Example #1
    def get_unit(self, selection):
        Gets the UNIT name corresponding to a selection. Helpful when matching
        ligands that may have a residue name different from unit name since
        the average user doesn't know what a unit name is when creating a library.
        This isn't as efficient as it could be because it is called
        infrequently, on ligands only.

            selection (VMD atomsel): Selection to check
            molid (int): VMD molecule ID to look in

            (str) The unit name, or None if there was no match
        rgraph = self.parse_vmd_graph(selection)[0]

        # First try to short-circuit if the name already matches a unit
        resname = selection.resname[0]
        if resname in self.known_res.keys():
            graph = self.known_res[resname]
            matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(
                rgraph, graph, node_match=self._check_atom_match)
            if matcher.is_isomorphic():
                return resname

        for matchname in self.known_res.keys():
            graph = self.known_res[matchname]
            matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(
                rgraph, graph, node_match=self._check_atom_match)
            if matcher.is_isomorphic():
                return matchname

        return None
Example #2
    def get_names(self, selection, print_warning=False):
        Obtains a name mapping for the current selection

            selection (VMD atomsel): Selection to set names for
            print_warning (bool): Whether or not to print matching suggestions
                if matching fails. Set to false if you'll try patches later.

            (dict int->str) Atom index to resname matched
            (dict int->str) Atom index to atom name matched up

            KeyError: if no matching possible
        resname = selection.resname[0]
        rgraph, _ = self.parse_vmd_graph(selection)

        # First check against matching residue names
        if resname in self.known_res.keys():
            graph = self.known_res.get(resname)
            matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(
                rgraph, graph, node_match=self._check_atom_match)

            if matcher.is_isomorphic():
                return self._get_names_from_match(graph, next(matcher.match()))

        # If that didn't work, loop through all known residues
        for matchname in self.known_res.keys():
            graph = self.known_res[matchname]
            matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(
                rgraph, graph, node_match=self._check_atom_match)

            if matcher.is_isomorphic():
                return self._get_names_from_match(graph, next(matcher.match()))

        # Try to print out a helpful error message here if matching failed
        if print_warning:
                "\nERROR: Couldn't find a topological match for resname '%s'" %
            if self.known_res.get(resname):
                    "      I found a residue definition with the same name, but "
                    "it didn't match up")
                    "      That definition had %d atoms, and your residue had "
                    "%d atoms" %
                    (len(self.known_res[resname]), len(selection)))
                print("      If that's the same, check the connectivity")
                print("      If it's not, check your hydrogens")
                    "      I couldn't find any residues with that name. Did you "
                    "forget to provide a topology file?")
            print("\tDumping debug information as 'nomatch.dot'")
            self.write_dot(graph, "nomatch.dot")

        return (None, None)
Example #3
def VF2(GG,TG):
    this function is used to find the subgraph isomorphism 
    b = 0
    start = time.time()

    for G in GG:

        for T in TG:

            GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(G,T)
            GM1 = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(T,G)

            if GM.subgraph_is_isomorphic():
                print "GM there are isomorphism:"
                print GM.mapping
                print "++++++++++++++++++++++++" 
                print G.edges()
                print T.edges()
                b = b + 1
                print "GM is not isomorphic!"

            if GM1.subgraph_is_isomorphic():
                print "GM1 is isomorphism:"
                print GM1.mapping 
                #b = b + 1
                print "************************"
                print G.edges()
                print T.edges()
                print "GM1 is not isomorphic!"
            print "every iterate~"
            print str(time.time() - start)

            if int(time.time()-start) > 5:
                print "*******"
                print "***********"
                print "times up"

