Example #1
def fill_in_default_metadata(rec, modelspecs, IsReload=False, **context):
    Sets any uninitialized metadata to defaults that should help us
    find it in nems_db again. (fitter, recording, date, etc)
    if not IsReload:
        # Add metadata to help you reload this state later
        for modelspec in modelspecs:
            meta = get_modelspec_metadata(modelspec)
            if 'fitter' not in meta:
                set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'fitter', 'None')
            if 'fit_time' not in meta:
                set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'fitter', 'None')
            if 'recording' not in meta:
                recname = rec.name if rec else 'None'
                set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'recording', recname)
            if 'recording_uri' not in meta:
                uri = rec.uri if rec and rec.uri else 'None'
                set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'recording_uri', uri)
            if 'date' not in meta:
                set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'date', iso8601_datestring())
            if 'hostname' not in meta:
                set_modelspec_metadata(modelspec, 'hostname',
    return {'modelspecs': modelspecs}
Example #2
def tree_path(recording, modelspecs, xfspec):
    Returns a relative path (excluding filename, host, port) for URIs.
    Editing this function edits the path in the file tree of every
    file saved!

    xformname = xfspec_shortname(xfspec)
    modelname = get_modelspec_shortname(modelspecs[0])
    recname = recording.name  # Or from rec.uri???
    meta = get_modelspec_metadata(modelspecs[0])
    date = meta.get('date', iso8601_datestring())

    path = '/' + recname + '/' + modelname + '/' + xformname + '/' + date + '/'

    return path