Xa,Ya = np.meshgrid(xa,ya) ka = np.arange(ijk1[2],ijk2[2]+1) dims = list(np.shape(ka)) dims.extend(list(np.shape( Xa ))) Cfs = np.zeros( dims, float ) print(' Cfs.shape={}'.format(np.shape(Cfs))) # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = scales = ya # Rename, that's all kList = ka k = 0 for kt in kList: vt = v[:,kt, ijk1[1], ijk1[0]] C, freqs = continuousWaveletAnalysis( vt, wlDict ) print(' Cfs[kt,:,:].shape = {}, Q.shape = {}'.format(np.shape(Cfs[k,:,:]), np.shape(C))) Cfs[k,:,:] = C.copy() k += 1 # = = output file = = = = = # Create a NETCDF output dataset (dso) for writing out the data. dso = netcdfOutputDataset( fileout ) xv = createNetcdfVariable( dso, xa , 'x' , len(xa) , 'm', 'f4', ('x',) , parameter ) yv = createNetcdfVariable( dso, ya , 'y' , len(ya) , 'm', 'f4', ('y',) , parameter ) zv = createNetcdfVariable( dso, ka , 'z' , len(ka) , 'm', 'f4', ('z',) , parameter ) Qv = createNetcdfVariable( dso, Cfs, 'Cfs', dims[0], '-', 'f4',('z','y','x',) , variable ) # - - - - Done , finalize the output - - - - - - - - - - netcdfWriteAndClose( dso )
yv = nct.createCoordinateAxis(dso, nPc, dpx, 1, 'y', 'f4', 'm', parameter=True) zv = nct.createCoordinateAxis(dso, nPc, dpx, 2, 'z', 'f4', 'm', parameter=True) lad_3d = np.rollaxis(lad_3d, 2) lad_3d = np.swapaxes(lad_3d, 1, 2) nc_ds = nct.createNetcdfVariable(dso, lad_3d, "leaf_area_density", 0, 'm', 'f4', ('z', 'y', 'x'), parameter=False) nct.netcdfWriteAndClose(dso) elif (args.output == "npz"): np.savez(args.fileout, R=lad_3d, dPx=dpx, GlobOrig=ds["GlobOrig"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown output format: {}".format(args.output))