        print "every circile"
        elapse = time.time() - start
        print elapse

    print "==============================="
    print "*******************************"
    print time.time() - start 
    return b 
Example #4
def find_type_match(T, graphlet_list):
    Given graph 'T', find an isomorphism with one of the canonical graphs from
    Return index of the corresponding graph from 'graphlet_list' and a
    match dictionary.
    The match dictionary has format {u_i: v_i}, 'u_i' are nodes from 'T'
    and 'v_i' are nodes from canonical graph.
    nodes = T.nodes()
    n = len(nodes)
    if n == 1:
        return (0, {u: 0 for u in T.nodes()})
    if n == 2:
        return (0, {u: i for i, u in enumerate(T.nodes())})
    if n == 3:
        if T.number_of_edges() == 2:
            u0 = next((node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 2))
            (u1, u2) = (node for node in T.neighbors(u0))
            return (0, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2})
        if T.number_of_edges() == 3:
            return (1, {u: i for i, u in enumerate(nodes)})
    if n == 4:
        e_num = T.number_of_edges()
        max_degree = max((T.degree(node) for node in nodes))
        if e_num == 3 and max_degree == 3:
            u3 = next((node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 3))
            (u0, u1, u2) = tuple(T.neighbors(u3))
            return (0, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3})
        if e_num == 3 and max_degree == 2:
            (u0, u1) = (node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 2)
            u2 = next((node for node in T.neighbors(u1) if node != u0))
            u3 = next((node for node in T.neighbors(u0) if node != u1))
            return (1, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3})
        if e_num == 4 and max_degree == 3:
            u3 = next((node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 3))
            (u1, u2) = (node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 2)
            u0 = next((node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 1))
            return (2, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3})
        if e_num == 4 and max_degree == 2:
            u0 = next((node for node in nodes))
            (u1, u3) = tuple(T.neighbors(u0))
            u2 = next((node for node in T.neighbors(u1) if node != u0))
            return (3, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3})
        if e_num == 5:
            (u0, u2) = (node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 3)
            (u1, u3) = (node for node in nodes if T.degree(node) == 2)
            return (4, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3})
        if e_num == 6:
            (u0, u1, u2, u3) = tuple(nodes)
            return (5, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3})
        raise ValueError("wrong graphlet format")
    # Improve matching procedure here for n>4.
    GM = next((i, iso.GraphMatcher(T, T_))
              for (i, T_) in enumerate(graphlet_list)
              if iso.GraphMatcher(T, T_).is_isomorphic())
    assert GM[1].is_isomorphic()
    return (GM[0], GM[1].mapping)
Example #5
def is_isomorphic(graph1, graph2, ignore_active_bonds=False, timeout=5):
    """Check whether two NX graphs are isomorphic. Contains a timeout because
    the gm.is_isomorphic() method occasionally gets stuck

        graph1 (nx.Graph): graph 1
        graph2 (nx.Graph): graph 2

    Keyword Arguments:
        ignore_active_bonds (bool):
        timeout (float): Timeout in seconds

        (bool): if the graphs are isomorphic

    if ignore_active_bonds:
        graph1, graph2 = get_graphs_ignoring_active_edges(graph1, graph2)

    if not isomorphism.faster_could_be_isomorphic(graph1, graph2):
        return False

    # Always match on atom types
    node_match = isomorphism.categorical_node_match('atom_label', 'C')

    if ignore_active_bonds:
        gm = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(graph1, graph2, node_match=node_match)

        # Also match on edges
        edge_match = isomorphism.categorical_edge_match('active', False)
        gm = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(graph1,

    # NX can hang here for not very large graphs, so kill after a timeout

    def handler(signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError

    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
        result = gm.is_isomorphic()
        # Cancel the timer
        return result

