def CreateNETCDFsphere( fixedDatetimeString, fixedAltitude, LatitudeStep, LongitudeStep ): # if no date is provided then return an empty string if fixedDatetimeString == "": return "" # <<<< # convert the Time-string to Unix Timestamp aTimeString = fixedDatetimeString[:-6] + " " + "+0000" # indicate explicity that this is UTC time TimeObj = datetime.strptime( aTimeString, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S.%f %z" ) FixedTimestamp = float( datetime.timestamp(TimeObj) ) * 1000 # timestamp in milliseconds # copy the standard surface file to a temporary location, where we will process it shutil.copyfile( DaedalusGlobals.Temporary_Files_Path+"", DaedalusGlobals.Temporary_Files_Path+"" ) # open file CDFroot = Dataset( DaedalusGlobals.Temporary_Files_Path+"", "a") # update general attributes CDFroot.Type = "surface" CDFroot.Calculated = "no" # reset state CDFroot.ResetTime = str( # log # fill with pre-fabricated data for all Latitude-Lonitude pairs according to their respective steps n = 0; for i in np.arange(87.5, -92.5, -5.0): for j in np.arange(-180.0, 180.0, 5.0): CDFroot.variables["lat"][n] = i + 0.00000001*n # add a tiny offset, so that Panoply can plot the data as trajectory CDFroot.variables["lon"][n] = j + 0.00000001*n # add a tiny offset, so that Panoply can plot the data as trajectory #print( round(float(CDFroot.variables["lat"][n]),2), " ", round(float(CDFroot.variables["lon"][n]),2) ) CDFroot.variables["time"][n] = FixedTimestamp + n # add a tiny offset, so that Panoply can plot the data as trajectory CDFroot.variables["altitude"][n] = fixedAltitude CDFroot.variables["ALFA"][n] = np.random.random_sample() # assign random values for test purposes n = n + 1 # close file CDFroot.close() return DaedalusGlobals.Temporary_Files_Path+""
def ResetState_of_NETCDF_file( FullpathFilename): CDFroot = Dataset( FullpathFilename, "a") # open file CDFroot.Calculated = "no" # reset state CDFroot.ResetTime = str( # log CDFroot.close() # close file
def Interpolator(model_data_file, orbit_file): # model data file--> netcdf to read model data from # orbit file--> netcdf to read orbit from # save--> Logical:: if true saves interpolated values to directory # VAR--> string array:: variables to inteprolate, must be one of the variables included in the model data #Outputs:: Plots+ 1 csv file if orbit_file=="": return "" # <<<< save=True VAR=["NE","DEN","HE","NO","O1","O2","OP","TN","UI_ExB","VI_ExB","WI_ExB","UN","VN"] Parallel=False F90=False #***************Read Model Data and Orbit Files***************************** # Interpolation Min and Max Altitude Along Track Depending on Model and User Preference min_alt=110 #min altitude to interpolate max_alt=450 #max altitude to interpolate srt=1 # daedalus sampling rate # Copy the orbit file from the OrbitData folder to ModelsOutput folder # TODO: if file exists just open it for append and check the Calculated attribute orbit_path = orbit_file[ 0 : orbit_file.rfind("/")+1] orbit_name = orbit_file[ orbit_file.rfind("/")+1 : -3] result_filename = DaedalusGlobals.Interpolated_Files_Path + orbit_name + "_Interpolated" + ".nc" if os.path.isfile(result_filename)==False or "Surface" in result_filename: copyfile(orbit_file, result_filename) # Get data from Orbit resultCDF=Dataset(result_filename, "a") if resultCDF.Calculated == "yes": print ("Skipping calculation because values are valid for" , result_filename) return result_filename # <<<< daed_lat_temp = resultCDF.variables['lat'][:] daed_lon_temp = resultCDF.variables['lon'][:] daed_alt_temp = resultCDF.variables['altitude'][:] daed_time_temp = resultCDF.variables['time'][:] # Get data from Model TIEGCM=Dataset(model_data_file) grid_lat=TIEGCM.variables['lat'][:] grid_lon=TIEGCM.variables['lon'][:] grid_lev=TIEGCM.variables['ilev'][:] grid_time=TIEGCM.variables['time'][:] zg=TIEGCM.variables['ZG'][:] #Find model's temporal resolution model_dt=(grid_time[1]-grid_time[0])*60 #in seconds orbit_dt=1/srt #in seconds # Sample Orbit and Find Positions Below 450km counter=0 for i in range(0,len(daed_alt_temp)): if (daed_alt_temp[i] < max_alt and daed_alt_temp[i] > min_alt): counter=counter+1 # ************************************************************************** # ***************Allocate Arrays******************************************** daed_lat=np.zeros((counter)) daed_lon=np.zeros((counter)) daed_alt=np.zeros((counter)) daed_time=np.zeros((counter),dtype=datetime) index=[None]*counter int_final=[None]*len(daed_alt_temp) #Keep Data in MIN MAX Range For the Interpolation counter=0 for i in range(0,len(daed_alt_temp)): if (daed_alt_temp[i] < max_alt and daed_alt_temp[i] > min_alt): daed_time[counter]=daed_time_temp[i] daed_lat[counter]=daed_lat_temp[i] daed_lon[counter]=daed_lon_temp[i] daed_alt[counter]=daed_alt_temp[i] index[counter]=i #keep indices for merging data counter=counter+1 #Transfrom Lon to Match TIEGCM (Orbit Longitudes range from 0 to 360 deg) for i in range (0, len(daed_alt)): daed_lon[i]=daed_lon[i]-180 daed_lat[i]= geod_lat2geo_lat(daed_lat[i]) # ************************************************************************** # ************************************************************************** #Allocate a matrix for the interpolated values int_data=np.zeros(((counter))) # ************************************************************************** #======================Call Interpolation Subroutines======================= print("Interpolation Starting...",counter*len(VAR), "Positions to Interpolate") t1=time.time() exports=0 for jj in range(0,len(VAR)): # Select Variable to Interpolate ne=TIEGCM.variables[VAR[jj]][:] # ********************FORTRAN Subroutines*********************************** if F90 == True: if Parallel==True: print(VAR[jj]) interpolation_OpenMP.daed_interp(grid_lat,grid_lon,grid_lev,daed_lat,daed_lon,daed_alt,zg,model_dt,orbit_dt,ne,int_data) else: print(VAR[jj]) interpolation.daed_interp(grid_lat,grid_lon,grid_lev,daed_lat,daed_lon,daed_alt,zg,model_dt,orbit_dt,ne,int_data) else: # ********************Python Subroutines*********************************** if Parallel==True: print(VAR[jj]) if __name__=="__main__": pool=multiprocessing.Pool(2) func=partial(Interpolate_Parallel,grid_lat,grid_lon,grid_lev,daed_lat,daed_lon,daed_alt,zg,model_dt,orbit_dt,ne) i=range(len(daed_alt)),i) pool.close() pool.join() else: print(VAR[jj]) int_data=Interpolate_Serial(grid_lat,grid_lon,grid_lev,daed_lat,daed_lon,daed_alt,zg,model_dt,orbit_dt,ne) # ************************************************************************** #=============================================================================== # Merge Interpolated Values to Full Orbit Array (For printing full orbit) for i in range(0,len(int_data)): int_final[index[i]]=int_data[i] # ************************************************************************** if save==True: resultCDF.variables[VAR[jj]][:]= int_final # **********************************************************************ยง t2=time.time() resultCDF.Calculated = "yes" resultCDF.EditTime = str( resultCDF.close() print("Interpolation Finished in ",str(t2-t1),"s") return result_filename