def generate_struct_mask(struct, n_nodes, shuffle_nodes):
    # a horrible collection of ifs due to args in nx constructors
    if struct == "star":
        g = nx.star_graph(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "random_tree":
        g = nx.random_tree(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "powerlaw_tree":
        g = nx.powerlaw_tree(n_nodes, gamma=3, seed=None)
    elif struct == "binary_tree":
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement a binary tree.")
    elif struct == "path":
        g = nx.path_graph(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "cycle":
        g = nx.cycle_graph(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "ladder":
        g = nx.ladder_graph(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "grid":
        m = np.random.choice(range(1, n_nodes+1))
        n = n_nodes // m
        g = nx.grid_2d_graph(m, n)
    elif struct == "circ_ladder":
        g = nx.circular_ladder_graph(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "barbell":
        assert n_nodes >= 4
        m = np.random.choice(range(2, n_nodes-1))
        blocks = (m, n_nodes-m)
        g = nx.barbell_graph(*blocks)
    elif struct == "loll":
        assert n_nodes >= 2
        m = np.random.choice(range(2, n_nodes+1))
        g = nx.lollipop_graph(m, n_nodes-m)
    elif struct == "wheel":
        g = nx.wheel_graph(n_nodes)
    elif struct == "bipart":
        m = np.random.choice(range(n_nodes))
        blocks = (m, n_nodes-m)
        g = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*blocks)
    elif struct == "tripart":
        # allowed to be zero
        m, M = np.random.choice(range(n_nodes), size=2)
        if m > M:
            m, M = M, m
        blocks = (m, M-m, n_nodes-M)
        g = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*blocks)
    elif struct == "fc":
        g = nx.complete_graph(n_nodes)
        raise NotImplementedError("Structure {} not implemented yet.".format(struct))

    node_order = list(range(n_nodes))
    if shuffle_nodes:

    # a weird subclass by default; raises a deprecation warning
    # with a new update of networkx, this should be updated to
    # nx.convert_matrix.to_numpy_array
    np_arr_g = nx.to_numpy_matrix(g, nodelist=node_order)
    return np_arr_g.astype(int)
Example #2
    def test_multipartite_layout(self):
        sizes = (0, 5, 7, 2, 8)
        G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*sizes)

        vpos = nx.multipartite_layout(G)
        assert len(vpos) == len(G)

        start = 0
        for n in sizes:
            end = start + n
            assert all(vpos[start][0] == vpos[i][0]
                       for i in range(start + 1, end))
            start += n

        vpos = nx.multipartite_layout(G,
                                      center=(2, 2))
        assert len(vpos) == len(G)

        start = 0
        for n in sizes:
            end = start + n
            assert all(vpos[start][1] == vpos[i][1]
                       for i in range(start + 1, end))
            start += n

        pytest.raises(ValueError, nx.multipartite_layout, G, align="foo")
Example #3
def create_k_partite(maxi):
	Función para la creación de una gráfica k-partita.

