Example #1
 def P_map(self, wavelength, stop_wavelength=None):
     """Total polarization P = sqrt(Q**2 + U**2 + V**2) as a 2D NDCube (coord1, coord2)"""
     Q = self.Q_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     U = self.U_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     V = self.V_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     P = np.sqrt(Q.data**2 + U.data**2 + V.data**2)
     return ndcube.NDCube(P, Q.wcs)
Example #2
    def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Apply inversion procedure to data.

        dem : `~ndcube.NDCube`
            Differential emission measure as a function of temperature. The
            temperature axis is evenly spaced in :math:`\log{T}`. The number
            of dimensions depend on the input data.
        dem, uncertainty = self._model(*args, **kwargs)
        wcs = self._make_dem_wcs()
        meta = self._make_dem_meta()
        # NOTE: Bug in NDData that does not allow passing quantity as uncertainty
        uncertainty = uncertainty.value if isinstance(uncertainty, u.Quantity) else uncertainty
        return ndcube.NDCube(dem, wcs, meta=meta, uncertainty=uncertainty,
Example #3
def quantity_1d_to_sequence(intensity,
                            wavelength: u.angstrom,
    Transform 1D `~astropy.units.Quantity` of intensities to a single-axis

    This is a function for easily converting a 1D array of intensity values into a
    1D `~ndcube.NDCubeSequence` that can be passed to `sunkit_dem.Model`

    intensities : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    wavelengths : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    uncertainty : `~astrpoy.units.Quantity`, optional
        Uncertainties on intensities
    meta : `dict` or `dict`-like, optional
    if uncertainty is not None:
        # Raise an error if intensities and uncertainties have incompatible units
        _ = intensity.to(uncertainty.unit)
    cubes = []
    for j, (i, w) in enumerate(zip(intensity, wavelength)):
        wcs = {
            'CTYPE1': 'wavelength',
            'CUNIT1': w.unit.to_string(),
            'CDELT1': 1,
            'CRPIX1': 1,
            'CRVAL1': w.value,
            'NAXIS1': 1
                          uncertainty=uncertainty.value[j, np.newaxis]
                          if uncertainty is not None else None,
                          extra_coords=[('wavelength', 0, [w.value])]))
    return ndcube.NDCubeSequence(cubes, common_axis=0)
Example #4
    def from_aia_level1(
        lev1: 'level_1.Level_1',
        aia_path: typ.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None,
        line: str = 'ov',
    ) -> 'Level_3':
        Create a Level_3 Obj through a linear co-alignment of ESIS Level1 to AIA 304.

        NOTE!!! This contains hard coded variables that only pertain to the 2019 ESIS Flight, will need to be made
        more general for future launches.  Including a rough FOV and pointing when choosing an AIA cutout should do the

        if line != 'ov' or 'hei':
            print('Assuming Spectral Line is O V')
            line = 'ov'

        aia_304 = aia.AIA.from_time_range(time_start=lev1.time[0, 0] -
                                          10 * u.s,
                                          time_end=lev1.time[-1, 0] + 10 * u.s,
                                          channels=[304] * u.AA,

        cropped_imgs, initial_cropping, lev1 = lev1_prep(lev1, line)

        pad_pix = 400
        initial_pad = ((pad_pix, pad_pix), (pad_pix, pad_pix))
        cropped_imgs = np.pad(cropped_imgs, ((0, 0), (0, 0)) + initial_pad)

        # correct for most of detector tilt and anamorphic distortion
        theta = 16
        scale = 1 / np.cos(np.radians(theta))

        # relevant portion of AIA FOV for ESIS 2019, once we have a rough pointing in Level2 update to grab
        # area around pointing keyword for alignment speed.
        slice1 = slice(1380, 2650)
        slice2 = slice(1435, 2705)
        pos = (slice1, slice2)

        camera = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])

        sequence = np.arange(cropped_imgs.shape[0])[:-1]

        lev_3_transforms = []
        lev_3_data = np.empty(
            (sequence.shape[0], camera.shape[0], slice1.stop - slice1.start,
             slice2.stop - slice2.start))

        guess = np.array(
            [[1 / (scale * .79), 1 / .79, 0, 0, 0, 0, -(22.5 + 45 * j)]
             for j in camera])
        for n, i in enumerate(sequence):
            transform_per_camera = []
            for m, j in enumerate(camera):
                start = time.time()
                print('Fit in Progress: Camera = ', j, ' Sequence = ', i)

                td = aia_304.time - lev1.time[
                    i, 0]  # should be the same for every camera
                best_im = np.abs(td.sec).argmin()
                aia_im = aia_304.intensity[best_im, 0, ...]

                esis_im = cropped_imgs[i, j, ...]