    except TimeoutError:
        logger.error('NX graph matching hanging')
        return False
Example #6
 def __fit_graph(self, model):
     if self.get_bin_step() != 0:
         gm = iso.GraphMatcher(self._PharmacophoreBase__g,
         gm = iso.GraphMatcher(self._PharmacophoreBase__g,
                                   'dist', 0, atol=0.75))
     return gm
def test_isomorphism_iter2():
    # Path
    for L in range(2, 10):
        g1 = nx.path_graph(L)
        gm = iso.GraphMatcher(g1, g1)
        s = len(list(gm.isomorphisms_iter()))
        assert s == 2
    # Cycle
    for L in range(3, 10):
        g1 = nx.cycle_graph(L)
        gm = iso.GraphMatcher(g1, g1)
        s = len(list(gm.isomorphisms_iter()))
        assert s == 2 * L
Example #8
def count_graphlets_helper(inp):
    i, query, target, method, node_anchored, anchor_or_none = inp
    # NOTE: removing self loops!!
    query = query.copy()
    #if node_anchored and method == "bin":
    #    n_chances_left = sum([len(g) for g in targets])
    if method == "freq":
        ismags = nx.isomorphism.ISMAGS(query, query)
        n_symmetries = len(list(ismags.isomorphisms_iter(symmetry=False)))

    #print(n_symmetries, "symmetries")
    n, n_bin = 0, 0
    target = target.copy()
    #print(i, j, len(target), n / n_symmetries)
    #matcher = nx.isomorphism.ISMAGS(target, query)
    if method == "bin":
        if node_anchored:
            for anchor in (target.nodes
                           if anchor_or_none is None else [anchor_or_none]):
                #if random.random() > 0.1: continue
                nx.set_node_attributes(target, 0, name="anchor")
                target.nodes[anchor]["anchor"] = 1
                matcher = iso.GraphMatcher(
                    node_match=iso.categorical_node_match(["anchor"], [0]))
                if matcher.subgraph_is_isomorphic():
                    n += 1
            #n_chances_left -= 1
            #if n_chances_left < min_count:
            #    return i, -1
            matcher = iso.GraphMatcher(target, query)
            n += int(matcher.subgraph_is_isomorphic())
    elif method == "freq":
        matcher = iso.GraphMatcher(target, query)
        n += len(list(matcher.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())) / n_symmetries
        print("counting method not understood")
    #n_matches.append(n / n_symmetries)
    #print(i, n / n_symmetries)
    count = n  # / n_symmetries
    #if include_bin:
    #    count = (count, n_bin)
    #print(i, count)
    return i, count
def find_type_match(T):
    n = T.number_of_nodes()
    if n == 1:
        return ((0, {u: 0 for u in T.nodes()}))
    if n == 2:
        return ((0, {u: i for i, u in enumerate(T.nodes())}))
    if n == 3:
        if T.number_of_edges() == 2:
            u0 = next((node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 2))
            (u1, u2) = (node for node in T.neighbors(u0))
            return ((0, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2}))
        if T.number_of_edges() == 3:
            return ((1, {u: i for i, u in enumerate(T.nodes())}))
    if n == 4:
        e_num = T.number_of_edges()
        max_degree = max((T.degree(node) for node in T.nodes()))
        if e_num == 3 and max_degree == 3:
            u3 = next((node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 3))
            (u0, u1, u2) = (node for node in T.neighbors(u3))
            return ((0, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3}))
        if e_num == 3 and max_degree == 2:
            (u0, u1) = (node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 2)
            u2 = next((node for node in T.neighbors(u1) if node != u0))
            u3 = next((node for node in T.neighbors(u0) if node != u1))
            return ((1, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3}))
        if e_num == 4 and max_degree == 3:
            u3 = next((node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 3))
            (u1, u2) = (node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 2)
            u0 = next((node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 1))
            return ((2, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3}))
        if e_num == 4 and max_degree == 2:
            u0 = next((node for node in T.nodes()))
            (u1, u3) = (node for node in T.neighbors(u0))
            u2 = next((node for node in T.neighbors(u1) if node != u0))
            return ((3, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3}))
        if e_num == 5:
            (u0, u2) = (node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 3)
            (u1, u3) = (node for node in T.nodes() if T.degree(node) == 2)
            return ((4, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3}))
        if e_num == 6:
            (u0, u1, u2, u3) = (node for node in T.nodes())
            return ((5, {u0: 0, u1: 1, u2: 2, u3: 3}))
    # Improve matching procedure here for n>4.
    GM = next((i, iso.GraphMatcher(T, T_))
              for (i, T_) in enumerate(cached_graphlet_list[n])
              if iso.GraphMatcher(T, T_).is_isomorphic())
    assert GM[1].is_isomorphic()
    return ((GM[0], GM[1].mapping))
Example #10
def find_subgraph(G1, G2):
    GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(G1, G2, node_match=node_match)
    subgraphs = list(GM.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())
    assert len(subgraphs) > 0

