def run_eval(image_dir, anno_dir, vis_dir, image_list_txt, model, preprocess):
    """Run the evaluation on the test set and report mAP score
    :param model: the model to test
    :returns: float, the reported mAP score
    # This txt file is fount in the caffe_rtpose repository:
    img_ids, img_paths, img_heights, img_widths = get_coco_val(
    # img_ids = img_ids[81:82]
    # img_paths = img_paths[81:82]
    print("Total number of validation images {}".format(len(img_ids)))

    # iterate all val images
    outputs = []
    print("Processing Images in validation set")
    for i in range(len(img_ids)):
        if i % 10 == 0 and i != 0:
            print("Processed {} images".format(i))

        oriImg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_dir, 'val2014/' + img_paths[i]))
        # Get the shortest side of the image (either height or width)
        shape_dst = np.min(oriImg.shape[0:2])

        # Get results of original image
        multiplier = get_multiplier(oriImg)
        orig_paf, orig_heat = get_outputs(
            multiplier, oriImg, model,  preprocess)

        # Get results of flipped image
        swapped_img = oriImg[:, ::-1, :]
        flipped_paf, flipped_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, swapped_img,
                                                model, preprocess)

        # compute averaged heatmap and paf
        paf, heatmap = handle_paf_and_heat(
            orig_heat, flipped_heat, orig_paf, flipped_paf)

        # choose which post-processing to use, our_post_processing
        # got slightly higher AP but is slow.
        param = {'thre1': 0.1, 'thre2': 0.05, 'thre3': 0.5}
        canvas, to_plot, candidate, subset = decode_pose(
            oriImg, param, heatmap, paf)
        vis_path = os.path.join(vis_dir, img_paths[i])
        cv2.imwrite(vis_path, to_plot)
        # subset indicated how many peoples foun in this image.
        append_result(img_ids[i], subset, candidate, outputs)

        # cv2.imshow('test', canvas)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
    # Eval and show the final result!
    return eval_coco(outputs=outputs, dataDir=anno_dir, imgIds=img_ids)
Example #2
def viz_keypoints(oriImg, p_heatmap, p_paf, name):
    # multiplier = get_multiplier(oriImg, 368.)

    # scale_search = [1.]
    # multiplier = [x * 481. / float(oriImg.shape[0]) for x in scale_search]
    multiplier = [1.]

    paf, heatmap = _get_outputs(multiplier, oriImg, p_heatmap, p_paf, numkeypoints=NUM_KEYPOINTS, numlims=NUM_LIMBS)

    # Given a (grayscale) image, find local maxima whose value is above a given threshold (param['thre1'])
    # Criterion 1: At least 80% of the intermediate points have a score higher than thre2
    param = {'thre1': 0.1, 'thre2': 0.05, 'thre3': 0.5}
    to_plot, canvas, joint_list, person_to_joint_assoc = decode_pose(oriImg, param, heatmap, paf)

    cv2.imwrite(name, canvas)
Example #3
def extract_pose(video, oriImg, name, filestream, model):
    # Get results of original image
    multiplier = get_multiplier(oriImg)
    with torch.no_grad():
        paf, heatmap = get_outputs(multiplier, oriImg, model, 'rtpose')

    pose_cords = compute_cordinates(heatmap, paf, oriImg)
    # coordinate
    print("{}: {}: {}".format(
        str(name) + ".jpg", str(list(pose_cords[:, 0])),
        str(list(pose_cords[:, 1]))),
    canvas, to_plot, candidate, subset = decode_pose(oriImg, param, heatmap,

    save_result(video, oriImg, to_plot, name)
def process(model, oriImg, process_speed):
    # Get results of original image
    multiplier = get_multiplier(oriImg, process_speed)
    with torch.no_grad():
        orig_paf, orig_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, oriImg, model, 'rtpose')

        # Get results of flipped image
        swapped_img = oriImg[:, ::-1, :]
        flipped_paf, flipped_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, swapped_img, model,

        # compute averaged heatmap and paf
        paf, heatmap = handle_paf_and_heat(orig_heat, flipped_heat, orig_paf,
    param = {'thre1': 0.1, 'thre2': 0.05, 'thre3': 0.5}
    to_plot, canvas, joint_list, person_to_joint_assoc = decode_pose(
        oriImg, param, heatmap, paf)
    return to_plot, canvas, joint_list, person_to_joint_assoc
model = get_model(trunk='vgg19')
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda()
model = model.cuda()

test_image = 'kids.jpg'
oriImg = cv2.imread(test_image)  # B,G,R order
shape_dst = np.min(oriImg.shape[0:2])

# Get results of original image
multiplier = get_multiplier(oriImg)

with torch.no_grad():
    orig_paf, orig_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, oriImg, model, 'rtpose')

    # Get results of flipped image
    swapped_img = oriImg[:, ::-1, :]
    flipped_paf, flipped_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, swapped_img, model,

    # compute averaged heatmap and paf
    paf, heatmap = handle_paf_and_heat(orig_heat, flipped_heat, orig_paf,

param = {'thre1': 0.1, 'thre2': 0.05, 'thre3': 0.5}
canvas, to_plot, candidate, subset = decode_pose(oriImg, param, heatmap, paf)

cv2.imwrite('result_photo.png', to_plot)
Example #6

for i, fname in enumerate(loader):
    oriImg = cv2.imread(fname)  # B,G,R order
    shape_dst = np.min(oriImg.shape[0:2])

    # Get results of original image
    multiplier = get_multiplier(oriImg)

    with torch.no_grad():
        orig_paf, orig_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, oriImg, model, 'rtpose')

        # Get results of flipped image
        swapped_img = oriImg[:, ::-1, :]
        flipped_paf, flipped_heat = get_outputs(multiplier, swapped_img, model,

        # compute averaged heatmap and paf
        paf, heatmap = handle_paf_and_heat(orig_heat, flipped_heat, orig_paf,

    param = {'thre1': 0.1, 'thre2': 0.05, 'thre3': 0.5}
    canvas, to_plot, joint_list, person_to_joint_assoc = decode_pose(
        oriImg, param, heatmap, paf)
    saver.crawl(fname, joint_list, person_to_joint_assoc)
    cv2.imwrite(dir + 'done\\' + str(i) + '.png', to_plot)
    print('%d images have been annotated!' % i)
print('Annotation completed!')