def process_region_file(filename, start, stop):
    """Given a region filename, return the number of blocks of each ID in that file"""
    pieces = filename.split('.')
    rx = int(pieces[-3])
    rz = int(pieces[-2])
    block_data_totals = [[0]*16 for i in range(256)] # up to 16 data numbers in 256 block IDs
    # Does the region overlap the bounding box at all?
    if (start != None):
        selectLowX = int(start[0])
        selectLowZ = int(start[2])
        zoneHiX = (rx+1)*512-1 # accorping to placement on world coordinate system
        zoneHiZ = (rz+1)*512-1
        if ( zoneHiX < selectLowX or zoneHiZ < selectLowZ ):
            return block_data_totals
    elif (stop != None):
        selectHiX = int(stop[0])
        selectHiZ = int(stop[2])
        zoneLowX = rx*512
        zoneLowZ = rz*512
        if ( zoneLowX > selectHiX or zoneLowZ > selectHiZ ):
            return block_data_totals
    file = RegionFile(filename)
    # Get all chunks
    chunks = file.get_chunks()
    print("Parsing %s... %d chunks" % (os.path.basename(filename),len(chunks)))
    for c in chunks:
        # Does the chunk overlap the bounding box at all?
        if (start != None):
            chunkHiX = rx*512 + ( (c['x']+1)*16 - 1)
            chunkHiZ = rz*512 + ( c['z']*16 - 1)
            selectLowX = int(start[0])
            selectLowZ = int(start[2])
            if ( chunkHiX < selectLowX or chunkHiZ < selectLowZ ):
        elif (stop != None):
            chunkLowX = rx*512 + c['x']*16
            chunkLowZ = rz*512 + c['z']*16
            selectHiX = int(stop[0])
            selectHiZ = int(stop[2])
            if ( chunkLowX > selectHiX or chunkLowZ > selectHiZ ):
        chunk = Chunk(file.get_chunk(c['x'], c['z']))
        assert chunk.get_coords() == (c['x'] + rx*32, c['z'] + rz*32)
        #print("Parsing chunk ("+str(c['x'])+", "+str(c['z'])+")")
        # Parse the blocks

        # Fast code if no start or stop coordinates are specified
        # TODO: also use this code if start/stop is specified, but the complete chunk is included
        if (start == None and stop == None):
            stats_per_chunk(chunk, block_data_totals)
            # Slow code that iterates through each coordinate
            bounded_stats_per_chunk(chunk, block_data_totals, start, stop)
    return block_data_totals
Example #2
def process_region_file(filename, start, stop):
    """Given a region filename, return the number of blocks of each ID in that file"""
    pieces = filename.split('.')
    rx = int(pieces[1])
    rz = int(pieces[2])

    block_data_totals = [[0] * 16 for i in range(256)
                         ]  # up to 16 data numbers in 256 block IDs

    # Does the region overlap the bounding box at all?
    if (start != None):
        if ((rx + 1) * 512 - 1 < int(start[0])
                or (rz + 1) * 512 - 1 < int(start[2])):
            return block_data_totals
    elif (stop != None):
        if (rx * 512 - 1 > int(stop[0]) or rz * 512 - 1 > int(stop[2])):
            return block_data_totals

    file = RegionFile(filename)

    # Get all chunks
    chunks = file.get_chunks()
    print("Parsing %s... %d chunks" %
          (os.path.basename(filename), len(chunks)))
    for c in chunks:
        # Does the chunk overlap the bounding box at all?
        if (start != None):
            if ((c['x'] + 1) * 16 + rx * 512 - 1 < int(start[0])
                    or (c['z'] + 1) * 16 + rz * 512 - 1 < int(start[2])):
        elif (stop != None):
            if (c['x'] * 16 + rx * 512 - 1 > int(stop[0])
                    or c['z'] * 16 + rz * 512 - 1 > int(stop[2])):

        chunk = Chunk(file.get_chunk(c['x'], c['z']))
        assert chunk.get_coords() == (c['x'] + rx * 32, c['z'] + rz * 32)
        #print("Parsing chunk ("+str(c['x'])+", "+str(c['z'])+")")
        # Parse the blocks

