Example #1
$ python test/test_sim_npy.py test_ensemble.TestEnsemble.test_lifrate


from nengo_ocl.tricky_imports import unittest
from nengo.tests.helpers import NengoTestLoader
from nengo.tests.helpers import load_nengo_tests
import nengo.tests.test_simulator
from nengo_ocl import sim_npy

# -- these TestSimulator and TestNonlinear are handled differently because
# NengoTestLoader only picks up subclasses of SimulatorTestCase. TestSimulat
# and TestNonlinear in nengo do not inherit from SimulatorTestCase.  The
# semantics of SimulatorTestCase can be understood as being "These should pass
# for ANY Simulator". TestSimulator and TestNonlinear are stricter tests of
# the reference simulator's API, which we also attempt to pass, because we can
# so why not.

class TestSimulator(nengo.tests.test_simulator.TestSimulator):
    Simulator = sim_npy.Simulator

class TestNonlinear(nengo.tests.test_simulator.TestNonlinear):
    Simulator = sim_npy.Simulator

load_tests = load_nengo_tests(sim_npy.Simulator)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #2
you can still run individual test files like this:

$ python test/test_sim_ocl.py test_ensemble.TestEnsemble.test_lifrate


from nengo_ocl.tricky_imports import unittest
from nengo.tests.helpers import NengoTestLoader
from nengo.tests.helpers import load_nengo_tests
from nengo_ocl import sim_ocl

import pyopencl as cl

ctx = cl.create_some_context()

def Ocl2Simulator(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['context'] = ctx
    return sim_ocl.Simulator(*args, **kwargs)

# -- see comments in test_sim_npy.py for why these two
#    classes are treated differently.
from nengo.tests.test_simulator import TestSimulator, TestNonlinear
TestSimulator.Simulator = staticmethod(Ocl2Simulator)
TestNonlinear.Simulator = staticmethod(Ocl2Simulator)

load_tests = load_nengo_tests(Ocl2Simulator)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #3
Black-box testing of the sim_npy Simulator.

TestCase classes are added automatically from
nengo.tests.helpers.simulator_test_cases, but
you can still run individual test files like this:

    nosetests -sv test/test_sim_npy.py:TestSimulator.test_simple_direct_mode


from nengo_ocl.tricky_imports import unittest
from nengo.tests.helpers import NengoTestLoader
from nengo.tests.helpers import load_nengo_tests
from nengo_ocl import sim_npy

from nengo.tests.test_simulator import TestSimulator, TestNonlinear

TestSimulator.Simulator = sim_npy.Simulator
TestNonlinear.Simulator = sim_npy.Simulator

load_tests = load_nengo_tests(sim_npy.Simulator)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #4
TestCase classes are added automatically from
nengo.tests.helpers.simulator_test_cases, but
you can still run individual test files like this:

    nosetests -sv test/test_sim_ocl.py:TestSimulator.test_simple_direct_mode


from nengo_ocl.tricky_imports import unittest
from nengo.tests.helpers import NengoTestLoader
from nengo.tests.helpers import load_nengo_tests
from nengo_ocl import sim_ocl

import pyopencl as cl

ctx = cl.create_some_context()

def Ocl2Simulator(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['context'] = ctx
    return sim_ocl.Simulator(*args, **kwargs)

from nengo.tests.test_simulator import TestSimulator, TestNonlinear
TestSimulator.Simulator = staticmethod(Ocl2Simulator)
TestNonlinear.Simulator = staticmethod(Ocl2Simulator)

load_tests = load_nengo_tests(Ocl2Simulator)

if __name__ == '__main__':