Example #1
def _test_normalization(Simulator, sys, rng, normalizer, l1_lower,
                        lower, radius=5.0, dt=0.0001, T=1.0):
    l1_norms = np.empty(len(sys))
    for i, sub in enumerate(decompose_states(sys)):
        response = impulse(sub, dt=dt, length=int(T / dt))
        assert np.allclose(response[-10:], 0)
        l1_norms[i] = radius * np.sum(abs(response * dt))

    with Network() as model:
        stim = nengo.Node(output=lambda t: rng.choice([-radius, radius])
                          if t < T/2 else radius)
        tau = 0.02
        subnet = LinearNetwork(sys, n_neurons=1, synapse=tau, dt=dt,
                               radii=radius, normalizer=normalizer,
        nengo.Connection(stim, subnet.input, synapse=None)
        p = nengo.Probe(subnet.x.output, synapse=None)

    assert ((l1_lower*subnet.info['radii'] <= l1_norms) |
            ((l1_norms <= 1e-6) & (subnet.info['radii'] <= 1e-6))).all()
    assert (l1_norms <= subnet.info['radii'] + 1e-4).all()

    with Simulator(model, dt=dt) as sim:

    # lower bound includes both approximation error and the gap between
    # random {-1, 1} flip-flop inputs and the true worst-case input
    worst_x = np.max(abs(sim.data[p]), axis=0)
    assert (lower <= worst_x+1e-6).all()
    assert (worst_x <= 1+1e-6).all()
Example #2
def test_radii(Simulator, seed, plt):
    sys = canonical(PureDelay(0.1, order=4))
    dt = 0.001
    T = 0.3


    # Precompute the exact bounds for an impulse stimulus
    radii = []
    for sub in decompose_states(sys):
        response = impulse(sub, dt=dt, length=int(T / dt))
        amplitude = np.max(abs(response))
        assert amplitude >= 1e-6  # otherwise numerical issues

        plt.plot(response / amplitude, linestyle='--')

    with Network(seed=seed) as model:
        # Impulse stimulus
        stim = nengo.Node(output=lambda t: 1 / dt if t <= dt else 0)

        # Set explicit radii for controllable realization
        subnet = LinearNetwork(sys, n_neurons=1, synapse=0.2,
                               input_synapse=0.2, dt=dt,
                               radii=radii, normalizer=Controllable(),
        nengo.Connection(stim, subnet.input, synapse=None)
        p = nengo.Probe(subnet.x.output, synapse=None)

    assert subnet.info == {}

    sim = nengo.Simulator(model, dt=dt)

    plt.plot(sim.data[p], lw=5, alpha=0.5)

    assert np.allclose(np.max(abs(sim.data[p]), axis=0), 1, atol=1e-3)