def get_from_dict(data_dict, graph_type): h = nx.from_dict_of_dicts( data_dict, create_using=nx.DiGraph ) if graph_type == 'dig' else nx.from_dict_of_dicts(data_dict, create_using=nx.Graph) return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(data_dict, h)
def treeUnion(self, agglomeratedShot1, agglomeratedShot2): has_joined = False subtree_at_2 = None tree1 = None if ( in nx.to_dict_of_dicts( agglomeratedShot2.tree) and (agglomeratedShot1.pause > agglomeratedShot2.pause)): subtree_at_2 = dfs_tree(agglomeratedShot2.tree, children = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(subtree_at_2) tree1 = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(agglomeratedShot1.tree) tree1[] = children tree1 = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(tree1) has_joined = True else: for key in nx.to_dict_of_dicts(agglomeratedShot1.tree)[].keys(): if key in nx.to_dict_of_dicts(agglomeratedShot2.tree): subtree_at_2 = dfs_tree(agglomeratedShot2.tree, key) children = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(subtree_at_2) tree1 = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(agglomeratedShot1.tree) tree1[key] = children tree1 = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(tree1) has_joined = True if (has_joined): ocr = '' ids = agglomeratedShot1.ids + agglomeratedShot2.ids transcript = agglomeratedShot1.transcript + ' ' + agglomeratedShot2.transcript if self.ocr_on: ocr = agglomeratedShot1.ocr + ' ' + agglomeratedShot2.ocr pitch = agglomeratedShot1.pitch volume = agglomeratedShot1.volume pause = agglomeratedShot1.pause root = agglomeratedShot1.root join = agglomeratedShot1.ids + agglomeratedShot2.ids self.boundaries.append(join[0]) T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(tree1) a_node = AgglomeratedNode(0, ids, transcript, ocr, pitch, volume, pause, root, T) for id in a_node.ids: self.agglomerate_shots = [ s for s in self.agglomerate_shots if id not in s.ids ] self.agglomerate_shots.append(a_node) self.agglomerate_shots = sorted(self.agglomerate_shots, key=lambda x: x.ids) return self.agglomerate_shots, has_joined
def create_graph(df, what, initials_only): r = get_adjacency_and_weights(df, what=what, author_initials_only=initials_only) adjacency, weights = r G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(adjacency) nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'weight', weights) return G
def __init__(self, dendrogram, classes, distances=None, distance_increment=1.0): super(DendrogramLoss, self).__init__() self.register_buffer('distance_increment', torch.tensor(distance_increment).float()) if type(dendrogram) == dict: key = next(iter(dendrogram)) val = dendrogram[key] if type(val) == dict: self.dendrogram = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(dendrogram) elif type(val) in (list, tuple): self.dendrogram = nx.from_dict_of_lists(dendrogram) else: raise ValueError( f'Received a dendrogram dictionary with unknown value type: {type(val)}' ) elif type(dendrogram) == nx.classes.graph.Graph: self.dendrogram = dendrogram else: raise ValueError( f'Received a dendrogram of unknown type: {type(dendrogram)}') self.classes = classes if distances is not None: self.distances = distances else: self._dendrogram_to_distances()
def construct_graph_from_df(df, adjacency_type, geoid_col=None, cols_to_add=None): """Construct initial graph from information about neighboring VTDs. :df: Geopandas dataframe. :returns: NetworkX Graph. """ # reproject to a UTM projection for accurate areas and perimeters in meters df = reprojected(df) if geoid_col is not None: df = df.set_index(geoid_col) # Generate rook or queen neighbor lists from dataframe. neighbors = get_neighbors(df, adjacency_type) vtds = neighbors_with_shared_perimeters(neighbors, df) graph = networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(vtds) add_boundary_perimeters(graph, neighbors, df) add_areas(graph, df) add_columns(graph, cols_to_add, df, geoid_col) return graph
