Example #1
def test_tutorials(testfolder,
    startdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    pyexp = PythonExporter()
    pyexp.template_file = os.path.join(startdir, 'simplepython.tpl')

    # For each tutorial noteboook
    for tut in glob(os.path.join(startdir, '*.ipynb')):
        name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tut))[0]

        if name not in tutorials:

        testsubf = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(testfolder, name))
        if not os.path.exists(testsubf):

        # Read notebook in
        with open(tut, 'r') as fi:
            notebook = nbformat.read(fi, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
            output, resources = pyexp.from_notebook_node(notebook, )

            # Write it out in .py format
            with open(os.path.join(testsubf, 'test_{}.py'.format(name)),
                      'w') as fo:
                fo.writelines(format_script(output, testsubf, name))

    return pytest.main([testfolder])
 def tokenize_lambda_func(val, within, notebook_name=None):
     if notebook_name:
         notebook_path = os.getcwd() + "/{}.ipynb".format(notebook_name)
         with open(notebook_path, 'r') as f:
             notebook = nbformat.reads(f.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
             exporter = PythonExporter()
             source, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
         readline = io.StringIO(source).readline
         readline = open(val.__code__.co_filename).readline
     first_line = val.__code__.co_firstlineno
     flag = False
     source = ""
     for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
         t_type, t_string, (r_start, c_start), (r_end, c_end), line = t
         t_name = token.tok_name[t_type]
         if r_start == first_line:
             if t_name == 'NAME' and t_string == within:
                 flag = True
                 res = t_string
                 start = 0  # number of parenthesis
         if flag:
             source += ' ' + t_string
             if t_name == 'OP':
                 if t_string == '(':
                     start += 1
                 elif t_string == ')':
                     start -= 1
                     if start == 0:
     return source.strip()
Example #3
    def locals_from_notebook(notebook_ipynb):
        """Read, run, return locals of notebook"""
        banned_commands = ['HTML']

        ipynb = json.load(open(notebook_ipynb))

        for cell in ipynb['cells']:
            # erase test cells, this is optional and useful for debugging
            # to avoid recursions when developing
            if any('## TEST ##' in line for line in cell['source']):
                cell['source'] = []
            # filter out all the lines with banned commands
            if banned_commands is not None:
                cell['source'] = [
                    line for line in cell['source']
                    if not any(command in line for command in banned_commands)

        exporter = PythonExporter()
        source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(
            nbformat.reads(json.dumps(ipynb), nbformat.NO_CONVERT))
        with open('./cleaned_notebook.py', 'w') as fh:

        notebook_locals = run_path('cleaned_notebook.py')
        os.system('rm cleaned_notebook.py')
        return notebook_locals
Example #4
def parse_ipynb(file: Path) -> str:
    with open(file, "r") as nb_file:
        nb_str = nb_file.read()
    nb = nbformat.reads(nb_str, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
    exporter = PythonExporter()
    script, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
    return script
Example #5
def convertNotebook(notebookPath, modulePath):
    with open(notebookPath) as fh:
        nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
    exporter = PythonExporter()
    source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
    with open(modulePath, 'w+') as fh:
        fh.writelines(source)  # .encode('utf-8'))
def test_run_tutorial():
    """ There are a lot of examples in tutorial, and all of them
    should be working.

    IPython notebook is converted to Python script, so tqdm bars and
    plotting is removed.
    # pylint: disable=exec-used
    tutorials_dir = './../../examples/tutorials/'
    notebook = '09_solving_PDE_with_NN.ipynb'
    file = tutorials_dir + notebook

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from nbconvert import PythonExporter
        code, _ = PythonExporter().from_filename(file)

    code_ = []
    for line in code.split('\n'):
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            if not any(bs in line for bs in BAD_PREFIXES):
                code_.append(line.replace('in tqdm_notebook', 'in '))

    code = '\n'.join(code_)
    exec(code, {})
Example #7
def parse_ipynb_file(filename):
    """A simple parser for extracting the names of imported modules / packages
    from an IPython (Jupyter) notebook.

    filename : str
        Path to an IPython notebook file.

    packages : set
        A unique list of all (root) packages imported by the specified notebook

    import nbformat
    from nbconvert import PythonExporter

    with open(filename) as _file:
        nb_stuff = nbformat.reads(_file.read(), as_version=4)

    exporter = PythonExporter()
    (body, _) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_stuff)

    return parse_py_module(body)
Example #8
def test_run_tutorial(path):
    """ There are a lot of examples in tutorial, and all of them
    should be working.

