Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        G1 = cnlti(nx.grid_2d_graph(2, 2), first_label=0, ordering="sorted")
        G2 = cnlti(nx.lollipop_graph(3, 3), first_label=4, ordering="sorted")
        G3 = cnlti(nx.house_graph(), first_label=10, ordering="sorted")
        self.G = nx.union(G1, G2)
        self.G = nx.union(self.G, G3)
        self.DG = nx.DiGraph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)])
        self.grid = cnlti(nx.grid_2d_graph(4, 4), first_label=1)

        self.gc = []
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 8), (3, 4), (3, 7), (4, 5),
                          (5, 3), (5, 6), (7, 4), (7, 6), (8, 1), (8, 7)])
        C = [[3, 4, 5, 7], [1, 2, 8], [6]]
        self.gc.append((G, C))

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (4, 2), (3, 4), (2, 3)])
        C = [[2, 3, 4],[1]]
        self.gc.append((G, C))

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1)])
        C = [[1, 2, 3]]

        # Eppstein's tests
        G = nx.DiGraph({0:[1], 1:[2, 3], 2:[4, 5], 3:[4, 5], 4:[6], 5:[], 6:[]})
        C = [[0], [1], [2],[ 3], [4], [5], [6]]

        G = nx.DiGraph({0:[1], 1:[2, 3, 4], 2:[0, 3], 3:[4], 4:[3]})
        C = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]]
        self.gc.append((G, C))
Example #2
File: Main.py Project: google/rysim
def generate_connection_graph(graph_type, params, count):
    lower_type = graph_type.lower()
    if lower_type == 'complete':
        assert (len(params) == 0)
        return networkx.complete_graph(count)
    elif lower_type == 'complete-bipartite':
        assert (len(params) == 2)
        assert (int(params[0]) > 0.0)
        assert (int(params[1]) > 0.0)
        n1 = int(round(count * float(params[0]) / float(params[1])))
        n2 = int(round(count * float(params[1]) / float(params[0])))
        n1 = 1 if n1 < 1 else n1
        n2 = 1 if n2 < 1 else n2
        return networkx.complete_bipartite_graph(n1, n2)
    elif lower_type == 'circular-ladder':
        assert (len(params) == 0)
        return networkx.circular_ladder_graph(count)
    elif lower_type == 'cycle':
        assert (len(params) == 0)
        return networkx.cycle_graph(count)
    elif lower_type == 'periodic-2grid':
        assert (len(params) == 2)
        assert (int(params[0]) > 0.0)
        assert (int(params[1]) > 0.0)
        width = int(round(math.sqrt(count * float(params[0]) / float(params[1]))))
        height = int(round(math.sqrt(count * float(params[1]) / float(params[0]))))
        width = 1 if width < 1 else width
        height = 1 if height < 1 else height
        return networkx.grid_2d_graph(width, height, True)
    elif lower_type == 'nonperiodic-2grid':
        assert (len(params) == 2)
        assert (int(params[0]) > 0.0)
        assert (int(params[1]) > 0.0)
        width = int(round(math.sqrt(count * float(params[0]) / float(params[1]))))
        height = int(round(math.sqrt(count * float(params[1]) / float(params[0]))))
        width = 1 if width < 1 else width
        height = 1 if height < 1 else height
        return networkx.grid_2d_graph(width, height, False)
    elif lower_type == 'hypercube':
        assert (len(params) == 0)
        return networkx.hypercube_graph(int(round(math.log(count, 2))))
    elif lower_type == 'star':
        assert (len(params) == 0)
        return networkx.star_graph(count - 1)
    elif lower_type == 'wheel':
        assert (len(params) == 0)
        return networkx.wheel_graph(count)
    elif lower_type == 'erdos-reyni':
        assert (len(params) == 1)
        return networkx.erdos_renyi_graph(count, float(params[0]))
    elif lower_type == 'watts-strogatz':
        assert (len(params) == 2)
        if int(params[0]) >= count / 2:
            k = int(count / 2 - 1)
            k = int(params[0])
        return networkx.connected_watts_strogatz_graph(count, k, int(params[1]))
        print "Unknown graph type {}".format(lower_type)
        assert False
Example #3
 def setUp(self):
Example #4
 def test_node_input(self):
     G = nx.grid_2d_graph(4, 2, periodic=True)
     H = nx.grid_2d_graph(range(4), range(2), periodic=True)
     assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(H, G))
     H = nx.grid_2d_graph("abcd", "ef", periodic=True)
     assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(H, G))
     G = nx.grid_2d_graph(5, 6)
     H = nx.grid_2d_graph(range(5), range(6))
     assert_edges_equal(H, G)
Example #5
    def test_periodic(self):
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(0, 0, periodic=True)
        assert_equal(dict(G.degree()), {})

        for m, n, H in [(2, 2, nx.cycle_graph(4)), (1, 7, nx.cycle_graph(7)),
                        (7, 1, nx.cycle_graph(7)),
                        (2, 5, nx.circular_ladder_graph(5)),
                        (5, 2, nx.circular_ladder_graph(5)),
                        (2, 4, nx.cubical_graph()),
                        (4, 2, nx.cubical_graph())]:
            G = nx.grid_2d_graph(m, n, periodic=True)
            assert_true(nx.could_be_isomorphic(G, H))
Example #6
    def __init__(self, input, theta=0.3, threshold=0.1):
        self.input = input
        self.shape = self.input.shape
        self.theta = theta
        self.threshold = threshold

