def test_run(auto_create_group, samples_per_group, num_cores,
             num_flows_per_core, error, error_code, record, reinject_packets):
    """Make sure that the run command carries out an experiment as would be
    system_info = SystemInfo(3, 1, {
        (x, y): ChipInfo(num_cores=18,
                         core_states=[] + [AppState.idle] * 17,
        for x in range(3)
        for y in range(1)

    mock_mc = Mock()
    mock_mc.get_system_info.return_value = system_info

    mock_application_ctx = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__enter__ = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__exit__ = Mock()
    mock_mc.application.return_value = mock_application_ctx

    if reinject_packets:
        # If reinjecting, a core is added to every chip
        mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = len(system_info)
        # If not reinjecting, only the user-defined cores exist
        mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = num_cores

    def mock_sdram_file_read(size):
        return error_code + b"\0"*(size - 4)
    mock_sdram_file = Mock() = mock_sdram_file_read

    mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.return_value = mock_sdram_file

    e = Experiment(mock_mc)
    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.01
    e.duration = 0.01
    e.cooldown = 0.01
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    # Record the result of _construct_core_commands to allow checking of
    # memory allocation sizes
    construct_core_commands = e._construct_core_commands
    cores_commands = {}

    def wrapped_construct_core_commands(core, *args, **kwargs):
        commands = construct_core_commands(core=core, *args, **kwargs)
        cores_commands[core] = commands
        return commands
    e._construct_core_commands = Mock(

    if record:
        e.record_sent = True

    e.reinject_packets = reinject_packets

    # Create example cores. Cores are placed on sequential chips along the
    # x-axis.
    cores = [e.new_core(x, 0) for x in range(num_cores)]
    for c in cores:
        for _ in range(num_flows_per_core):
            e.new_flow(c, c)

    # Create example groups
    for num_samples in samples_per_group:
        with e.new_group():
            e.record_interval = e.duration / float(num_samples)

    # The run should fail with an exception when expected.
    if error and (num_cores > 0 or reinject_packets):
        with pytest.raises(NetworkTesterError) as exc_info:
  , create_group_if_none_exist=auto_create_group)
        results = exc_info.value.results
        results =, create_group_if_none_exist=auto_create_group)

    # The results should be of the correct type...
    assert isinstance(results, Results)

    # The results returned should be all zeros (since that is what was written
    # back)
    if record and num_cores > 0 and num_flows_per_core > 0:
        assert sum(results.totals()["sent"]) == 0

    # The supplied app ID should be used

    # If reinjection is enabled, the binary should have been loaded
    print([call[1][0] for call in mock_mc.load_application.mock_calls])
    reinjector_loaded = any((len(call[1][0]) == 1 and
                             "reinjector.aplx" in list(call[1][0])[0])
                            for call in mock_mc.load_application.mock_calls)
    if reinject_packets:
        assert reinjector_loaded
        assert not reinjector_loaded

    # Each chip should have been issued with a suitable malloc for any cores
    # on it.
    for x, core in enumerate(cores):
        cmds_size = cores_commands[core].size
        if record:
            # The space required to record deadlines_missed and the sent
            # counters.
            result_size = (1 + ((1 + num_flows_per_core) *
                                sum(samples_per_group))) * 4
            # Just the status value and deadlines_missed
            result_size = (1 + sum(samples_per_group)) * 4
        size = max(cmds_size, result_size)
        core_num = e._allocations[core][Cores].start
        mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.assert_any_call(size, x=x, y=0,

    # The correct number of barriers should have been reached
    num_groups = len(samples_per_group)
    if auto_create_group:
        num_groups = max(1, num_groups)
    assert len(mock_mc.send_signal.mock_calls) == num_groups
def test_run_callbacks():
    """Make sure that the run command's callbacks occur at the right time."""
    num_groups = 3

    system_info = SystemInfo(3, 1, {
        (x, y): ChipInfo(num_cores=18,
                         core_states=[] + [AppState.idle] * 17,
        for x in range(3)
        for y in range(1)

    mock_mc = Mock()
    mock_mc.get_system_info.return_value = system_info

    mock_application_ctx = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__enter__ = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__exit__ = Mock()
    mock_mc.application.return_value = mock_application_ctx

    mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = len(system_info)

    def mock_sdram_file_read(size):
        return b"\0\0\0\0" + b"\0"*(size - 4)
    mock_sdram_file = Mock() = mock_sdram_file_read

    mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.return_value = mock_sdram_file

    e = Experiment(mock_mc)
    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.01
    e.duration = 0.01
    e.cooldown = 0.01
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    # Enough to cause a recording core to be added to every chip
    e.record_dropped_multicast = True

