Example #1
    def test_connection_json(self):
        """Test whether a connection can be saved to and loaded from JSON."""
        c = Connection(1, 0)

        out_file = json.dumps(c.to_json())

        c_load = Connection.from_json(json.loads(out_file))

        self.assertEqual(c, c_load)
        self.assertEqual(c.id, c_load.id)
        self.assertEqual(c.weight, c_load.weight)
Example #2
class ConnectionGene(Gene):
    """Represents a connection gene."""
    pool = {}

    def __init__(self, target_id=None, input_id=None):
        """Create a connection gene.

        Creates a empty connection gene if either target_id or input_id
        are set to None.

            target_id: the id of the node that receives the input.
            input_id: the id of the node that provides the input.
        self.is_enabled = True

        if target_id is None or input_id is None:
            self.connection = None
            self.innovation_number = None


        self.connection = Connection(target_id, input_id)

            self.innovation_number = ConnectionGene.pool[self.connection]
        except KeyError:
            self.innovation_number = len(ConnectionGene.pool) + 1
            ConnectionGene.pool[self.connection] = self.innovation_number

    def copy(self):
        """Make a copy of this gene.

        Returns: the copy of this gene.
        copy = ConnectionGene()
        copy.connection = self.connection.copy()
        copy.is_enabled = self.is_enabled
        copy.innovation_number = self.innovation_number

        return copy

    def alignment_key(self):
        return self.innovation_number

    def weight(self):
        return self.connection.weight

    def weight(self, value):
        self.connection.weight = value

    def combine_by_average(self, other):
        new_gene = self.copy()

        new_gene.weight = 0.5 * (self.weight + other.weight)

        return new_gene

    def to_json(self):
        return dict(connection=self.connection.to_json(),

    def from_json(config):
        gene = ConnectionGene()
        gene.connection = Connection.from_json(config['connection'])
        gene.innovation_number = config['innovation_number']
        gene.is_enabled = config['is_enabled']

        return gene

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Connection_Gene_%d(%s)' % (self.innovation_number,
                                           self.connection) + \
               ' (disabled)' if not self.is_enabled else ''

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.connection == other.connection and \
               self.innovation_number == other.innovation_number

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.innovation_number

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.innovation_number < other.innovation_number