def plot_kc_spikes(ax, fd, ca_side='both', color='k', marker=','): """Raster plot KC spike times for KCs belonging to the specified side of calyx ('lca' or 'mca'). This function does not care about spatial clusters. Returns: the line object, list of spike times and list of their y-positions. """ if ca_side == 'both': nodes = fd[nda.kc_st_path].keys() else: nodes = nda.get_kc_spike_nodes_by_region(fd, ca_side) spike_x, spike_y = [], [] fname = fd.filename try: spike_x, spike_y = nda.get_event_times( fd['/data/event/kc/kc_spiketime'], nodes=nodes) except KeyError: dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) fname = 'kc_spikes_' + os.path.basename(fd.filename) with h5.File(os.path.join(dirname, fname)) as kc_file: spike_x, spike_y = nda.get_event_times(kc_file, nodes=nodes) if len(spike_x) > 0: ret = ax.plot(np.concatenate(spike_x), np.concatenate(spike_y), color=color, marker=marker, linestyle='none') else: ret = None return ret, spike_x, spike_y
def main(): plt.close('all') fig_ax = [] fig_ax_hist = [] for ii in range(len(SIX_SPIKES)): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3, sharex='row', sharey='row') fig_ax.append((fig, ax)) fig_hist, ax_hist = plt.subplots() fig_ax_hist.append((fig_hist, ax_hist)) for jj, sim_set in enumerate([SIX_SPIKES, THREE_SPIKES, ALL_SPIKES]): for kk, jid in enumerate(sim_set[ii][:-1]): try: fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, DATA_DIR) except: # First entry is old data and moved to back up # Template should still have all the data print(f'JID {jid} not in datadir. Looking in template dir') fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, TEMPLATE_DIR) with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd: kc_st, kc_id = nda.get_event_times(fd[nda.kc_st_path]) kc_sc = np.array([len(st) for st in kc_st]) spiking_kc_count = len(np.flatnonzero(kc_sc)) spike_count = kc_sc.sum() print('JID:', jid, ', spiking KCs:', spiking_kc_count, 'total spikes:', spike_count) # For all cases, plot the result from the last successful KC removal, and first if (kk == len(sim_set[ii]) - 2) or (kk == 1): pn_st, pn_id = nda.get_event_times(fd[nda.pn_st_path]) ggn_vm, t = nda.get_ggn_vm(fd, 'basal') ax[0, jj].plot(np.concatenate(pn_st), np.concatenate(pn_id), ',') ax[1, jj].plot(np.concatenate(kc_st), np.concatenate(kc_id), ',') ax[2, jj].plot(t, ggn_vm[0, :], label=f'{ii}: jj: {jid}') kc_pop_st = np.concatenate(kc_st) kc_pop_st.sort() ax[3, jj].hist(kc_pop_st, bins=np.arange(0, t[-1], 100e-3), alpha=0.5, label=f'{ii}: {jj}: {jid}', histtype='step', linewidth=2) scounts = [len(st) for st in kc_st] if max(scounts) == 0: continue # bin starting with 1 to remove nonspiking KCs ax_hist.hist(kc_sc, bins=np.arange(1, max(kc_sc)+0.5, 1), alpha=0.5, label=f'{ii}: {jj}: {jid}', histtype='step', linewidth=2) fig.set_size_inches(210/25.4, 290/25.4) fig.savefig(f'fig_kc_removal_jid_{SIX_SPIKES[ii][0]}.svg', transparent=True) fig_hist.savefig(f'fig_kc_hist_kc_removal_jid_{SIX_SPIKES[ii][0]}.svg', transparent=True)
def plot_spike_counts(ax, fname=None): if fname is None: for ii in range(len(SIX_SPIKES)): spike_counts = [] for jj, sim_set in enumerate([SIX_SPIKES, THREE_SPIKES, ALL_SPIKES]): sim_list = sim_set[ii][1:-1] for kk, jid in enumerate(sim_list): try: fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, DATA_DIR) except: # First entry is old data and moved to back up # Template should still have all the data print(f'JID {jid} not in datadir. Looking in template dir') fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, TEMPLATE_DIR) with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd: kc_st, kc_id = nda.get_event_times(fd[nda.kc_st_path]) kc_sc = sum([len(st) for st in kc_st]) print('JID:', jid, 'total spikes:', kc_sc) # For all cases, plot the result from the last successful KC removal, and first spike_counts.append(kc_sc) ax.plot(len(spike_counts)-1, spike_counts[-1], 'k|') ax.plot(spike_counts, 'o-', fillstyle='none') else: total_spike_count = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=',') for ii, (series_id, simgrp) in enumerate(total_spike_count.groupby('series')): ax.plot(simgrp['total_spikes'].values, 'o-', fillstyle='none') series_df = simgrp.reset_index() for removal, remgrp in series_df.groupby('removal'): print('#', removal) print(remgrp) # jj += len(remgrp) ax.plot(remgrp.index.values[-1], remgrp['total_spikes'].values[-1], 'k.')