    # Create a number of groups
    groups = []
    for group_num in range(num_groups):

    before_load_calls = []
    before_group_calls = []
    before_read_results_calls = []

    def before_load(experiment):

        assert experiment is e

        # Loading should not have started
        assert not mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.called

    def before_group(experiment, group):
        before_group_calls.append((experiment, group))

        assert experiment is e

        # Loading should have ocurred
        assert mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.called

        # The group should appear in the correct sequence
        assert group is groups.pop(0)

        # The number of barriers reached should be progressing
        assert len(mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.mock_calls) == \
            (num_groups - len(groups))

    def before_read_results(experiment):

        assert experiment is e

        # All groups should have been run
        assert len(groups) == 0

        # Reading should not have started
        assert not

    # The run should fail with an exception when expected.
    results =,

    # The results should come out as usual...
    assert isinstance(results, Results)

    # All callbacks should have been called
    assert len(before_load_calls) == 1
    assert len(before_group_calls) == num_groups
    assert len(before_read_results_calls) == 1
def test_construct_core_commands(router_access_core):
    # XXX: This test is *very* far from being complete. In particular, though
    # the problem supplied is realistic, the output is not checked thouroughly
    # enough.
    e = Experiment(Mock())

    # A simple example network as follows:
    #       f0
    #  c0 ---+--> c1
    #   |    '--> c2
    #   +-------> c3
    #      f1
    # We'll pretend all of them are on the same chip and core0 is the one
    # designated as the router-value recording core.

    core0 = e.new_core()
    core1 = e.new_core()
    core2 = e.new_core()
    core3 = e.new_core()

    cores = [core0, core1, core2, core3]

    flow0 = e.new_flow(core0, [core1, core2])
    flow1 = e.new_flow(core0, core3)

    # Seed randomly
    e.seed = None

    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.001
    e.duration = 1.0
    e.cooldown = 0.001
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    e.record_sent = True

    e.reinject_packets = True

    # By default, nothing should send and everything should consume
    e.probability = 0.0
    e.consume = True
    e.router_timeout = 240

    # In group0, everything consumes and f0 sends 100% packets and f1 sends 50%
    # packets.
    with e.new_group():
        flow0.probability = 1.0
        flow1.probability = 0.5

    # In group1, nothing consumes and f0 and f1 send 100%
    with e.new_group():
        flow0.probability = 1.0
        flow1.probability = 1.0
        e.consume = False
        e.router_timeout = 0

    # In group2, we have a timeout with emergency routing enabled
    with e.new_group():
        e.router_timeout = (16, 16)

    flow_keys = {flow0: 0xAA00, flow1: 0xBB00}

    cores_source_flows = {
        core0: [flow0, flow1],
        core1: [],
        core2: [],
        core3: [],
    cores_sink_flows = {
        core0: [],
        core1: [flow0],
        core2: [flow0],
        core3: [flow1],

    core_commands = {
        core: e._construct_core_commands(
            records=[Counters.deadlines_missed, Counters.sent],
        for core in cores

    # Make sure all cores have the right number of sources/sinks set
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]
        num_sources = len(cores_source_flows[core])
        num_sinks = len(cores_sink_flows[core])
        ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.NUM,
                              (num_sources | num_sinks << 16))
        assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all cores have the right set of sources and sinks
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]
        sources = cores_source_flows[core]
        sinks = cores_sink_flows[core]

        for source_num, source_flow in enumerate(sources):
            ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.SOURCE_KEY | (source_num << 8),
            assert ref_cmd in commands

        for sink_num, sink_flow in enumerate(sinks):
            ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.SINK_KEY | (sink_num << 8),
            assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all cores have the right set of timing values
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]

        ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.TIMESTEP, 1000)
        assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all cores have the right timeout set
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]

        ref_cmd0 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.ROUTER_TIMEOUT)
        ref_cmd1 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.ROUTER_TIMEOUT_RESTORE)
        if router_access_core:
            assert ref_cmd0 in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 in commands
            assert ref_cmd0 not in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 not in commands

