Example #1
def create_spt_model(
    data_file: str,
    vocab_size: int,
    sample_size: int,
    do_lower_case: bool,
    tokenizer_type: str = 'unigram',
    output_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    character_coverage: float = 1.0,
    Creates sentence piece tokenizer model from data file.
        data_file: data file
        vocab_size: vocabulary size
        sample_size: maximum size of sentences the trainer loads
        do_lower_case: if text should be lower cased before tokenizer model is created
        character_coverage: float value between 0 and 1 (as a percentage). For languages with a vast charset,
            can be < 1.0, but for all other languages, it should be set as 1.0
        output_dir: folder to save created tokenizer model. If not specified will store model at data_file/../spt folder

    if not data_file or not os.path.exists(data_file):
        raise ValueError(
            f"data_file must be valid file path, but got {data_file}")
    data_dir = os.path.dirname(data_file)
    vocab = []
    if not output_dir:
        output_dir = f'{data_dir}/spt'
    if if_exist(output_dir, ['tokenizer.model']):
            f"tokenizer model {output_dir}/tokenizer.model already exists")
        return f'{output_dir}/tokenizer.model', f'{output_dir}/vocab.txt'
    logging.info(f'Processing {data_file} and store at {output_dir}')
    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    cmd = (f"--input={data_file} --model_prefix={output_dir}/tokenizer "
           f"--vocab_size={vocab_size} "
           f"--shuffle_input_sentence=true --hard_vocab_limit=false "
           f"--model_type={tokenizer_type} "
           f"--character_coverage={character_coverage} "
           f"--bos_id=-1 --eos_id=-1")
    if do_lower_case:
        cmd += " --normalization_rule_name=nmt_nfkc_cf"

    if sample_size > 0:
        cmd += f" --input_sentence_size={sample_size}"


    # Add BERT control symbols
    tokens = []

    with open(f"{output_dir}/tokenizer.vocab", "r") as f:
        f.readline()  # skip first <unk> token

        # Read tokens from each line and parse for vocab
        for line in f:
            piece = line.split("\t")[0]
            token = piece[1:] if piece.startswith("▁") else f"##{piece}"

            if len(token) > 0:


    # Save vocabulary to output file
    vocab_file = f'{output_dir}/vocab.txt'
    with open(vocab_file, "w") as f:
        for token in vocab:
    return f'{output_dir}/tokenizer.model', vocab_file
Example #2
def create_spt_model(
    data_file: str,
    vocab_size: int,
    sample_size: int,
    do_lower_case: bool,
    tokenizer_type: str = 'unigram',
    output_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    character_coverage: float = 1.0,
    train_extremely_large_corpus: bool = False,
    max_sentencepiece_length: int = -1,
    bos: bool = False,
    eos: bool = False,
    pad: bool = False,
    control_symbols: List[str] = None,
    user_defined_symbols: List[str] = None,
    Creates sentence piece tokenizer model from data file.
        data_file: data file
        vocab_size: vocabulary size
        sample_size: maximum size of sentences the trainer loads
        do_lower_case: if text should be lower cased before tokenizer model is created
        character_coverage: float value between 0 and 1 (as a percentage). For languages with a vast charset,
            can be < 1.0, but for all other languages, it should be set as 1.0
        output_dir: folder to save created tokenizer model. If not specified will store model at data_file/../spt folder
        train_extremely_large_corpus: If training on huge datasets, pass this flag to allow SentencePiece
            to build the tokenizer.
        max_sentencepiece_length: Limits the maximum length of the SentencePiece subword that can be constructed.
            By default, no limit is placed.
        bos: when True, bos token "<s>" is added to the vocabulary.
        eos: when True, eos token "</s>" is added to the vocabulary.
        pad: when True, pad token "<pad>" is added to the vocabulary.
        control_symbols: control symbols to add to tokenizer, as defined by sentencepiece.
            These tokens get removed at decode time and are not encoded from the text - can only be added to the input programatically.
        user_defined_symbols: user symbols to add to tokenizer, as defined by sentencepiece.
            These tokens remain in the decoded text and are encoded automatically when present in the input text.

    if not data_file or not os.path.exists(data_file):
        raise ValueError(f"data_file must be valid file path, but got {data_file}")
    data_dir = os.path.dirname(data_file)
    vocab = []
    if not output_dir:
        output_dir = f'{data_dir}/spt'
    if if_exist(output_dir, ['tokenizer.model']):
        logging.info(f"tokenizer model {output_dir}/tokenizer.model already exists")
        return f'{output_dir}/tokenizer.model', f'{output_dir}/vocab.txt'
    logging.info(f'Processing {data_file} and store at {output_dir}')
    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    cmd = (
        f"--input={data_file} --model_prefix={output_dir}/tokenizer "
        f"--vocab_size={vocab_size} "
        f"--shuffle_input_sentence=true --hard_vocab_limit=false "
        f"--model_type={tokenizer_type} "

    pad_id = 3
    if not bos:
        pad_id -= 1
        cmd += " --bos_id=-1"

    if not eos:
        pad_id -= 1
        cmd += " --eos_id=-1"

    if pad:
        cmd += f" --pad_id={pad_id}"

    if control_symbols:
        control_string = (",").join(control_symbols)
        cmd += f" --control_symbols={control_string}"

    if user_defined_symbols:
        user_string = (",").join(user_defined_symbols)
        cmd += f" --user_defined_symbols={user_string}"

    if do_lower_case:
        cmd += " --normalization_rule_name=nmt_nfkc_cf"

    if sample_size > 0:
        cmd += f" --input_sentence_size={sample_size}"

    if train_extremely_large_corpus:
        cmd += " --train_extremely_large_corpus=true"

    if max_sentencepiece_length >= 0:
        cmd += f" --max_sentencepiece_length={max_sentencepiece_length}"


    # Add BERT control symbols
    tokens = []
    special_tokens = ["<s>", "</s>", "<pad>", "<unk>"]
    special_tokens += control_symbols + user_defined_symbols

    with open(f"{output_dir}/tokenizer.vocab", "r") as f:
        # Read tokens from each line and parse for vocab
        for line in f:
            piece = line.split("\t")[0]
            if piece in special_tokens:
                # skip special tokens
            token = piece[1:] if piece.startswith("▁") else f"##{piece}"

            if len(token) > 0:


    # Save vocabulary to output file
    vocab_file = f'{output_dir}/vocab.txt'
    with open(vocab_file, "w") as f:
        for token in vocab:
    return f'{output_dir}/tokenizer.model', vocab_file