def compare_data(leftfiles, rightfiles, leftheader, rightheader): """Compare two simulations side by side""" figs = [] axeslist = [] psthaxlist = [] for left, right in zip(leftfiles, rightfiles): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, ncols=2, sharey='row') psth_axes = [] for ii, fname in enumerate([left, right]): fpath = os.path.join(datadir, fname) with h5.File(fpath, 'r') as fd: config = nda.load_config(fd) bins = np.arange(0, nda.get_simtime(fd)+0.5, 50.0) try: pns = list(fd[nda.pn_st_path].keys()) except KeyError: print('Could not find PNs in', fname) return figs, axeslist, psthaxlist pns = sorted(pns, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1])) pn_st, pn_y = nda.get_event_times(fd[nda.pn_st_path], pns) axes[0, ii].plot(np.concatenate(pn_st), np.concatenate(pn_y), ',') psth_ax = axes[0, ii].twinx() psth_axes.append(psth_ax) plot_population_psth(psth_ax, pn_st, config['pn']['number'], bins) lines, kc_st, kc_y = plot_kc_spikes_by_cluster(axes[1, ii], fd, 'LCA') plot_population_psth(axes[2, ii], kc_st, len(kc_st), bins, rate_sym='b^', cell_sym='rv') stiminfo = nda.get_stimtime(fd) stimend = stiminfo['onset'] + stiminfo['duration'] + stiminfo['offdur'] rates = [len(st[(st > stiminfo['onset']) & (st < stimend)]) * 1e3 / (stimend - stiminfo['onset']) for st in kc_st] print(rates[:5]) axes[3, ii].hist(rates, bins=np.arange(21)) axes[3, ii].set_xlabel('Firing rate') plot_kc_vm(axes[4, ii], fd, 'LCA', 5) plot_ggn_vm(axes[5, ii], fd, fd['/data/uniform/ggn_output/GGN_output_Vm'], 'LCA', 5, color='r') plot_ggn_vm(axes[5, ii], fd, fd['/data/uniform/ggn_basal/GGN_basal_Vm'], 'basal', 5, color='g') axes[5, ii].set_ylim((-53, -35)) axes[0, ii].set_title('{}\nFAKE? {}'.format(fname, nda.load_config(fd)['kc']['fake_clusters'])) time_axes = [axes[ii, jj] for ii in [0, 1, 2, 4, 5] for jj in [0, 1]] for ax in time_axes[:-1]: ax.set_xticks([]) axes[0, 0].get_shared_x_axes().join(*time_axes) axes[2, 0].get_shared_x_axes().join(*axes[2, :]) # psth_axes[0].get_shared_y_axes().join(*psth_axes) psth_axes[0].autoscale() # axes[-1, -1].autoscale() fig.text(0.1, 0.95, leftheader, ha='left', va='bottom') fig.text(0.6, 0.95, rightheader, ha='left', va='bottom') fig.set_size_inches(15, 10) # fig.tight_layout() figs.append(fig) axeslist.append(axes) psthaxlist.append(psth_axes) return figs, axeslist, psthaxlist
def make_psth_and_vm(ax_psth, ax_vm, ax_kc_hist): binwidth = 100 datalist = (SIX_SPIKES[0][1:-1], THREE_SPIKES[0][1:-1], ALL_SPIKES[0][1:-1]) colors = ['#e66101', '#5e3c99', '#009292'] ls = ['-', ':'] for ii, group in enumerate(datalist): print(group) for jj, jid in enumerate((group[0], group[-1])): print(jid) try: fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, DATA_DIR) except: # First entry is old data and moved to back up # Template should still have all the data print(f'JID {jid} not in datadir. Looking in template dir') fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, TEMPLATE_DIR) with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd: kc_st, kc_id = nda.get_event_times(fd[nda.kc_st_path]) kc_sc = np.array([len(st) for st in kc_st]) try: ax_kc_hist.hist(kc_sc, bins=np.arange(1, max(kc_sc) + 0.5, 1), color=colors[ii], ls=ls[jj], label=f'{ii}: {jj}: {jid}', histtype='step', linewidth=1) except IndexError: print(jid, ':', kc_sc, '|') pop_st = np.concatenate(kc_st) try: ax_psth.hist(pop_st, bins=np.arange(500, 2100, binwidth), color=colors[ii], ls=ls[jj], histtype='step', label=jid) except IndexError: print(jid, pop_st) ggn_vm, t = nda.get_ggn_vm(fd, 'basal') ax_vm.plot(t, ggn_vm[0, :], label=jid, color=colors[ii], ls=ls[jj]) ax_psth.legend() ax_vm.legend()
def plot_spike_rasters(fname, vm_samples=10, psth_bin_width=50.0, kde_bw=50.0, by_cluster=False): """The file `fname` has data from pn_kc_ggn simulation. In the early ones I did not record the spike times for KCs. binwidths are in ms. """ start = timer() print('Processing', fname) with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd: try: print('Description:', fd.attrs['description']) except KeyError: print('No description available') try: config = yaml.load(fd.attrs['config'].decode()) except KeyError: try: config = yaml.load(fd['model/filecontents/mb/network/config.yaml'][0].decode()) except KeyError: # possibly fixed network - look for config in template try: original = fd.attrs['original'].decode() with h5.File(original, 'r') as origfd: try: config = yaml.load(origfd.attrs['config'].decode()) except AttributeError: # Handling in Python3? config = yaml.load(origfd.attrs['config']) except KeyError: print('No config attribute or model file') pass # PN spike raster pn_st = fd['/data/event/pn/pn_spiketime'] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, ncols=1, sharex=True) try: if 'calyx' in fd.attrs['description'].decode(): descr = 'KC->GGN in alphaL + CA' else: descr = 'KC->GGN in alphaL only' except KeyError: descr = '' fig.suptitle('{} {}'.format(os.path.basename(fname), descr)) ax_pn_spike_raster = axes[0] print('Plotting PN spikes') ax_pn_spike_raster.set_title('PN spike raster') nodes = [int(node.split('_')[-1]) for node in pn_st] nodes = ['pn_{}'.format(node) for node in sorted(nodes)] spike_x, spike_y = nda.get_event_times(pn_st, nodes) ax_pn_spike_raster.plot(np.concatenate(spike_x), np.concatenate(spike_y), 'k,') simtime = Q_(config['stimulus']['onset']).to('ms').m + \ Q_(config['stimulus']['duration']).to('ms').m + \ Q_(config['stimulus']['tail']).to('ms').m psth_bins = np.arange(0, simtime, psth_bin_width) kde_grid = np.linspace(0, simtime, 100.0) ax_pn_psth = ax_pn_spike_raster.twinx() _, sr, cf = plot_population_psth(ax_pn_psth, spike_x, config['pn']['number'], psth_bins) plot_population_KDE(ax_pn_psth, spike_x, kde_grid, kde_bw, color='y', maxamp=max(sr)) ax_kc_lca_spike_raster = axes[1] print('Plotting KC PSTH in LCA') ax_kc_lca_spike_raster.set_title('KC LCA') if by_cluster: _, lca_spike_x, lca_spike_y = plot_kc_spikes_by_cluster(ax_kc_lca_spike_raster, fd, 'LCA') else: _, lca_spike_x, lca_spike_y = plot_kc_spikes(ax_kc_lca_spike_raster, fd, 'LCA') ax_kc_lca_psth = ax_kc_lca_spike_raster.twinx() _, sr, cf = plot_population_psth(ax_kc_lca_psth, lca_spike_x, len(lca_spike_x), psth_bins) plot_population_KDE(ax_kc_lca_psth, lca_spike_x, kde_grid, kde_bw, color='y', maxamp=max(sr)) ax_kc_lca_psth.legend() ax_kc_mca_spike_raster = axes[2] print('Plotting KC PSTH in MCA') ax_kc_mca_spike_raster.set_title('KC MCA') if by_cluster: _, mca_spike_x, mca_spike_y = plot_kc_spikes_by_cluster(ax_kc_mca_spike_raster, fd, 'MCA') else: _, mca_spike_x, mca_spike_y = plot_kc_spikes(ax_kc_mca_spike_raster, fd, 'MCA') ax_kc_mca_psth = ax_kc_mca_spike_raster.twinx() _, sr, cf = plot_population_psth(ax_kc_mca_psth, mca_spike_x, len(mca_spike_x), psth_bins) plot_population_KDE(ax_kc_mca_psth, mca_spike_x, kde_grid, kde_bw, color='y', maxamp=max(sr)) ax_kc_mca_psth.legend() # LCA KC Vm ax_kc_lca_vm = axes[3] ax_kc_lca_vm.set_title('KC LCA') plot_kc_vm(ax_kc_lca_vm, fd, 'LCA', vm_samples) # MCA KC Vm ax_kc_mca_vm = axes[4] ax_kc_mca_vm.set_title('KC MCA') plot_kc_vm(ax_kc_mca_vm, fd, 'MCA', vm_samples) # GGN MCA Vm, GGN LCA Vm ggn_vm_plot = axes[5] ggn_vm_plot.set_title('GGN Vm') ggn_output_vm = fd['/data/uniform/ggn_output/GGN_output_Vm'] plot_ggn_vm(ggn_vm_plot, fd, ggn_output_vm, 'LCA', vm_samples, color='r') plot_ggn_vm(ggn_vm_plot, fd, ggn_output_vm, 'MCA', vm_samples, color='b') lca, = ggn_vm_plot.plot([], color='r', label='LCA') mca, = ggn_vm_plot.plot([], color='b', label='MCA') alpha, = ggn_vm_plot.plot([], color='k', label='alphaL') basal, = ggn_vm_plot.plot([], color='g', label='basal') ggn_vm_plot.legend(handles=[lca, mca, alpha, basal]) # GGN alphaL Vm ggn_alphaL_vm = fd['/data/uniform/ggn_alphaL_input/GGN_alphaL_input_Vm'] plot_ggn_vm(ggn_vm_plot, fd, ggn_alphaL_vm, 'alphaL', vm_samples, color='k') try: ggn_basal_vm = fd['/data/uniform/ggn_basal/GGN_basal_Vm'] plot_ggn_vm(ggn_vm_plot, fd, ggn_basal_vm, 'basal', vm_samples, color='g') except KeyError: warnings.warn('No basal Vm recorded from GGN') end = timer() print('Time for plotting {}s'.format(end - start)) return fig, axes
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=2, ncols=1, height_ratios=[3, 1], hspace=0.05) fig = plt.figure() ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax0) axes = [ax0, ax1] with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd: print('jid: {} spiking KCs: {}'.format(jid, len(nda.get_spiking_kcs(fd)))) print(yaml.dump(nda.load_config(fd), default_style='')) # pn_st = [] # pn_id = [] # for pn in fd[nda.pn_st_path].values(): # pn_st.append(pn.value) # pn_id.append([int('_')[-1])] * len(pn)) # ax0.plot(np.concatenate(pn_st[::10]), np.concatenate(pn_id[::10]), 'k,') kc_x, kc_y = nda.get_event_times(fd[nda.kc_st_path]) ax0.plot(np.concatenate(kc_x[::10]), np.concatenate(kc_y[::10]), 'k,') myplot.plot_ggn_vm(ax1, fd, fd['/data/uniform/ggn_basal/GGN_basal_Vm'], 'dend_b', 1, color='k') ax1.set_ylim(-51, -45) ax1.set_xlim(700, 2500) xticks = np.array([ 200.0, 1000.0, 2000.0 ]) + 500 # Here the onset was at 1s, 500 ms past the newer simulations ax1.set_xticks(xticks) ax1.set_xticklabels((xticks - 500) / 1000.0) ax1.set_yticks([-50.0, -40.0])