def makeGraph(df, authorInitialsOnly=False, subsetPACS=None, subsetYears=None, what=['authors']): '''Actually builds a networkx graph, using the helper functions. what: the nodes you want to look at. If what = ['authors'], the nodes are authors. If what = ['pacs'], the nodes are PACS codes. If what = ['authors','pacs'], the resulting graph is a bipartite graph with author and PACS nodes. authorInitialsOnly: boolean indicating whether you want to only save the first and middle initials, or the full names. subsetPACS: an integer list of PACS codes you want to look at (only consider papers in that subject range) Looks at all subjects if subsetPACS is None. subsetYears: an integer list of years you want to consider. Looks at all years if subsetYears is None.''' aio = authorInitialsOnly sp = subsetPACS sy = subsetYears w = what if len(what) == 1: adjList, nodeWeights = getAdjListSimple(df, authorInitialsOnly=aio, subsetPACS=sp, subsetYears=sy, what=w[0]) elif len(what) == 2: adjList, nodeWeights = getAdjListBipartite(df, authorInitialsOnly=aio, subsetYears=sy, subsetPACS=sp) if adjList: G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(adjList) nx.set_node_attributes(G,'weight',nodeWeights) return G else: return None
def networkx_plot_measure(self, measure: str, draw_node_names = True, draw_graphweights: bool = True, draw_edges: bool = False): """ Plots all specimens of the main dict. A measure is selected for the edge weights. Graphvis tries to get the optimal arrangement based on weights, hard to do for 2d space. Use dot, neato and fdp seem to maximize distances and just create a circular arrangement. :param measure: distance measure for the edges :return: None """ import networkx as nx from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dist_matrix_dict = utils.dict_of_dicts_matrix_measure(data_dict=self.data_dict, measure=measure) print("dist_matrix_dict", dist_matrix_dict) G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(d=dist_matrix_dict) G.graph['edges']={'arrowsize':'4.0'} # neato, fdp seem to mazimize --> circle shape # dot works best, however, 2d representation is difficult pos = graphviz_layout(G, prog="fdp") if draw_edges: nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos) else: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos) if draw_graphweights: nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=pos) if draw_node_names: nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos) plt.tight_layout() # adjust the [x, y] values for fitting all the text axes = plt.gca() #axes.set_xlim([-60, 800]) # use these to turn off axis for plotting #plt.xticks([]) #plt.yticks([])
def graph_from_dict(graph_dict): if 'graph_type' not in graph_dict: raise ValueError('graph_dict must contain key "graph_type"') if graph_dict['graph_type'] == 'MultiDiGraph': return multi_digraph_from_dict(graph_dict['graph_dict']) elif graph_dict['graph_type'] == 'MultiGraph': return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graph_dict['graph_dict'], multigraph_input=True) elif graph_dict['graph_type'] == 'DiGraph': return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graph_dict['graph_dict']) elif graph_dict['graph_type'] == 'Graph': return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graph_dict['graph_dict']) elif graph_dict['graph_type'] == 'other': return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graph_dict['graph_dict']) else: raise ValueError("the value for 'graph_type' in graph_dict is not of the accepted values.")
