def send_email_resolved(questid): # For now this will find the resolved question and # check if owner wants to be notified if so email will be sent # else do nothing - may extend to sending to respondents in due course quest = db( == questid).select().first() owner = db( == quest.auth_userid).select().first() if owner.emailresolved: subject = 'Item resolved: ' + str(truncquest(quest.questiontext, 100, wrap=0, mark=False)) message = resulthtml(quest.questiontext, quest.correctanstext(), questid) send_email(, mail.settings.sender, subject, message) return True
def activity(id=0, resend=False, period='Week', format='html', source='default'): # This will be triggered from runactivity function below which figures out if # this needs to be run and on success rolls the run date forward for the next # period this just formats the message and formats for sending via email db = current.db if id > 0: rows = db( == id).select() # if record status not equal to planned then log not sending to console and lets go with # only resending by id number else: rows = db((db.email_runs.runperiod == period) & (db.email_runs.status == 'Planned')).select() if rows is None: print('No matching parameter record found') return 'No matching parameter record found' parameters = rows.first() params = current.db( > 0).select().first() if params: stripheader = params.website_url[7:] else: stripheader = 'website_url_not_setup' startdate = parameters.datefrom enddate = parameters.dateto crtquery = (db.question.createdate >= startdate) & (db.question.createdate <= enddate) resquery = (db.question.resolvedate >= startdate) & (db.question.resolvedate <= enddate) challquery = (db.question.challengedate >= startdate) & (db.question.challengedate <= enddate) orderstr = db.question.createdate resolvestr = db.question.resolvedate challstr = db.question.challengedate allsubmitted = db(crtquery).select(orderby=orderstr) resolved = db(resquery).select(orderby=resolvestr) challenged = db(challquery).select(orderby=challstr) sender = mail.settings.sender subject = 'NDS Activity Report' # get users for type of run if parameters.runperiod == 'Day': userquery = (db.auth_user.emaildaily == True) periodtext = 'Daily' elif parameters.runperiod == 'Week': userquery = (db.auth_user.emailweekly == True) periodtext = 'Weekly' elif parameters.runperiod == 'Month': periodtext = 'Monthly' userquery = (db.auth_user.emailmonthly == True) else: return ('Invalid run period parameter - must be Day, Week or Month') users = db(userquery).select() message = '' for user in users: to = # will change above to create allsubmitteds and then do a filter exclude_groups = get_exclude_groups( if exclude_groups: submitted = allsubmitted.exclude( lambda r: r.answer_group not in exclude_groups) else: submitted = allsubmitted message = '<html><body><h1> ' + periodtext + ' Activity Report</h1>' # should be able to make personal as well # can do the row exclusions later # section below is basically taken from activtiy.i file in the view message += "<h1>Items Resolved</h1>" if resolved: message += """<table style="border: 1px solid DarkGreen;"><thead><tr> <th width="5%">Type</th> <th width="55%">Item Text</th> <th width="15%">Answer</th> <th width="8%"># Agree</th> <th width="8%"># Disagree</th> <th width="9%">Resolved</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>""" for row in resolved: itemurl = URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[], scheme='http', host=stripheader) itemtext = truncquest(row.questiontext) message += """<tr> <th><a href=%s>%s</a></th> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (itemurl, row.qtype, itemtext, row.correctanstext(), row.othercounts[3], row.othercounts[3], row.resolvedate) message += " </tbody></table>" else: message += "<h3>No items resolved in the period.</h3>" message += "<h1>Items Submitted</h1>" if submitted: message += """<table style="border: 1px solid black;"><thead><tr> <th width="5%">Type</th> <th width="60%">Item Text</th> <th width="13%">Scope</th> <th width="12%">Category</th> <th width="10%">Status</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>""" for row in submitted: itemurl = URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[], scheme='http', host=stripheader) itemtext = row.questiontext message += """<tr> <th><a href=%s>%s</a></th> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (itemurl, row.qtype, itemtext, row.scopetext, row.category, row.status) message += " </tbody></table>" else: message += "<h3>No items submitted in the period.</h3>" message += "<h1>Items Challenged</h1>" if challenged: message += """<table style="border: 1px solid DarkOrange;"><thead><tr> <th width="5%">Level</th> <th width="55%">Question</th> <th width="15%">Answer</th> <th width="8%"># Agree</th> <th width="8%"># Disagree</th> <th width="9%">Challenged</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>""" for row in challenged: itemurl = URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[], scheme='http', host=stripheader) itemtext = row.questiontext message += """<tr> <th><a href=%s>%s</a></th> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (itemurl, row.qtype, itemtext, row.correctanstext(), row.othercounts[3], row.othercounts[3], row.resolvedate) message += " </tbody></table>" else: message += "<h3>No items challenged in the period.</h3>" message += '<p>This report covers the period from %s to %s.</p>' % ( str(startdate), str(enddate)) # TODO this should move to module as may be repeated params = current.db( > 0).select().first() if params: stripheader = params.website_url[7:] else: stripheader = 'website_url_not_setup' if login == 'socialauth': controller = 'user' itemurl = URL('plugin_social_auth', controller, args=['profile'], scheme='http', host=stripheader) else: controller = 'user' itemurl = URL('default', controller, args=['profile'], scheme='http', host=stripheader) footer = '<br><br><p>Login then manage your email preferences at ' + itemurl + '</p>' message += footer message += '</body></html>' if resolved or challenged or submitted: send_email(to, mail.settings.sender, subject, message) else: if debug: print(subject, message) send_email(to, mail.settings.sender, subject, message) print(message) return 'run successful'