    if len(subgraphs) == 1:
        return subgraphs[0]

    ref_sg = G1.subgraph(subgraphs[0].keys())
    ref_bonds = bond_dict(ref_sg)
    g2_bonds = bond_dict(G2)
    diffs = np.zeros(len(subgraphs))
    for i, map_ in enumerate(subgraphs):

        def translate_edge(i, j):
            print("translate", i, j)
            return (map_[i], map_[j])

        for edge, length in ref_bonds.items():
            # Not all bonds from the reference geometry may be present.
                edge_ = translate_edge(*edge)
                diffs[i] += abs(g2_bonds[edge_] - length)
            except KeyError:
    return subgraphs[diffs.argmin()]
def test_selfloop_mono():
    # Simple test for graphs with selfloops
    edges0 = [
        (0, 1),
        (0, 2),
        (1, 2),
        (1, 3),
        (2, 4),
        (3, 1),
        (3, 2),
        (4, 2),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 4),
    edges = edges0 + [(2, 2)]
    nodes = list(range(6))

    for g1 in [nx.Graph(), nx.DiGraph()]:
        for _ in range(100):
            new_nodes = list(nodes)
            d = dict(zip(nodes, new_nodes))
            g2 = nx.relabel_nodes(g1, d)
            if not g1.is_directed():
                gm = iso.GraphMatcher(g2, g1)
                gm = iso.DiGraphMatcher(g2, g1)
            assert not gm.subgraph_is_monomorphic()
def find_type(T):
    n = T.number_of_nodes()
    if n == 1:
        return 0
    if n == 2:
        return 0
    if n == 3:
        if T.number_of_edges() == 2:
            return 0
        if T.number_of_edges() == 3:
            return 1
    if n == 4:
        e_num = T.number_of_edges()
        max_degree = max((T.degree(node) for node in T.nodes()))
        if e_num == 3 and max_degree == 3:
            return 0
        if e_num == 3 and max_degree == 2:
            return 1
        if e_num == 4 and max_degree == 3:
            return 2
        if e_num == 4 and max_degree == 2:
            return 3
        if e_num == 5:
            return 4
        if e_num == 6:
            return 5
    # Improve matching procedure here at least for n=4.
    GM = next((i for (i, T_) in enumerate(cached_graphlet_list[n])
               if iso.GraphMatcher(T, T_).is_isomorphic()))
    return GM
Example #13
def vf2(graph1, graph2):
    GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(graph1, graph2)
    if GM.is_isomorphic():
        print('Graphs are isomorphic')
        print('Graphs are not isomorphic')
Example #14
    def subgraphIsomorphismCheck(self, G1, G2):
        Checks whether G1 contains a subgraph isomorphic to G2 by using Whitney isomorphism theorem.

        G1 (NetworkX graph): The bigger graph.
        G2 (NetworkX graph): The smaller graph.

        bool: Is graph G2 isomorphic to a subgraph in G1.
        isomorphism.GraphMatcher: Graph matcher object with parameters.
        # transform graphs into line graphs and check for subgraph isomorphism
        # isomorphism.GraphMatcher tries to find an induced subgraph of G1, such that it is isomorphic to G2.
        # Consequently, if G2 is non-induced subgraph of G1, the algorithm will return False
        GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(nx.line_graph(G1), nx.line_graph(G2))
        subgraph_is_iso = GM.subgraph_is_isomorphic()

