Example #1
def _create_replacement_connection(c_in, c_out):
    """Generate a new Connection to replace two through a passthrough Node"""
    assert c_in.post_obj is c_out.pre_obj
    assert c_in.post_obj.output is None

    # determine the filter for the new Connection
    if c_in.synapse is None:
        synapse = c_out.synapse
    elif c_out.synapse is None:
        synapse = c_in.synapse
        raise Unconvertible("Cannot merge two filters")
        # Note: the algorithm below is in the right ballpark,
        #  but isn't exactly the same as two low-pass filters
        # filter = c_out.filter + c_in.filter

    function = c_in.function
    if c_out.function is not None:
        raise Unconvertible("Cannot remove a connection with a function")

    # compute the combined transform
    transform = np.dot(full_transform(c_out), full_transform(c_in))

    # check if the transform is 0 (this happens a lot
    #  with things like identity transforms)
    if np.all(transform == 0):
        return None

    c = nengo.Connection(c_in.pre_obj,
    return c
Example #2
def remove_passthrough_nodes(  # noqa: C901
        objs, connections, create_connection_fn=None):
    """Returns a version of the model without passthrough Nodes.

    For some backends (such as SpiNNaker), it is useful to remove Nodes that
    have 'None' as their output.  These nodes simply sum their inputs and
    use that as their output. These nodes are defined purely for organizational
    purposes and should not affect the behaviour of the model.  For example,
    the 'input' and 'output' Nodes in an EnsembleArray, which are just meant to
    aggregate data.

    Note that removing passthrough nodes can simplify a model and may be useful
    for other backends as well.  For example, an EnsembleArray connected to
    another EnsembleArray with an identity matrix as the transform
    should collapse down to D Connections between the corresponding Ensembles
    inside the EnsembleArrays.

    objs : list of Nodes and Ensembles
        All the objects in the model
    connections : list of Connections
        All the Connections in the model

    Returns the objs and connections of the resulting model.  The passthrough
    Nodes will be removed, and the Connections that interact with those Nodes
    will be replaced with equivalent Connections that don't interact with those
    # imported here to avoid circular imports
    from nengo import Node  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

    if create_connection_fn is None:
        create_connection_fn = _create_replacement_connection

    inputs, outputs = find_all_io(connections)
    result_conn = list(connections)
    result_objs = list(objs)

    # look for passthrough Nodes to remove
    for obj in objs:
        if isinstance(obj, Node) and obj.output is None:

            # get rid of the connections to and from this Node
            for c in inputs[obj]:
            for c in outputs[obj]:

            # replace those connections with equivalent ones
            for c_in in inputs[obj]:
                if c_in.pre_obj is obj:
                    raise Unconvertible(
                        "Cannot remove a Node with a feedback connection")

                for c_out in outputs[obj]:
                    c = create_connection_fn(c_in, c_out)
                    if c is not None:
                        # put this in the list, since it might be used
                        # another time through the loop

    return result_objs, result_conn