Example #1
def main_patch(args):
    base_filename = args.base
    patch_filename = args.patch
    output_filename = args.output

    for fn in (base_filename, patch_filename):
        if not os.path.exists(fn) and fn != EXPLICIT_MISSING_FILE:
            print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
            return 1

    before = read_notebook(base_filename, on_null='empty')
    with io.open(patch_filename, encoding="utf8") as patch_file:
        diff = json.load(patch_file)
    diff = to_diffentry_dicts(diff)

    after = patch_notebook(before, diff)

    if output_filename:
        nbformat.write(after, output_filename)
            nbformat.validate(after, version=4)
        except nbformat.ValidationError:
            print("Patch result is not a valid notebook, printing as JSON:")
            json.dump(after, sys.stdout)

    return 0
Example #2
def main_show(args):

    if len(args.notebook) == 1 and args.notebook[0] == "-":
        files = [sys.stdin]
        for fn in args.notebook:
            if not os.path.exists(fn):
                print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
                return 1
        files = args.notebook
        if not files:
            print("Missing filenames.")
            return 1

    for fn in files:
        nb = nbformat.read(fn, as_version=4)

        # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
        # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
        # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
        class Printer:
            def write(self, text):
                print(text, end="")

        # This configures which parts to include/ignore
        config = PrettyPrintConfig(out=Printer(), include=args)

        if len(args.notebook) > 1:
            # 'more' prints filenames with colons, should be good enough for us as well
            print(":" * 14)
            print(":" * 14)
        pretty_print_notebook(nb, config)

    return 0
Example #3
def main_show(args):

    if len(args.notebook) == 1 and args.notebook[0] == "-":
        files = [sys.stdin]
        for fn in args.notebook:
            if not os.path.exists(fn):
                print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
                return 1
        files = args.notebook
        if not files:
            print("Missing filenames.")
            return 1

    for fn in files:
        nb = nbformat.read(fn, as_version=4)

        # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
        # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
        # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
        class Printer:
            def write(self, text):
                print(text, end="")

        # This configures which parts to include/ignore
        config = PrettyPrintConfig(out=Printer(), include=args)

        if len(args.notebook) > 1:
            # 'more' prints filenames with colons, should be good enough for us as well
        pretty_print_notebook(nb, config)

    return 0
Example #4
def merge(base, local, remote, args=None):
    """Merge changes introduced by notebooks local and remote from a shared ancestor base.

    Return new (partially) merged notebook and unapplied diffs from the local and remote side.
    if args and args.log_level == "DEBUG":
        # log pretty-print config object:
        config = PrettyPrintConfig()
        for (name, nb) in [("base", base), ("local", local),
                           ("remote", remote)]:
            nbdime.log.debug("In merge, input %s notebook:", name)
            config.out = StringIO()
            pretty_print_notebook(nb, config)

    decisions = decide_merge(base, local, remote, args)

    merged = apply_decisions(base, decisions)

    if args and args.log_level == "DEBUG":
        nbdime.log.debug("In merge, merged notebook:")
        config.out = StringIO()
        pretty_print_notebook(merged, config)
        nbdime.log.debug("End merge")

    return merged, decisions
Example #5
def main_patch(args):
    base_filename = args.base
    patch_filename = args.patch
    output_filename = args.output

    for fn in (base_filename, patch_filename):
        if not os.path.exists(fn) and fn != EXPLICIT_MISSING_FILE:
            print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
            return 1

    before = read_notebook(base_filename, on_null='empty')
    with io.open(patch_filename, encoding="utf8") as patch_file:
        diff = json.load(patch_file)
    diff = to_diffentry_dicts(diff)

    after = patch_notebook(before, diff)

    if output_filename:
        nbformat.write(after, output_filename)
            nbformat.validate(after, version=4)
        except nbformat.ValidationError:
            print("Patch result is not a valid notebook, printing as JSON:")
            json.dump(after, sys.stdout)
            # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
            # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
            # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
            class Printer:
                def write(self, text):
                    print(text, end="")

            config = PrettyPrintConfig(out=Printer())

            pretty_print_notebook(after, config=config)

    return 0
Example #6
def main_show(args):

    if len(args.notebook) == 1 and args.notebook[0] == "-":
        files = [sys.stdin]
        for fn in args.notebook:
            if not os.path.exists(fn):
                print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
                return 1
        files = args.notebook
        if not files:
            print("Missing filenames.")
            return 1

    for fn in files:
        nb = nbformat.read(fn, as_version=4)

        # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
        # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
        # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
        class Printer:
            def write(self, text):
                print(text, end="")

        if not any((args.sources, args.outputs, args.attachments,
                    args.metadata, args.details)):
            ppargs = None
            ppargs = args

        if len(args.notebook) > 1:
            # 'more' prints filenames with colons, should be good enough for us as well
            print(":" * 14)
            print(":" * 14)
        pretty_print_notebook(nb, ppargs, Printer())

    return 0
Example #7
def main_patch(args):
    base_filename = args.base
    patch_filename = args.patch
    output_filename = args.output

    for fn in (base_filename, patch_filename):
        if not os.path.exists(fn) and fn != EXPLICIT_MISSING_FILE:
            print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
            return 1

    before = read_notebook(base_filename, on_null='empty')
    with io.open(patch_filename, encoding="utf8") as patch_file:
        diff = json.load(patch_file)
    diff = to_diffentry_dicts(diff)

    after = patch_notebook(before, diff)

    if output_filename:
        nbformat.write(after, output_filename)
            nbformat.validate(after, version=4)
        except nbformat.ValidationError:
            print("Patch result is not a valid notebook, printing as JSON:")
            json.dump(after, sys.stdout)
            # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
            # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
            # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
            class Printer:
                def write(self, text):
                    print(text, end="")

            config = PrettyPrintConfig(out=Printer())

            pretty_print_notebook(after, config=config)

    return 0
Example #8
def main_show(args):

    if len(args.notebook) == 1 and args.notebook[0] == "-":
        files = [sys.stdin]
        for fn in args.notebook:
            if not os.path.exists(fn):
                print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
                return 1
        files = args.notebook
        if not files:
            print("Missing filenames.")
            return 1

    for fn in files:
        nb = nbformat.read(fn, as_version=4)

        # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
        # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
        # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
        class Printer:
            def write(self, text):
                print(text, end="")
        if not any((args.sources, args.outputs, args.attachments, args.metadata, args.details)):
            ppargs = None
            ppargs = args

        if len(args.notebook) > 1:
            # 'more' prints filenames with colons, should be good enough for us as well
        pretty_print_notebook(nb, ppargs, Printer())

    return 0
Example #9
def main_show(args):

    fn = args.notebook
    if not os.path.exists(fn):
        print("Missing file {}".format(fn))
        return 1

    nb = nbformat.read(fn, as_version=4)

    # This printer is to keep the unit tests passing,
    # some tests capture output with capsys which doesn't
    # pick up on sys.stdout.write()
    class Printer:
        def write(self, text):
            print(text, end="")

    if not any((args.sources, args.outputs, args.attachments, args.metadata,
        ppargs = None
        ppargs = args
    pretty_print_notebook(nb, ppargs, Printer())

    return 0