Example #1
def generate_schematic(data, layout, blank_name, name, low_state,
                       high_state) -> None:
    blankschem = nbt.NBTFile(blank_name, "rb")
    nbtfile = nbt.NBTFile()

    nbtfile.name = "Schematic"

    nbtfile, low_id, high_id = generate_palette(nbtfile, blankschem, low_state,

    Width, Lenght, Height = get_dimensions(blankschem)
        nbt.TAG_Int(name="DataVersion", value=blankschem["DataVersion"].value),
        nbt.TAG_Int(name="Version", value=blankschem["Version"].value),
        nbt.TAG_Short(name="Length", value=Lenght),
        nbt.TAG_Short(name="Height", value=Height),
        nbt.TAG_Short(name="Width", value=Width),

    nbtfile = generate_meta(nbtfile, blankschem)

    nbtfile["BlockData"].value = generate_block_data(data, layout, blankschem,
                                                     high_id, low_id)

Example #2
    def _as_schematic(self):
        nbtfile = nbt.NBTFile()
        nbtfile.name = "Schematic"
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Short(name="Height", value=self.height))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Short(name="Width", value=self.width))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Short(name="Length", value=self.depth))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name="WEOffsetX", value=-1))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name="WEOffsetY", value=0))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name="WEOffsetZ", value=-1))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name="WEOriginX", value=0))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name="WEOriginY", value=0))
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name="WEOriginZ", value=0))
        # YZX ordering
        data = bytearray()
        blocks = bytearray()
        for y in range(self.height):
            for z in range(self.depth):
                for x in range(self.width):
                    block_id, block_data = self.reader.get(x, y, z)
        blocks_tag = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array()
        blocks_tag.value = blocks

        data_tag = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array()
        data_tag.value = data
        nbtfile["Blocks"] = blocks_tag
        nbtfile["Data"] = data_tag
        nbtfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_String(name="Materials", value=u"Alpha"))
        nbtfile["Entities"] = nbt.TAG_List(type=nbt.TAG_Compound)
        nbtfile["TileEntities"] = nbt.TAG_List(type=nbt.TAG_Compound)
        output = BytesIO()
        as_nbt = output.getvalue()
        return as_nbt
Example #3
    def create_empty_section(self, section_y):
        new_section = nbt.TAG_Compound()

        data = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(u"Data")
        skylight = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(u"SkyLight")
        blocklight = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(u"BlockLight")
        y = nbt.TAG_Byte()
        blocks = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(u"Blocks")

        # TAG_Byte_Array(u'Data'): [2048 byte(s)]
        # TAG_Byte_Array(u'SkyLight'): [2048 byte(s)]
        # TAG_Byte_Array(u'BlockLight'): [2048 byte(s)]
        # TAG_Byte(u'Y'): 0
        # TAG_Byte_Array(u'Blocks'): [4096 byte(s)]

        data.value = bytearray(2048)
        skylight.value = bytearray(2048)
        blocklight.value = bytearray(2048)
        y.name = u"Y"
        y.value = section_y
        blocks.value = bytearray(4096)

        new_section.tags.extend([data, skylight, blocklight, y, blocks])
        return new_section
Example #4
 def gendefaultnbt(self):
     '''returns an nbt object'''
     nbtfile = nbt.NBTFile()
     colors = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(name="colors")
     colors.value = bytearray(16384)
     data = nbt.TAG_Compound()
     data.name = "data"
     data.tags = [
         nbt.TAG_Int(value=0, name="zCenter"),
         nbt.TAG_Byte(value=1, name="trackingPosition"),
         nbt.TAG_Short(value=128, name="width"),
         nbt.TAG_Byte(value=1, name="scale"),
         nbt.TAG_Byte(value=0, name="dimension"),
         nbt.TAG_Int(value=64, name="xCenter"), colors,
         nbt.TAG_Short(value=128, name="height")
     return nbtfile
Example #5
def save_to_nbtfile(barray, map_id):
    nbtfile = nbt.NBTFile()
    colors = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(name="colors")
    colors.value = barray
    data = nbt.TAG_Compound()
    data.name = "data"
    data.tags = [
        nbt.TAG_Byte(value=1, name="scale"),  #地图缩放
        nbt.TAG_Byte(value=0, name="dimension"),  #维度
        nbt.TAG_Byte(value=0, name="trackingPosition"),  #箭头永不显示
        nbt.TAG_Byte(value=1, name="locked"),  #被锁定
        nbt.TAG_Int(value=0, name="xCenter"),
        nbt.TAG_Int(value=0, name="zCenter"),
        nbt.TAG_Short(value=128, name="width"),
        nbt.TAG_Short(value=128, name="height"),
Example #6
def to_schem(img_path):
    # Open file and convert to RGB
    im = Image.open(img_path)
    rgb_im = im.convert('RGBA')
    blockjson = json.load(open('block.json'))
    palette_blocks = []
    indices = {}

    # Creating palette
    palette = nbt.TAG_Compound()
    palette.name = 'Palette'

    # Initializing new NBT
    genfile = nbt.NBTFile()
    genfile.name = 'Schematic'

    # Setting basic NBT values
    genfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name='Version', value=2))
    genfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Short(name='Width', value=im.size[0]))
    genfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Short(name='Height', value=1))
    genfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Short(name='Length', value=im.size[1]))
    genfile.tags.append(nbt.TAG_Int(name='DataVersion', value=2230))

    # Creating block data
    blockdata = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array()
    blockdata.name = 'BlockData'

    # Iterating over each coordinate in the image
    for c in [(x, z) for x in range(im.size[0]) for z in range(im.size[1])]:
        # Get the color data from the pixel at coord c
        rgb = rgb_im.getpixel(c)

        # Getting the block with the closest color to the image pixel and
        # appending it to the palette list
        closest = min(blockjson, key=lambda k: math.dist(rgb, blockjson[k]))
        if closest not in palette_blocks:

            # The palette holds all the blocks that are used in a schematic. The field name
            # is the block name and the value is the index. This index is referenced in the
            # BlockData field to identify which block is present at a given coord
            palette[f'minecraft:{closest}'] = nbt.TAG_Int(

        # Index blocks by x + z * Width + y * Width * Length. If we keep the same
        # order as the image coordinates the image comes out flipped.
        indices[c[0] + c[1] * im.size[0] +
                1 * im.size[0] * im.size[1]] = palette_blocks.index(closest)

    # Set the palette length to length of the de-duped palette list
        nbt.TAG_Int(name='PaletteMax', value=len(palette_blocks)))

    # A list of integers each referencing a block index from the palette is created
    # by sorting the indices dict. This list is then turned into a byte array as
    # that is the type needed by the NBT file. This prevents the image from being
    # flipped.
    blockdata.value = bytearray([indices[i] for i in sorted(indices)])
    return genfile