Example #1
def test_wcs_setter(wcs_1d_l, wave_lut):
    ec = ExtraCoords(wcs=wcs_1d_l, mapping=(0, ))
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ec.wcs = None

    ec = ExtraCoords()
    ec.mapping = (1, )
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ec.wcs = wcs_1d_l

    ec = ExtraCoords()
    ec.add_coordinate("wave", (0, ), wave_lut)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ec.wcs = None
Example #2
def test_empty_ec(wcs_1d_l):
    ec = ExtraCoords()
    # Test slice of an empty EC
    assert ec[0].wcs is None

    assert ec.mapping == tuple()
    assert ec.wcs is None
    assert ec.keys() == tuple()

    ec.wcs = wcs_1d_l
    assert ec.wcs is wcs_1d_l
    ec.mapping = (0, )
    assert ec.mapping == (0, )
Example #3
def test_exceptions(wcs_1d_l):
    # Test unable to specify inconsistent dimensions and tables
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ExtraCoords.from_lookup_tables(None, (0,), (0, 0))

    # Test unable to add to WCS EC
    ec = ExtraCoords()
    ec.wcs = wcs_1d_l
    ec.mapping = (0,)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ec.add(None, 0, None)

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Example #4
def test_wcs_1d(wcs_1d_l):
    ec = ExtraCoords()
    ec.wcs = wcs_1d_l
    ec.mapping = (0,)

    assert ec.keys() == ('spectral',)
    assert ec.mapping == (0,)
    assert ec.wcs is wcs_1d_l

    subec = ec[1:]
    assert ec.keys() == ('spectral',)
    assert ec.mapping == (0,)
    assert np.allclose(ec.wcs.pixel_to_world_values(1), subec.wcs.pixel_to_world_values(1))

    subec = ec[0]
    assert subec.wcs is None