        self.visible = nx.grid_2d_graph(self.shape[0], self.shape[1])
        self.hidden = nx.grid_2d_graph(self.shape[0], self.shape[1])

        for n in self.nodes():
            self.visible[n]['value'] = self.input[n[0], n[1]]
            f = lambda: np.array([1.0, 1.0])
            self.hidden[n]['messages'] = defaultdict(f)
Example #7
def build_grid(n, m, l=1):
    See Random planar graphs and the London street network
    by A.P. Masuccia, D. Smith, A. Crooks, and M. Batty
    for further information.
    result = networkx.grid_2d_graph(n, n)
    for a in result.nodes():
        result.node[a]['pos'] = (l * a[0], l * a[1])
    for e in result.edges():
        result.edge[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] = l
    for i in range(m):
        e = choice(result.edges())
        sigma = result.edge[e[0]][e[1]]['weight']
        apos = (
            (result.node[e[0]]['pos'][0] + result.node[e[1]]['pos'][0]) / 2,
            (result.node[e[0]]['pos'][1] + result.node[e[1]]['pos'][1]) / 2
        a = result.number_of_nodes()
        bpos = (
            apos[0] + (result.node[e[0]]['pos'][1] - result.node[e[1]]['pos'][1]) / 3,
            apos[1] + (result.node[e[0]]['pos'][0] - result.node[e[1]]['pos'][0]) / 3
        result.add_node(a, pos=apos)
        result.add_node(a + 1, pos=bpos)
        result.add_edge(a, a + 1, weight=sigma / 3)
        result.add_edge(e[0], a, weight=sigma / 2)
        result.add_edge(e[1], a, weight=sigma / 2)
        result.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])
    return result
Example #8
 def makeCCGraph_grid2d(self):
     """Make 2D grid Capacity Constrained Graph"""
     if (self.seed != None):
     self.G = nx.grid_2d_graph(self.graph_shape[0],self.graph_shape[1])
Example #9
def test_shortest_simple_paths():
    G = cnlti(nx.grid_2d_graph(4, 4), first_label=1, ordering="sorted")
    paths = nx.shortest_simple_paths(G, 1, 12)
    assert_equal(next(paths), [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12])
    assert_equal(next(paths), [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12])
    assert_equal([len(path) for path in nx.shortest_simple_paths(G, 1, 12)],
                 sorted([len(path) for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G, 1, 12)]))
def simulate():
  data = get_data()

  adjacency = data["adjacency"]
  t = 10
  t_f = 100
  t = np.linspace(0, t, num=t_f).astype(np.float32)

  # a = 0.
  # b = 100.
  # r = np.array([
  #     [a, 0.],
  #     [a+2.,0.],
  # ])
  # v = np.array([
  #     [0.,10.],
  #     [0., -10.],
  # ])
  # w = np.array([
  #   [0,1],
  #   [1,0]
  # ]).astype(np.float32)

  n = 5
  G = nx.grid_2d_graph(n,n)
  N = 25
  w = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)*10
  r = np.random.rand(N,3)
  d = r.shape[-1]
  v = r*0.
  return sim_particles(t,r,v,w)
Example #11
def grid_2d(dim):
    """Creates a 2d grid of dimension dim"""
    graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(dim, dim)

    for node in graph:
        graph.node[node]['asn'] = 1
        graph.node[node]['x'] = node[0] * 150
        graph.node[node]['y'] = node[1] * 150
        graph.node[node]['device_type'] = 'router'
        graph.node[node]['platform'] = 'cisco'
        graph.node[node]['syntax'] = 'ios_xr'
        graph.node[node]['host'] = 'internal'
        graph.node[node]['ibgp_role'] = "Peer"

    mapping = {node: "%s_%s" % (node[0], node[1]) for node in graph}
    # Networkx wipes data if remap with same labels
    nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping, copy=False)
    for src, dst in graph.edges():
        graph[src][dst]['type'] = "physical"
        # add global index for sorting

    SETTINGS['General']['deploy'] = True
    SETTINGS['Deploy Hosts']['internal'] = {
        'cisco': {
            'deploy': True,

    return graph
Example #12
    def test_networkx(self):
            import networkx as nx
        except ImportError:

            if nx.__version__[0] == "1": # for NetworkX version 1.x
                GraphSet.converters['to_graph'] = nx.Graph
                GraphSet.converters['to_edges'] = nx.Graph.edges
            else: # for NetworkX version 2.x
                GraphSet.converters['to_graph'] = nx.from_edgelist
                GraphSet.converters['to_edges'] = nx.to_edgelist

            g = nx.grid_2d_graph(3, 3)
            g = GraphSet.universe()
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, nx.Graph))
            self.assertEqual(len(g.edges()), 12)

