Example #1
def rotatedView(img, angle, enlarge=True, extend=Views.extendBorder):
  """ Return a rotated view of the image, around the Z axis,
      with an expanded (or reduced) interval view so that all pixels are exactly included.

      img: a RandomAccessibleInterval
      angle: in degrees
  cx = img.dimension(0) / 2.0
  cy = img.dimension(1) / 2.0
  toCenter = AffineTransform2D()
  toCenter.translate(-cx, -cy)
  rotation = AffineTransform2D()
  # Step 1: place origin of rotation at the center of the image
  # Step 2: rotate around the Z axis
  # Step 3: undo translation to the center
  rotated = RV.transform(Views.interpolate(extend(img),
                                           NLinearInterpolatorFactory()), rotation)
  if enlarge:
    # Bounds:
    bounds = repeat((sys.maxint, 0)) # initial upper- and lower-bound values  
                                     # for min, max to compare against  
    transformed = zeros(2, 'f')
    for corner in product(*zip(repeat(0), Intervals.maxAsLongArray(img))):
      rotation.apply(corner, transformed)
      bounds = [(min(vmin, int(floor(v))), max(vmax, int(ceil(v))))
                for (vmin, vmax), v in zip(bounds, transformed)]
    minC, maxC = map(list, zip(*bounds)) # transpose list of 2 pairs
                                         # into 2 lists of 2 values
    imgRot = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(rotated, minC, maxC))
    imgRot = Views.interval(rotated, img)
  return imgRot
Example #2
# by using the 'transformed' float array.

# We compute the bounds by, for every corner, checking if the floor of each dimension
# of a corner coordinate is smaller than the previously found minimum value,
# and by checking if the ceil of each corner coordinate is larger than the
# previously found value, packing the new pair of minimum and maximum values
# into the list of pairs that is 'bounds'.

# Notice the min coordinates can have negative values, as the rotated image
# has pixels now somewhere to the left and up from the top-left 0,0,0 origin
# of coordinates. That's why we use Views.zeroMin, to ensure that downstream
# uses of the transformed image see it as fitting within bounds that start at 0,0,0.

bounds = repeat(
    (sys.maxint, 0)
)  # initial upper- and lower-bound values for min, max to compare against
transformed = zeros(img.numDimensions(), 'f')

for corner in product(*zip(repeat(0), Intervals.maxAsLongArray(img))):
    rotation.apply(corner, transformed)
    bounds = [(min(vmin, int(floor(v))), max(vmax, int(ceil(v))))
              for (vmin, vmax), v in zip(bounds, transformed)]

minC, maxC = map(list, zip(*bounds))  # transpose list of lists
imgRot2dFit = IL.wrap(Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(rotated, minC, maxC)),
                      imp.getTitle() + " - rot2dFit")

matrix = rotation.getRowPackedCopy()
pprint([list(matrix[i:i + 4]) for i in xrange(0, 12, 4)])
# Load entire 4D IsoView deconvolved and registered data set
img4D = readN5(n5dir, dataset_name)

# Remove the channel dimension which has size of 1
img4D = Views.dropSingletonDimensions(img4D)

print img4D

# A mask: only nuclei whose x,y,z coordinate has a non-zero value in the mask will be considered
mask = None

# Split CM00+CM01 (odd) from CM02+CM03 (even) into two series
series = ["CM00-CM01", "CM02-CM03"]
img4Da = Views.subsample(img4D, [1, 1, 1, 2])  # step
img4Db = Views.subsample(
    Views.interval(img4D, [0, 0, 0, 1], Intervals.maxAsLongArray(img4D)),
    [1, 1, 1, 2])  # step

showStack(img4Da, title="%s registered+deconvolved" % series[0])
showStack(img4Db, title="%s registered+deconvolved" % series[1])

calibration = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
somaDiameter = 8 * calibration[0]

# Parameters for detecting nuclei with difference of Gaussian
params = {
    5,  # number of time frames to average, 5 is equivalent to 3.75 seconds: 0.75 * 5
    calibration,  # Deconvolved images have isotropic calibration
    "somaDiameter": somaDiameter,  # in pixels