    # Make sure all cores packet reinjection enabled if requested
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]

        ref_cmd0 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.REINJECTION_ENABLE)
        ref_cmd1 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.REINJECTION_DISABLE)
        if router_access_core:
            assert ref_cmd0 in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 in commands
            assert ref_cmd0 not in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 not in commands
Example #4
def test_run_callbacks():
    """Make sure that the run command's callbacks occur at the right time."""
    num_groups = 3

    system_info = SystemInfo(
        3, 1,
        {(x, y): ChipInfo(num_cores=18,
                          core_states=[] + [AppState.idle] * 17,
                          largest_free_sdram_block=110 * 1024 * 1024,
                          largest_free_sram_block=1024 * 1024)
         for x in range(3) for y in range(1)})

    mock_mc = Mock()
    mock_mc.get_system_info.return_value = system_info

    mock_application_ctx = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__enter__ = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__exit__ = Mock()
    mock_mc.application.return_value = mock_application_ctx

    mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = len(system_info)

    def mock_sdram_file_read(size):
        return b"\0\0\0\0" + b"\0" * (size - 4)

    mock_sdram_file = Mock() = mock_sdram_file_read

    mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.return_value = mock_sdram_file

    e = Experiment(mock_mc)
    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.01
    e.duration = 0.01
    e.cooldown = 0.01
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    # Enough to cause a recording core to be added to every chip
    e.record_dropped_multicast = True

    # Create a number of groups
    groups = []
    for group_num in range(num_groups):

    before_load_calls = []
    before_group_calls = []
    before_read_results_calls = []

    def before_load(experiment):

        assert experiment is e

        # Loading should not have started
        assert not mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.called

    def before_group(experiment, group):
        before_group_calls.append((experiment, group))

        assert experiment is e

        # Loading should have ocurred
        assert mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.called

        # The group should appear in the correct sequence
        assert group is groups.pop(0)

        # The number of barriers reached should be progressing
        assert len(mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.mock_calls) == \
            (num_groups - len(groups))

    def before_read_results(experiment):

        assert experiment is e

        # All groups should have been run
        assert len(groups) == 0

        # Reading should not have started
        assert not

    # The run should fail with an exception when expected.
    results =,

    # The results should come out as usual...
    assert isinstance(results, Results)

    # All callbacks should have been called
    assert len(before_load_calls) == 1
    assert len(before_group_calls) == num_groups
    assert len(before_read_results_calls) == 1
Example #5
def test_run(auto_create_group, samples_per_group, num_cores,
             num_flows_per_core, error, error_code, record, reinject_packets):
    """Make sure that the run command carries out an experiment as would be
    system_info = SystemInfo(
        3, 1,
        {(x, y): ChipInfo(num_cores=18,
                          core_states=[] + [AppState.idle] * 17,
                          largest_free_sdram_block=110 * 1024 * 1024,
                          largest_free_sram_block=1024 * 1024)
         for x in range(3) for y in range(1)})

    mock_mc = Mock()
    mock_mc.get_system_info.return_value = system_info

    mock_application_ctx = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__enter__ = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__exit__ = Mock()
    mock_mc.application.return_value = mock_application_ctx

    if reinject_packets:
        # If reinjecting, a core is added to every chip
        mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = len(system_info)
        # If not reinjecting, only the user-defined cores exist
        mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = num_cores

    def mock_sdram_file_read(size):
        return error_code + b"\0" * (size - 4)

    mock_sdram_file = Mock() = mock_sdram_file_read

    mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.return_value = mock_sdram_file

    e = Experiment(mock_mc)
    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.01
    e.duration = 0.01
    e.cooldown = 0.01
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    # Record the result of _construct_core_commands to allow checking of
    # memory allocation sizes
    construct_core_commands = e._construct_core_commands
    cores_commands = {}

    def wrapped_construct_core_commands(core, *args, **kwargs):
        commands = construct_core_commands(core=core, *args, **kwargs)
        cores_commands[core] = commands
        return commands

    e._construct_core_commands = Mock(

    if record:
        e.record_sent = True

    e.reinject_packets = reinject_packets

    # Create example cores. Cores are placed on sequential chips along the
    # x-axis.
    cores = [e.new_core(x, 0) for x in range(num_cores)]
    for c in cores:
        for _ in range(num_flows_per_core):
            e.new_flow(c, c)