	:param maxi: La cota superior al número de vértices que tendrá
	la gráfica aleatoria generada.
	:return: Una gráfica k-partita de la biblioteca networkx.
	:rtype: nx.Graph
    n = 1
    k = 3
    # Quiero repartir uniformemente la misma cantidad de vértices en cada partición.
    while n % k != 0:
        # Generando la n y la k (números para vértices y particiones, resp.) de forma
        # aleatoria en un intervalo permitido.
        n = randint(2, maxi)
        k = randint(5, 10)
    print("Orden de la gráfica (|V|):", n)
    print("Número de particiones (k):", k)
    # Dependiendo de un segundo volado, se genera una gráfica k-partida de uno u otro tipo.
    which_type = randint(1, 2)
    if which_type == 1:
        return nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*_construct_list_kp(n, k)), k
        return nx.turan_graph(n, k), k
Example #4
 def generate_spine_and_leaf_class(self, class_name, verify_name,
     """Return a class type as each test generated from a set of tests in the graph atlas"""
     test_class = type(class_name, (ValveGenerativeBase, ), {**constants})
     verify_func = getattr(test_class, verify_name)
     set_up = self.setup_generator(verify_func)
     setattr(test_class, 'set_up', set_up)
     curr_nodes = 8
     curr_tests = 0
     # Iteratively generate spine & leaf networks until `MAX_TESTS` stopping point
     # By testing all non-isomorphic topologies up to (and including) 7 nodes,
     #   SPINE_NODES + LEAF_NODES <= 7 are already tested
     # Loop until we have reached a desired number of tests
     while curr_tests <= self.MAX_TESTS:
         # Get permutations of numbers that sum to the current number of nodes
         # The current number of nodes will be split between the two partites of the topology
         for nodes in ClassGenerator.sums(2, curr_nodes):
             if 0 in nodes or nodes[0] > nodes[1]:
                 # Ignore empty partites or inverse solutions
             test_name = 'test_%s_%s_spine_and_%s_leaf_topology' % (
                 curr_tests, nodes[0], nodes[1])
             graph = networkx.complete_multipartite_graph(*nodes)
             test_func = self.test_generator([graph])
             setattr(test_class, test_name, test_func)
             curr_tests += 1
             if curr_tests > self.MAX_TESTS:
         # Increase current number of nodes
         curr_nodes += 1
     return test_class
Example #5
def complete_multipartite_graph(n, m=None, o=10):  #TODO: More than 3 layers?
    if m is None:
        m = n
    G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(n, m, o) = 'multipartite'
    #TODO: pos based on multipartite_layout gist
    return G
Example #6
def classic_graphs():
    print("Balanced Tree")
    BG = nx.balanced_tree(3, 2)
    print("Barbell Graph")
    BBG = nx.barbell_graph(3, 2)
    print("Complete Graph")
    CG = nx.complete_graph(10)
    print("Complete Multipartite Graph")
    CMG = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(1, 2, 10)
    print([CMG.node[u]['block'] for u in CMG])
    print("Circular Ladder Graph")
    CLG = nx.circular_ladder_graph(5)
    print("Dorogovtsev Goltsev Mendes Graph")
    DGMG = nx.dorogovtsev_goltsev_mendes_graph(3)
    print("Empty Graph")
    EG = nx.empty_graph(5, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
    print("Grid 2D Graph")
    G2DG = nx.grid_2d_graph(5, 6)
    print("Grid Graph")
    GDG = nx.grid_graph(dim=[5, 2])
    print("Hypercube Graph")
    HG = nx.hypercube_graph(3)
    print("Ladder Graph")
    LG = nx.ladder_graph(8)
    print("Ladder Graph")
    LG = nx.ladder_graph(8)
    print("Lollipop Graph")
    LPG = nx.lollipop_graph(n=6, m=4)
    print("Null Graph")
    NG = nx.null_graph()
    print("Path Graph")
    PG = nx.path_graph(16)
    print("Star Graph")
    SG = nx.star_graph(16)
    print("Trivial Graph")
    TG = nx.trivial_graph()
    print("Wheel Graph")
    WG = nx.wheel_graph(n=18)
Example #7
    def test_complete_2_partite_graph(self):
        """Tests that the complete 2-partite graph is the complete bipartite

        G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(2, 3)
        H = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(2, 3)
        assert_nodes_equal(G, H)
        assert_edges_equal(G.edges(), H.edges())
Example #8
    def test_complete_2_partite_graph(self):
        """Tests that the complete 2-partite graph is the complete bipartite

        G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(2, 3)
        H = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(2, 3)
        assert_nodes_equal(G, H)
        assert_edges_equal(G.edges(), H.edges())
Example #9
def Network_initial(network_name=None,

    if network_name is "ER":
        rg = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(network_size, density, directed=False)  #ER
        R_initial = nx.adjacency_matrix(rg).toarray()
    elif network_name is "DCG":
        rg = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(network_size, density, directed=True)  #ER
        R_initial = nx.adjacency_matrix(rg).toarray()
    elif network_name is "DAG":
        if MC_configure is not None:
            xx = np.append(0, np.cumsum(MC_configure['number']))
            for i in range(xx.shape[0] - 1):
                Reject_index = 1
                for j in range(0, xx.shape[0] - 1):
                    if len(MC_configure[i + 1]) == np.sum(
                            np.isin(MC_configure[i + 1],
                                    MC_configure[j + 1] + 1)):
                        Reject_index = 0
                if Reject_index == 1 and (MC_configure[i + 1] != 1).all():
                        "fail to construct the DAN under current Memory commnity strcutrue configuration"
                    Reject_index = 2
            if Reject_index != 2:
                R_initial_0 = np.zeros((network_size, network_size))
                for i in range(xx.shape[0] - 1):
                    for j in range(xx.shape[0] - 1):
                        if len(MC_configure[i + 1]) == np.sum(
                                np.isin(MC_configure[i + 1] + 1,
                                        MC_configure[j + 1])):
                            R_initial_0[xx[i]:xx[i + 1], xx[j]:xx[j + 1]] = 1
                R_initial = np.triu(R_initial_0, 1)
                R_initial = None

