Example #1
thk_var.long_name = "land ice thickness"
thk_var.standard_name = "land_ice_thickness"
thk_var.grid_mapping = mapping_var
thk_var[:] = np.flipud(result)

rho_var = nc.createVariable("rho", 'b', dimensions=("y", "x"),fill_value=fill_value)
rho_var.long_name = "data density integer mask"
rho_var.flag_values = "0b, 1b"
rho_var.flag_meanings = "no_data data"
rho_var.grid_mapping = mapping_var
rho_var[:] = np.flipud(rho)

x[:] = easting
y[:] = northing

# Save the projection information:
nc.projection = proj4_str

nc.Conventions = "CF-1.5"

# writing global attributes
import time
script_command = ' '.join([time.ctime(), ':', __file__.split('/')[-1],
                           ' '.join([str(l) for l in args])])
nc.history = script_command

print "writing to %s ...\n" % out_filename
print "run nc2cdo.py to add lat/lon variables" 