    IPython notebook is converted to Python script, so tqdm bars and
    plotting is removed.
    # pylint: disable=exec-used
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from nbconvert import PythonExporter  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        code, _ = PythonExporter().from_filename(path)

        code_ = []
        for line in code.split('\n'):
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                if not any(bs in line for bs in BAD_PREFIXES):
                    line = line.replace("bar='notebook'", "bar=False")
                    line = line.replace("in tqdm_notebook", "in ")

        code = '\n'.join(code_)
        exec(code, {})
Example #9
def test_notebooks():
    """Run all notebooks in /docs/tutorials/ as tests."""
    # Get the notebook names
    root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    path = os.path.join(root, 'docs', 'tutorials')
    notebooks = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.ipynb'))

    # Convert them to python scripts
    exporter = PythonExporter()
    for notebook in notebooks:
        # Get the script as a string
        script, _ = exporter.from_filename(notebook)

        # Get rid of %matplotlib inline commands
        script = script.replace("get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')", "")
        script = script.replace(
            "get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')", "")

        # Get rid of %run commands
        script = re.sub("get_ipython\(\).magic\('run (.*)'\)", r"#", script)
        script = re.sub("get_ipython\(\).run_line_magic\('run', '(.*)'\)",
                        r"#", script)

        # Remove the %time wrappers
        script = re.sub("get_ipython\(\).magic\('time (.*)'\)", r"\1", script)
        script = re.sub("get_ipython\(\).run_line_magic\('time', '(.*)'\)",
                        r"\1", script)

        # Remove calls to map.show()
        script = re.sub("(.*)\.show()(.*)", r"#", script)

        # Run it
        print("Running %s..." % os.path.basename(notebook))
        exec(script, globals(), globals())
Example #10
def read_source_script(filepath):
    """Read the contents of `filepath`

    filepath: Str
        Absolute path to a Python file. Expected to end with one of the following extensions: '.py', '.ipynb'

    source: Str
        The contents of `filepath`"""
    if filepath.endswith('.ipynb'):
        with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
            from nbconvert import PythonExporter
            import nbformat

            notebook = nbformat.reads(f.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
            exporter = PythonExporter()
            source, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
            source = f.read()

    return source
Example #11
def test_tutorials(testfolder, tutorials=('ligand-binding-analysis', 'protein-folding-analysis')):
    startdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    pyexp = PythonExporter()
    pyexp.template_file = os.path.join(startdir, 'simplepython.tpl')

    # For each tutorial noteboook
    for tut in glob(os.path.join(startdir, '*.ipynb')):
        name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tut))[0]

        if name not in tutorials:

        testsubf = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(testfolder, name))
        if not os.path.exists(testsubf):

        # Read notebook in
        with open(tut, 'r') as fi:
            notebook = nbformat.read(fi, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
            output, resources = pyexp.from_notebook_node(notebook, )

            # Write it out in .py format
            with open(os.path.join(testsubf, 'test_{}.py'.format(name)), 'w') as fo:
                fo.writelines(format_script(output, testsubf, name))

    return pytest.main([testfolder])
Example #12
def get_hyperopt_model_string(model, data, functions, notebook_name, verbose,
                              stack, data_args):
    model_string = inspect.getsource(model)
    model_string = remove_imports(model_string)

    if notebook_name:
        notebook_path = os.getcwd() + "/{}.ipynb".format(notebook_name)
        with open(notebook_path, 'r') as f:
            notebook = nbformat.reads(f.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
            exporter = PythonExporter()
            source, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        calling_script_file = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[stack][1])
        with open(calling_script_file, 'r') as f:
            source = f.read()

    cleaned_source = remove_all_comments(source)
    imports = extract_imports(cleaned_source, verbose)

    parts = hyperparameter_names(model_string)
    aug_parts = augmented_names(parts)

