def iso_graphs(version=2): # Return the list of all graphs with up to seven nodes named in the Graph Atlas. if version == 1: graphs = [] n = len(nx.graph_atlas_g()) for i in range(n): graphs.append([nx.graph_atlas(i)]) return graphs elif version == 2: graphs = nx.graph_atlas_g() graphs = [[g] for g in graphs] return graphs[1:]
def atlas6(): """ Return the atlas of all connected graphs of 6 nodes or less. Attempt to check for isomorphisms and remove. """ Atlas=nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:208] # 208 # remove isolated nodes, only connected graphs are left U=nx.Graph() # graph for union of all graphs in atlas for G in Atlas: zerodegree=[n for n in G if] for n in zerodegree: G.remove_node(n) U=nx.disjoint_union(U,G) # list of graphs of all connected components C=nx.connected_component_subgraphs(U) UU=nx.Graph() # do quick isomorphic-like check, not a true isomorphism checker nlist=[] # list of nonisomorphic graphs for G in C: # check against all nonisomorphic graphs so far if not iso(G,nlist): nlist.append(G) UU=nx.disjoint_union(UU,G) # union the nonisomorphic graphs return UU
def atlas6(): """ Return the atlas of all connected graphs of 6 nodes or less. Attempt to check for isomorphisms and remove. """ Atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:208] # 208 # remove isolated nodes, only connected graphs are left U = nx.Graph() # graph for union of all graphs in atlas for G in Atlas: zerodegree = [n for n in G if == 0] for n in zerodegree: G.remove_node(n) U = nx.disjoint_union(U, G) # list of graphs of all connected components C = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(U) UU = nx.Graph() # do quick isomorphic-like check, not a true isomorphism checker nlist = [] # list of nonisomorphic graphs for G in C: # check against all nonisomorphic graphs so far if not iso(G, nlist): nlist.append(G) UU = nx.disjoint_union(UU, G) # union the nonisomorphic graphs return UU
def count_exact(queries, targets, args): print("WARNING: orca only works for node anchored") # TODO: non node anchored n_matches_baseline = np.zeros(73) for target in targets: counts = np.array(orca.orbit_counts("node", 5, target)) if args.count_method == "bin": counts = np.sign(counts) counts = np.sum(counts, axis=0) n_matches_baseline += counts # don't include size < 5 n_matches_baseline = list(n_matches_baseline)[15:] counts5 = [] num5 = 10 #len([q for q in queries if len(q) == 5]) for x in list(sorted(n_matches_baseline, reverse=True))[:num5]: print(x) counts5.append(x) print("Average for size 5:", np.mean(np.log10(counts5))) atlas = [ g for g in nx.graph_atlas_g()[1:] if nx.is_connected(g) and len(g) == 6 ] queries = [] for g in atlas: for v in g.nodes: g = g.copy() nx.set_node_attributes(g, 0, name="anchor") g.nodes[v]["anchor"] = 1 is_dup = False for g2 in queries: if nx.is_isomorphic( g, g2, node_match=(lambda a, b: a["anchor"] == b["anchor"]) if args.node_anchored else None): is_dup = True break if not is_dup: queries.append(g) print(len(queries)) n_matches_baseline = count_graphlets(queries, targets, n_workers=args.n_workers, method=args.count_method, node_anchored=args.node_anchored, min_count=10000) counts6 = [] num6 = 20 #len([q for q in queries if len(q) == 6]) for x in list(sorted(n_matches_baseline, reverse=True))[:num6]: print(x) counts6.append(x) print("Average for size 6:", np.mean(np.log10(counts6))) return counts5 + counts6
def test_graph_atlas(): #Atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:208] # 208, 6 nodes or less Atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:100] alphabet = range(26) for graph in Atlas: nlist = graph.nodes() labels = alphabet[:len(nlist)] for s in range(10): random.shuffle(labels) d = dict(zip(nlist,labels)) relabel = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, d) gm = vf2.GraphMatcher(graph, relabel) assert_true(gm.is_isomorphic())
def atlas6(): """Return the atlas of all connected graphs with at most 6 nodes""" Atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[ 3:209] # 0, 1, 2 => no edges. 208 is last 6 node graph U = nx.Graph() # graph for union of all graphs in atlas for G in Atlas: # check if connected if nx.number_connected_components(G) == 1: # check if isomorphic to a previous graph if not GraphMatcher(U, G).subgraph_is_isomorphic(): U = nx.disjoint_union(U, G) return U
def test_graph_atlas(): #Atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:208] # 208, 6 nodes or less Atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:100] alphabet = list(range(26)) for graph in Atlas: nlist = graph.nodes() labels = alphabet[:len(nlist)] for s in range(10): random.shuffle(labels) d = dict(zip(nlist, labels)) relabel = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, d) gm = iso.GraphMatcher(graph, relabel) assert_true(gm.is_isomorphic())
def load_dataset(name): """ Load real-world datasets, available in PyTorch Geometric. Used as a helper for DiskDataSource. """ task = "graph" if name == "enzymes": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/ENZYMES", name="ENZYMES") elif name == "proteins": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/PROTEINS", name="PROTEINS") elif name == "cox2": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/cox2", name="COX2") elif name == "aids": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/AIDS", name="AIDS") elif name == "reddit-binary": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/REDDIT-BINARY", name="REDDIT-BINARY") elif name == "imdb-binary": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/IMDB-BINARY", name="IMDB-BINARY") elif name == "firstmm_db": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/FIRSTMM_DB", name="FIRSTMM_DB") elif name == "dblp": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/DBLP_v1", name="DBLP_v1") elif name == "ppi": dataset = PPI(root="/tmp/PPI") elif name == "qm9": dataset = QM9(root="/tmp/QM9") elif name == "atlas": dataset = [g for g in nx.graph_atlas_g()[1:] if nx.is_connected(g)] if task == "graph": train_len = int(0.8 * len(dataset)) train, test = [], [] dataset = list(dataset) random.shuffle(dataset) has_name = hasattr(dataset[0], "name") for i, graph in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)): if not type(graph) == nx.Graph: if has_name: del graph = pyg_utils.to_networkx(graph).to_undirected() if i < train_len: train.append(graph) else: test.append(graph) return train, test, task