            v00, v01, v10 = (0,0), (0,1), (1,0)
            e1, e2 = (v00, v01), (v00, v10)
            gs = GraphSet([nx.Graph([e1])])
            self.assertEqual(len(gs), 1)
            g = gs.pop()
            self.assertEqual(len(gs), 0)
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(g, nx.Graph))
            self.assertTrue(list(g.edges()) == [(v00, v01)] or list(g.edges()) == [(v01, v00)])
            self.assertEqual(len(gs), 1)
            GraphSet.converters['to_graph'] = lambda edges: edges
            GraphSet.converters['to_edges'] = lambda graph: graph
Example #13
def grid_2d(dim):
    import networkx as nx
    graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(dim, dim)

    for n in graph:
        graph.node[n]['asn'] = 1
        graph.node[n]['x'] = n[0] * 150
        graph.node[n]['y'] = n[1] * 150
        graph.node[n]['device_type'] = 'router'
        graph.node[n]['platform'] = 'cisco'
        graph.node[n]['syntax'] = 'ios_xr'
        graph.node[n]['host'] = 'internal'
        graph.node[n]['ibgp_level'] = 0

    mapping = {n: "%s_%s" % (n[0], n[1]) for n in graph}
    nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping, copy=False) # Networkx wipes data if remap with same labels
    for index, (src, dst) in enumerate(graph.edges()):
        graph[src][dst]['type'] = "physical"
        graph[src][dst]['edge_id'] = "%s_%s_%s" % (index, src, dst) # add global index for sorting

    SETTINGS['General']['deploy'] = True
    SETTINGS['Deploy Hosts']['internal'] = {
        'cisco': {
        'deploy': True,

    return graph
Example #14
    def test_dijkstra_predecessor(self):
        G = nx.path_graph(4)
            nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(G, 0), ({0: [], 1: [0], 2: [1], 3: [2]}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3})
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(2, 2)
        pred, dist = nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(G, (0, 0))
            sorted(pred.items()), [((0, 0), []), ((0, 1), [(0, 0)]), ((1, 0), [(0, 0)]), ((1, 1), [(0, 1), (1, 0)])]
        assert_equal(sorted(dist.items()), [((0, 0), 0), ((0, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((1, 1), 2)])

        XG = nx.DiGraph()
                ("s", "u", 10),
                ("s", "x", 5),
                ("u", "v", 1),
                ("u", "x", 2),
                ("v", "y", 1),
                ("x", "u", 3),
                ("x", "v", 5),
                ("x", "y", 2),
                ("y", "s", 7),
                ("y", "v", 6),
        (P, D) = nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(XG, "s")
        assert_equal(P["v"], ["u"])
        assert_equal(D["v"], 9)
Example #15
    def get_graph(self):
        lattice_coord_num = 4
        side_length = 0

        # The lattice size should be a perfect square, ideally, and is sqrt(population size)
        l = m.sqrt(self.simconfig.popsize)
        # get the fractional part of the result, because sqrt always returns a float, even if the number is technically an integer
        # so we have to test the fractional part, not check python types
        frac, integral = m.modf(l)
        if frac == 0.0:
            log.debug("Lattice model:  popsize %s, lattice will be %s by %s", self.simconfig.popsize, l, l)
            side_length = int(l)
            log.error("Lattice model: population size %s is not a perfect square", self.simconfig.popsize)

        if self.simconfig.periodic == 1:
            p = True
            log.debug("periodic boundary condition selected")
            p = False

        model = nx.grid_2d_graph(side_length, side_length, periodic=p)
        # now convert the resulting graph to have simple nodenames to use as keys
        # We need to retain the original nodenames, because they're tuples which represent the position
        # of the node in the lattice.  So we first store them as attribution 'pos' and then convert
        for nodename in model.nodes():
            model.node[nodename]['pos'] = nodename

        g = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(model)
        return g
def generate_graph(type = 'PL', n = 100, seed = 1.0, parameter = 2.1):
    if type == 'ER':
        G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p=parameter, seed=seed, directed=True)
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type == 'PL':
        z = nx.utils.create_degree_sequence(n, nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence, exponent = parameter)
        while not nx.is_valid_degree_sequence(z):
            z = nx.utils.create_degree_sequence(n, nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence, exponent = parameter)
        G = nx.configuration_model(z)
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type == 'BA':
        G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, 3, seed=None)
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type == 'grid':
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))), int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))))
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type in ['facebook', 'enron', 'twitter', 'students', 'tumblr', 'facebookBig']:
        #print 'start reading'
        #_, G, _, _ = readRealGraph(os.path.join("..","..","Data", type+".txt"))
        _, G, _, _ = readRealGraph(os.path.join("..","Data", type+".txt"))
        print 'size of graph', G.number_of_nodes()
        #Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G.to_undirected()), key = len, reverse=True)
        #print Gcc[0].number_of_nodes()
        #print 'num of connected components', len(sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G.to_undirected()), key = len, reverse=True))
        if G.number_of_nodes() > n:
            G = getSubgraph(G, n)
        #G = getSubgraphSimulation(G, n, infP = 0.3)
    return G
Example #17
def grid_2d(dim):
    """Creates a 2d grid of dimension dim"""
    graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(dim, dim)

    for node in graph:
        graph.node[node]["asn"] = 1
        graph.node[node]["x"] = node[0] * 150
        graph.node[node]["y"] = node[1] * 150
        graph.node[node]["device_type"] = "router"
        graph.node[node]["platform"] = "cisco"
        graph.node[node]["syntax"] = "ios_xr"
        graph.node[node]["host"] = "internal"
        graph.node[node]["ibgp_role"] = "Peer"

    mapping = {node: "%s_%s" % (node[0], node[1]) for node in graph}
    # Networkx wipes data if remap with same labels
    nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping, copy=False)
    for src, dst in graph.edges():
        graph[src][dst]["type"] = "physical"
        # add global index for sorting

