Example #1
def wrap(img, title="", n_channels=1):
    """ Like ImageJFunctions.wrap but, when n_channels=1 (the default),
      then a new dimension of size 1 is inserted at position 2 to prevent the Z axis
      from showing as the channels axis.
      To enable ImageJFunctions.wrap default behavior, set n_channels to a value other than 1. """
    if 1 == n_channels:
        # Append a dimension of size 1 at the end
        # and permute it iteratively so that it becomes the channels dimension (d=2)
        img = Views.addDimension(img, 1, 1)
        d = img.numDimensions(
        ) - 1  # starts with the last: the new one of size 1
        while d > 2:
            img = Views.permute(img, d, d - 1)
            d -= 1
    return IL.wrap(img, title)
def smooth_temporal_gradient(ops, img, sigma_xy, sigma_t, frame_start,
                             frame_end, normalize_output):
    Smooth input image (imglib2 array) xyt with Gaussian and build temporal gradient 
    from frame_start to frame_end

    n = img.numDimensions()
    assert n == 3, "Input data needs to be 3-dimensional, 2D + time"

    dims = [img.dimension(d) for d in range(n)]
    dim_x, dim_y, dim_t = dims

    if frame_end == -1:
        frame_end = dim_t

    if frame_end > dim_t:
        frame_end = dim_t

    assert frame_start < frame_end, "'Frame start' must be smaller than 'Frame end'"

    ## crop image temporally by using a View
    # img_crop = Views.interval(img, [0, 0, frame_start], [dim_x-1, dim_y-1, frame_end-1])

    # or by cropping without view
    img_crop = ops.transform().crop(
        Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, frame_start, dim_x - 1, dim_y - 1,
                               frame_end - 1))

    # create output for smoothing
    img_smooth = ArrayImgFactory(FloatType()).create(img_crop)

    # update dimensions (after cropping)
    dims = [img_crop.dimension(d) for d in range(n)]

    # smooth with Gaussian (use mirror as border treatment)
    Gauss3.gauss([sigma_xy, sigma_xy, sigma_t], Views.extendBorder(img_crop),

    # compute gradient along (time) axis 2
    gradient = ArrayImgFactory(FloatType()).create(dims)
        Views.extendBorder(img_smooth), gradient, 2)

    # separate response into growing and shrinking part by thresholding and multiplying that mask
    thresholded = ops.run("threshold.apply", gradient, FloatType(0.))
    mask = ops.convert().float32(thresholded)
    grow = ops.run("math.multiply", gradient, mask)

    # same for shrinking, but negate befor to obtain negative part
    gradient_neg = ops.run("math.multiply", gradient, -1)
    thresholded = ops.run("threshold.apply", gradient_neg, FloatType(0.))
    mask = ops.convert().float32(thresholded)
    shrink = ops.run("math.multiply", gradient, mask)

    # allign growth and shrink by offset of 1 in t dimesnion
    shrink = Views.interval(shrink, [0, 0, 0],
                            [dims[0] - 1, dims[1] - 1, dims[2] - 2])
    grow = Views.interval(grow, [0, 0, 1],
                          [dims[0] - 1, dims[1] - 1, dims[2] - 1])
    img_smooth = Views.interval(img_smooth, [0, 0, 0],
                                [dims[0] - 1, dims[1] - 1, dims[2] - 2])

    # concatenate output
    if normalize_output:
        shrink = rescale_uint8(ops, shrink)
        grow = rescale_uint8(ops, grow)
        img_smooth = rescale_uint8(ops, img_smooth)

    out = Views.stack([shrink, grow, img_smooth])

    # permute channel with time to make time last dim (for back-conversion)
    out = Views.permute(out, 2, 3)

    # crop view 1st time point result (empty since using backwardDifferences)
    out = Views.interval(out, [0, 0, 0, 1],
                         [out.dimension(d) - 1 for d in range(4)])

    # get ImagePlus back and set correct dimensions
    out_imp = IJF.wrap(out, "Grow and shrink")

    # resize IMP now one frame less (see crop view)
    out_imp.setDimensions(3, 1, frame_end - frame_start - 2)
    #    IJ.save(out_imp, "H:/projects/032_loose_speckle/grow_and_shrink_ij.tif")

    return out_imp