Example #1
    def moletrust_tm(G, a, b, rh = False):
        #it is useful to mark every moletrust with his horizon
        #on the datasets folder
        if rh:
            return horizon

        debug = False
        if debug:
            print "predict trust from", a, "to", b

        # Do something with connected_components here
        # UG = G.to_undirected()
        # subgraphs = connected_component_subgraphs(UG)
        # find a
        # if not b in subgraph_with_a:
        #   return 0.0
        # path_length_dict and trust_map should be cached in a very smart way
        path_length_dict = path.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, a, horizon)
        if not b in path_length_dict or path_length_dict[b] > horizon:
            return 0.0
        path_length_list = map(lambda (x,y): (y,x), path_length_dict.items())
        path_length_list.sort()  # order by distance

        # initialize trust map with node a and a bunch of empty dicts
        trust_map = [{a: 1.0}] + [{}] * horizon

        for (dist, node) in path_length_list[1:]:
            useful_in_edges = filter(lambda x: 
                                     x[0] in (trust_map[dist-1]), 
            # We have to benchmark this, it could be a lot faster?
            #if len(useful_in_edges) == 1:
            #    pred_trust = G.trust_on_edge(useful_in_edges[0])

            # not considering the negative trust (or e.g. <0.5)
            # statements, very good for our accuracy! yay! big hugs!
            useful_in_edges = filter(lambda x: (G.trust_on_edge(x) >= 
            for edge in useful_in_edges:
                if debug: 
                    print ("useful edge:", edge, 
                           "predecessor tvalue", trust_map[dist-1][edge[0]])
            pred_trust = weighted_average(map(lambda x: (G.trust_on_edge(x),
            if node == b:
                return pred_trust

            # only keep edges over pred_node_trust_threshold
            if pred_trust >= pred_node_trust_threshold:
                trust_map[dist][node] = pred_trust
        return 0.0
Example #2
def build_adv_flow_graph(G, seeds):
    """Build a flow graph from a graph, as described in the Advogato
    trust metric paper:

    * add supersink
    * for every node: add N_node and P_node
    * set initial flow to 0
    # This also ensures that there are no nodes named "source" or "supersink"
    neg, pos = lambda n: "N" + str(n), lambda n: "P" + str(n)

    G_flow = networkx.XDiGraph()

    for src in seeds:
        if not src in G:

    distance_map = {}
    for src in seeds:
        # build the distance map, we don't want to add a new source node to G,
        # so we have to get a temp_dist_map for every seed node
        temp_dist_map = path.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, src)
        for n, d in temp_dist_map.items():
            if distance_map.has_key(n):
                distance_map[n] = min(distance_map[n], d)
                distance_map[n] = d

    for n in G.nodes_iter():
        cap_value = 1
        if distance_map.has_key(n):
            dist = distance_map[n]
            if dist <= 5:
                cap_value = cap_dict[dist]
        if n in seeds:
            # it's not clear yet if this is actually what is happening
            # in tmetric.c
            G_flow.add_edge("source", neg(n), {'flow': 0})
            assert cap_value == 800
        G_flow.add_edge(neg(n), pos(n), {'cap': cap_value - 1, 'flow': 0})
        G_flow.add_edge(neg(n), "supersink", {'cap': 1, 'flow': 0})
    for e in G.edges_iter():
        G_flow.add_edge(pos(e[0]), neg(e[1]), {'flow': 0})

    return G_flow
Example #3
def build_adv_flow_graph(G, seeds):
    """Build a flow graph from a graph, as described in the Advogato
    trust metric paper:

    * add supersink
    * for every node: add N_node and P_node
    * set initial flow to 0
    # This also ensures that there are no nodes named "source" or "supersink"
    neg, pos = lambda n: "N" + str(n), lambda n: "P" + str(n)

    G_flow = networkx.XDiGraph()

    for src in seeds:
        if not src in G:

    distance_map = {}
    for src in seeds:
        # build the distance map, we don't want to add a new source node to G,
        # so we have to get a temp_dist_map for every seed node
        temp_dist_map = path.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, src)
        for n,d in temp_dist_map.items():
            if distance_map.has_key(n):
                distance_map[n] = min(distance_map[n], d)
                distance_map[n] = d

    for n in G.nodes_iter():
        cap_value = 1
        if distance_map.has_key(n):
            dist = distance_map[n]
            if dist <= 5:
                cap_value = cap_dict[dist]
        if n in seeds:
            # it's not clear yet if this is actually what is happening
            # in tmetric.c
            G_flow.add_edge("source", neg(n), {'flow': 0})
            assert cap_value == 800
        G_flow.add_edge(neg(n), pos(n), {'cap': cap_value - 1, 'flow': 0})
        G_flow.add_edge(neg(n), "supersink", {'cap': 1, 'flow': 0})
    for e in G.edges_iter():
        G_flow.add_edge(pos(e[0]), neg(e[1]), {'flow': 0})

    return G_flow