Example #1
def load_log(filename, enforce_float=False):
  loads system from pickled file
    import networks
    import gmodes, pmodes
    from mode_selection import compute_wo

    network = networks.network()

    f = open(filename, "r")

    Porb = pickle.load(f)
    eccentricity = pickle.load(f)
    Mprim = pickle.load(f)
    Mcomp = pickle.load(f)
    Rprim = pickle.load(f)

    wo = compute_wo(Mprim, Rprim)

    for mode_tuple, mode_type in pickle.load(f):
        if mode_type == "generic":
            mode = networks.mode().from_tuple(mode_tuple)
        elif mode_type == "gmode":
            mode = gmodes.gmode().from_tuple(mode_tuple, wo=wo)
        elif mode_type == "pmode":
            mode = pmodes.pmode().from_tuple(mode_tuple)
            sys.exit("unknown mode_type : %s" % mode_type)

    network.K = pickle.load(f)
    if enforce_float:
        network.K = [[(i, j, float(k)) for i, j, k in coup] for coup in network.K]


    system = networks.system(Mprim, Mcomp, Rprim, Porb, eccentricity, net=network)

    return system
Example #2
if opts.eccentricity != 0:
  sys.exit("WARNING!: we currently only support eccentricity == 0 sytems")

#                                      generate a new network
#                                        (parent selection)
if opts.verbose: print "generating a new network (parent selection)"

wo = ms.compute_wo(opts.Mprim, opts.Rprim)

Oorb = 2*np.pi/opts.Porb
system = networks.system(opts.Mprim, opts.Mcomp, opts.Rprim, opts.Porb, opts.eccentricity)
network = system.network

min_w = opts.parent_min_frac_Oorb*Oorb
max_w = opts.parent_max_frac_Oorb*Oorb

if opts.verbose: print "computing parent modes using %s" % opts.parent_selection
if opts.parent_selection == "Elin":
  parents = ggg.compute_parents_Elin(Oorb, bounds, N=opts.num_parents, min_w=min_w, max_w=max_w, alpha=opts.alpha, c=opts.c, wo=wo, Mprim=opts.Mprim, Mcomp=opts.Mcomp, Porb=opts.Porb, eccentricity=opts.eccentricity)
elif opts.parent_selection == "detuning":
  parents = ggg.compute_parents_detuning(Oorb, bounds, N=opts.num_parents, min_w=min_w, max_w=max_w, alpha=opts.alpha, c=opts.c, wo=wo, forcing=True, Mprim=opts.Mprim, Mcomp=opts.Mcomp, Porb=opts.Porb, eccentricity=opts.eccentricity)
  sys.exit("unknown parent selection algorithm: %s\nplease supply a parent selection algorithm from the following:\n\tEthr\n\tdetuning" % (opts.parent_selection) )

if opts.verbose: print "attempting to add %d parents to the network" % len(parents)
network = network.add_modes(parents, verbose=opts.verbose)