    hyperopt_params = get_hyperparameters(model_string)
    space = get_hyperopt_space(parts, hyperopt_params, verbose)

    functions_string = retrieve_function_string(functions, verbose)
    data_string = retrieve_data_string(data, verbose, data_args)
    model = hyperopt_keras_model(model_string, parts, aug_parts, verbose)

    temp_str = temp_string(imports, model, data_string, functions_string,
    return temp_str
Example #13
def get_hyperopt_model_string(model, data, functions, notebook_name, verbose, stack):
    model_string = inspect.getsource(model)
    model_string = remove_imports(model_string)

    if notebook_name:
        notebook_path = os.getcwd() + "/{}.ipynb".format(notebook_name)
        with open(notebook_path, 'r') as f:
            notebook = nbformat.reads(f.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
            exporter = PythonExporter()
            source, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        calling_script_file = os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[stack][1])
        with open(calling_script_file, 'r') as f:
            source = f.read()

    cleaned_source = remove_all_comments(source)
    imports = extract_imports(cleaned_source, verbose)

    parts = hyperparameter_names(model_string)
    aug_parts = augmented_names(parts)

    hyperopt_params = get_hyperparameters(model_string)
    space = get_hyperopt_space(parts, hyperopt_params, verbose)

    functions_string = retrieve_function_string(functions, verbose)
    data_string = retrieve_data_string(data, verbose)
    model = hyperopt_keras_model(model_string, parts, aug_parts, verbose)

    temp_str = temp_string(imports, model, data_string, functions_string, space)
    return temp_str
Example #14
def convertNotebook(notebookPath):

    with open(notebookPath, encoding='UTF-8') as fh:
        nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

    exporter = PythonExporter()
    source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    return source
Example #15
def update_script(name):
    python_exporter = PythonExporter()
    with open("experiments/{name}/{name}.ipynb".format(name=name)) as f:
        notebook = nbformat.reads(f.read(), 4)
        test = python_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        path = "experiments/{name}/{name}.py".format(name=name)
        with open(path, "w") as f_out:
        return path
def convert_ipynb_to_py(notebook_path, output_path):
    with open(notebook_path) as fh:
        nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

        exporter = PythonExporter()
        source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    with open(output_path, 'w+') as fh:
Example #17
    def collect(self):
        exporter = PythonExporter()
        exporter.exclude_markdown = True
        exporter.exclude_input_prompt = True

        notebook_contents = self.fspath.open()
        notebook = nbformat.read(notebook_contents, 4)
        code, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        yield IPyNbTest(self.name, self, code)
Example #18
def convertNotebook(notebookPath):
    with open(notebookPath) as fh:
        nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

    exporter = PythonExporter()
    source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
    lines = source.split("\n")
    for line in lines:
Example #19
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'filename' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('Must pass a filename to NotebookHandler')

        with open(kwargs['filename']) as f:
            nb = nbformat.read(f, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
            exporter = PythonExporter()
            source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
            kwargs['source'] = source

        super(NotebookHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Example #20
def convert_notebook(notebook_path, module_path):
    with open(notebook_path) as fh:
        nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

    exporter = PythonExporter()
    source, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    with open(module_path, 'w+') as fh:

    print("\t> Converted {} to {}".format(notebook_path, module_path))
Example #21
def test_nb_pipeline_runs():
    Tests whether the .ipynb version of the pipeline works
    with open(FILE_NB) as file:
        notebook = nbformat.reads(file.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
        exporter = PythonExporter()

        code, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        parsed_ast = ast.parse(code)
        exec(compile(parsed_ast, filename="<ast>", mode="exec"))
Example #22
    def _get_pycode(cls, nb_node: str, removed_tags: Set[str] = set()) -> str:
        c = Config()
        c.TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags = removed_tags
        c.TemplateExporter.exclude_input_prompt = True
        c.TemplateExporter.exclude_output_prompt = True
        c.TemplateExporter.exclude_markdown = True

        exporter = PythonExporter(config=c)
        code, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_node)
        code = re.sub('\n+', '\n', code)
        return code
Example #23
    def load_module(self, fullname):
        url = self.try_url(fullname)

        if fullname in sys.modules:

