cyctime[i] = grbs[i][1].dataTime #Cycle (e.g. 1200 UTC) if fhr[i] == 0: cyctime[i] = cytime[i] + '00' #Pad with a zero and convert to a string if cyctime[i] < 1000: grbtime[i] = '0' + repr(cyctime[i]) else: grbtime[i] = repr(cyctime[i]) date[i] = grbs[i][1].dataDate #PDY # Specify some plotting domains which have the regions pre-set in ncepy # domains=['CONUS','NW','NC','NE','SW','SC','SE','Great_Lakes'] domains = ['SC4'] proj = 'lcc' llcrnrlon_sc, llcrnrlat_sc, urcrnrlon_sc, urcrnrlat_sc, res = ncepy.corners_res( 'SC', proj=proj) # Start reading fields to be plotted # read precip precip = ["" for x in range(num)] precip_vals = ["" for x in range(num)] precipOBS = ["" for x in range(num)] precipOBSvals = ["" for x in range(num)] bucket_length = 3 for i in range(num): precip[i] = grbs[i].select( name='Total Precipitation', lengthOfTimeRange=bucket_length)[0] # QPF is stored as mm precipOBS[i] = obs[i].select(
varnames = [ # uncomment the desired variables below # 'TMP_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'SPFH_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'RH_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'UGRD_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'VGRD_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'VVEL_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'DZDT_P0_L100_GGA0', # 'ABSV_P0_L100_GGA0', 'HGT_P0_L100_GGA0', ] ###################### USER DEFINED SETTINGS ############################################ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.subplot(111) llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, res = ncepy.corners_res(dom, proj=proj) if (proj == "cyl"): llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, res = -180, -80, 180, 80, 'c' lon_0 = -95.0 lat_0 = 25.0 offsetup = 0. offsetright = 0. m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon + offsetright, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat + offsetup, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon + offsetright, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat + offsetup, projection=proj, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, resolution=res, ax=ax)