Example #1
def discover_vnfr_using_ip(ip_address=None):
    """Discover the VNF based on the assigned IP

        ip_address (str): The assigned IP in VM

        dict: The VNF

        NotFoundVnfWithGivenIP: in case that there is no VNF/VDU having the given IP
    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),
    vnfr = Vnf(token)
    vnfrs = vnfr.get_list()
    vnf_records = vnfrs.json()

    for vnf_record in vnf_records:
        # todo: improve it in case of multiple VDUs per VNF
        vnf_ip_address = vnf_record.get('ip-address', None)
        if vnf_ip_address is not None and vnf_ip_address == ip_address:
            return vnf_record
    raise VduWithIpNotFound(
        "Not found VDU with given IP: {}".format(ip_address))
Example #2
    def allow_scale_action(self, scale_action="scale_out"):
        """ Allow or not the scale action.

        A scale-out action is allowed only if there is 1 edge vCache.
        A scale-in action is allowed only if there are 2 or more edge vCaches.

            scale_action (str): the scale action

            bool: True to allow it. Otherwise, False.
        vnf = Vnf(self.__token)
        response = vnf.get_list_by_ns(ns_uuid=self.ns_uuid)
        vnfs_list = response.json()

        current_edge_vdus = 1
        for vnf_instance in vnfs_list:
            if vnf_instance.get("member-vnf-index-ref",
                                None) is not None and int(
                                    vnf_instance["member-vnf-index-ref"]) == 2:
                current_edge_vdus = len(vnf_instance.get("vdur", []))

        if scale_action == "scale_out":
            return current_edge_vdus == 1
        elif scale_action == "scale_in":
            return current_edge_vdus > 1
            return False
Example #3
def discover_vnf_uuid_by_vnfd_name_index(vnfd_name_index):
    """ Discover the VDU uuid by given the vnfd name and index

        vnfd_name_index (str): The VNFd name & index

        str: the vnf uuid

    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),

    # Get the UUIDs of the running NSs
    ns = Ns(token)
    request = ns.get_list()
    nss_response = request.json()
    ns_uuids = [ns.get('id') for ns in nss_response]

    # TODO: what if more than one NSs are running
    # if len(ns_uuids):
    #     raise Exception("More that one NSs are running...")

    vnf_uuid = None

    for ns_uuid in ns_uuids:
        vnf = Vnf(token)
        request = vnf.get_list_by_ns(ns_uuid=ns_uuid)
        vnfs = request.json()
        for i in vnfs:
            cur_vnfd_name_index = "{}.{}".format(
            if vnfd_name_index == cur_vnfd_name_index:
                return i.get("id")

    return vnf_uuid
Example #4
def discover_vdu_uuid_by_vnf_index(vnf_index):
    """ Discover the VDU uuid by given the vnf index

        vnf_index (str): The VNF index

        str: the vdu uuid

    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),

    # Get the UUIDs of the running NSs
    ns = Ns(token)
    request = ns.get_list()
    nss_response = request.json()
    ns_uuids = [ns.get('id') for ns in nss_response]

    # TODO: what if more than one NSs are running
    # if len(ns_uuids):
    #     raise Exception("More that one NSs are running...")

    vdu_uuid = None

    for ns_uuid in ns_uuids:
        vnf = Vnf(token)
        request = vnf.get_list_by_ns(ns_uuid=ns_uuid)
        vnfs = request.json()
        for i in vnfs:
            if vnf_index in i.get("member-vnf-index-ref"):
                for vdur in i.get("vdur"):
                    vdu_uuid = vdur.get("vim-id")
                    return vdu_uuid

    return vdu_uuid
Example #5
def main():
    """ Detect the failed scale out operations and check it is triggered from the limitation of the
    maximum allowed VNF instances.
    kafka_consumer = init_consumer()

    # Run any incoming message in the intra-OSM kafka bus, topic `NS`
    for message in kafka_consumer:
        action = message.key.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        payload = yaml.safe_load(message.value.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))

        if action != "scaled":

        event_state = payload.get('operationState', None)
        if event_state != "FAILED":

        ns_uuid = payload.get('nsr_id', None)
        operation_uuid = payload.get('nslcmop_id', None)
        if operation_uuid is None:

        logger.info("A new event for NS_UUID `{}` in state `{}` was detected.".format(
            action, ns_uuid, event_state))

