Example #1
def main():
    token = 'collman15v2'
    channel = 'annotation'
    metadata = readMetadata('cleft_class.csv')

    nd = ND(hostname='synaptomes.neurodata.io/nd/')

    for ridx in metadata.keys():
        robj = createRamonSynapse(ridx, metadata[ridx], 0, confidence=1, author='Forrest Collman')
        nd.post_ramon(token, channel, robj)
        print "Successfully posted ramon obj {}".format(ridx)
Example #2
    def create_ramon_volume(self, token, channel, annofile, ramonobj,
                            conncomp=0, remote='neurodata'):

        Use ndio to put annotated nifti volume to a remote
        This first prototype only uploads annotation labels

        TODO:  Extend to parse upload params from filename

            data: nifti volume to convert

            Success or failure

        import ndio.convert.nifti as ndnifti

        if remote is 'neurodata':
            import ndio.remote.neurodata as ND
            nd = ND()
            raise ValueError("remote option not implemented.")

        anno = ndnifti.import_nifti(annofile)
        anno = np.int32(anno)
        if conncomp is 1:
            anno = mahotas.labeled.label(anno, Bc=np.ones([3, 3, 3]))[0]

        # relabel ids from 1
        print('relabeling IDs...')
        anno, n_label = mahotas.labeled.relabel(anno)

        print('reserving IDs...')
        n_label = int(n_label)
        ids = nd.reserve_ids(token, channel, n_label)

        # ids is 0 indexed
        # anno begins at 1
        # TODO: guarantee that these are contiguous

        anno[anno > 0] += ids[0] - 1

        ramon_list = []

        for x in range(0, n_label):
            r = ramonobj
            r.id = ids[x]

        return anno, ramon_list
Example #3
def main():
    token = 'collman15v2'
    channel = 'annotation'
    metadata = readMetadata('cleft_class.csv')

    nd = ND(hostname='synaptomes.neurodata.io/nd/')

    for ridx in metadata.keys():
        robj = createRamonSynapse(ridx,
                                  author='Forrest Collman')
        nd.post_ramon(token, channel, robj)
        print "Successfully posted ramon obj {}".format(ridx)
Example #4
    def get_mana_volume(self, token, channel, x_start, x_stop, y_start,
                        y_stop, z_start, z_stop, resolution,
                        server='openconnecto.me', remote='neurodata',
        Use ndio to get volume from a remote and convert to NIFTI.
        We recommend users use ITK-Snap for annotations.

            token (str): Token to identify data to download
            channel (str): Channel
            resolution (int): Resolution level
            Q_start (int): The lower bound of dimension 'Q'
            Q_stop (int): The upper bound of dimension 'Q'
            server: default server for remote
            remote: name for remote to use
            outdir: location for nifti file

            Downloaded data.

        import ndio.convert.nifti as ndnifti
        import os.path
        if remote is 'neurodata':
            import ndio.remote.neurodata as ND
            nd = ND(server)
            raise ValueError("remote option not implemented.")

        image = nd.get_cutout(token, channel, x_start, x_stop, y_start,
                              y_stop, z_start, z_stop, resolution=resolution)

        fileout = '{}_{}_x{}-{}_y{}-{}_z{}-{}_r{}' \
                  '.nii'.format(token, channel, x_start, x_stop,
                                y_start, y_stop, z_start, z_stop,
                                             outdir, fileout)), image)

        return fileout
Example #5
import ndio.convert.nifti as ndnii #import nifti workflow
print 'imported nifti convert'

data = ndnii.load("Fear199_400_600_1850_2050_450_550_res2_anno.nii") #numpy array from my file
print 'made numpy array'

print data.shape #check array shape

import ndio.remote.neurodata as ND #import neurodata
print 'imported neurodata remote'

oo = ND() #instantiate neurodata
print 'instance of neurodata created'

#oo.delete_channel("Fear199", "GLMannotation")
#print 'deleted f****d up channel'

oo.create_channel('Fear199', 'GLMAnnotationFixed', oo.ANNOTATION, 'uint32', False) #make channel to add annotation
print 'created new channel'

oo.post_cutout('Fear199', 'GLMAnnotationFixed', 0, 0, 0, data, 2) #token, channel, z, x, y, data, resolution
print 'uploaded data to channel'

print 'done'
Example #6
def gen_ramon_graph(token_synapse, channel_synapse,
                    token_neurons, channel_neurons,
                    resolution, is_directed=False,

    # TODO support segment graphs
    # TODO support filter synapses
    # TODO support multiple servers
    # TODO support other graph output options
    # TODO support enriched graph

    import numpy as np
    import ndio.remote.neurodata as ND
    import ndio.ramon as ramon
    import networkx as nx

    nd = ND()

    id_synapse = nd.get_ramon_ids(token_synapse, channel_synapse,
    print('There are: {} synapses'.format(len(id_synapse)))

    # Instantiate graph instance
    if is_directed is False:  # undirected case
        G = nx.Graph()
        G = nx.DiGraph()

    # for each synapse

    for x in range(np.shape(id_synapse)[0]):
        #print(str(x).zfill(4),end=" ")
        s = nd.get_ramon_metadata(token_synapse, channel_synapse,

        # for each segment
        segments = s.segments[:, 0]
        direction = s.segments[:, 1]  # 1: axon/pre, 2: dendrite/post
        # print direction
        if len(segments) != 2:
            print('multi-way synapses not implemented!')

        s1 = nd.get_ramon_metadata(token_neurons, channel_neurons,
        n1 = s1.neuron
        s2 = nd.get_ramon_metadata(token_neurons, channel_neurons,
        n2 = s2.neuron

        if is_directed is False or (direction[0] == 1 and direction[1] == 2):
            if G.has_edge(n1, n2):  # edge already exists, increase weight
                G[n1][n2]['weight'] += 1
                # new edge. add with weight=1
                G.add_edge(n1, n2, weight=1)

        elif direction[0] == 2 and direction[1] == 1:
            if G.has_edge(n2, n1):  # edge already exists, increase weight
                G[n2][n1]['weight'] += 1
                # new edge. add with weight=1
                G.add_edge(n2, n1, weight=1)
            print('1 pre and 1 post synaptic partner are'
                  ' required for directed graph estimation.')

        if save_file is not None:

            # Save graphml graph
            nx.write_graphml(G, save_graphml)