    SETTINGS["General"]["deploy"] = True
    SETTINGS["Deploy Hosts"]["internal"] = {"cisco": {"deploy": True}}

    return graph
Example #18
def run_with_q(q):
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(N,N)
#    draw_lattice(G)

    # Generate traits
    traits = {}
    for node in G:
        trait_values = []
        for i in range(F):        
        traits[node] = trait_values

    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'traits', traits)
    edges = G.edges()
    potential_edges = get_potential_edges(G, edges)
    #print len(potential_edges)
    reached_stationary = False
    while not reached_stationary:
        if (len(potential_edges) == 0):
            reached_stationary = True
            #print('Still %d more potential edges '% (len(potential_edges)))

    result = get_cultural_domains(G)    
    print result
    #print potential_edges

    return result['percentage']
Example #19
    def test_others(self):
        (P, D) = nx.bellman_ford(self.XG, 's')
        assert_equal(P['v'], 'u')
        assert_equal(D['v'], 9)
        (P, D) = nx.goldberg_radzik(self.XG, 's')
        assert_equal(P['v'], 'u')
        assert_equal(D['v'], 9)

        G = nx.path_graph(4)
        assert_equal(nx.bellman_ford(G, 0),
                     ({0: None, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}))
        assert_equal(nx.goldberg_radzik(G, 0),
                     ({0: None, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}))
        assert_equal(nx.bellman_ford(G, 3),
                     ({0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: None}, {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 0}))
        assert_equal(nx.goldberg_radzik(G, 3),
                     ({0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: None}, {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 0}))

        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(2, 2)
        pred, dist = nx.bellman_ford(G, (0, 0))
                     [((0, 0), None), ((0, 1), (0, 0)),
                      ((1, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 1), (0, 1))])
                     [((0, 0), 0), ((0, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((1, 1), 2)])
        pred, dist = nx.goldberg_radzik(G, (0, 0))
                     [((0, 0), None), ((0, 1), (0, 0)),
                      ((1, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 1), (0, 1))])
                     [((0, 0), 0), ((0, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((1, 1), 2)])
Example #20
def spanning_2d_grid(length):
    Generate a square lattice with auxiliary nodes for spanning detection


    length : int
       Number of nodes in one dimension, excluding the auxiliary nodes.


       A square lattice graph with auxiliary nodes for spanning cluster

    See Also

    sample_states : spanning cluster detection

    ret = nx.grid_2d_graph(length + 2, length)

    for i in range(length):
        # side 0
        ret.node[(0, i)]['span'] = 0
        ret[(0, i)][(1, i)]['span'] = 0

        # side 1
        ret.node[(length + 1, i)]['span'] = 1
        ret[(length + 1, i)][(length, i)]['span'] = 1

    return ret
Example #21
    def test_large(self):
            import networkx as nx
        except ImportError:

            GraphSet.converters['to_graph'] = nx.Graph
            GraphSet.converters['to_edges'] = nx.Graph.edges

            g = nx.grid_2d_graph(8, 8)
            v00, v01, v10 = (0,0), (0,1), (1,0)

            self.assertEqual(len(GraphSet.universe().edges()), 112)
#            self.assertEqual(GraphSet.universe().edges()[:2], [(v00, v01), (v00, v10)])

            gs = GraphSet({});
            gs -= GraphSet([nx.Graph([(v00, v01)]),
                            nx.Graph([(v00, v01), (v00, v10)])])
            self.assertEqual(gs.len(), 5192296858534827628530496329220094)

            i = 0
            for g in gs:
                if i > 100: break
                i += 1

            paths = GraphSet.paths((0, 0), (7, 7))
            self.assertEqual(len(paths), 789360053252)
            GraphSet.converters['to_graph'] = lambda edges: edges
            GraphSet.converters['to_edges'] = lambda graph: graph
Example #22
def topologyInit(N, choice, Beta):
	'''Initializes a grid with N nodes distributed evenly on the map. The 
	map-file is files/Grid.xyz.
	The procedure evaluates the best possible coarsness to fit the desired
	number of nodes. Generates the full grid, associates height and position
	to the nodes and removes the node from the grid if it has 0 height. It then
	associates a weight with every link proportinal to 1+|Delta H|^(-40/13)
	Finally the resulting grid is out'''

	coarsnes = int(((float(N)/FRACTION)/(WIDTH*HEIGHT))**(0.5))
	print "Coarsness is : " + str(coarsnes)
	G = nx.grid_2d_graph(WIDTH*coarsnes, HEIGHT*coarsnes, True)
	listOfNodes = G.nodes()
	totalNum = len(listOfNodes)

	listOfPositions = M.getAll3dPos(G, coarsnes)
	listofGPS=[[element[0],element[1]] for element in listOfPositions]
	listOfHeights=[element[2] for element in listOfPositions]
	for i,x in enumerate(sorted(sorted(listOfNodes, key=itemgetter(0)), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)):
	listOfNodes=[x for x in listOfNodes if float(G.node[x]['height']) == 0]
	print "The actual number of agents in this simulation will be " + str(len(G.nodes()))

	if choice == WEIGHTED:
		for edge in G.edges():
			G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] =  2.7**(-Beta*abs(G.node[edge[0]]['height'] - G.node[edge[1]]['height']))
			if DEBUG:
		   		print G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight']
			#print str(edge) + "\t" + str(G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight']) + str(G.node[edge[0]]['height']) + "\t" + str(G.node[edge[1]]['height'])
		for edge in G.edges():
	print "the number of edges in this simulation will be " + str(len(G.edges()))
	for x in G.nodes():
	#target = open("node_height", "w")
	#for x in range(len(nodeColor)):
	#	target.write(str(x)+"\t"+str(nodeColor[x])+"\n")
	if SHOW == 1:
		elarge=[(u,v) for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] >=0.05]
		esmall=[(u,v) for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] <0.05]
		nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos={i:i for i in G.nodes()}, edgelist=elarge, width=2)
		nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos={i:i for i in G.nodes()}, edgelist=esmall, width=2, alpha=0.5,edge_color='b',style='dashed')
		nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos={i:i for i in G.nodes()}, node_color=nodeColor, node_cmap=plt.cm.summer, node_size=20)
		plt.xlabel('X_grid identifier')
		plt.ylabel('Y_grid identifier')
		plt.title('The grid\nGenerated on the basis of given DEM')
		plt.show() # display
	return G
Example #23
def ex_1():
    '''Example 1 of the paper.

    A 2-by-20 grid with reflecting boundary condition and an obstacle in the
    N = 20
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(N,N)

    n_middle = (N/2, N/2)

    # Add reflecting boundary condition
    for i,j in G:
        if i == 0 or i == N-1 or j == 0 or j == N-1:
            G.add_edge((i,j), (i,j))
    # Remove edges of the node at the middle
    # (keep one edge, to simplify the bookiping
    for u,v in sorted(G.edges(n_middle))[:-1]:
        G.add_edge(v,v) # Add self loop
        G.remove_edge(u, v)

    T, _ = get_T(G)
    savemat('vf_ex1', {'T':T}, oned_as='column')
    return G
Example #24
def er_network(p=0.5):
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(11, 11)
    for u in G.nodes():
        for v in G.nodes():
            if u == nest and v == target:
            if v == nest and u == target:
            if u != v:
                if random() <= p:
                    G.add_edge(u, v)
                    if G.has_edge(u, v):
                        G.remove_edge(u, v)
    if not nx.has_path(G, nest, target):
        return None
    short_path = nx.shortest_path(G, nest, target)
    if len(short_path) <= 3:
        return None
    #print short_path
    idx = choice(range(1, len(short_path) - 1))
    #print idx
    G.remove_edge(short_path[idx], short_path[idx + 1])
    for i in xrange(idx):
        P.append((short_path[i], short_path[i + 1]))
    for i in xrange(idx + 1, len(short_path) - 1):
        P.append((short_path[i], short_path[i + 1]))
    #print P
    if not nx.has_path(G, nest, target):
        return None
    for i,u in enumerate(G.nodes_iter()):
        M[i] = u
        Minv[u] = i
        pos[u] = [u[0],u[1]] # position is the same as the label.

        if (u[0] == nest) or (u == target):
    for u,v in G.edges_iter():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = MIN_PHEROMONE
        if (u, v) in P or (v, u) in P:
    for i, (u,v) in enumerate(G.edges()):
        Ninv[(u, v)] = i
        N[i] = (u, v)        
        Ninv[(v, u)] = i
    return G
Example #25
    def test_bellman_ford(self):
        # single node graph
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        assert_equal(nx.bellman_ford(G, 0), ({0: None}, {0: 0}))
        assert_raises(KeyError, nx.bellman_ford, G, 1)

        # negative weight cycle
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=-7)
        for i in range(5):
            assert_raises(nx.NetworkXUnbounded, nx.bellman_ford, G, i)
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5)  # undirected Graph
        G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=-3)
        for i in range(5):
            assert_raises(nx.NetworkXUnbounded, nx.bellman_ford, G, i)
        # no negative cycle but negative weight
        G = nx.cycle_graph(5, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=-3)
        assert_equal(nx.bellman_ford(G, 0), ({0: None, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: -2, 3: -1, 4: 0}))

        # not connected
        G = nx.complete_graph(6)
        G.add_edge(10, 11)
        G.add_edge(10, 12)
            nx.bellman_ford(G, 0), ({0: None, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1})