        # Detect the event: SCALE_IN, SCALE_OUT or something else
        osm_token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS['username'],
        ns_operation = NsLcmOperation(osm_token)
        request = ns_operation.get(operation_uuid=operation_uuid)
        response = request.json()
        event = response.get('operationParams', {}).get('scaleVnfData', {}).get(
            'scaleVnfType', None)

        # Skip it if not a scale out operation
        if not event or event != "SCALE_OUT":

        # Get the VNF index that was scaled
        vnf_index = response.get('operationParams', {}).get('scaleVnfData', {}).get(
            'scaleByStepData', {}).get('member-vnf-index', 0)
        if vnf_index == 0:

        # Get the list of involved VNFs in the NS
        vnf = Vnf(osm_token)
        vnfs_request = vnf.get_list_by_ns(ns_uuid=ns_uuid)
        vnfs_list = vnfs_request.json()

        # Detect the VNFr and VNFd that probably
        scaled_vnfr = None
        for vnfr in vnfs_list:
            if int(vnfr['member-vnf-index-ref']) == int(vnf_index):
                vnf_request = vnf.get(vnf_uuid=vnfr['_id'])
                scaled_vnfr = vnf_request.json()

        if scaled_vnfr is None:

        # Get the Vim details that host this NS/VNF instances
        vim_acc = VimAccount(token=osm_token)
        vim_req = vim_acc.get(scaled_vnfr['vim-account-id'])
        vim_info = vim_req.json()

        # Get VNFD info
        vnfd = Vnfd(token=osm_token)
        vnfd_req = vnfd.get(scaled_vnfr['vnfd-id'])
        vnfd_info = vnfd_req.json()

        # Compose the recommendation message
        recommend_vnfd_scaling_group(vim_info, vnfd_info, scaled_vnfr)
Example #6
def get_vnf_details(vnf_uuid, record, source="vtranscoder3d"):
    """ Append MANO (OSM) details (ns, vnf and vdu) by given VNF uuid

        vnf_uuid (str): The uuid of the VNF
        record (dict): The original metric as it is sent from monitoring metrics generator
        source (str): The NFVI or application ref. It could be "vtranscoder3d" etc..

        dict: osm info for the given vdu
    mano = {}
    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),
    vnfr = Vnf(token)
    vnf_response = vnfr.get(vnf_uuid=vnf_uuid)
    vnf_record = vnf_response.json()

    # Get NS details
    ns_id = vnf_record.get("nsr-id-ref", None)
    ns = Ns(token)
    ns_response = ns.get(ns_uuid=ns_id)
    nsr = ns_response.json()

    # VNFd info
    vnfd = vnf_record.get("vnfd-id", None)

    # VDUs info
    vdu_records = vnf_record.get('vdur', [])
    # Number of VDU per VNFd
    vdus_count = len(vdu_records)
    if vdus_count > 1:
        logger.critical("{} VDUs were found for the VNF with uuid: {}".format(
            vdus_count, vnf_uuid))

    vdu_record = vdu_records[0]
        # Find the VDU info
        vdu_metadata = record.get("resource_metadata", {})

        # If the data coming from VNFs, discover in different way the VDU info
        if source in [
                "telegraf", "vtranscoder3d", "vce", "kubernetes", "opennebula",
            vdu_metadata["instance_id"] = vdu_record.get('vim-id', None)
            vdu_metadata["flavor"] = {}
            if vdus_count:
                # TODO: what about the IPs if exists VNF with multiple VDUs?
                vdu_metadata["state"] = vdu_record.get('status', "")
                vdu_metadata['name'] = vdu_record.get('name', "")
                vdu_metadata["flavor"]["ram"] = None
                vdu_metadata["flavor"]["vcpus"] = None
                vdu_metadata["flavor"]["disk"] = None

        elif source == "openstack":
            """By default, OpenStack (ceilometer) provides us the following info: vcpus, ram, 
            ephemeral, swap, disk, name, id