        # check for exceptions
        # e.g. line graphs of K_3 triangle graph and K_1,3 claw graph are isomorphic, but the original graphs are not
        if subgraph_is_iso:
            edgeListG1 = []
            edgeListG2 = []

            for edgeMaping in GM.mapping.items():

            # let's construct the graphs the algorithm thinks are isomorphic and check them for a quick isomorphism.is_isomorphic
            testG1 = nx.Graph(edgeListG1)
            testG2 = nx.Graph(edgeListG2)
            subgraph_is_iso = isomorphism.is_isomorphic(testG1, testG2)

        return subgraph_is_iso, GM
Example #15
def isomorphism(pattern, target, nx_structures):
    Uses the NetworkX isomorphism algorithm to check if the pattern graph and the target graph are isomorphic.

    The faster_could_be_isomorphic method is used to discount two structures if they could not be isomorphic.
    :param pattern: a molecule object which is to be tested for isomorphism
    :param target: a molecule object which pattern graph is to be compared against
    :return: None if the graphs are not isomorphic
    :return: a dictionary which maps the indices of the two NetworkX graphs together if they are isomorphic
    if pattern not in nx_structures:
        nx_structures[pattern] = create_nx_graph(pattern, nx_structures)
    if target not in nx_structures:
        nx_structures[target] = create_nx_graph(target, nx_structures)
    if not nx.faster_could_be_isomorphic(nx_structures[pattern],
        # Graphs are definitely not isomorphic
        return None

    #print pattern, target
    # Ensures the isomorphism considers the vertex label and edge type
    matcher = iso.GraphMatcher(
        node_match=iso.categorical_node_match('label', 'C'),
        edge_match=iso.categorical_edge_match('type', 'single'))
    if matcher.is_isomorphic():
        return matcher.mapping
 def test_subgraph_mono(self):
     g1 = nx.Graph()
     g2 = nx.Graph()
     g2.add_edges_from([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]])
     gm = iso.GraphMatcher(g1, g2)
     assert gm.subgraph_is_monomorphic()
Example #17
def test_circ2graph(filename='inst_2x2_7_0.txt'):
    This function tests direct reading of circuits to graphs.
    It should be noted that graphs can not to be used in place
    of buckets yet, since the information about transpositions
    of tensors (denoted by edges) is not kept during node
    import networkx as nx

    nq, circuit = ops.read_circuit_file(filename)
    graph = gm.circ2graph(nq, circuit)

    n_qubits, circuit = ops.read_circuit_file(filename)
    buckets_original, _, bra_vars, ket_vars = opt.circ2buckets(
        n_qubits, circuit)
    graph_original = gm.buckets2graph(
        buckets_original, ignore_variables=bra_vars+ket_vars)

    from networkx.algorithms import isomorphism
    GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(graph, graph_original)

    print('Isomorphic? : {}'.format(GM.is_isomorphic()))
    graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, GM.mapping, copy=True)

    if not GM.is_isomorphic():
        gm.draw_graph(graph, 'new_graph.png')
        gm.draw_graph(graph_original, 'orig_graph.png')

    return GM.is_isomorphic()
Example #18
def subgraph_is_isomorphic(graph, subgraph):
    determines whether main graph contains a subgraph which is isomorphic to input subgraph
    :param graph: main graph
    :param subgraph: a subgraph to be searched in main graph
    :return: boolean
    graph_gspan = networkx_to_gspan(graph, 0)
    subgraph_gspan = networkx_to_gspan(subgraph, 1)

    # create temporary files during gspan processing
    input_fd, input_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
    output_fd, output_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()

    with os.fdopen(input_fd, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as input_handler:
        input_handler.write(graph_gspan + subgraph_gspan)
    orig_stdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(output_fd, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    subgraph_miner = gSpan(input_filename, 2, where=True)
    sys.stdout = orig_stdout
    mined_subgraphs = parse_mined_gspan_file(output_filename)