            xx = R_shuffle(network_size, Depth)
            # xx=np.array([3,4,3])
            # xx=np.array([60,60,60,60,60])
            # xx=np.array([30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30])*3
            rg = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*tuple(xx))
            x = nx.adjacency_matrix(rg).toarray()
            R_initial = np.triu(x, 1)
        # R_initial= np.tril(x,1)
        Real_density = np.sum(R_initial > 0) * 1.0 / (network_size**2)
        if Real_density > 0 and density < Real_density:
                *R_initial.shape) <= (1.0 - density / Real_density)] = 0
        R_initial = np.triu(R_initial, 1)
    return R_initial
Example #10
def contains_forbidden_subgraph(
        G):  #checks whether a graph has a forbidden subgraph
    K5 = nx.complete_graph(5)
    K33 = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3, 3)

    GM = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.GraphMatcher(G, K5)
    if nx.is_isomorphic(G, K5) or GM.subgraph_is_isomorphic():
        return True
    GM = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.GraphMatcher(G, K33)
    if nx.is_isomorphic(G, K33) or GM.subgraph_is_isomorphic():
        return True

    return False
Example #11
 def test_complete_multipartite_graph(self):
     """Tests for generating the complete multipartite graph."""
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(2, 3, 4)
     blocks = [(0, 1), (2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)]
     # Within each block, no two vertices should be adjacent.
     for block in blocks:
         for u, v in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(block, 2):
             assert v not in G[u]
             assert G.nodes[u] == G.nodes[v]
     # Across blocks, all vertices should be adjacent.
     for (block1, block2) in itertools.combinations(blocks, 2):
         for u, v in itertools.product(block1, block2):
             assert v in G[u]
             assert G.nodes[u] != G.nodes[v]
Example #12
 def test_complete_multipartite_graph(self):
     """Tests for generating the complete multipartite graph."""
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(2, 3, 4)
     blocks = [(0, 1), (2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)]
     # Within each block, no two vertices should be adjacent.
     for block in blocks:
         for u, v in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(block, 2):
             assert_true(v not in G[u])
             assert_equal(G.node[u], G.node[v])
     # Across blocks, all vertices should be adjacent.
     for (block1, block2) in itertools.combinations(blocks, 2):
         for u, v in itertools.product(block1, block2):
             assert_true(v in G[u])
             assert_not_equal(G.node[u], G.node[v])
Example #13
    def test_quotient_graph_complete_multipartite(self):
        """Tests that the quotient graph of the complete *n*-partite graph
        under the "same neighbors" node relation is the complete graph on *n*

        G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(2, 3, 4)
        # Two nodes are equivalent if they are not adjacent but have the same
        # neighbor set.
        same_neighbors = lambda u, v: (u not in G[v] and v not in G[u]
                                       and G[u] == G[v])
        expected = nx.complete_graph(3)
        actual = nx.quotient_graph(G, same_neighbors)
        # It won't take too long to run a graph isomorphism algorithm on such
        # small graphs.
        assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(expected, actual))
def large_graph_tests():
    if not total_coloring_test("Complete graph on 7 vertices",
                               networkx.complete_graph(7), 7):
        return False
    if not total_coloring_test("Cycle of length 100",
                               networkx.cycle_graph(100), 4):
        return False
    if not total_coloring_test("Star graph on 200 vertices",
                               networkx.star_graph(200), 201):
        return False
    if not total_coloring_test("Complete bipartite graph on 4+4 vertices",
                               networkx.complete_multipartite_graph(4, 4), 6):
        return False
    if not total_coloring_test("Hypercube of dimension 5",
                               networkx.hypercube_graph(5), 6):
        return False
    return True
def compute_similarity_matrix(Xn, n, m, a, b):
    #create W
    W = np.zeros((n * m, n * m))

    #generate complete multipartite graph
    connections = [m for i in range(n)]
    G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*connections)
    for edge in G.edges:

        #select points to relate
        x_i = Xn[floor(edge[0] / m)][edge[0] % m]
        x_j = Xn[floor(edge[1] / m)][edge[1] % m]

