Example #1
 def __init__(self, ip=None, camOff=False, staticImage=None):
         self.networkManager = NetworkManager(ip)
         self.cam = Camera(ip) if camOff != True and staticImage == None else None
         self.staticImage = SimpleCV.Image(staticImage) if staticImage != None else None
Example #2
class Client(object):
    cam = None
    cardCheckList = []
    fn = None
    staticImage = None
    pause = False

    def __init__(self, ip=None, camOff=False, staticImage=None):
            self.networkManager = NetworkManager(ip)
            self.cam = Camera(ip) if camOff != True and staticImage == None else None
            self.staticImage = SimpleCV.Image(staticImage) if staticImage != None else None

    def run(self):
        #create the 3 "mode object"
        #self.balloonFinder = BalloonFinder()
        self.cardFinder = CardFinder()
        self.fsm = OilStateMachine()

        while True:
            mode = self.networkManager.fetchMode()
            if self.staticImage == None:
                frame = self.cam.getImage() if self.cam != None else None
                frame = self.staticImage

            #switch-statement to select the mode (given by driver @ raspberry)
            if mode == 'idle' or self.pause == True:

            elif mode == CARD:
                cards =  self.cardFinder.findColorOrder(frame)

                if cards != None:

                if len(self.cardCheckList) > 1 and all(x == self.cardCheckList[-1] for x in self.cardCheckList[-3:]):
                    cmd = json.dumps(cards)
                    self.networkManager.sendCommand(self.networkManager.H_CARDS + cmd)
                    print cmd

            elif mode == BALLOON:
                #initial state, only set when it has not been set yet (therefor, initial!)
                self.fn = BalloonFinder.startState(self.networkManager, frame, "blue") if self.fn == None else self.fn

                if callable(self.fn):
                    self.fn = self.fn(frame, "red")

            #the oilfinder state-machine does not return periodically, but handles a main loop itself
            #todo: make the oilFinder interuptable
            elif mode == OIL:
                self.fsm.run(startState, self.networkManager)