    # remove temporary files

    em = iso.numerical_edge_match('weight', 0)
    nm = iso.categorical_node_match('name', None)
    for mined_subgraph in mined_subgraphs:
        graph_matcher = iso.GraphMatcher(mined_subgraph, subgraph, node_match=nm, edge_match=em)
        if graph_matcher.is_isomorphic():
            return True
    return False
Example #19
def find_type(T, graphlet_list):
    Given graph T, find an isomorphic graph from 'graphlet_list'.
    Returns the index of the isomorphic graph in 'graphlet_list'.
    edge_num = T.number_of_edges()
    node_num = T.number_of_nodes()
    if node_num == 1:
        return 0
    if node_num == 2:
        return 0
    if node_num == 3:
        if edge_num == 2:
            return 0
        if edge_num == 3:
            return 1
    if node_num == 4:
        max_degree = max((T.degree(node) for node in T.nodes()))
        if edge_num == 3 and max_degree == 3:
            return 0
        if edge_num == 3 and max_degree == 2:
            return 1
        if edge_num == 4 and max_degree == 3:
            return 2
        if edge_num == 4 and max_degree == 2:
            return 3
        if edge_num == 5:
            return 4
        if edge_num == 6:
            return 5
    # Improve matching procedure here for n=5
    GM = next((i for (i, T_) in enumerate(graphlet_list)
               if iso.GraphMatcher(T, T_).is_isomorphic()))
    return GM
Example #20
    def is_isomorphic(graph1, graph2):
        """Determines if two graphs are isomorphic.

        @graph2:  graph to be compared to self
        @return: true if they are isomorphic.

        if graph1.order() != graph2.order(): return False

        # select method to be used to determine isomorphism
        if graph1.order() > 5000:
            return fast_could_be_isomorphic(graph1, graph2)
        elif graph1.order() > 1000:
            return could_be_isomorphic(graph1, graph2)

            matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(graph1, graph2)


                match_iter = matcher.isomorphisms_iter()
                for iso in match_iter:
                    sameAttributes = True
                    for atom in iso:
                        if not (graph1.getAttributes(atom).getInfo().getType()
                                == graph2.getAttributes(
                            #print "is_isomorphic atributos diferentes",graph1.getAttributes(atom), graph2.getAttributes(iso[atom])
                            sameAttributes = False
                    if sameAttributes: return True
                return False
            except StopIteration:
                return False
Example #21
def _mapped_graph_list(G1, liblist):
    find all matches of library element in the graph

    logging.info("Matching circuit Graph from library elements")
    mapped_graph_list = {}

    for lib_ele in liblist:
        G2 = lib_ele['lib_graph']
        sub_block_name = lib_ele['name']
        logging.info("G: %s : %s", sub_block_name, str(' '.join(G2.nodes())))
        GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(
            edge_match=isomorphism.categorical_edge_match(['weight'], [1]))
        if GM.subgraph_is_isomorphic():
            logging.info("ISOMORPHIC : %s", sub_block_name)
            map_list = []
            for Gsub in GM.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter():
                logging.info("Matched Lib: %s", str(' '.join(Gsub.values())))
                logging.info("Matched Circuit: %s", str(' '.join(Gsub)))
            mapped_graph_list[sub_block_name] = map_list

    return mapped_graph_list
Example #22
    def is_isomorphic3(graph1, graph2):
        """Determines if two graphs are isomorphic.

        @graph2:  graph to be compared to self
        @return: true if they are isomorphic.
        print("graph1: ", graph1.order())
        print("graph2: ", graph2.order())
        matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(graph1, graph2)

        if graph1.order() == graph2.order():
            print("order is the same")
                match_iter = next(matcher.isomorphisms_iter())
                for atom in match_iter:
                    if not (graph1.getAttributes(atom) == graph2.getAttributes(
                        return False

                return True
            except StopIteration:
                return False
            return False
Example #23
    def get_patches(self, selection):
        Obtains names and patch info for a modified residue in a selection.
        Identifies which amino acid is patched by finding which amino acid
        this one is a maximal subgraph of. Then, builds a library of graphs
        representing all valid patches applied to this amino acid.

