def positive_single_tree(t1):

    assert nx.is_tree(t1)

    nodes1 = [n for n in t1.nodes()]
    # get a random permutation of this
    nodes2 = nodes1.copy()

    # this is one isomorphism, however they may be multiple
    # so we don't necessarily get this one back
    someisomorphism = [(u, v) for (u, v) in zip(nodes1, nodes2)]

    # map from old to new
    map1to2 = {u: v for (u, v) in someisomorphism}

    # get the edges with the transformed names
    edges2 = [random_swap((map1to2[u], map1to2[v])) for (u, v) in t1.edges()]
    # randomly permute, to ensure we're not relying on edge order somehow

    # so t2 is isomorphic to t1
    t2 = nx.Graph()

    # lets call our code to see if t1 and t2 are isomorphic
    isomorphism = tree_isomorphism(t1, t2)

    # make sure we got a correct solution
    # although not necessarily someisomorphism
    assert len(isomorphism) > 0
    assert check_isomorphism(t1, t2, isomorphism)
def test_negative(maxk=11):

    print("negative test")

    for k in range(4, maxk + 1):
        test_trees = list(nx.nonisomorphic_trees(k))
        start_time = time.time()
        trial = 0
        for i in range(len(test_trees) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(test_trees)):
                trial += 1
                assert tree_isomorphism(test_trees[i], test_trees[j]) == []
        print(k, trial, time.time() - start_time)
def test_trivial_2():

    print("trivial test 2")

    edges_1 = [("a", "b"), ("a", "c")]

    edges_2 = [("v", "y")]

    t1 = nx.Graph()

    t2 = nx.Graph()

    isomorphism = tree_isomorphism(t1, t2)

    # they cannot be isomorphic,
    # since they have different numbers of nodes
    assert isomorphism == []