    # Create example groups
    for num_samples in samples_per_group:
        with e.new_group():
            e.record_interval = e.duration / float(num_samples)

    # The run should fail with an exception when expected.
    if error and (num_cores > 0 or reinject_packets):
        with pytest.raises(NetworkTesterError) as exc_info:
  , create_group_if_none_exist=auto_create_group)
        results = exc_info.value.results
        results =, create_group_if_none_exist=auto_create_group)

    # The results should be of the correct type...
    assert isinstance(results, Results)

    # The results returned should be all zeros (since that is what was written
    # back)
    if record and num_cores > 0 and num_flows_per_core > 0:
        assert sum(results.totals()["sent"]) == 0

    # The supplied app ID should be used

    # If reinjection is enabled, the binary should have been loaded
    print([call[1][0] for call in mock_mc.load_application.mock_calls])
    reinjector_loaded = any(
        (len(call[1][0]) == 1 and "reinjector.aplx" in list(call[1][0])[0])
        for call in mock_mc.load_application.mock_calls)
    if reinject_packets:
        assert reinjector_loaded
        assert not reinjector_loaded

    # Each chip should have been issued with a suitable malloc for any cores
    # on it.
    for x, core in enumerate(cores):
        cmds_size = cores_commands[core].size
        if record:
            # The space required to record deadlines_missed and the sent
            # counters.
            result_size = (1 + (
                (1 + num_flows_per_core) * sum(samples_per_group))) * 4
            # Just the status value and deadlines_missed
            result_size = (1 + sum(samples_per_group)) * 4
        size = max(cmds_size, result_size)
        core_num = e._allocations[core][Cores].start

    # The correct number of barriers should have been reached
    num_groups = len(samples_per_group)
    if auto_create_group:
        num_groups = max(1, num_groups)
    assert len(mock_mc.send_signal.mock_calls) == num_groups
Example #6
def test_construct_core_commands(router_access_core):
    # XXX: This test is *very* far from being complete. In particular, though
    # the problem supplied is realistic, the output is not checked thouroughly
    # enough.
    e = Experiment(Mock())

    # A simple example network as follows:
    #       f0
    #  c0 ---+--> c1
    #   |    '--> c2
    #   +-------> c3
    #      f1
    # We'll pretend all of them are on the same chip and core0 is the one
    # designated as the router-value recording core.

    core0 = e.new_core()
    core1 = e.new_core()
    core2 = e.new_core()
    core3 = e.new_core()

    cores = [core0, core1, core2, core3]

    flow0 = e.new_flow(core0, [core1, core2])
    flow1 = e.new_flow(core0, core3)

    # Seed randomly
    e.seed = None

    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.001
    e.duration = 1.0
    e.cooldown = 0.001
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    e.record_sent = True

    e.reinject_packets = True

    # By default, nothing should send and everything should consume
    e.probability = 0.0
    e.consume = True
    e.router_timeout = 240

    # In group0, everything consumes and f0 sends 100% packets and f1 sends 50%
    # packets.
    with e.new_group():
        flow0.probability = 1.0
        flow1.probability = 0.5

    # In group1, nothing consumes and f0 and f1 send 100%
    with e.new_group():
        flow0.probability = 1.0
        flow1.probability = 1.0
        e.consume = False
        e.router_timeout = 0

    # In group2, we have a timeout with emergency routing enabled
    with e.new_group():
        e.router_timeout = (16, 16)

    flow_keys = {flow0: 0xAA00, flow1: 0xBB00}

    cores_source_flows = {
        core0: [flow0, flow1],
        core1: [],
        core2: [],
        core3: [],
    cores_sink_flows = {
        core0: [],
        core1: [flow0],
        core2: [flow0],
        core3: [flow1],

    core_commands = {
        core: e._construct_core_commands(
            records=[Counters.deadlines_missed, Counters.sent],
        for core in cores

    # Make sure all cores have the right number of sources/sinks set
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]
        num_sources = len(cores_source_flows[core])
        num_sinks = len(cores_sink_flows[core])
        ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.NUM,
                              (num_sources | num_sinks << 16))
        assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all cores have the right set of sources and sinks
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]
        sources = cores_source_flows[core]
        sinks = cores_sink_flows[core]

        for source_num, source_flow in enumerate(sources):
            ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.SOURCE_KEY | (source_num << 8),
            assert ref_cmd in commands

        for sink_num, sink_flow in enumerate(sinks):
            ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.SINK_KEY | (sink_num << 8),
            assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all cores have the right set of timing values
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]

        ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.TIMESTEP, 1000)
        assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all cores have the right timeout set
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]

        ref_cmd0 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.ROUTER_TIMEOUT)
        ref_cmd1 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.ROUTER_TIMEOUT_RESTORE)
        if router_access_core:
            assert ref_cmd0 in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 in commands
            assert ref_cmd0 not in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 not in commands

    # Make sure all cores packet reinjection enabled if requested
    for core in cores:
        commands = core_commands[core]

        ref_cmd0 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.REINJECTION_ENABLE)
        ref_cmd1 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.REINJECTION_DISABLE)
        if router_access_core:
            assert ref_cmd0 in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 in commands
            assert ref_cmd0 not in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 not in commands
def test_run(auto_create_group, samples_per_group, num_vertices,
             num_nets_per_vertex, error, error_code, record, reinject_packets):
    """Make sure that the run command carries out an experiment as would be
    machine = Machine(3, 1)

    mock_mc = Mock()
    mock_mc.get_machine.return_value = machine

    mock_application_ctx = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__enter__ = Mock()
    mock_application_ctx.__exit__ = Mock()
    mock_mc.application.return_value = mock_application_ctx

    mock_mc.get_machine.return_value = machine

    if reinject_packets:
        # If reinjecting, a core is added to every chip
        mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = len(list(machine))
        # If not reinjecting, only the vertices are given cores
        mock_mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state.return_value = num_vertices

    def mock_sdram_file_read(size):
        return error_code + b"\0"*(size - 4)
    mock_sdram_file = Mock() = mock_sdram_file_read

    mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.return_value = mock_sdram_file

    e = Experiment(mock_mc)
    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.01
    e.duration = 0.01
    e.cooldown = 0.01
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    # Record the result of _construct_vertex_commands to allow checking of
    # memory allocation sizes
    construct_vertex_commands = e._construct_vertex_commands
    vertices_commands = {}

    def wrapped_construct_vertex_commands(vertex, *args, **kwargs):
        commands = construct_vertex_commands(vertex=vertex, *args, **kwargs)
        vertices_commands[vertex] = commands
        return commands
    e._construct_vertex_commands = Mock(

    if record:
        e.record_sent = True

    e.reinject_packets = reinject_packets

    # Create example vertices
    vertices = [e.new_vertex() for _ in range(num_vertices)]
    for v in vertices:
        for _ in range(num_nets_per_vertex):
            e.new_net(v, v)

    # Vertices are placed on sequential chips along the x-axis
    e.placements = {v: (x, 0) for x, v in enumerate(vertices)}

    # Create example groups
    for num_samples in samples_per_group:
        with e.new_group():
            e.record_interval = e.duration / float(num_samples)

    # The run should fail with an exception when expected.
    if error and (num_vertices > 0 or reinject_packets):
        with pytest.raises(NetworkTesterError) as exc_info:
  , create_group_if_none_exist=auto_create_group)
        results = exc_info.value.results
        results =, create_group_if_none_exist=auto_create_group)

    # The results should be of the correct type...
    assert isinstance(results, Results)

    # The results returned should be all zeros (since that is what was written
    # back)
    if record and num_vertices > 0 and num_nets_per_vertex > 0:
        assert sum(results.totals()["sent"]) == 0

    # The supplied app ID should be used

    # If reinjection is enabled, the binary should have been loaded
    reinjector_loaded = any("reinjector.aplx" in call[1][0]
                            for call in mock_mc.load_application.mock_calls)
    if reinject_packets:
        assert reinjector_loaded
        assert not reinjector_loaded

    # Each chip should have been issued with a suitable malloc for any vertices
    # on it.
    for x, vertex in enumerate(vertices):
        cmds_size = vertices_commands[vertex].size
        if record:
            # The space required to record the sent counters.
            result_size = (1 + (num_nets_per_vertex *
                                sum(samples_per_group))) * 4
            result_size = 4  # Just the status value
        size = max(cmds_size, result_size)
        if reinject_packets:
            # During packet reinjection, core 1 is used.
            core_num = 2
            core_num = 1
        mock_mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike.assert_any_call(size, x=x, y=0,