def activity(id=0, resend=False, period='Week', format='html', source='default'): # This will be triggered from runactivity function below which figures out if # this needs to be run and on success rolls the run date forward for the next # period this just formats the message and formats for sending via email db = current.db if id > 0: rows = db( == id).select() # if record status not equal to planned then log not sending to console and lets go with # only resending by id number else: rows = db((db.email_runs.runperiod == period) & (db.email_runs.status == 'Planned')).select() if rows is None: print 'No matching parameter record found' return 'No matching parameter record found' parameters = rows.first() params = current.db( > 0).select().first() if params: stripheader = params.website_url[7:] else: stripheader = 'website_url_not_setup' startdate = parameters.datefrom enddate = parameters.dateto crtquery = (db.question.createdate >= startdate) & (db.question.createdate <= enddate) resquery = (db.question.resolvedate >= startdate) & (db.question.resolvedate <= enddate) challquery = (db.question.challengedate >= startdate) & (db.question.challengedate <= enddate) orderstr = db.question.createdate resolvestr = db.question.resolvedate challstr = db.question.challengedate allsubmitted = db(crtquery).select(orderby=orderstr) resolved = db(resquery).select(orderby=resolvestr) challenged = db(challquery).select(orderby=challstr) sender = mail.settings.sender subject = 'NDS Activity Report' # get users for type of run if parameters.runperiod == 'Day': userquery = (db.auth_user.emaildaily == True) periodtext = 'Daily' elif parameters.runperiod == 'Week': userquery = (db.auth_user.emailweekly == True) periodtext = 'Weekly' elif parameters.runperiod == 'Month': periodtext = 'Monthly' userquery = (db.auth_user.emailmonthly == True) else: return('Invalid run period parameter - must be Day, Week or Month') users = db(userquery).select() message = '' for user in users: # print to = # will change above to create allsubmitteds and then do a filter exclude_groups = get_exclude_groups( if exclude_groups: submitted = allsubmitted.exclude(lambda r: r.answer_group not in exclude_groups) else: submitted = allsubmitted message = '<html><body><h1> ' + periodtext + ' Activity Report</h1>' # should be able to make personal as well # can do the row exclusions later # section below is basically taken from activtiy.i file in the view message += "<h1>Items Resolved</h1>" if resolved: message += """<table><thead><tr> <th width="5%">Type</th> <th width="55%">Item Text</th> <th width="15%">Answer</th> <th width="8%"># Agree</th> <th width="8%"># Disagree</th> <th width="9%">Resolved</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>""" for row in resolved: itemurl = URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[], scheme='http', host=stripheader) itemtext = truncquest(row.questiontext) message += """<tr> <th><a href=%s>%s</a></th> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (itemurl, row.qtype, itemtext, row.correctanstext(), row.othercounts[3], row.othercounts[3], row.resolvedate) message += " </tbody></table>" else: message += "<h3>No items resolved in the period.</h3>" message += "<h1>Items Submitted</h1>" if submitted: message += """<table><thead><tr> <th width="5%">Type</th> <th width="60%">Item Text</th> <th width="13%">Scope</th> <th width="12%">Category</th> <th width="10%">Status</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>""" for row in submitted: itemurl = URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[], scheme='http', host=stripheader) itemtext = row.questiontext message += """<tr> <th><a href=%s>%s</a></th> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (itemurl, row.qtype, itemtext, row.scopetext, row.category, row.status) message += " </tbody></table>" else: message += "<h3>No items submitted in the period.</h3>" message += "<h1>Items Challenged</h1>" if challenged: message += """<table><thead><tr> <th width="5%">Level</th> <th width="55%">Question</th> <th width="15%">Answer</th> <th width="8%"># Agree</th> <th width="8%"># Disagree</th> <th width="9%">Challenged</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>""" for row in challenged: itemurl = URL('viewquest', 'index', args=[], scheme='http', host=stripheader) itemtext = row.questiontext message += """<tr> <th><a href=%s>%s</a></th> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>""" % (itemurl, row.qtype, itemtext, row.correctanstext(), row.othercounts[3], row.othercounts[3], row.resolvedate) message += " </tbody></table>" else: message += "<h3>No items challenged in the period.</h3>" message += '<p>This report covers the period from %s to %s.</p>' % (str(startdate), str(enddate)) message += '</body></html>' if resolved or challenged or submitted: send_email(to, mail.settings.sender, subject, message) else: if debug: print subject, message send_email(to, mail.settings.sender, subject, message) print message return 'run successful'