def drawNetworkGraph(edgedict, sentiments): normalizeWeights(edgedict) nodelist = [] colorlist = [] for key in sentiments: nodelist.append(key) c = 150.0 # increase to push colors further to red/green extremes red = (int)(255.0 / (1 + c**(2 * sentiments[key]['color'] - 1))) colorlist.append('#' + str(hex(red))[2:] + str(hex(255 - red))[2:] + '00') edge_list = [] for firstKey in edgedict: for secondKey in edgedict[firstKey]: edge_list.append((firstKey, secondKey, { 'weight': edgedict[firstKey][secondKey]['weight'] })) g = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(edgedict) pos = nx.spring_layout(g) edges = g.edges() G = nx.Graph() weights = [g[u][v]['weight'] for u, v in edges] G.add_edges_from(g.edges()) nx.draw(G, pos, nodelist=nodelist, node_color=colorlist, with_labels=True, alpha=1, width=weights) plt.savefig("Graph.png", format="PNG")
def getAuthorPacsInfo(bipartiteDict, authorList): '''Gets a dictionary of PACS information for each author in a bipartite dictionary. authorList is the list of authors, so we do not bother with PACS information. Returns a dictionary where each key is an author name, and the value is another dictionary storing entropy information and the full list of subjects and their frequencies.''' G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(bipartiteDict) authorInfo = {a:{'pacsList':{},'pacsNum':0,'entropy':0.0} for a in authorList} for a in authorList: subjectList = G.neighbors(a) subjectFreq3 = {subj:G[a][subj]['weight'] for subj in subjectList} subjectFreq2 = {p:0 for p in range(0,100,10)} for s in subjectFreq3.keys(): n = subjectFreq3[s] p = (s/10)*10 if p in subjectFreq2.keys(): subjectFreq2[p] += n else: subjectFreq2[p] = n entropy = parseAPS.entropy(subjectFreq2) pacsNum = 0 for s in subjectFreq2.keys(): if subjectFreq2[s] > 0: pacsNum += 1 authorInfo[a]['entropy'] = entropy authorInfo[a]['pacsList'] = subjectFreq2 authorInfo[a]['pacsNum'] = pacsNum return authorInfo
def from_dict(cls, d): """ Args: d (): Returns: """ # Reconstructs the graph with integer as nodes (json's as_dict replaces integer keys with str keys) cgraph = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(d["connectivity_graph"], create_using=nx.MultiGraph, multigraph_input=True) cgraph = nx.relabel_nodes( cgraph, int ) # Just relabel the nodes using integer casting (maps str->int) # Relabel multiedges (removes multiedges with str keys and adds them back with int keys) edges = set(cgraph.edges()) for n1, n2 in edges: new_edges = { int(iedge): edata for iedge, edata in cgraph[n1][n2].items() } cgraph.remove_edges_from([ (n1, n2, iedge) for iedge, edata in cgraph[n1][n2].items() ]) cgraph.add_edges_from([(n1, n2, iedge, edata) for iedge, edata in new_edges.items()]) return cls( LightStructureEnvironments.from_dict( d["light_structure_environments"]), connectivity_graph=cgraph, environment_subgraphs=None, )
def from_dict(cls, d): """ Reconstructs the ConnectedComponent object from a dict representation of the ConnectedComponent object created using the as_dict method. Args: d (dict): dict representation of the ConnectedComponent object Returns: ConnectedComponent: The connected component representing the links of a given set of environments. """ nodes_map = { inode_str: EnvironmentNode.from_dict(nodedict) for inode_str, (nodedict, nodedata) in d["nodes"].items() } nodes_data = {inode_str: nodedata for inode_str, (nodedict, nodedata) in d["nodes"].items()} dod = {} for e1, e1dict in d["graph"].items(): dod[e1] = {} for e2, e2dict in e1dict.items(): dod[e1][e2] = { cls._edgedictkey_to_edgekey(ied): cls._retuplify_edgedata(edata) for ied, edata in e2dict.items() } graph = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(dod, create_using=nx.MultiGraph, multigraph_input=True) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, nodes_data) nx.relabel_nodes(graph, nodes_map, copy=False) return cls(graph=graph)