        # Get IP per VDU
        vdu_metadata['ip_address'] = vdu_record.get("ip-address", None)

        # Get the VIM account Info
        vim_account = VimAccount(token)
        vim_response = vim_account.get(
            vim_account_uuid=nsr.get('datacenter', None))
        vimr = vim_response.json()

        # Get the NSd uuid
        nsd_id = nsr.get('nsdId', None)
        if nsd_id is None:
            nsd_id = nsr.get('instantiate_params', {}).get('nsdId', None)

        mano = {
            "ns": {
                "id": ns_id,
                "name": nsr.get('name-ref', None),
                "nsd_id": nsd_id,
                "nsd_name": nsr.get('nsd-name-ref', None)
            "vnf": {
                "id": vnf_record.get("id", None),
                "name": vnf_record.get("name", None),
                # not in osm r5: it could be <vnfd_name>_<index>
                "index": vnf_record.get("member-vnf-index-ref", 0),
                "short_name": vnf_record.get("short-name",
                                             None),  # not in osm r5
                "vnfd_id": vnf_record.get("vnfd-id", None),
                "vnfd_name": vnf_record.get('vnfd-ref', None)
            "vdu": {
                "id": vdu_metadata.get("instance_id", None),
                "name": vdu_metadata.get("name", None),
                "image_id": vdu_metadata.get("image", {}).get("id", None),
                "flavor": vdu_metadata.get("flavor", {}),
                "status": vdu_metadata.get("state", None),
                "ip_address": vdu_metadata['ip_address'],
                "mgmt-interface": None  # future usage
            "vim": {
                "uuid": vimr.get('_id', None),
                "name": vimr.get('name', None),
                "type": vimr.get('vim_type', None),
                "url": vimr.get('vim_url', None),
                "tag": source
    except Exception as ex:
        # TODO: Since we don't know the VDU uuid, the 1st VDU will be used since 1 VDU is used for the VNF (UC1).
        return mano
Example #7
def get_vdus_info(ns_uuid=None):
    """Get information about NS, VNF(s) and VDU(s) by given NS uuid

        ns_uuid (str): The NS uuid

        dict: ns, vnf and vdu info
    vdus_info = []
    if ns_uuid is None:
        return vdus_info

    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),
    ns = Ns(token)
    ns_response = ns.get(ns_uuid=ns_uuid)
    nsr = ns_response.json()

    # Get Vim
    vim_uuid = nsr.get('datacenter', None)
    vim_info = get_vim_info(vim_uuid=vim_uuid)

    # Get the Vnf UUIDs, members of the NS
    vnf_uuids = nsr.get('constituent-vnfr-ref', [])

    vnfr = Vnf(token)

    for vnf_uuid in vnf_uuids:
        vnf_response = vnfr.get(vnf_uuid=vnf_uuid)
        vnf_record = vnf_response.json()

        # VDUs info
        vdu_records = vnf_record.get('vdur', [])

        for vdu_record in vdu_records:
            mano = {
                "vim": vim_info,
                "ns": {
                    "id": ns_uuid,
                    "name": nsr.get('name-ref', None),
                    "nsd_id": nsr.get('nsdId', None),
                    "nsd_name": nsr.get('nsd-name-ref', None)
                "vnf": {
                    "id": vnf_record.get("id", None),
                    "name": None,  # not provided in osm r4
                    "short_name": None,  # not provided in osm r4
                    "vnfd_id": vnf_record.get("vnfd-id", None),
                    "vnfd_name": None  # not provided in osm r4
                "vdu": {
                    "id": vdu_record.get("vim-id", None),  # NFVI-based uuid
                    "image_id": None,
                    "flavor": {},
                    "status": vdu_record.get("status", None),
                    "ip_address": vdu_record.get("ip-address", None),
                    "mgmt-interface": None  # future usage
    return vdus_info
Example #8
def get_vcdn_net_interfaces(ns_uuid,
    """ Get the network interfaces of scaled VNF as well as the current count-index

        ns_uuid (str): The NS uuid, in which the scaled VNF belongs to
        search_for_mid_cache (str): Search for the Mid vCache by given explicit name
        search_for_edge_cache (str): Search for scaled Edge vCache by given explicit name

