functions
        such as `sorted`.

    See Also

    `natsort_keygen` is a convenient way to create a custom key
    to sort lists in-place (for example). Calling with no objects
    will return a plain `natsort_key` instance::

        >>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2']
        >>> a.sort(key=natsort_keygen(alg=ns.REAL))
        >>> a
        [{u}'num-3', {u}'num2', {u}'num5.10', {u}'num5.3']

    # Transform old arguments to the ns enum.
        alg = _args_to_enum(**_kwargs) | alg
    except TypeError:
        msg = "natsort_keygen: 'alg' argument must be from the enum 'ns'"
        raise ValueError(msg+', got {0}'.format(py23_str(alg)))

    # Add the _DUMB option if the locale library is broken.
    if alg & ns.LOCALEALPHA and natsort.compat.locale.dumb_sort():
        alg |= ns._DUMB

    # Set some variable that will be passed to the factory functions
    sep = natsort.compat.locale.null_string if alg & ns.LOCALEALPHA else ''
    regex = _regex_chooser[alg & ns._NUMERIC_ONLY]

    # Create the functions that will be used to split strings.
    pre = _pre_split_function(alg)
    post = _post_split_function(alg)
    after = _post_string_parse_function(alg, sep)

    # Create the high-level parsing functions for strings, bytes, and numbers.
    string_func = _parse_string_function(
        alg, sep, regex.split, pre, post, after
    if alg & ns.PATH:
        string_func = _parse_path_function(string_func)
    bytes_func = _parse_bytes_function(alg)
    num_func = _parse_number_function(alg, sep)

    # Return the natsort key with the parsing path pre-chosen.
    return partial(
Example #5
def natsort_keygen(key=None, alg=0, **_kwargs):
    Generate a key to sort strings and numbers naturally.

    Generate a key to sort strings and numbers naturally,
    not lexicographically. This key is designed for use as the
    `key` argument to functions such as the `sorted` builtin.

    The user may customize the generated function with the
    arguments to `natsort_keygen`, including an optional
    `key` function which will be called before the `natsort_key`.

    key : callable, optional
        A key used to manipulate the input value before parsing for
        numbers. It is **not** applied recursively.
        It should accept a single argument and return a single value.

    alg : ns enum, optional
        This option is used to control which algorithm `natsort`
        uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see
        the :class:`ns` class documentation. The default is `ns.INT`.

    out : function
        A wrapped version of the `natsort_key` function that is
        suitable for passing as the `key` argument to functions
        such as `sorted`.

    See Also

    `natsort_keygen` is a convenient way to create a custom key
    to sort lists in-place (for example). Calling with no objects
    will return a plain `natsort_key` instance::

        >>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2']
        >>> a.sort(key=natsort_keygen(alg=ns.REAL))
        >>> a
        [{u}'num-3', {u}'num2', {u}'num5.10', {u}'num5.3']

    # Transform old arguments to the ns enum.
        alg = _args_to_enum(**_kwargs) | alg
    except TypeError:
        msg = "natsort_keygen: 'alg' argument must be from the enum 'ns'"
        raise ValueError(msg + ', got {0}'.format(py23_str(alg)))

    # Add the _DUMB option if the locale library is broken.
    if alg & ns.LOCALEALPHA and natsort.compat.locale.dumb_sort():
        alg |= ns._DUMB

    # Set some variable that will be passed to the factory functions
    sep = natsort.compat.locale.null_string if alg & ns.LOCALEALPHA else ''
    regex = _regex_chooser[alg & ns._NUMERIC_ONLY]

    # Create the functions that will be used to split strings.
    pre = _pre_split_function(alg)
    post = _post_split_function(alg)
    after = _post_string_parse_function(alg, sep)

    # Create the high-level parsing functions for strings, bytes, and numbers.
    string_func = _parse_string_function(alg, sep, regex.split, pre, post,
    if alg & ns.PATH:
        string_func = _parse_path_function(string_func)
    bytes_func = _parse_bytes_function(alg)
    num_func = _parse_number_function(alg, sep)

    # Return the natsort key with the parsing path pre-chosen.
    return partial(_natsort_key,
Example #6
def test_parse_bytes_function_with_PATH_and_IGNORECASE_makes_function_that_returns_nested_tuple_with_lowercase_example():
    assert _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH | ns.IGNORECASE)(b'HelLo') == ((b'hello', ), )
Example #7
def test_parse_bytes_function_with_PATH_and_IGNORECASE_makes_function_that_returns_nested_tuple_with_lowercase(x):
    assert _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH | ns.IGNORECASE)(x) == ((x.lower(), ), )
Example #8
def test_parse_bytes_function_with_PATH_makes_function_that_returns_nested_tuple(x):
    assert _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH)(x) == ((x, ), )
Example #9
def test_parse_bytes_function_with_PATH_makes_function_that_returns_nested_tuple_example():
    assert _parse_bytes_function(ns.PATH)(b'hello') == ((b'hello', ), )
Example #10
def test_parse_bytes_function_with_IGNORECASE_makes_function_that_returns_tuple_with_lowercase(x):
    assert _parse_bytes_function(ns.IGNORECASE)(x) == (x.lower(), )
Example #11
def test_parse_bytes_function_makes_function_that_returns_tuple(x):
    assert _parse_bytes_function(0)(x) == (x, )
Example #12
def test_parse_bytes_function_makes_function_that_returns_tuple_example():
    assert _parse_bytes_function(0)(b'hello') == (b'hello', )