def _init_graph(self, name, type_s='DiGraph', data=None): if self.query.have_graph(name): raise GraphNameError("Already have a graph by that name") if name in self.illegal_graph_names: raise GraphNameError("Illegal name") self.query.new_graph(name, type_s) if data: branch, turn, tick = self._btt() if isinstance(data, DiGraph): self._snap_keyframe(name, branch, turn, tick, data._node_state(), data._edges_state(), data._val_state()) elif isinstance(data, nx.Graph): self._snap_keyframe(name, branch, turn, tick, data._node, data._adj, data.graph) elif isinstance(data, dict): try: data = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(data) except AttributeError: data = nx.from_dict_of_lists(data) self._snap_keyframe(name, branch, turn, tick, data._node, data._adj, data.graph) else: self._snap_keyframe(name, branch, turn, tick, *data) self._new_keyframes.add((name, branch, turn, tick))
def construct_graph_from_df(df, adjacency_type, geoid_col=None, cols_to_add=None): """Construct initial graph from information about neighboring VTDs. :df: Geopandas dataframe. :returns: NetworkX Graph. """ if adjacency_type not in ('rook', 'queen'): raise ValueError('adjacency_type must be rook or queen.') # reproject to a UTM projection for accurate areas and perimeters in meters df = reprojected(df) if geoid_col is not None: df = df.set_index(geoid_col) # Generate rook or queen neighbor lists from dataframe. if adjacency_type == 'queen': neighbors = ps.weights.Queen.from_dataframe( df, geom_col="geometry").neighbors else: neighbors = ps.weights.Rook.from_dataframe( df, geom_col="geometry").neighbors vtds = {} for shape in neighbors: vtds[shape] = {} for neighbor in neighbors[shape]: shared_perim = df.loc[shape, "geometry"].intersection( df.loc[neighbor, "geometry"]).length vtds[shape][neighbor] = {'shared_perim': shared_perim} graph = networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(vtds) vtd = df['geometry'] # creates one shape of the entire state to compare outer boundaries against inter = gp.GeoSeries(cascaded_union(vtd).boundary) # finds if it intersects on outside and sets # a 'boundary_node' attribute to true if it does # if it is set to true, it also adds how much shared # perimiter they have to a 'boundary_perim' attribute for node in neighbors: graph.node[node]['boundary_node'] = inter.intersects( df.loc[node, "geometry"]).bool() if inter.intersects(df.loc[node, "geometry"]).bool(): graph.node[node]['boundary_perim'] = float( inter.intersection(df.loc[node, "geometry"]).length) if cols_to_add is not None: data = pd.DataFrame({x: df[x] for x in cols_to_add}) if geoid_col is not None: data[geoid_col] = df.index add_data_to_graph(data, graph, cols_to_add, geoid_col) return graph
def to_networkx_graph(self): dod = dict() for i in range(self.num_nodes): dod[i] = dict() for j, w in self.adj_list[i]: dod[i][j] = {"weight": w} return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(dod)
def markov_to_graph(markovchain): markovmodel = {} for k, v in markovchain.chain.model.items(): _sum = sum(v.values()) markovmodel[k[-1]] = {_k: {"weight": -np.log(_v / _sum)} for _k, _v in v.items()} return from_dict_of_dicts(markovmodel)
def read_graph(nodes_path, edges_path): G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(json.load(open(edges_path, 'r'))) # type: nx.Graph nodes = json.load(open(nodes_path, 'r')) for k, v in nodes.items(): G.add_node(k, **v) return G
def prepareData(G): wishedOrderOfNodesList = sorted(G.nodes(), key=lambda item: wishedOrderOfNodesDict = dict( zip(wishedOrderOfNodesList, range(len(wishedOrderOfNodesList)))) orderedDictByDegree = OrderedDict( sorted(nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G).items(), key=lambda item: wishedOrderOfNodesDict[item[0]], reverse=True)) GnewD = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(orderedDictByDegree) return GnewD
def networkx_plot_measure_spring_equal_length_edges(self, measure: str): import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dist_matrix_dict = utils.dict_of_dicts_matrix_measure(data_dict=self.data_dict, measure=measure) print("dist_matrix_dict", dist_matrix_dict) G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(d=dist_matrix_dict) G.graph['edges']={'arrowsize':'4.0'} pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw(G, pos)