            # The importer protocol requires the loader create a new module
            # object, set certain attributes on it, then add it to
            # `sys.modules` before executing the code inside the module (which
            # is when the "module" actually gets code inside it)
            m = types.ModuleType(fullname,
                                 'remote notebook: {}'.format(fullname))
            m.__file__ = '<notebook {}>'.format(fullname)
            m.__name__ = url
            m.__loader__ = self
            sys.modules[url] = m

            # Try to load notebook
            resp = urlopen(url)

            body = resp.read().decode()
            notebook = nbformat.reads(body, as_version=4)
            exporter = PythonExporter()
            (code, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
            code = re.sub(r'%.+', "", code)

            tree = ast.parse(code)
            extractor = Extractor()

            exec(extractor.code(), sys.modules[url].__dict__)
            sys.modules[fullname] = sys.modules[url]

            return m

        except Exception as e:
            # If it fails, we need to reset sys.modules to it's old state. This
            # is good practice in general, but also a mandatory part of the
            # spec, likely to keep the import statement idempotent and free of
            # side-effects across imports.

            # Delete the entry we might've created; use LBYL to avoid nested
            # exception handling
            if sys.modules.get(url):
                del sys.modules[url]
            raise e

            if sys.modules.get(fullname):
                del sys.modules[fullname]
            raise e
Example #24
def convert_nb(file_name):
    export_path = f'{os.getcwd()}/{os.path.split(file_name)[1][:-5]}py'
    with open(file_name, encoding="utf8") as fn:
        nb = nbformat.read(fn, as_version=4)

    exporter = PythonExporter()

    # source is a tuple of python source code
    # meta contains metadata
    source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    with open(export_path, 'w+', encoding="utf8") as fh:
def save_tasks_py(nb):
    """Select cells appropriate for `tasks.py`."""
    shouldnt_start_with = '# Put in a file named run-readout-scan.py'
    tasks_py = nb.copy()
    tasks_py.cells = [
        cell for cell in tasks_py.cells
        if not cell.source.startswith(shouldnt_start_with)

    exporter = PythonExporter()
    exporter.raw_template = TEMPLATE
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(tasks_py)
    with open(f'{REPO_DIR}/recirq/readout_scan/tasks.py', 'w') as f:
Example #26
    def collect(self):
        exporter = PythonExporter()
        exporter.exclude_markdown = True
        exporter.exclude_input_prompt = True

        notebook_contents = self.fspath.open(encoding='utf-8')

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "IPython.core.inputsplitter is deprecated")
            notebook = nbformat.read(notebook_contents, 4)
            code, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        if pytest_version >= 50403:
            yield IPyNbTest.from_parent(name=self.name, parent=self, code=code)
            yield IPyNbTest(self.name, self, code)
Example #27
def convert_nb2inject() -> str:
    ''' Converts the current notebook to an executable .py file
    str : the full path and filename of the converted file

        import ipykernel
        import notebook.notebookapp
    except ImportError as e:
        #log.exception('ImportError : This only runs in a Jupyter Notebook environment ' + str(e))

    from nbconvert import PythonExporter
    from nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter
    import nbformat
    #from traitlets.config import Config

    exporter = PythonExporter()

    nbfile = get_notebook_name()
    nb = nbformat.read(nbfile, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

    start = 0
    # Don't use the last cell
    nb.cells = nb.cells[start:-2]

    (output, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    filename = nbfile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

    user = os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_USER")

    # FIX: This should not be hardcoded
    tmpdir = f"/tmp/cloudflow/inject/{user}"

    if not os.path.exists(tmpdir):

    outfile = f"{tmpdir}/{filename}"
    # Save to file
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.write(output, resources, outfile)

    return outfile + ".py"
Example #28
def write_files(export_list, nb_node, file_name):
    Export and write files from a notebook node.

        export_list (list of strings) -- name of valid nbconvert exporters
        nb_node(nbformat node object) -- notebook to be my_converted
        file_name (str) -- base name of file to be written


        # export and write file.
        for export in export_list:
            if export == "html":
                exporter = HTMLExporter()
            elif export == "py":
                exporter = PythonExporter()