        # Fast code if no start or stop coordinates are specified
        # TODO: also use this code if start/stop is specified, but the complete chunk is included
        if (start == None and stop == None):
            stats_per_chunk(chunk, block_data_totals)
            # Slow code that iterates through each coordinate
            bounded_stats_per_chunk(chunk, block_data_totals, start, stop)

    return block_data_totals
Example #3
def process_region_file(filename, start, stop):
	"""Given a region filename, return the number of blocks of each ID in that file"""
	pieces = filename.split('.')
	rx = int(pieces[1])
	rz = int(pieces[2])
	block_data_totals = [[0]*16 for i in range(256)] # up to 16 data numbers in 256 block IDs
	# Does the region overlap the bounding box at all?
	if (start != None):
		if ( (rx+1)*512-1 < int(start[0]) or (rz+1)*512-1 < int(start[2]) ):
			return block_data_totals
	elif (stop != None):
		if ( rx*512-1 > int(stop[0]) or rz*512-1 > int(stop[2]) ):
			return block_data_totals
	file = RegionFile(filename)
	# Get all chunks
	chunks = file.get_chunks()
	print("Parsing %s... %d chunks" % (os.path.basename(filename),len(chunks)))
	for c in chunks:
		# Does the chunk overlap the bounding box at all?
		if (start != None):
			if ( (c['x']+1)*16 + rx*512 - 1 < int(start[0]) or (c['z']+1)*16 + rz*512 - 1 < int(start[2]) ):
		elif (stop != None):
			if ( c['x']*16 + rx*512 - 1 > int(stop[0]) or c['z']*16 + rz*512 - 1 > int(stop[2]) ):
		chunk = Chunk(file.get_chunk(c['x'], c['z']))
		assert chunk.get_coords() == (c['x'] + rx*32, c['z'] + rz*32)
		#print("Parsing chunk ("+str(c['x'])+", "+str(c['z'])+")")
		# Parse the blocks

		# Fast code if no start or stop coordinates are specified
		# TODO: also use this code if start/stop is specified, but the complete chunk is included
		if (start == None and stop == None):
			stats_per_chunk(chunk, block_data_totals)
			# Slow code that iterates through each coordinate
			bounded_stats_per_chunk(chunk, block_data_totals, start, stop)
	return block_data_totals
Example #4
    def __init__(self, filename):
        print "Processing region file " + filename
        colormap = BlockColorMap()
        file = open(regionPath + filename, 'rb')
        region = RegionFile(fileobj=file)

        img ='RGBA', (32 * 16, 32 * 16))
        for c in region.get_chunks():
            cx = c['x']
            cz = c['z']
            chunk = Chunk(region, cx, cz)
            if chunk.status != 'postprocessed':
            for x in range(0, 16):
                for z in range(0, 16):
                    col = chunk.getColumnInfo(x, z)
                    color = colormap.getColor(col)
                    img.putpixel((cx * 16 + x, cz * 16 + z), color) + filename + ".png")

Example #5
		pieces = filename.split('.')
		rx = int(pieces[1])
		rz = int(pieces[2])
		# Does the region overlap the bounding box at all?
		if (start != None):
			if ( (rx+1)*512-1 < int(start[0]) or (rz+1)*512-1 < int(start[2]) ):
		elif (stop != None):
			if ( rx*512-1 > int(stop[0]) or rz*512-1 > int(stop[2]) ):
		file = RegionFile(filename=world_folder+'/region/'+filename)
		# Get all chunks
		chunks = file.get_chunks()
		for c in chunks:
			# Does the chunk overlap the bounding box at all?
			if (start != None):
				if ( (c['x']+1)*16 + rx*512 - 1 < int(start[0]) or (c['z']+1)*16 + rz*512 - 1 < int(start[2]) ):
			elif (stop != None):
				if ( c['x']*16 + rx*512 - 1 > int(stop[0]) or c['z']*16 + rz*512 - 1 > int(stop[2]) ):
			chunk = Chunk(file.get_chunk(c['x'], c['z']))
			#print "Parsing chunk ("+str(c['x'])+", "+str(c['z'])+")"
			# Parse the blocks

			# Fast code if no start or stop coordinates are specified