def construct_graph(vtds): '''Construct initial graph from information about neighboring VTDs. :vtds: A dict of dict of dicts generated by :func:`.ingest`. :returns: Networkx Graph. ''' graph = networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(vtds) graph = networkx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph, label_attribute='old_id') return graph
def to_network(self): """Return a networkx graph object. Returns ------- membership: nx.Graph the network representation of the membership in a networkx package. The network has to be a bipartite network. """ dict_relations = self.to_dict() G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(dict_relations) return G
def start(self): graph_json = self.load_graph() import networkx as nx import page_rank G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graph_json, create_using=nx.DiGraph) print(f"Size of the Graph is {len(graph_json)}") del graph_json rank_dict, err_log = page_rank.pagerank(G, tol=self.tolerence, max_iter=self.max_iter) self.error_log = err_log self.rank_save_path = self.save_json( rank_dict, save_name=f'page-rank-{current.run_id}.json') print(f"Saved Rank at {self.rank_save_path}")
def currency_nxgraph(list_codes, sleeping=0, adjmatrix=False): print('Lazy-search for real time rates') c = CurrencyRates() d = {} for currency in list_codes: print(f'Checking for {currency}') d[currency] = {} remaining_codes = [i for i in list_codes if i not in list(d.keys())] for other_currency in remaining_codes: log_rate = np.log(c.get_rate(currency, other_currency)) d[currency][other_currency] = {} d[currency][other_currency]['weights'] = log_rate time.sleep(0.5) G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(d) return G
def neighbors_with_shared_perimeters(neighbors, df): """Construct a graph with shared perimeter between neighbors on the edges. :neighbors: Adjacency information generated from pysal. :df: Geodataframe containing geometry information. :returns: NetworkX graph. """ vtds = {} geom = df.geometry for shape in neighbors: shared_perim = geom[neighbors[shape]].intersection(geom[shape]).length = "shared_perim" vtds[shape] = pd.DataFrame(shared_perim).to_dict("index") return networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(vtds)
def nearest_neighbors(normalized_embeddings, session, k, int2gene): graph_dict = {} pairwise_distances = tf.matmul(normalized_embeddings, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True).eval(session=session) for i in range(pairwise_distances.shape[0]): nearest = (-pairwise_distances[i, :]).argsort()[1:k + 1] sorted_sim = np.sort(-pairwise_distances[i, :])[1:k + 1] graph_dict[int2gene[i]] = { int2gene[nearest[l]]: { 'weight': -sorted_sim[l] } for l in range(k) } return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graph_dict)
def data(fname='Inter_country_trans_data'): """The function will load human mobility data from the input file and convert it into a weighted undirected NetworkX Graph. Each node corresponds to a country represented by its 3-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. Each edge between a pair of countries is weighted with the number of average daily trips between the two countries. The dataset contains annual trips for varying numbers of years, and the daily average is computed and stored below. """ df = pd.read_csv(fname,header=0) #Read dataset into Pandas dataframe, may take 1-2 minutes #Convert dataframe into D, a dictionary of dictionaries #Each key is a country, and the corresponding value is #a dictionary which has a linked country as a key #and a 2-element list as a value. The 2-element list contains #the total number of trips between two countries and the number of years #over which these trips were taken D = {} for index, row in df.iterrows(): c1,c2,yr,N = row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3] if len(c1)<=3: if c1 not in D: D[c1] = {c2:[N,1]} else: if c2 not in D[c1]: D[c1][c2] = [N,1] else: Nold,count = D[c1][c2] D[c1][c2] = [N+Nold,count+1] #Create new dictionary of dictionaries which contains the average daily #number of trips between two countries rather than the 2-element lists #stored in D Dnew = {} for k,v in D.items(): Dnew[k]={} for k2,v2 in v.items(): if v2[1]>0: v3 = D[k2][k] w_ave = (v2[0]+v3[0])/(730*v2[1]) if w_ave>0: Dnew[k][k2] = {'weight':w_ave} G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(Dnew) #Create NetworkX graph return G
def startTree(ref,usr,walletData,treeData): global wallet global trees wallet=walletData trees=treeData for x in (list(trees.keys())): G=nx.from_dict_of_dicts(treeData[x]) trees[x]=G print(trees) addNodeEdge(ref,usr) calculateWalletBalance() displayStats() #displayGraph() return(treesDict,wallet)
def __init__( self, model: BaseEstimator, hierarchy_tree: Union[str, nx.DiGraph, Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, list]] = "infer", ): super().__init__(model=model) if type(hierarchy_tree) == dict: if type(hierarchy_tree[list(hierarchy_tree.keys())[0]]) == list: self.hierarchy_tree = nx.from_dict_of_lists( hierarchy_tree, create_using=nx.DiGraph) elif type(hierarchy_tree[list(hierarchy_tree.keys())[0]]) == dict: self.hierarchy_tree = nx.from_dict_of_dicts( hierarchy_tree, create_using=nx.DiGraph) else: self.hierarchy_tree = hierarchy_tree
def extract_graph(self, graph_id: str) -> nx.Graph or None: # extract copy of graph from store or return None graph_nodes = list( nxq.search_nodes( self.graphs, {'eq': [ABCPropertyGraph.GRAPH_ID, graph_id]})) if len(graph_nodes) == 0: return None # get adjacency (only gets edges and their properties) edge_dict = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(self.graphs, graph_nodes) # create new graph from edges ret = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(edge_dict) for n in graph_nodes: # merge node dictionaries ret.nodes[n].update(self.graphs.nodes[n]) return ret
def makeDynamicGraphs(df, what='authors', authorInitialsOnly=False, subsetPACS=None, startYear=1982, endYear=2008, window=5): '''Actually makes the graphs - this is what you run if you want a list of graphs. Produces a dictionary where the keys are years and the values are graphs. See getDynamicNetwork for an explanation of arguments.''' aio = authorInitialsOnly sp = subsetPACS sy = startYear ey = endYear wi = window w = what adjLists, nodeWeights = getDynamicNetwork(df, what=w, authorInitialsOnly=aio, subsetPACS=sp, startYear=sy, endYear=ey, window=wi) graphsList = {y:None for y in adjLists.keys()} for yearKey in sorted(adjLists.keys()): graphDict = adjLists[yearKey] G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(graphDict) nx.set_node_attributes(G,'weight',nodeWeights[yearKey]) graphsList[yearKey] = G return graphsList
def build_graph(self): map_entity_to_id = dict( zip(self.all_entities, range(len(self.all_entities)))) map_id_to_entity = dict( zip(range(len(self.all_entities)), self.all_entities)) dod = {} for entity1 in self.all_entities: id1 = map_entity_to_id[entity1] dod.update({id1: {}}) try: for entity2, count in self.entities_relevant_cooccurences[ entity1].items(): id2 = map_entity_to_id[entity2] dod[id1].update({id2: {"weight": count}}) except KeyError: continue self.graph = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(dod)
def construct_graph(df, geoid_col=None): """Construct initial graph from information about neighboring VTDs. :df: Geopandas dataframe. :returns: NetworkX Graph. """ if geoid_col is not None: df = df.set_index(geoid_col) # Generate rook neighbor lists from dataframe. neighbors = ps.weights.Rook.from_dataframe( df, geom_col="geometry").neighbors vtds = {} for shape in neighbors: vtds[shape] = {} for neighbor in neighbors[shape]: shared_perim = df.loc[shape, "geometry"].intersection( df.loc[neighbor, "geometry"]).length vtds[shape][neighbor] = {'shared_perim': shared_perim} graph = networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(vtds) vtd = df['geometry'] # creates one shape of the entire state to compare outer boundaries against inter = gp.GeoSeries(cascaded_union(vtd).boundary) # finds if it intersects on outside and sets # a 'boundary_node' attribute to true if it does # if it is set to true, it also adds how much shared # perimiter they have to a 'boundary_perim' attribute for node in neighbors: graph.node[node]['boundary_node'] = inter.intersects( df.loc[node, "geometry"]).bool() if inter.intersects(df.loc[node, "geometry"]).bool(): graph.node[node]['boundary_perim'] = float( inter.intersection(df.loc[node, "geometry"]).length) return graph
def neighbors_with_shared_perimeters(neighbors, df): """Construct a graph with shared perimeter between neighbors on the edges. :neighbors: Adjacency information generated from pysal. :df: Geodataframe containing geometry information. :returns: NetworkX graph. """ vtds = {} for shape in neighbors: vtds[shape] = {} for neighbor in neighbors[shape]: shared_perim = df.loc[shape, "geometry"].intersection( df.loc[neighbor, "geometry"]).length vtds[shape][neighbor] = {'shared_perim': shared_perim} return networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(vtds)
def build_nxGraph(graph): ''' Devuelve el grafo pasado como diccionario como nx.Graph con las propiedades añadidas Parameters ---------- graph : dict diccionario que tiene el formato: { autor: { 'name': 'nombre del autor', 'affiliation': 'afiliación del autor' 'pubs': { coautor: { 'weight': int }, ... } }... } Returns ------- network : nx.Graph grafo en formato NetworkX ''' # Generamos el grafo network = nx.from_dict_of_dicts( {author: props['pubs'] for author, props in graph.items()}) # Añadimos las propiedades de nombre y afiliación properties = { id: { 'name': props['name'], 'affiliation': props['affiliation'] } for id, props in graph.items() } nx.set_node_attributes(network, properties) return network
def from_manual(self, data, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Generate a new graph using a dictionary. Args: data (dict): A dictionary of dictionaries adjacency representation. kwargs (dict[str, object]): Depending on the resource they may require different sets of arguments to be able to run a raw API request. Raises: ValueError: If the import is not successful. """ super().from_manual(**kwargs) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError("Data needs to be a dict of dictionaries") try: graph = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(data) except AttributeError as exc: raise ValueError("Unable to generate a graph") from exc self.from_graph(graph)
def adjacency2graph(adjacency, edge_type=None, adjust=1, **kwargs): """Takes an adjacency list, dict, or matrix and returns a graph. The purpose of this function is take an adjacency list (or matrix) and return a :class:`.QueueNetworkDiGraph` that can be used with a :class:`.QueueNetwork` instance. The Graph returned has the ``edge_type`` edge property set for each edge. Note that the graph may be altered. Parameters ---------- adjacency : dict or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An adjacency list as either a dict, or an adjacency matrix. adjust : int ``{1, 2}`` (optional, default: 1) Specifies what to do when the graph has terminal vertices (nodes with no out-edges). Note that if ``adjust`` is not 2 then it is assumed to be 1. There are two choices: * ``adjust = 1``: A loop is added to each terminal node in the graph, and their ``edge_type`` of that loop is set to 0. * ``adjust = 2``: All edges leading to terminal nodes have their ``edge_type`` set to 0. **kwargs : Unused. Returns ------- out : :any:`networkx.DiGraph` A directed graph with the ``edge_type`` edge property. Raises ------ TypeError Is raised if ``adjacency`` is not a dict or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. Examples -------- If terminal nodes are such that all in-edges have edge type ``0`` then nothing is changed. However, if a node is a terminal node then a loop is added with edge type 0. >>> import queueing_tool as qt >>> adj = { ... 0: {1: {}}, ... 1: {2: {}, ... 3: {}}, ... 3: {0: {}}} >>> eTy = {0: {1: 1}, 1: {2: 2, 3: 4}, 3: {0: 1}} >>> # A loop will be added to vertex 2 >>> g = qt.adjacency2graph(adj, edge_type=eTy) >>> ans = qt.graph2dict(g) >>> sorted(ans.items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(0, {1: {'edge_type': 1}}), (1, {2: {'edge_type': 2}, 3: {'edge_type': 4}}), (2, {2: {'edge_type': 0}}), (3, {0: {'edge_type': 1}})] You can use a dict of lists to represent the adjacency list. >>> adj = {0 : [1], 1: [2, 3], 3: [0]} >>> g = qt.adjacency2graph(adj, edge_type=eTy) >>> ans = qt.graph2dict(g) >>> sorted(ans.items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(0, {1: {'edge_type': 1}}), (1, {2: {'edge_type': 2}, 3: {'edge_type': 4}}), (2, {2: {'edge_type': 0}}), (3, {0: {'edge_type': 1}})] Alternatively, you could have this function adjust the edges that lead to terminal vertices by changing their edge type to 0: >>> # The graph is unaltered >>> g = qt.adjacency2graph(adj, edge_type=eTy, adjust=2) >>> ans = qt.graph2dict(g) >>> sorted(ans.items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(0, {1: {'edge_type': 1}}), (1, {2: {'edge_type': 0}, 3: {'edge_type': 4}}), (2, {}), (3, {0: {'edge_type': 1}})] """ if isinstance(adjacency, np.ndarray): adjacency = _matrix2dict(adjacency) elif isinstance(adjacency, dict): adjacency = _dict2dict(adjacency) else: msg = ("If the adjacency parameter is supplied it must be a " "dict, or a numpy.ndarray.") raise TypeError(msg) if edge_type is None: edge_type = {} else: if isinstance(edge_type, np.ndarray): edge_type = _matrix2dict(edge_type, etype=True) elif isinstance(edge_type, dict): edge_type = _dict2dict(edge_type) for u, ty in edge_type.items(): for v, et in ty.items(): adjacency[u][v]['edge_type'] = et g = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(adjacency, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) adjacency = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(g) adjacency = _adjacency_adjust(adjacency, adjust, True) return nx.from_dict_of_dicts(adjacency, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
# Remove sequences below length threshold filteredIDs = nodeTable[nodeTable.LENGTH > minLength].ID filteredEdges = edgeTable[edgeTable.TARGET.isin(filteredIDs) & edgeTable.SOURCE.isin(filteredIDs)] # for each node, get the list of neighbours and their raw weights ndict = {} for n in filteredIDs: links = {} # the neighbours of node 'n' when listed as TARGETs for e in filteredEdges[filteredEdges.SOURCE == n][['TARGET', 'RAWWEIGHT']].itertuples(): links[e[1]] = {'weight': float(e[2])} # the neighbours of node 'n' when listed as SOURCEs for e in filteredEdges[filteredEdges.TARGET == n][['SOURCE', 'RAWWEIGHT']].itertuples(): links[e[1]] = {'weight': float(e[2])} ndict[n] = links # convert this dict of dicts into a graph object G = networkx.from_dict_of_dicts(ndict) if args.format == 'metis': write_metis(G, args.output[0], args.node_map) elif args.format == 'graphml': networkx.write_graphml(G, args.output[0]) else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported graph format requested') except RuntimeError as er: sys.stderr.write('Error: {0}\n'.format(er.message)) sys.exit(1)
def makeNetwork_fromdict(genedict): # create a networkx network from the dictionary of gene references G=nx.from_dict_of_dicts(genedict) return G
g.edges() # <codecell> nx.draw(g) # <codecell> d = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(g) # same as # nx.edges # <codecell> # Create a new graph from our dict_of_dicts g2 = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(d) # <codecell> # dumps as a json object import simplejson simplejson.dumps(nx.to_dict_of_dicts(g)) # <codecell> import pickle s = pickle.dumps(g) g3 = pickle.loads(s) nx.draw(g3) # <codecell>