                guess_cam = guess[m]

                bounds = [(guess_cam[0] * .98, guess_cam[0] * 1.02),
                          (guess_cam[1] * .98, guess_cam[1] * 1.02), (0, .01),
                          (0, .01), (0, 1), (0, 1),
                          (-2 + guess_cam[6], 2 + guess_cam[6])]
                # fit = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(img_align.affine_alignment_quality, bounds,
                #                                             args=(esis_im, aia_im[pos]), workers=4)
                fit = scipy.optimize.minimize(
                    args=(esis_im, aia_im[pos]),
                guess[m] = fit.x

                print('Cross-Correlation = ', fit.fun)
                print('Transform = ', fit.x)

                origin = np.array(esis_im.shape) // 2
                esis_im = img_align.modified_affine(esis_im, fit.x, origin)
                # fig,ax = plt.subplots()
                # ax.imshow(esis_im, vmax = np.percentile(esis_im,99.99))
                # plt.show()

                aia_cc = np.empty_like(aia_im)
                aia_cc[pos] = aia_im[pos]
                cc = img_align.normalized_cc(aia_cc, esis_im)

                trans = np.unravel_index(cc.argmax(), cc.shape)
                trans = (-esis_im.shape[0] // 2 + trans[0],
                         -esis_im.shape[1] // 2 + trans[1])

                aia_shp = aia_im.shape
                big_esis = np.empty(aia_shp)
                big_esis[0:esis_im.shape[0], 0:esis_im.shape[1]] = esis_im

                # move based on cc
                big_esis = np.roll(big_esis, trans, (0, 1))

                lev_3_data[n, m, ...] = big_esis[pos]
                # fix,ax = plt.subplots()
                # ax.imshow(lev_3_data[n,m,...], vmin = 0, vmax = np.percentile(lev_3_data[n,m,...],99))

                    img_align.ImageTransform(fit.x, origin,
                                             initial_cropping, initial_pad,
                                             aia_shp, trans, pos))
                print('Fit Duration = ', time.time() - start)

        # plt.show()
        aia_wcs = aia_304.wcs[0, 0].slice(pos)
        date_obs = lev1.time[sequence[0], 0]
        time_delta = lev1.time[sequence[1], 0] - date_obs

        # Axis 3 and 4 of the WCS object are camera and sequence respectively to match the Level1 ndarray
        # For future runs of ESIS with additional cameras CRVAL3 will require modification.
        lev_3_header = dict([
            ('NAXIS1', aia_wcs._naxis[0]),
            ('NAXIS2', aia_wcs._naxis[1]),
            ('NAXIS3', camera.shape[0]),
            ('NAXIS4', sequence.shape[0]),
            ('DATEOBS', str(date_obs)),
            ('DATEREF', str(date_obs)),
            ('MJDREF', date_obs.mjd),
            ('CTYPE1', aia_wcs.wcs.ctype[0]),
            ('CTYPE2', aia_wcs.wcs.ctype[1]),
            ('CTYPE3', 'CAMERA_ID'),
            ('CTYPE4', 'UTC'),
            ('CRVAL1', aia_wcs.wcs.crval[0]),
            ('CRVAL2', aia_wcs.wcs.crval[1]),
            ('CRVAL3', 1),
            ('CRVAL4', time_delta.sec),
            ('CRPIX1', aia_wcs.wcs.crpix[0]),
            ('CRPIX2', aia_wcs.wcs.crpix[1]),
            ('CRPIX3', 0),
            ('CRPIX4', 1),
            ('CUNIT1', str(aia_wcs.wcs.cunit[0])),
            ('CUNIT2', str(aia_wcs.wcs.cunit[1])),
            ('CUNIT3', 'pix'),
            ('CUNIT4', 's'),
            ('CDELT1', aia_wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]),
            ('CDELT2', aia_wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]),
            ('CDELT3', 1),
            ('CDELT4', time_delta.sec),
        lev_3_wcs = wcs.WCS(lev_3_header)

        meta = dict([
             "Level_3 was formed via a linear co-alignment of ESIS Level-1 and AIA 304"
        lev_3_ndcube = ndcube.NDCube(lev_3_data, lev_3_wcs, meta=meta)

        lev_3_transform_cube = img_align.TransformCube(lev_3_transforms)
        if line == 'ov':
            transform_path = ov_Level3_transforms
        if line == 'hei':
            transform_path = hei_transforms

        return cls(observation=lev_3_ndcube,
Example #5
 def _magnetic_map(self, magnetic_ix):
     """Return a 2D NDCube (coord1, coord2) for a given magnetic parameter"""
     newcube = ndcube.NDCube(self.data, self.wcs)[magnetic_ix, :, :]
     return newcube
Example #6
 def theta_map(self, wavelength, stop_wavelength=None):
     """Linear polarization angle theta = 0.5 arctan(U/Q) as a 2D NDCube (coord1, coord2)"""
     Q = self.Q_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     U = self.U_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     theta = np.arctan2(U.data, Q.data)
     return ndcube.NDCube(np.degrees(theta) * u.degree, Q.wcs)
Example #7
 def L_map(self, wavelength, stop_wavelength=None):
     """Linear polarization L = sqrt(Q**2 + U**2) as a 2D NDCube (coord1, coord2)"""
     Q = self.Q_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     U = self.U_map(wavelength, stop_wavelength=stop_wavelength)
     L = np.sqrt(Q.data**2 + U.data**2)
     return ndcube.NDCube(L, Q.wcs)