        #compute weights
        d = dist(x_i, x_j)
        w = weight(d, a, b)
        W[edge[0], edge[1]] = w
        W[edge[1], edge[0]] = w
    return W
Example #16
def generate_graph(k_part, num_nodes, density, noise_level):
        assume max entropy i.e. flat distribution of nodes into partitions
    part_num_nodes = int(1.0 * num_nodes / k_part)
    remainder = num_nodes - part_num_nodes * (k_part - 1)

    parts = tuple([part_num_nodes] * (k_part - 1) + [remainder])
    G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*parts)
    complement_edges = set(nx.complement(G).edges())

    # subsample edges to delete in order to achieve the target density
    edges = G.edges()
    deleted_edges = random.sample(edges, int(len(edges) * (1.0 - density)))
    deleted_nodes = nx.isolates(G)

    num_noise_edges = int(len(G.edges()) * noise_level)
    G.add_edges_from(random.sample(complement_edges, num_noise_edges))

    return G
Example #17
def TestIdenticalGraphs(scheme):
    result = ""
    g = nx.complete_graph(100)
    w = WL_Wrapper(g,g,scheme)
    if abs(w.score - 1 <0.01):
        result = result + test_status.format(Name="TestIdenticalGraphs",result="complete_graph: PASS")
        result = result + test_status.format(Name="TestIdenticalGraphs",result="complete_graph: FAIL")
    g = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(10)
    w = WL_Wrapper(g,g,scheme)
    if abs(w.score - 1 <0.01):
        result = result + test_status.format(Name="TestIdenticalGraphs",result="complete_multipartite_graph(10): PASS")
        result = result + test_status.format(Name="TestIdenticalGraphs",result="complete_multipartite_graph(10): FAIL")
    g = nx.empty_graph(100)
    w = WL_Wrapper(g,g,scheme)
    if abs(w.score - 1 <0.01):
        result = result + test_status.format(Name="TestIdenticalGraphs",result="empty_graph(100): PASS")
        result = result + test_status.format(Name="TestIdenticalGraphs",result="empty_graph(100): FAIL")
    return result
Example #18
 def test_complete_1_partite_graph(self):
     """Tests that the complete 1-partite graph is the empty graph."""
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3)
     H = nx.empty_graph(3)
     assert_nodes_equal(G, H)
     assert_edges_equal(G.edges(), H.edges())
Example #19
 def test_complete_0_partite_graph(self):
     """Tests that the complete 0-partite graph is the null graph."""
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph()
     H = nx.null_graph()
     assert_nodes_equal(G, H)
     assert_edges_equal(G.edges(), H.edges())
Example #20
 def test_line_inverse_line_multipartite(self):
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3, 4, 5)
     H = nx.line_graph(G)
     J = nx.inverse_line_graph(H)
     assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G, J))
Example #21
# K5.3: two disconnected components, c1 and c2, where C1 is a 5-clique K5 and C2 is a 3-clique K3
K3 = nx.complete_graph(3)
K53 = nx.disjoint_union(K5,K3)
adjacencyMatrix53 = nx.adjacency_matrix(K53)
print('Adjacency matrix for K5.3')

# K5.3e: Almost the same as K53 but there is a single edge connecting the two components
K53e = nx.disjoint_union(K5,K3)
adjacencyMatrixK53e = nx.adjacency_matrix(K53e)
print('Adjacency matrix for K5.3e')

# B2.3: Complete bi-partite graph with n1=2 nodes in the first part and n2=3 nodes in the second part
B23 = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(2,3)
adjacencyMatrixB23 = nx.adjacency_matrix(B23)
print('Adjacency matrix for B2.3')

# S5: A vertex star (one central "hub" node that connects to all the other "spoke" nodes)
S5 = nx.star_graph(4)
adjacencyMatrixS5 = nx.adjacency_matrix(S5)
print('Adjacency matrix for S5')