            (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_node)
            write_file = FilesWriter()
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"There was a problem exporting the file(s): {e}")
    return None
Example #29
def _nb_sample_to_py(notebook_path: str, output_path: str):
    """nb_sample_to_py converts notebook kfp sample to a python file. Cells with tag "skip-in-test" will be omitted."""
    with open(notebook_path, 'r') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
        # Cells with skip-in-test tag will be omitted.
        # Example code that needs the tag:
        # kfp.Client().create_run_from_pipeline_func()
        # so that we won't submit pipelines when compiling them.
        nb.cells = [
            cell for cell in nb.cells
            if 'skip-in-test' not in cell.get('metadata', {}).get('tags', [])
        py_exporter = PythonExporter()
        (py_code, res) = py_exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
        with open(output_path, 'w') as out:
Example #30
def convert_notebook(name, notebook, output_dir):
    c = Config()
    c.ExtractOutputPreprocessor.output_filename_template = name + '/{unique_key}_{cell_index}_{index}{extension}'
    md_exporter = MarkdownExporter(config=c)
    py_exporter = PythonExporter()
    (body, _) = py_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
    with open(output_dir / f'{name}.py', 'w') as fp:
    (body, resources) = md_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
    with open(output_dir / f'{name}.md', 'w') as fp:
    for resource, value in resources['outputs'].items():
        resource_path = output_dir / resource
        resource_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        with open(resource_path, 'wb') as fp:
Example #31
def _get_kaggle_notebook_content():
    """Returns the kaggle notebook python code contents."""
    if PythonExporter is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            # This should never occur.
            # `nbconvert` is always installed on Kaggle.
            "Please make sure you have installed `nbconvert` package.")
    from kaggle_session import UserSessionClient  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top  # pytype: disable=import-error
    kaggle_session_client = UserSessionClient()
        response = kaggle_session_client.get_exportable_ipynb()
        ipynb_stream = io.StringIO(response["source"])
        py_content, _ = PythonExporter().from_file(ipynb_stream)
        return py_content.splitlines(keepends=True)
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to get the notebook contents.")
 def load_source_code(notebook_path, python_path, python_code):
     Load the pipeline source code from the specified source
     source_code = ""
     sources = [notebook_path, python_path, python_code]
     assert sum(source is not None for source in sources) == 1
     if python_path is not None:
         with open(python_path) as file:
             source_code = file.read()
     elif notebook_path is not None:
         with open(notebook_path) as file:
             notebook = nbformat.reads(file.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
             exporter = PythonExporter()
             source_code, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
     elif python_code is not None:
         source_code = python_code
     return source_code
Example #33
def convert_notebook_to_py(nb_fn: Path, py_fn: Path) -> None:
    From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17077494/how-do-i-convert-a-ipython-notebook-into-a-python-file-via-commandline
    import nbformat
    from nbconvert import PythonExporter

    with open(nb_fn) as fh:
        nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

    exporter = PythonExporter()
    source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    # Skip the magic, which gets converted to `get_ipython()`
    source.replace("get_ipython", "# get_ipython")

    with open(py_fn, "w+") as fh:
Example #34
def convert_notebook(notebook_path):
  write_folder = cache.get_parent_folder(notebook_path)
  file_name = cache.get_file_name(notebook_path)
  write_file = os.path.join(write_folder, "%s.%s" % (file_name, props.TYPE_PYTHON))
  if cache.file_exists(write_file):
    LOGGER.info("'%s' already converted. Moving on ... " % file_name)
    LOGGER.info("Converting filename '%s' ... " % file_name)
  with open(notebook_path) as fh:
    nb = nbformat.reads(fh.read(), nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
  exporter = PythonExporter()
    source, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
  except nbformat.validator.NotebookValidationError:
    LOGGER.error("Validation error while converting '%s'." % notebook_path)
  with open(write_file, 'w+') as fh:
Example #35
def export_python(wd, name):
    nb = _read(wd, name)
    exporter = PythonExporter()
    body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
    with open("{}/{}.py".format(wd, name), 'w') as f:
Example #36
def convert_to_python(notebook, template_file=None):
    exporter = PythonExporter()
    exporter.template_file = template_file
    notebook_code, meta = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
    return notebook_code, meta
def export_python(nb, destfn):
    exporter = PythonExporter()
    body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
    with open(destfn, 'w') as f: