Example #1
def writeToCSVPG(csvFile, varData, date, lats, lons, miss = False):
    #Compress to one dimension
    slats, slons, grid = ncu.compressGrid(lats, lons, varData, miss)
    #Write to file (must put longitude first)
    for dataPoint in zip([str(date)] * len(grid), slons, slats, grid):
        csvFile.write(dataPoint[0] + ',POINT(' + str(dataPoint[1]) + ' ' + str(dataPoint[2]) + '),' + str(dataPoint[3]) + '\n')
Example #2
def writeToJSON_Mongo(jsonFile, varData, date, lats, lons, miss = False):
    #Compress to one dimension
    slats, slons, grid = ncu.compressGrid(lats, lons, varData, miss)
    #Write to file as a mongo document with an inner geojson for the location
    for dataPoint in zip(slons, slats, [str(date)] * len(grid), grid):
        jsonFile.write('{"location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [' + str(dataPoint[0]) + ',' + str(dataPoint[1]) + \
        ']}, "date": "' + dataPoint[2] + '", "' + VAR_NAME + '": ' + str(dataPoint[3]) + '}\n')
Example #3
def writeToCSV(csvFile, varData, timeData, timeUnits, lats, lons, miss = False):

    for i, grid in enumerate(varData):
        #Compress to one dimension
        slats, slons, grid = ncu.compressGrid(lats, lons, grid, miss)
        dat = str(num2date(timeData[i], timeUnits))
        #Write to file
        for dataPoint in zip(slats, slons, [dat] * len(grid), grid):
            #csvFile.write(str(slats[j]) + ',' + str(slons[j]) + ',' + dat + ',' + str(dataPoint) + '\n')
            csvFile.write(','.join([str(e) for e in dataPoint]) + '\n')
Example #4
def writeToJSON(jsonFile, varData, date, lats, lons, miss = False):
    #Compress to one dimension
    slats, slons, grid = ncu.compressGrid(lats, lons, varData, miss)
    #Write to file
    #GeoJSON accepts location in lon,lat format...
    for i, dataPoint in enumerate(zip(slons, slats, [str(date)] * len(grid), grid)):
        jsonData = '{"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [' + str(dataPoint[0]) + ',' + str(dataPoint[1]) + \
        ']}, "properties": {"date": "' + dataPoint[2] + '", "' + VAR_NAME + '": ' + str(dataPoint[3]) + '}}'
        if i < len(grid) - 1:
            jsonData = jsonData + ','
    #Finally, write the next line for the next file