        Note that this does NOT handle multiple-residue patches such as

            selection (VMD atomsel): Selection that is patched

            (str, str, dict) resname matched, patch name applied,
              name translation dictionary
        resname = selection.resname[0]
        rgraph = self.parse_vmd_graph(selection)[0]

        # Check this residue against all possible patches applied to the
        for names in self.known_pres:
            graph = self.known_pres[names]
            matcher = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(rgraph, graph, \
                        node_match=super(CharmmMatcher, self)._check_atom_match)
            if matcher.is_isomorphic():
                logger.info("Detected patch %s", names[1])
                match = next(matcher.match())
                _, atomnames = self._get_names_from_match(graph, match)
                return (names[0], names[1], atomnames)

        logger.error("Couldn't find a patch for resname '%s'."
                     "Dumping as 'rgraph.dot'", resname)
        self.write_dot(rgraph, "rgraph.dot")
        return (None, None, None)
Example #24
def test_multiedge():
    # Simple test for multigraphs
    # Need something much more rigorous
    edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5),
             (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9, 10),
             (10, 11), (10, 11), (11, 12), (11, 12),
             (12, 13), (12, 13), (13, 14), (13, 14),
             (14, 15), (14, 15), (15, 16), (15, 16),
             (16, 17), (16, 17), (17, 18), (17, 18),
             (18, 19), (18, 19), (19, 0), (19, 0)]
    nodes = list(range(20))

    for g1 in [nx.MultiGraph(), nx.MultiDiGraph()]:
        for _ in range(10):
            new_nodes = list(nodes)
            d = dict(zip(nodes, new_nodes))
            g2 = nx.relabel_nodes(g1, d)
            if not g1.is_directed():
                gm = iso.GraphMatcher(g1, g2)
                gm = iso.DiGraphMatcher(g1, g2)
            assert gm.is_isomorphic()
            # Testing if monomorphism works in multigraphs
            assert gm.subgraph_is_monomorphic()
Example #25
def sm():
    payload = request.get_json()

    nodesQ, edgesQ, nodesB, edgesB = parsePayload(payload)

    GQ = nx.Graph()


    GB = nx.Graph()


    GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(GB,

    res = []
    for iso in GM.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter():
        res += [iso]

    return flask.jsonify([r.keys() for r in res])
Example #26
    def new_tree_match(self, G, v2type, tree, threshold, outfile_prefix,
        #use new tree matching algorithm to return tree template's matching subgraph in G
        #seed not fixed as root, but any 3-degree node in the tree
        #use those templete where all terminals have appeared more then threshold times

        GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(G, tree)

        vertex_appearance_tracker = dict()
        outputcount = 1

        # counter = 0
        for mapping in GM.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter():

            for vertex, node in mapping.iteritems():

                if (node, vertex) not in vertex_appearance_tracker:
                    vertex_appearance_tracker[(node, vertex)] = 1
                    vertex_appearance_tracker[(node, vertex)] += 1

            if self.is_all_terminals_repeated(mapping, threshold, tree,
                print mapping
                #write to the template files when all requrement satisfies
                self.template_output(mapping, tree, v2type,
                                     outfile_prefix + str(outputcount))
                outputcount += 1
                if outputcount > repeat:
Example #27
def main():
    opts = get_options()

    conf = GraphConfig(opts.size, opts.r)
    Gbase, degseq = base_graph(conf, opts.d)
    E, Erev = make_sat_vars(conf, Gbase, degseq)
    s = make_sat_solver(E, degseq)

    dirname = os.path.dirname(opts.prefix)
    if len(dirname) > 0 and not os.path.isdir(dirname):

    mcount = 1
    fmtstr = '{}-{:0' + str(len(str(opts.ngraphs))) + 'd}.elist'
    while s.check() == sat and (opts.ngraphs <= 0 or mcount <= opts.ngraphs):
        m = s.model()