# P5: A simple path of 5 vertices
adjacencyMatrixP5 = nx.adjacency_matrix(P5)
print('Adjacency matrix for P5')
Example #22
def is_K33_possible(
):  #check whether we have enough edges and vertices left to construct K33
    K33 = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3, 3)
    return len(G.nodes()) >= len(K33.nodes()) and len(G.edges()) >= len(
Example #23
def gen_bipartite(params):
    n = int(params['n'])
    m = int(params['m'])
    return nx.complete_multipartite_graph(n, m), 'bipartite_n-{}_m-{}'.format(
        n, m)
 def test_result_k_multipartite_10_10(self):
     assert (calc_and_compare(NX.complete_multipartite_graph([10, 10])))
Example #25
 def test_complete_0_partite_graph(self):
     """Tests that the complete 0-partite graph is the null graph."""
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph()
     H = nx.null_graph()
     assert_nodes_equal(G, H)
     assert_edges_equal(G.edges(), H.edges())
Example #26
 def test_turan_graph(self):
     assert nx.number_of_edges(nx.turan_graph(13, 4)) == 63
     assert is_isomorphic(nx.turan_graph(13, 4),
                          nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3, 4, 3, 3))
Example #27
def complete_multipartite_graph(nn):

    return nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*nn)
 def test_line_inverse_line_multipartite(self):
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3, 4, 5)
     H = nx.line_graph(G)
     J = nx.inverse_line_graph(H)
     assert nx.is_isomorphic(G, J)
Example #29
def gen_laplacian(data_num=DATA_NUM, opt=27, cache=False):
    label = None

    if cache:
        print('Loading cached graph')
        graph = pk.load(open('tmp/', 'rb'))
        print('Generating graph opt {}'.format(opt))

        if 1 == opt:
            graph = gen_rand_graph(data_num=data_num)
        if 2 == opt:
            top_num = random.randint(1, data_num)
            bottom_num = data_num - top_num
            graph = nx.bipartite.random_graph(top_num, bottom_num, 0.9)
            label = [d['bipartite'] for n, d in graph.nodes(data=True)]
        elif 3 == opt:
            graph = nx.balanced_tree(4, 5)
        elif 4 == opt:
            graph = nx.complete_graph(data_num)
        elif 5 == opt:
            no1 = random.randint(1, data_num)
            no2 = random.randint(1, int(data_num / no1))
            no3 = data_num / no1 / no2
            graph = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(no1, no2, no3)
        elif 6 == opt:
            graph = nx.circular_ladder_graph(data_num)
        elif 7 == opt:
            graph = nx.cycle_graph(data_num)
        elif 8 == opt:
            graph = nx.dorogovtsev_goltsev_mendes_graph(5)
        elif 9 == opt:
            top_num = int(random.random() * data_num)
            bottom_num = data_num / top_num
            graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(top_num, bottom_num)
        elif 10 == opt:
            no1 = random.randint(1, data_num)
            no2 = random.randint(1, int(data_num / no1))
            no3 = data_num / no1 / no2
            graph = nx.grid_graph([no1, no2, no3])
        elif 11 == opt:
            graph = nx.hypercube_graph(10)
        elif 12 == opt:
            graph = nx.ladder_graph(data_num)
        elif 13 == opt:
            top_num = int(random.random() * data_num)
            bottom_num = data_num - top_num
            graph = nx.lollipop_graph(top_num, bottom_num)
        elif 14 == opt:
            graph = nx.path_graph(data_num)
        elif 15 == opt:
            graph = nx.star_graph(data_num)
        elif 16 == opt:
            graph = nx.wheel_graph(data_num)
        elif 17 == opt:
            graph = nx.margulis_gabber_galil_graph(35)
        elif 18 == opt:
            graph = nx.chordal_cycle_graph(data_num)
        elif 19 == opt:
            graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(data_num, random.random())
        elif 20 == opt:  # jump eigen value
            graph = nx.gnp_random_graph(data_num, random.random())
        elif 21 == opt:  # disconnected graph
            graph = nx.dense_gnm_random_graph(data_num, data_num / 2)
        elif 22 == opt:  # disconnected graph
            graph = nx.gnm_random_graph(data_num, data_num / 2)
        elif 23 == opt:
            graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(data_num, data_num / 2)
        elif 24 == opt:
            graph = nx.binomial_graph(data_num, data_num / 2)
        elif 25 == opt:
            graph = nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph(data_num, 5,
        elif 26 == opt:
            graph = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(data_num, 5, random.random())
        elif 26 == opt:  # smooth eigen
            graph = nx.connected_watts_strogatz_graph(data_num, 5,
        elif 27 == opt:  # smooth eigen
            graph = nx.random_regular_graph(5, data_num)
        elif 28 == opt:  # smooth eigen
            graph = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(data_num, 5)
        elif 29 == opt:  # smooth eigen
            graph = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(data_num, 5, random.random())
        elif 30 == opt:  # smooth eigen
            graph = nx.duplication_divergence_graph(data_num, random.random())
        elif 31 == opt:
            p = random.random()
            q = random.random()
            graph = nx.random_lobster(data_num, p, q)
        elif 32 == opt:
            p = random.random()
            q = random.random()
            k = random.random()