    # The correct number of barriers should have been reached
    num_groups = len(samples_per_group)
    if auto_create_group:
        num_groups = max(1, num_groups)
    assert len(mock_mc.send_signal.mock_calls) == num_groups
def test_construct_vertex_commands(router_access_vertex):
    # XXX: This test is *very* far from being complete. In particular, though
    # the problem supplied is realistic, the output is not checked thouroughly
    # enough.
    e = Experiment(Mock())

    # A simple example network as follows:
    #       n0
    #  v0 ---+--> v1
    #   |    '--> v2
    #   +-------> v3
    #      n1
    # We'll pretend all of them are on the same chip and vertex0 is the one
    # designated as the router-value recording vertex.

    vertex0 = e.new_vertex()
    vertex1 = e.new_vertex()
    vertex2 = e.new_vertex()
    vertex3 = e.new_vertex()

    vertices = [vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3]

    net0 = e.new_net(vertex0, [vertex1, vertex2])
    net1 = e.new_net(vertex0, vertex3)

    # Seed randomly
    e.seed = None

    e.timestep = 1e-6
    e.warmup = 0.001
    e.duration = 1.0
    e.cooldown = 0.001
    e.flush_time = 0.01

    e.record_sent = True

    e.reinject_packets = True

    # By default, nothing should send and everything should consume
    e.probability = 0.0
    e.consume = True
    e.router_timeout = 240

    # In group0, everything consumes and n0 sends 100% packets and n1 sends 50%
    # packets.
    with e.new_group():
        net0.probability = 1.0
        net1.probability = 0.5

    # In group1, nothing consumes and n0 and n1 send 100%
    with e.new_group():
        net0.probability = 1.0
        net1.probability = 1.0
        e.consume = False
        e.router_timeout = 0

    # In group2, we have a timeout with emergency routing enabled
    with e.new_group():
        e.router_timeout = (16, 16)

    net_keys = {net0: 0xAA00, net1: 0xBB00}

    vertices_source_nets = {
        vertex0: [net0, net1],
        vertex1: [],
        vertex2: [],
        vertex3: [],
    vertices_sink_nets = {
        vertex0: [],
        vertex1: [net0],
        vertex2: [net0],
        vertex3: [net1],

    vertex_commands = {
        vertex: e._construct_vertex_commands(
        for vertex in vertices

    # Make sure all vertices have the right number of sources/sinks set
    for vertex in vertices:
        commands = vertex_commands[vertex]
        num_sources = len(vertices_source_nets[vertex])
        num_sinks = len(vertices_sink_nets[vertex])
        ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.NUM,
                              (num_sources | num_sinks << 8))
        assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all vertices have the right set of sources and sinks
    for vertex in vertices:
        commands = vertex_commands[vertex]
        sources = vertices_source_nets[vertex]
        sinks = vertices_sink_nets[vertex]

        for source_num, source_net in enumerate(sources):
            ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.SOURCE_KEY | (source_num << 8),
            assert ref_cmd in commands

        for sink_num, sink_net in enumerate(sinks):
            ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.SINK_KEY | (sink_num << 8),
            assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all vertices have the right set of timing values
    for vertex in vertices:
        commands = vertex_commands[vertex]

        ref_cmd = struct.pack("<II", NT_CMD.TIMESTEP, 1000)
        assert ref_cmd in commands

    # Make sure all vertices have the right timeout set
    for vertex in vertices:
        commands = vertex_commands[vertex]

        ref_cmd0 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.ROUTER_TIMEOUT)
        ref_cmd1 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.ROUTER_TIMEOUT_RESTORE)
        if router_access_vertex:
            assert ref_cmd0 in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 in commands
            assert ref_cmd0 not in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 not in commands

    # Make sure all vertices packet reinjection enabled if requested
    for vertex in vertices:
        commands = vertex_commands[vertex]

        ref_cmd0 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.REINJECTION_ENABLE)
        ref_cmd1 = struct.pack("<I", NT_CMD.REINJECTION_DISABLE)
        if router_access_vertex:
            assert ref_cmd0 in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 in commands
            assert ref_cmd0 not in commands
            assert ref_cmd1 not in commands