def load_dataset(name): """ Load real-world datasets, available in PyTorch Geometric. Used as a helper for DiskDataSource. """ task = "graph" if name == "enzymes": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/ENZYMES", name="ENZYMES") elif name == "proteins": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/PROTEINS", name="PROTEINS") elif name == "cox2": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/cox2", name="COX2") elif name == "aids": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/AIDS", name="AIDS") elif name == "reddit-binary": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/REDDIT-BINARY", name="REDDIT-BINARY") elif name == "imdb-binary": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/IMDB-BINARY", name="IMDB-BINARY") elif name == "firstmm_db": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/FIRSTMM_DB", name="FIRSTMM_DB") elif name == "dblp": dataset = TUDataset(root="/tmp/DBLP_v1", name="DBLP_v1") elif name == "ppi": dataset = PPI(root="/tmp/PPI") elif name == "qm9": dataset = QM9(root="/tmp/QM9") elif name == "atlas": dataset = [g for g in nx.graph_atlas_g()[1:] if nx.is_connected(g)] elif name == 'aifb': dataset = Entities(root="/tmp/aifb", name='AIFB') # 90 edge types elif name == 'wn18': dataset = WordNet18(root="/tmp/wn18") elif name == 'fb15k237': dataset = [None] if task == "graph": train_len = int(0.8 * len(dataset)) train, test = [], [] if name not in ['aifb', 'wn18', 'fb15k237']: dataset = list(dataset) random.shuffle(dataset) has_name = hasattr(dataset[0], "name") else: has_name = True for i, graph in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)): if not type(graph) == nx.Graph: try: if has_name: del except: pass if name == 'aifb': graph = pyg_utils.to_networkx(graph, edge_attrs=['edge_type']) elif name == 'wn18': graph = pyg_utils.to_networkx(graph, edge_attrs=['edge_type']) elif name == 'fb15k237': data = FB15k_237() (graph, _, _, _) = data.load() graph = graph.to_networkx() edge_type_dict = [] for j in graph.edges: edge_type_dict.append(graph.edges[j]['label']) edge_type_dict = { i: ind for ind, i in enumerate(sorted(set(edge_type_dict))) } for j in graph.edges: graph.edges[j]['edge_type'] = edge_type_dict[ graph.edges[j]['label']] del graph.edges[j]['label'] del graph.edges[j]['weight'] else: graph = pyg_utils.to_networkx(graph).to_undirected() if name == 'aifb': train.append(graph) test.append(deepcopy(graph)) elif name == 'wn18': train.append(graph) test.append(deepcopy(graph)) elif name == 'fb15k237': train.append(graph) test.append(deepcopy(graph)) else: if i < train_len: train.append(graph) else: test.append(graph) return train, test, task
def generate_small_graphs(max_size): return [ g for g in nx.graph_atlas_g() if len(g) > 1 and len(g) <= max_size and nx.is_connected(g) ]
def setup_class(cls): cls.GAG = graph_atlas_g()
def setUp(self): self.GAG=nx.graph_atlas_g()
def setUp(self): self.GAG = nx.graph_atlas_g() #%% #%% import pandas as pd import numpy as np price = pd.Series(np.random.randn(150).cumsum(), index=pd.date_range('2000-1-1', periods=150, freq='B')) ma = price.rolling(20).mean() mstd = price.rolling(20).std() plt.figure() plt.plot(price.index, price, 'k') plt.plot(ma.index, ma, 'b') plt.fill_between(mstd.index, ma - 2 * mstd, ma + 2 * mstd, color='b', alpha=0.2) #%% import networkx as nx GAG = nx.graph_atlas_g() nx.draw(GAG[123])
""" Atlas ===== An example showing how to write first 20 graphs from the graph atlas as graphviz dot files where n=0,19. TODO: does nx_agraph.draw support multiple graphs in one png? """ import networkx as nx atlas = nx.graph_atlas_g()[0:20] for G in atlas: print(G) A = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(G) A.graph_attr["label"] = # set default node attributes A.node_attr["color"] = "red" A.node_attr["style"] = "filled" A.node_attr["shape"] = "circle" A.write( + ".dot") # Draw the 20th graph from the atlas to png A.draw("A20.png", prog="neato")
def test_atlas(): for graph in nx.graph_atlas_g(): deg = list( assert_true( nx.is_valid_degree_sequence(deg, method='eg') ) assert_true( nx.is_valid_degree_sequence(deg, method='hh') )
import networkx as nx from classical import brute_force # Defining classical optimizer necessary for QAOA optimizer = optimizers.SPSA() # Backend backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') #simulator # Producing the data p_min, p_max = 1, 3 # Putting the whole atlas in one data frame output = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(3, len(nx.graph_atlas_g())): G = nx.graph_atlas(i) n = len(G.nodes) m = len(G.edges) d = m / (n * (n - 1) / 2 ) # density of graph - number of edges / number of possible edges optimum = brute_force(G) print("\nGraph " + str(i) + ": n = " + str(n), ", m = " + str(m), ", d = " + str(d), "the optimum cut is " + str(optimum) + "\n") if m > 0: # Method does not work if there are no edges for p in range(p_min, p_max + 1): # specifications specs = { 'graph_atlas index': i,