        G = Gbase.copy()
        G.add_edges_from((u, v) for u, v in Erev.values() if m.eval(E[(u, v)]))
        filename = fmtstr.format(opts.prefix, mcount)
        nx.write_edgelist(G, filename, data=False)

        # add new solution
        # s = add_new_solution(s, m, E)
        for i in iso.GraphMatcher(G, G.copy()).isomorphisms_iter():
            if any((i[u], i[v]) not in E for u, v in Erev.values()):
                l if m.eval(E[(i[u], i[v])]) else Not(l)
                for l, (u, v) in Erev.items()
        mcount += 1
Example #28
def compare(cc1, cc2):
    s1 = {a.id for a in cc1.atoms}
    s2 = {a.id for a in cc2.atoms}
    b1 = {b.lexicographic_str() for b in cc1.rt.bonds}
    b2 = {b.lexicographic_str() for b in cc2.rt.bonds}
    if s1 == s2 and b1 == b2:
        #print(cc1.name, "the same")
    G1 = graph_from_chemcomp(cc1)
    G2 = graph_from_chemcomp(cc2)
    node_match = isomorphism.categorical_node_match('Z', 0)
    GM = isomorphism.GraphMatcher(G1, G2, node_match=node_match)
    if GM.is_isomorphic():
        print(cc1.name, 'is isomorphic')
        # we could use GM.match(), but here we try to find the shortest diff
        short_diff = None
        for n, mapping in enumerate(GM.isomorphisms_iter()):
            diff = {k: v for k, v in mapping.items() if k != v}
            if short_diff is None or len(diff) < len(short_diff):
                short_diff = diff
            if n == 10000:  # don't spend too much here
                print(' (it may not be the simplest isomorphism)')
        for id1, id2 in short_diff.items():
            print('\t', id1, '->', id2)
        print(cc1.name, 'differs')
        if s2 - s1:
            print('\tmissing:', ' '.join(s2 - s1))
        if s1 - s2:
            print('\textra:  ', ' '.join(s1 - s2))
def equal_graphs(g1, g2,
                 node_attrs=('resid', 'resname', 'atomname', 'chain', 'charge_group', 'atype'),
    g1: networkx.Graph
    g2: networkx.Graph
    node_attrs: collections.abc.Iterable or None
        Node attributes to consider. If `None`, the node attribute dicts must
        be equal.
    edge_attrs: collections.abc.Iterable or None
        Edge attributes to consider. If `None`, the edge attribute dicts must
        be equal.

        True if `g1` and `g2` are isomorphic, False otherwise.
    if node_attrs is None:
        node_equal = operator.eq
        node_equal = iso.categorical_node_match(node_attrs, [''] * len(node_attrs))
    if edge_attrs is None:
        edge_equal = operator.eq
        edge_equal = iso.categorical_node_match(edge_attrs, [''] * len(edge_attrs))
    matcher = iso.GraphMatcher(g1, g2, node_match=node_equal, edge_match=edge_equal)
    return matcher.is_isomorphic()
Example #30
def do_atomic_pg_test():
    s = '''
    proctype p(){
        bit x, y;
        /* 0 */
        :: true; /* 1 */
           atomic { x = 2; /* 2 */
           y = 1; goto S0; } /* 3 */
        :: x == 1; /* 4 */ y == 2; /* 0 */
        x = 3;
        /* 3 */
        S0: skip
        /* 5 */
    tree = parser.parse(s)
    g = tree[0].to_pg()
    h = nx.MultiDiGraph()
    h.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (0, 4), (4, 0)])
    for u in h:
        h.add_node(u, context=None)
    h.add_node(2, context='atomic')
    nm = lambda x, y: x['context'] == y['context']
    gm = iso.GraphMatcher(g, h, node_match=nm)
    assert gm.is_isomorphic()