Example #1
TLINE = gdb.node(name='TIMELINE', type='TIMELINE', start=START_TIME, stop=STOP_TIME)
RUN.relationships.create("HAS_TIMELINE", TLINE)


frame_count = 0
prev_frame = None

tags = set()
edges = set()
frame_tags = []
frame_edges = []

tx = gdb.transaction()

for frame_time in range(START_TIME, STOP_TIME, DELTAT):
    frame_count += 1
    if frame_count % 1000 == 0:
        tx = gdb.transaction()
    interval = (frame_time, frame_time+DELTAT)
    print '#%d' % frame_count, time.ctime(frame_time)

    frame = gdb.node(name='FRAME_%05d' % frame_count, type='FRAME', frame_id=frame_count, timestamp=frame_time,  timestamp_end=frame_time+DELTAT, time=time.ctime(frame_time), length=DELTAT)
    RUN.relationships.create("RUN_FRAME", frame)
    add_to_timeline(TLINE, frame, frame_time)
    if frame_count == 1:
Example #2
from neo4jrestclient.client import GraphDatabase

import sys

connection_string = "http://*****:*****@geco.deib.polimi.it:27474/db/data/"
graph = GraphDatabase(connection_string)
tx = graph.transaction(for_query=True)

sources_without_replicate = {"Roadmap Epigenomics", "TCGA"}

#sources_without_case = {"Cistrome","Annotation","TADs"}

#sources_without_rep_bs = {"Annotation"}

for s in sources_without_replicate:
    create_rel = "MATCH " \
                         "p1=(i:Item)-[*..2]-(p:Project), " \
                         "p2=(i:Item)--(r:Replicate), " \
                         "p3=(r:Replicate)--(b:Biosample), " \
                         "p4=(b:Biosample)--(d:Donor) " \
                         "WHERE p.source='" + s + "' " \
                         "CREATE (i)-[re:Item2Biosample]->(b)"


    delete_rel = "MATCH " \
                 "p1=(i:Item)-[*..2]-(p:Project), " \
                 "p2=(i:Item)--(r:Replicate), " \
                 "p3=(r:Replicate)--(b:Biosample), " \
                 "p4=(b:Biosample)--(d:Donor) " \
                                 returns=(unicode, [unicode]))
    exportFile.write("Application Role Groups:\n")
    for resAppRoleGroup in resAppRoleGroups:
        exportFile.write("{roleId: " + resAppRoleGroup[0].encode('utf-8') +
                         ", groupIds: [")
        exportFile.write(", ".join(resAppRoleGroup[1]).encode('utf-8'))
    print("Export done.\n")