        # not connected, with a component not containing the source that
        # contains a negative cost cycle.
        G = nx.complete_graph(6)
        G.add_edges_from([("A", "B", {"load": 3}), ("B", "C", {"load": -10}), ("C", "A", {"load": 2})])
            nx.bellman_ford(G, 0, weight="load"),
            ({0: None, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1}),

        # multigraph
        P, D = nx.bellman_ford(self.MXG, "s")
        assert_equal(P["v"], "u")
        assert_equal(D["v"], 9)
        P, D = nx.bellman_ford(self.MXG4, 0)
        assert_equal(P[2], 1)
        assert_equal(D[2], 4)

        # other tests
        (P, D) = nx.bellman_ford(self.XG, "s")
        assert_equal(P["v"], "u")
        assert_equal(D["v"], 9)

        G = nx.path_graph(4)
        assert_equal(nx.bellman_ford(G, 0), ({0: None, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}))
        assert_equal(nx.bellman_ford(G, 3), ({0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: None}, {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 0}))

        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(2, 2)
        pred, dist = nx.bellman_ford(G, (0, 0))
        assert_equal(sorted(pred.items()), [((0, 0), None), ((0, 1), (0, 0)), ((1, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 1), (0, 1))])
        assert_equal(sorted(dist.items()), [((0, 0), 0), ((0, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((1, 1), 2)])
def gen_grid_graph(i):
    Generate a grid graph with about 2**i nodes.
    n = 2**i
    sn = int(n**(1/2))
    # Redefine amount of nodes:
    return nx.grid_2d_graph(sn,sn)
def test_2d_grid_graph():
    # FC article claims 2d grid graph of size n is (3,3)-connected 
    # and (5,9)-connected, but I don't think it is (5,9)-connected
 def test_grid(self):
     "Approximate current-flow betweenness centrality: 2d grid"
     ba = approximate_cfbc(G,normalized=True, epsilon=0.5*epsilon)
     for n in sorted(G):
Example #29
def __grid_layout__(width, height):
    # Construct the width + 1 by height + 1 grid with directed edges.
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(width + 1, height + 1)
    G = nx.DiGraph(G)

    pos = nx.spectral_layout(G)

    return (G, pos)
Example #30
 def test_predecessor(self):
     assert_equal(nx.predecessor(G,0),{0: [], 1: [0], 2: [1], 3: [2]})
                  [((0, 0), []), ((0, 1), [(0, 0)]), 
                   ((1, 0), [(0, 0)]), ((1, 1), [(0, 1), (1, 0)])])
Example #31
    def __init__(self, agents, width, height):

        if len(agents) > width * height:
            raise Exception('there must be enough space for all agents')

        # seutp grid
        self.space = nx.grid_2d_graph(width, height)

        # place agents
        positions = self.space.nodes()
        for agent in self.agents:
            pos = positions.pop()
            self.sync(self.place(agent, pos))

        # setup vacant positions
        for pos in positions:
            self.space.node[pos] = {'agent': None}
Example #32
    def ttrestore(self, entry):
        player_loc_0, player_loc_1, horizontal_walls, vertical_walls, wall_counts, terminal, index, nplayer = entry
        self.graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(self.size, self.size)
        self.players_loc[0] = np.array(player_loc_0)
        self.players_loc[1] = np.array(player_loc_1)
        self.horizontal_walls = set(horizontal_walls)
        self.vertical_walls = set(vertical_walls)

        for (x, y) in horizontal_walls:
            self.graph.remove_edges_from(Game.edges(x, y, HORIZONTAL))
        for (x, y) in vertical_walls:
            self.graph.remove_edges_from(Game.edges(x, y, VERTICAL))

        self.wall_counts = list(wall_counts)
        self.index = index
        self.terminal = terminal
        self.nplayer = nplayer
Example #33
def truncated_grid_2d_graph(m: int, n: int, t: int = None) -> nx.Graph:
    """Generate a rectangular grid graph (of width `m` and height `n`),
    with corners removed. It the truncation `t` is not given, then it
    is set to half the shortest side (rounded down)

    truncated_grid_graph(12, 11) returns the topology of Google's
    bristlecone chip.
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(m, n)
    if t is None:
        t = min(m, n) // 2

    for mm in range(t):
        for nn in range(t - mm):
            G.remove_node((mm, nn))
            G.remove_node((m - mm - 1, nn))
            G.remove_node((mm, n - nn - 1))
            G.remove_node((m - mm - 1, n - nn - 1))
    return G
Example #34
def test_min_weight_simple_path_greedy():
    test_graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(4, 4)
    test_graph.remove_node((3, 0))
    test_graph.remove_node((0, 3))
    for e in test_graph.edges:
        test_graph[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] = np.random.rand()

    weights = [w for u, v, w in test_graph.edges.data('weight')]

    # it better return the lowest weight edge for a path consisting of 2 nodes
    path = min_weight_simple_path_greedy(test_graph, 2)
    assert path_weight(test_graph, path) == min(weights)

    # it should return simple paths
    path = min_weight_simple_path_greedy(test_graph, 5)
    assert nx.is_simple_path(test_graph, path)

    # there should not exist a simple path of 14 nodes
    assert min_weight_simple_path_greedy(test_graph, 14) is None
Example #35
def torus_graph(N):
    for i in G.nodes(): #for each agent
        #    east,  west,  north,  south
        lst=[i[0]+1,i[0]-1,i[1]+1,i[1]-1]  #get a list of the grid neighbor indices
        for n,j in enumerate(lst):   # n is the index "index" j is the index itself
            # if the index is outside of the range of possible values
            if j==-1: lst[n]=max(G.nodes())[0]  # connect the most southern (?) node with the most northern (?)
            if j==max(G.nodes())[0]+1: lst[n]=0  # or connect the most northern (?) node to the most southern (?)
        nneigh=[(lst[1],lst[2]),(lst[0],lst[2])]  # list of two tuples, one for each neighbor, change only the northern neighbors
        for k in nneigh:
    if N <= 100:
        G=nx.relabel_nodes(G,dict(zip(G.nodes(),[j[0]*10 + j[1] for j in [list(i) for i in G.nodes()]])),copy=False)
        # the mapping here makes sure that nodes get assigned an integer label that corresponds to their original
        # positioning tuple (i.e. (3,4) becomes 34)
Example #36
def grid_r(N, M, p):
    N - height
    M - width
    p - rewiring rate
    g = nx.grid_2d_graph(N, M, periodic=True, create_using=None)

    g.graph['N'] = N
    g.graph['M'] = M
    g.graph['p'] = p

    for e in g.edges:
        if random.random() <= p:
            g.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])
            v = random.choice(list(g.nodes()))
            g.add_edge(e[0], v)

    return g
Example #37
def define_grid_graph(
    N: int = 3,
    M: int = 3,
    mapping: dict = DEFAULT_MAP,
    refSpeed: dict = DEFAULT_SPD,
    sensors: tuple = SENSORS,
    selfishness: float = 0.5,
) -> nx.Graph:
    """ Creates a grid graph for the control algorithm 
    :param N: row number, defaults to 3
    :type N: int, optional
    :param M: column number, defaults to 3
    :type M: int, optional
    :param mapping: mapping option to match symuvia, defaults to DEFAULT_MAP
    :type mapping: dict, optional
    :param refSpeed: Individual speed reference per zone 
    :type refSpeed: dict, optional
    :param selfishness: Weight for self control action cooperative action is then weighted as (1- selfishness)
    :type selfishness: dict, optional
    :return: tuple with 
    :rtype: tuple

    # Creating cyclic  graph
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(N, M)

    # Adding attributes to graph
    G.graph["self"] = selfishness

    # Relabeling nodes
    mapping = dict(zip(G.nodes(), sensors))

    # Explicit
    G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)

    # Set reference speed on node
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, refSpeed, "freeFlowSpeed")

    # Plot graph
    # nx.draw(G, node_color="#A0CBE2", with_labels=True)

    return G
def draw_grid(n,X):
    #Draw an n x n grid with edges / nodes from X in red
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(n+1,n+1)
    nc = [G.node[n]['color'] for n in G.nodes()]
    ec = [G[i][j]['color'] for i,j in G.edges()]
    w = [G[i][j]['weight'] for i,j in G.edges()]
def generate_2D_graph(n, coef_suppr=False, show=False):
    graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(n, n)  # n x n grid

    if coef_suppr != False:
        nb_suppr = int(len(list(graph.nodes)) * coef_suppr)

        random_edge(graph, nb_suppr, delete=True)

    pos = nx.spring_layout(graph, iterations=100)

    graph = graph.to_directed()

    if show:
        nx.draw(graph, pos, node_color='b', node_size=20, with_labels=False)
        plt.title("Road network")

    return graph
Example #40
def test_get_all_hardware_grid_problems():
    device_graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(3, 3)
    device_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(device_graph,
                                    mapping={(r, c): cirq.GridQubit(r, c)
                                             for r, c in device_graph.nodes})
    problems = get_all_hardware_grid_problems(device_graph,
                                                  1, 1),
    keys_should_be = [(n, i) for n in range(2, 9 + 1) for i in range(3)]
    assert list(problems.keys()) == keys_should_be
    for (n, i), v in problems.items():
        assert isinstance(v, HardwareGridProblem)
        assert len(v.graph.nodes) == n
        assert len(v.coordinates) == n
        for r, c in v.coordinates:
            assert 0 <= r < 3
            assert 0 <= c < 3
Example #41
def schelling_model(grid_source, threshold, iterations):
    """ Shows schelling model """
    # get max rows and columns from the input grid
    numrows = len(grid_source)
    numcols = len(grid_source[0])

    # create grid
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(numrows, numcols)

    # map nodes to grid
    for i, j in G.nodes():
        G.nodes[(i, j)]['type'] = grid_source[i][j]

    # add diagonal edges
    for ((x, y), d) in G.nodes(data=True):
        if (x + 1 <= numcols - 1) and (y + 1 <= numrows - 1):
            G.add_edge((x, y), (x + 1, y + 1))
    for ((x, y), d) in G.nodes(data=True):
        if (x + 1 <= numcols - 1) and (y - 1 >= 0):
            G.add_edge((x, y), (x + 1, y - 1))