            graph = nx.random_shell_graph([(data_num / 3, 50, p),
                                           (data_num / 3, 40, q),
                                           (data_num / 3, 30, k)])
        elif 33 == opt:  # smooth eigen
            top_num = int(random.random() * data_num)
            bottom_num = data_num - top_num
            graph = nx.k_random_intersection_graph(top_num, bottom_num, 3)
        elif 34 == opt:
            graph = nx.random_geometric_graph(data_num, .1)
        elif 35 == opt:
            graph = nx.waxman_graph(data_num)
        elif 36 == opt:
            graph = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(data_num, .5)
        elif 37 == opt:
            top_num = int(random.random() * data_num)
            bottom_num = data_num - top_num
            graph = nx.uniform_random_intersection_graph(
                top_num, bottom_num, .5)

        elif 39 == opt:
            graph = nx.navigable_small_world_graph(data_num)
        elif 40 == opt:
            graph = nx.random_powerlaw_tree(data_num, tries=200)
        elif 41 == opt:
            graph = nx.karate_club_graph()
        elif 42 == opt:
            graph = nx.davis_southern_women_graph()
        elif 43 == opt:
            graph = nx.florentine_families_graph()
        elif 44 == opt:
            graph = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(data_num, data_num,

        # OPT 1
        # norm_lap = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(graph).toarray()

        # OPT 2: renormalized

        # pk.dump(graph, open('tmp/', 'wb'))

    # plot_graph(graph, label)
    # note difference: normalized laplacian and normalzation by eigenvalue
    norm_lap, eigval, eigvec = normalize_lap(graph)

    return graph, norm_lap, eigval, eigvec
Example #30
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.15, "barbell graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.1, "two complete_graphs of " + str(n) + "(m1) nodes")
fig.text(0.02, 0.05, "3(m2) nodes between them")

#binomial tree
G = nx.binomial_tree(n)
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.1, "binomial tree", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.05, "n(node count) = " + str(n))

#complete multipartite graph
G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(1, 2, 3)
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.1, "complete multipartite graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.05, "three subsets whose node counts are 1, 2, and 3")

#circular ladder graph
G = nx.circular_ladder_graph(n)
fig = plt.figure()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
fig.text(0.02, 0.95, "circular ladder graph", fontweight='bold')
fig.text(0.02, 0.90, "n(node count) = " + str(n))

#circulant graph
Example #31
 def test_complete_1_partite_graph(self):
     """Tests that the complete 1-partite graph is the empty graph."""
     G = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(3)
     H = nx.empty_graph(3)
     assert_nodes_equal(G, H)
     assert_edges_equal(G.edges(), H.edges())
Example #32
import networkx as nx
import copy
import random
import time

Graph = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(30, 28, 29)  #задание графа - генератор
all_time = 0
all_edges = list(nx.generate_edgelist(Graph, data=False))
edges = []
for edge in all_edges:
    u, v = edge.split()
    edges.append([int(u), int(v)])

nodes = list(Graph.nodes)
nx.draw(Graph, with_labels=True)

start_time = time.time()

def contract(nodes, edges):  #алгоритм
    while len(nodes) > 2:
        ind = random.randrange(0, len(edges))
        [u, v] = edges.pop(ind)
        edge = []
        for i in range(len(edges)):
            if edges[i][0] == v:
                edges[i][0] = u
            elif edges[i][1] == v:
                edges[i][1] = u
            if edges[i][0] != edges[i][1]:
Example #33
def complete_bipartite_graph(n1, n2):

    return nx.complete_multipartite_graph(n1, n2)
 def test_result_k_multipartite_5_5_5_5_5(self):
     assert (calc_and_compare(
         NX.complete_multipartite_graph([5, 5, 5, 5, 5])))
Example #35
def calculate_complete_multipartite_graphs(sizes, boxes):
    for nb in range(2, boxes + 1):
        for p in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(sizes, nb):
            g = nx.complete_multipartite_graph(*p)
            yield g, p