        tuple(dict, int): The details of the VNF interfaces including the VDU index in the VNF
              "edge": {
                "user": {
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:0c:94:7f",
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens6",
                  "ns-vld-id": "user"
                "cache": {
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:4d:b9:64",
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens7",
                  "ns-vld-id": "cache"
                "management": {
                  "mgmt-vnf": "true",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:99:33:43",
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens3",
                  "ns-vld-id": "management"
              "mid": {
                "management": {
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "ns-vld-id": "management",
                  "name": "ens3",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:02:f5:1c",
                  "mgmt-vnf": true
                "cache": {
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens6",
                  "ns-vld-id": "cache",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:60:5d:9d"
                "origin": {
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens7",
                  "ns-vld-id": "origin",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:0d:64:97"
    vdus_list = []
    interfaces = {"mid": None, "edge": None}
    edges_interfaces_all = {}
    count_index = None

    # Fetch the VNFs by given NS instance
    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),
    vnf = Vnf(token)
    response = vnf.get_list_by_ns(ns_uuid=ns_uuid)
    vnfs_list = response.json()

    # Keep the VDUs details
    for vnf_instance in vnfs_list:
        vdus_list += vnf_instance.get("vdur", [])

    # Discover the interfaces of the proper scaled Edge VNF and Mid vCache
    for vdu in vdus_list:
        # Get Mid vCache net details
        if vdu.get('vdu-id-ref', None) is not None and \
                vdu['vdu-id-ref'] == search_for_mid_cache and \
                vdu.get('count-index', None) == 0:
            interfaces['mid'] = format_vdu_interfaces(vdu.get(
                'interfaces', []))

        # Get Edge vCache net details (the new one)

        if vdu.get('vdu-id-ref', None) is not None and \
                vdu['vdu-id-ref'] == search_for_edge_cache and \
                vdu.get('count-index', None) >= 0:
                vdu['count-index'])] = format_vdu_interfaces(
                    vdu.get('interfaces', []))

    # Keep the VDU with the greatest count-index
    latest_vdu_index = max([int(k) for k in list(edges_interfaces_all.keys())])
    count_index = latest_vdu_index
    interfaces['edge'] = edges_interfaces_all[str(latest_vdu_index)]
    return interfaces, count_index
Example #9
def get_faas_vcdn_net_interfaces(ns_uuid,
    """ Get the network interfaces of the VNF

        ns_uuid (str): The NS uuid, in which the scaled VNF belongs to
        search_for_mid_cache (str): Search for the Mid vCache by given explicit name
        search_for_edge_cache (str): Search for scaled Edge vCache by given explicit name

        dict: The details of the VNF interfaces
              "edge": None,
              "mid": {
                "management": {
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "ns-vld-id": "management",
                  "name": "ens3",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:02:f5:1c",
                  "mgmt-vnf": true
                "cache": {
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens6",
                  "ns-vld-id": "cache",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:60:5d:9d"
                "origin": {
                  "ip-address": "",
                  "name": "ens7",
                  "ns-vld-id": "origin",
                  "mac-address": "fa:16:3e:0d:64:97"
    vdus_list = []
    interfaces = {"mid": None, "edge": None}
    edges_interfaces_all = {}
    count_index = None

    # Fetch the VNFs by given NS instance
    token = bearer_token(OSM_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.get('username'),
    vnf = Vnf(token)
    response = vnf.get_list_by_ns(ns_uuid=ns_uuid)
    vnfs_list = response.json()

    # Keep the VDUs details
    for vnf_instance in vnfs_list:
        vdus_list += vnf_instance.get("vdur", [])

    # Discover the interfaces of the proper scaled Edge VNF and Mid vCache
    for vdu in vdus_list:
        # Get Mid vCache net details
        if vdu.get('vdu-id-ref', None) is not None and \
                vdu['vdu-id-ref'] == search_for_mid_cache and \
                vdu.get('count-index', None) == 0:
            interfaces['mid'] = format_vdu_interfaces(vdu.get(
                'interfaces', []))

        # Get Edge vCache net details (the new one)
        if vdu.get('vdu-id-ref', None) is not None and \
                vdu['vdu-id-ref'] == search_for_edge_cache and \
                vdu.get('count-index', None) > 0:
                vdu['count-index'])] = format_vdu_interfaces(
                    vdu.get('interfaces', []))

    return interfaces