    # Begin cross roles processing
    print("Processing cross roles conversion...")
    logCreateQueries = []
    tx = None
    if not preview:
        tx = gdb.transaction(for_query=True)
    for appRole in appRoles:
        appRoleId = appRole['id']
        appRoleName = appRole['name']
        appRoleActions = appRole['actions']
        for resCrossRoleAction in resCrossRoleActions:
            crossRoleId = resCrossRoleAction[0]
            crossRoleActions = resCrossRoleAction[1]
            if set(appRoleActions).issubset(set(crossRoleActions)):
                queryGroups = (
                    "MATCH (g:Group)-[:AUTHORIZED]->(r:Role {id: {roleId}}) "
                    "RETURN g.id, g.name")
                resGroups = gdb.query(queryGroups,
                                      params={"roleId": crossRoleId},
                                      returns=(unicode, unicode))
                for group in resGroups:
Example #4
class TypeGraph(Service):
    """ A graph of 
           * nomenclature systems
           * conceptual domains in which they participate and
           * executable transitions translating from one nomenclature system to another
        Transitions specify the semantics by which operations convert between nomanclature systems.
        Each nomenclature system is referred to as a Type and recieves a label in the graph.
        Each concept is created as a node. Each type node with an associated concept 
           * Receives a label for the connected concept
           * Is the source of an is_a link connecting to the concept node.
        This enables queries between concept spaces to return alternative paths of operations
    def __init__(self, service_context):
        """ Construct a type graph, registering labels for concepts and types. """
        super (TypeGraph, self).__init__("rosetta-graph", service_context)
        self.url = "{0}/db/data/".format (self.url)
        self.initialize_connection ()
        self.concepts = {}
        self.type_to_concept = {}
        self.concept_metadata = None
    def initialize_connection (self):
        logger.debug ("Creating type labels")
        self.db = GraphDatabase(self.url)
        self.types = self.db.labels.create("Type")
        self.concept_label = self.db.labels.create("Concept")
    def delete_all (self):
        """ Delete things in the graph. """
            with self.db.transaction (for_query=True, commit=True, using_globals=False) as transaction:
                transaction.query ("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n")
                results = transaction.query ("MATCH (n) RETURN n")
                print (results)
            self.initialize_connection ()
        except Exception as e:
            traceback.print_exc ()
    def set_concept_metadata (self, concept_metadata):
        """ Set the concept metadata. """
        logger.debug ("-- Initializing bio types.")
        self.concept_metadata = concept_metadata
        for concept, instances in self.concept_metadata.items ():
            self.concepts[concept] = self.db.labels.create (concept)
            for instance in instances:
                logger.debug ("Registering concept {} for instance {}".format (
                    concept, instance))
                self.type_to_concept [instance] = concept
    def find_or_create (self, name, iri=None):
        """ Find a type node, creating it if necessary. """
        n = self.types.get (name=name)
        if len(n) == 1:
            n = n[0]
        elif len(n) > 1:
            raise ValueError ("Unexpected non-unique node: {}".format (name))
            n = self.types.create (name=name, iri=iri)
            concept = self.type_to_concept.get (name)
            if concept:
                logger.debug ("   adding node {} to concept {}".format (name, concept))
                self.concepts[concept].add (n)
                concept_node = self._find_or_create_concept (concept)
                n.relationships.create ("is_a", concept_node)
        return n
    def add_edge (self, a, b, rel_name, predicate, op):
        """ Create a transition edge between two type nodes, storing the semantic predicate
        and transition operation. """
        a_node = self.find_or_create (a)
        b_node = self.find_or_create (b)
        a_rels = a_node.relationships.outgoing(rel_name, b_node)
        exists = False
        for rel in a_rels:
            if rel.properties.get ('op',None) == op:
                exists = True
        if not exists:
            enabled = predicate != "UNKNOWN"
            synonym = predicate == "SYNONYM"
            a_node.relationships.create (rel_name, b_node, predicate=predicate, op=op,
                                         enabled=enabled, synonym=synonym)
    def _find_or_create_concept (self, concept):
        """ Find or create a concept object which will be linked to member type object. """
        concept_node = self.concept_label.get (name=concept)
        if len(concept_node) == 1:
            logger.debug ("-- Loaded existing concept: {0}".format (concept))
            concept_node = concept_node[0]
        elif len(concept_node) > 1:
            raise ValueError ("Unexpected non-unique concept node: {}".format (concept))
            logger.debug ("-- Creating concept {0}".format (concept))
            concept_node = self.concept_label.create (name=concept)
        return concept_node
    def get_transitions (self, query):
        """ Execute a cypher query and walk the results to build a set of transitions to execute. """
        programs = []
        result = self.db.query (query, data_contents=True)
        if result.rows is None:
            return []
        for row_set in result.rows:
            program = []
            for row in row_set:
                #logger.debug (json.dumps (row, indent=2))
                node_type = None
                for col in row:
                    if isinstance (col, str):
                        node_type = col.split('>')[0] if '>' in col else col
                    elif isinstance(col, dict):
                        if 'name' in col:
                            #logger.debug ("  --result type: {0}".format (col))
                            node_type = col['name']
                        elif 'op' in col:
                            op = col['op']
                            predicate = col['predicate']
                            is_new = True
                            for level in program:
                                if level['node_type'] == node_type:
                                    level['ops'].append ({
                                        'link' : predicate,
                                        'op'   : op
                                    is_new = False
                            if is_new:
                                program.append ({
                                    'node_type' : node_type,
                                    'ops'       : [
                                            'link' : predicate,
                                            'op'   : op
                                    'collector' : [] 
            programs.append (program)
        return programs
TLINE = gdb.node(name='TIMELINE', type='TIMELINE', start=START_TIME, stop=STOP_TIME)
RUN.relationships.create("HAS_TIMELINE", TLINE)


frame_count = 0
prev_frame = None

actors = set()
interactions = set()
frame_actors = []
frame_interactions = []

tx = gdb.transaction()

for frame_time in range(START_TIME, STOP_TIME, DELTAT):
    frame_count += 1
    if frame_count % 1000 == 0:
        tx = gdb.transaction()
    interval = (frame_time, frame_time+DELTAT)
    print '#%d' % frame_count, time.ctime(frame_time)

    frame = gdb.node(name='FRAME_%05d' % frame_count, type='FRAME', frame_id=frame_count, timestamp=frame_time,  timestamp_end=frame_time+DELTAT, time=time.ctime(frame_time), length=DELTAT)
    RUN.relationships.create("RUN_FRAME", frame)
    add_to_timeline(TLINE, frame, frame_time)
    if frame_count == 1: