Example #1
    def find_ping(self,
        """Find a suitable ping executable, looking first for a compatible
        `fping`, then falling back to the `ping` binary. Binaries are checked
        for the required capabilities."""

        if ip_version == 6:
            suffix = "6"
            suffix = ""

        if local_bind is None:
            local_bind = self.env['LOCAL_BIND']

        fping = util.which('fping' + suffix)
        ping = util.which('ping' + suffix)

        if fping is not None:
            proc = subprocess.Popen([fping, '-h'],
            out, err = proc.communicate()
            # check for presence of timestamp option
            if "print timestamp before each output line" in str(out):
                return "{binary} -D -p {interval:.0f} -c {count:.0f} {marking} {local_bind} {host}".format(
                    interval=interval *
                    1000,  # fping expects interval in milliseconds
                    # since there's no timeout parameter for fping, calculate a total number
                    # of pings to send
                    count=length // interval + 1,
                    marking="-O {0}".format(marking) if marking else "",
                    local_bind="-I {0}".format(local_bind)
                    if local_bind else "",
            elif "must run as root?" in str(err):
                    "Found fping but it seems to be missing permissions (no SUID?). Not using.\n"

        if ping is not None:
            # Ping can't handle hostnames for the -I parameter, so do a lookup first.
            if local_bind:
                local_bind = util.lookup_host(local_bind, ip_version)[4][0]

            # FIXME: check for support for -D parameter
            return "{binary} -n -D -i {interval:.2f} -w {length:d} {marking} {local_bind} {host}".format(
                interval=max(0.2, interval),
                marking="-Q {0}".format(marking) if marking else "",
                local_bind="-I {0}".format(local_bind) if local_bind else "",

        raise RuntimeError("No suitable ping tool found.")
Example #2
    def find_ping(self, ip_version, interval, length, host):
        """Find a suitable ping executable, looking first for a compatible
        `fping`, then falling back to the `ping` binary. Binaries are checked
        for the required capabilities."""
        if ip_version == 6:
            suffix = "6"
            suffix = ""

        fping = util.which('fping'+suffix)
        ping = util.which('ping'+suffix)

        if fping is not None:
            proc = subprocess.Popen([fping, '-h'],
            out,err = proc.communicate()
            if "print timestamp before each output line" in str(out):
                # fping has timestamp option, use it
                # there's no timeout parameter for fping, calculate a total number
                # of pings to send
                count = length // interval + 1
                interval = int(interval * 1000)

                return "%s -D -p %d -c %d %s" % (fping, interval, count, host)

        if ping is not None:
            # No checks atm; should check for presence of -D parameter
            return "%s -D -i %.2f -w %d %s" % (ping, max(0.2, interval), length, host)

        raise RuntimeError("No suitable ping tool found.")
Example #3
    def find_netperf(self, test, length, host, ip_version=None, marking=None, interval=None, extra_args=None):
        """Find a suitable netperf executable, and test for the required capabilities."""
        if ip_version is None:
            ip_version = self.env['IP_VERSION']

        if interval is None:
            interval = self.env['STEP_SIZE']

        args = "-P 0 -v 0 -D -%.2f" % interval
        if ip_version == 4:
            args += " -4"
        elif ip_version == 6:
            args += " -6"

        if marking is not None:
            args += " -Y %s" % marking

        args += " -H %s -t %s -l %d" % (host, test, length)

        if self.netperf is None:
            netperf = util.which('netperf', fail=True)

            # Try to figure out whether this version of netperf supports the -e
            # option for socket timeout on UDP_RR tests, and whether it has been
            # compiled with --enable-demo. Unfortunately, the --help message is
            # not very helpful for this, so the only way to find out is try to
            # invoke it and check for an error message. This has the side-effect
            # of having netperf attempt a connection to localhost, which can
            # stall, so we kill the process almost immediately.

            proc = subprocess.Popen([netperf, '-l', '1', '-D', '-0.2', '--', '-e', '1'],
            time.sleep(0.1) # should be enough time for netperf to output any error messages
            out,err = proc.communicate()
            if "Demo Mode not configured" in str(out):
                raise RuntimeError("%s does not support demo mode." % netperf)

            if "invalid option -- '0'" in str(err):
                raise RuntimeError("%s does not support accurate intermediate time reporting. You need netperf v2.6.0 or newer." % netperf)

            self.netperf = {'executable': netperf, "-e": False}

            if not "netperf: invalid option -- 'e'" in str(err):
                self.netperf['-e'] = True

        if extra_args is not None:
            args += " " + extra_args

        if test == "UDP_RR" and self.netperf["-e"]:
            # -- might have been passed as extra_args
            if not "--" in args:
                args += " --"
            args += " -e %d" % self.env['SOCKET_TIMEOUT']
        elif test in ("TCP_STREAM", "TCP_MAERTS", "omni"):
            args += " -f m"

        return "%s %s" % (self.netperf['executable'], args)
Example #4
    def find_itgsend(self, test_args, length, host):

        if self.itgsend is None:
            self.itgsend = util.which("ITGSend", fail=True)

        # We put placeholders in the command string to be filled out by string
        # format expansion by the runner once it has communicated with the control
        # server and obtained the port values.
        return "{binary} -Sdp {{signal_port}} -t {length} -a {dest_host} -rp {{dest_port}} {args}".format(
Example #5
    def find_ping(self, ip_version, interval, length, host, marking=None):
        """Find a suitable ping executable, looking first for a compatible
        `fping`, then falling back to the `ping` binary. Binaries are checked
        for the required capabilities."""

        if ip_version == 6:
            suffix = "6"
            suffix = ""

        fping = util.which('fping'+suffix)
        ping = util.which('ping'+suffix)

        if fping is not None:
            proc = subprocess.Popen([fping, '-h'],
            out,err = proc.communicate()
            if "print timestamp before each output line" in str(out):
                # fping has timestamp option, use it
                # there's no timeout parameter for fping, calculate a total number
                # of pings to send
                count = length // interval + 1
                interval = int(interval * 1000)
                if marking is not None:
                    return "%s -D -p %d -c %d -O %s %s" % (fping, interval, count, marking, host)
                    return "%s -D -p %d -c %d %s" % (fping, interval, count, host)
            elif "must run as root?" in str(err):
                sys.stderr.write("Found fping but it seems to be missing permissions (no SUID?). Not using.\n")

        if ping is not None:
            # No checks atm; should check for presence of -D parameter
            if marking is not None:
                return "%s -n -D -i %.2f -w %d -Q %s %s" % (ping, max(0.2, interval), length, marking, host)
                return "%s -n -D -i %.2f -w %d %s" % (ping, max(0.2, interval), length, host)

        raise RuntimeError("No suitable ping tool found.")
Example #6
    def find_http_getter(self,

        args = "-i %d -l %d" % (int(interval * 1000.0), length)

        if url_file is None:
            url_file = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_URLLIST']

        if dns_servers is None:
            dns_servers = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_DNS']

        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_TIMEOUT']

        if workers is None:
            workers = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_WORKERS']

        if ip_version is None:
            ip_version = self.env['IP_VERSION']

        if ip_version == 4:
            args += " -4"
        elif ip_version == 6:
            args += " -6"

        if timeout is None:
            args += " -t %d" % int(length * 1000)
            args += " -t %d" % timeout

        if workers is not None:
            args += " -n %d" % workers

        if dns_servers is not None:
            args += " -d '%s'" % dns_servers

        if url_file is None:
            args += " http://%s/filelist.txt" % self.env['HOST']
            args += " %s" % url_file

        if self.http_getter is None:
            self.http_getter = util.which('http-getter', fail=True)

        return "%s %s" % (self.http_getter, args)
Example #7
    def find_ping(self, ip_version, interval, length, host):
        """Find a suitable ping executable, looking first for a compatible
        `fping`, then falling back to the `ping` binary. Binaries are checked
        for the required capabilities."""

        # This can take a while, so skip if the tests are only loaded for informational
        # purposes (e.g. for --list-tests)
        if self.informational:
            return ""

        if ip_version == 6:
            suffix = "6"
            suffix = ""

        fping = util.which('fping'+suffix)
        ping = util.which('ping'+suffix)

        if fping is not None:
            proc = subprocess.Popen([fping, '-h'],
            out,err = proc.communicate()
            if "print timestamp before each output line" in str(out):
                # fping has timestamp option, use it
                # there's no timeout parameter for fping, calculate a total number
                # of pings to send
                count = length // interval + 1
                interval = int(interval * 1000)

                return "%s -D -p %d -c %d %s" % (fping, interval, count, host)

        if ping is not None:
            # No checks atm; should check for presence of -D parameter
            return "%s -n -D -i %.2f -w %d %s" % (ping, max(0.2, interval), length, host)

        raise RuntimeError("No suitable ping tool found.")
Example #8
    def find_http_getter(self, interval, length, workers = None, ip_version = None,
                         dns_servers = None, url_file = None, timeout = None):

        args = "-i %d -l %d" % (int(interval*1000.0), length)

        if url_file is None:
            url_file = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_URLLIST']

        if dns_servers is None:
            dns_servers = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_DNS']

        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_TIMEOUT']

        if workers is None:
            workers = self.env['HTTP_GETTER_WORKERS']

        if ip_version is None:
            ip_version = self.env['IP_VERSION']

        if ip_version == 4:
            args += " -4"
        elif ip_version == 6:
            args += " -6"

        if timeout is None:
            args += " -t %d" % int(length * 1000)
            args += " -t %d" % timeout

        if workers is not None:
            args += " -n %d" % workers

        if dns_servers is not None:
            args += " -d '%s'" % dns_servers

        if url_file is None:
            args += " http://%s/filelist.txt" % self.env['HOST']
            args += " %s" % url_file

        if self.http_getter is None:
            self.http_getter = util.which('http-getter', fail=True)

        return "%s %s" % (self.http_getter, args)
Example #9
    def find_netperf(self, test, length, host, **args):
        """Find a suitable netperf executable, and test for the required capabilities."""

        if self.netperf is None:
            netperf = util.which('netperf', fail=True)

            # Try to figure out whether this version of netperf supports the -e
            # option for socket timeout on UDP_RR tests, and whether it has been
            # compiled with --enable-demo. Unfortunately, the --help message is
            # not very helpful for this, so the only way to find out is try to
            # invoke it and check for an error message. This has the side-effect
            # of having netperf attempt a connection to localhost, which can
            # stall, so we kill the process almost immediately.

            proc = subprocess.Popen(
                [netperf, '-l', '1', '-D', '-0.2', '--', '-e', '1'],
            )  # should be enough time for netperf to output any error messages
            out, err = proc.communicate()
            if "Demo Mode not configured" in str(out):
                raise RuntimeError("%s does not support demo mode." % netperf)

            if "invalid option -- '0'" in str(err):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "%s does not support accurate intermediate time reporting. You need netperf v2.6.0 or newer."
                    % netperf)

            self.netperf = {'executable': netperf, "-e": False}

            if not "netperf: invalid option -- 'e'" in str(err):
                self.netperf['-e'] = True

        args.setdefault('ip_version', self.env['IP_VERSION'])
        args.setdefault('interval', self.env['STEP_SIZE'])
        args.setdefault('control_host', self.env['CONTROL_HOST'] or host)
        args.setdefault('local_bind', self.env['LOCAL_BIND'] or "")
        args.setdefault('control_local_bind', self.env['CONTROL_LOCAL_BIND']
                        or args['local_bind'])
        args.setdefault('extra_args', "")
        args.setdefault('extra_test_args', "")
        args.setdefault('format', "")
        args.setdefault('marking', "")
        args.setdefault('socket_timeout', "")

        if self.env['SWAP_UPDOWN']:
            if test == 'TCP_STREAM':
                test = 'TCP_MAERTS'
            elif test == 'TCP_MAERTS':
                test = 'TCP_STREAM'

            'binary': self.netperf['executable'],
            'host': host,
            'test': test,
            'length': length

        if args['marking']:
            args['marking'] = "-Y {0}".format(args['marking'])

        for c in 'local_bind', 'control_local_bind':
            if args[c]:
                args[c] = "-L {0}".format(args[c])

        if test == "UDP_RR" and self.netperf["-e"]:
            args['socket_timeout'] = "-e {0:d}".format(
        elif test in ("TCP_STREAM", "TCP_MAERTS", "omni"):
            args['format'] = "-f m"

        return "{binary} -P 0 -v 0 -D -{interval:.2f} -{ip_version} {marking} -H {control_host} -t {test} " \
               "-l {length:d} {format} {control_local_bind} {extra_args} -- {socket_timeout} {local_bind} -H {host} " \