    # display initial graph
    display_graph(G, 'Initial Grid (Please close to continue)')

    # get boundary and internal nodes
    boundary_nodes_list = get_boundary_nodes(G, numrows, numcols)
    internal_nodes_list = list(set(G.nodes()) - set(boundary_nodes_list))

    # make calculations according to threshold
    # accuracy is based on the number of iterations
    logger.info("Starting Calculations")
    for i in range(int(iterations)):
        # get list of unsatisfied nodes first
        unsatisfied_nodes_list = get_unsatisfied_nodes_list(
            G, internal_nodes_list, boundary_nodes_list, threshold, numrows,
        logger.info("iteration: {}".format(i))
        # move an unsatisfied node to an empty cell
        empty_cells = [n for (n, d) in G.nodes(data=True) if d['type'] == ' ']
        make_node_satisfied(G, unsatisfied_nodes_list, empty_cells)
    # display final graph
    display_graph(G, 'Schelling model Implemented')
    logger.info("Schelling model Complete")
    def generate_grid(m, n, same_weight=None):
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(m, n)
        grid = nx.DiGraph()

        for e1, e2 in G.edges():
            # rand_num = 0.0
            # while rand_num == 0.0:
            #     rand_num = random.random()

            if same_weight is not None:
                weight = same_weight
                rand_num = random.uniform(1, 2)
                weight = round(rand_num, 2)

            grid.add_edge(e1, e2, weight=weight)
            grid.add_edge(e2, e1, weight=weight)

        return grid
Example #43
def generate_squarenoc(orderx=3, ordery=None, with_ipcore=False):
    NoC generator helper: generates a 2D grid NoC object
    * orderx: optional X-axis length of the grid. By default build a 3x3 square 
    * ordery: optional Y-axis length of the grid. By default build a square grid
      of order "orderx". This argument is used to build rectangular grids.
    * with_ipcore: If True, add ipcores to routers automatically.
    if ordery == None:
        ordery = orderx

    # 1. generate a 2d grid
    basegrid = nx.grid_2d_graph(orderx, ordery)

    # 2. convert to a graph with ints as nodes
    convgrid = nx.Graph()
    for n in basegrid.nodes_iter():
        n2 = n[0] + n[1] * orderx
        convgrid.add_node(n2, coord_x=n[0], coord_y=n[1])
    for e in basegrid.edges_iter():
        e1 = e[0][0] + e[0][1] * orderx
        e2 = e[1][0] + e[1][1] * orderx
        convgrid.add_edge(e1, e2)

    nocbase = noc(name="NoC grid %dx%d" % (orderx, ordery), data=convgrid)

    # 2. for each node add router object
    for n in nocbase.nodes_iter():
        cx = nocbase.node[n]["coord_x"]
        cy = nocbase.node[n]["coord_y"]
        r = nocbase._add_router_from_node(n, coord_x=cx, coord_y=cy)
        if with_ipcore:

    # 3. for each edge add channel object
    for e in nocbase.edges_iter():

    return nocbase
Example #44
def get_rand_weight(YP, Y):
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(SIZE[0], SIZE[1])
    nlabels_dict = dict()
    for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True):
        if u[0] == v[0]:  #vertical, dy, channel 0
            channel = 0
        if u[1] == v[1]:  #horizontal, dy, channel 1
            channel = 1
        d['weight'] = (YP[0, u[0], u[1], 0] + YP[0, v[0], v[1], 0]) / 2.0
        nlabels_dict[u] = Y[0, u[0], u[1], 0]
        nlabels_dict[v] = Y[0, v[0], v[1], 0]

    [posCounts, negCounts, mstEdges, totalPos,
     totalNeg] = ev.FindRandCounts(G, nlabels_dict)
    posError = totalPos
    negError = 0.0
    WY = np.zeros((1, SIZE[0], SIZE[1], 1), np.single)
    SY = np.zeros((1, SIZE[0], SIZE[1], 1), np.single)
    for i in range(len(posCounts)):
        posError = posError - posCounts[i]
        negError = negError + negCounts[i]
        WS = posError - negError
        (u, v) = mstEdges[i]
        if u[0] == v[0]:  #vertical, dy, channel 0
            channel = 0
        if u[1] == v[1]:  #horizontal, dy, channel 1
            channel = 1

        WY[0, u[0], u[1], 0] += abs(WS) / 2.0
        WY[0, v[0], v[1], 0] += abs(WS) / 2.0
        if WS > 0.0:
            SY[0, u[0], u[1], 0] += 0.5
            SY[0, v[0], v[1], 0] += 0.5
        if WS < 0.0:
            SY[0, u[0], u[1], 0] += -0.5
            SY[0, v[0], v[1], 0] += -0.5
    # Std normalization
    totalW = np.sum(WY)
    if totalW != 0.0:
        WY = np.divide(WY, totalW)
    #SY = np.divide(SY, np.max(SY))
    return [WY, SY]
Example #45
    def get_rand_weight(YP, YN):
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(INPUT_SIZE[0], INPUT_SIZE[1])
        nlabels_dict = dict()
        for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True):

            d['weight'] = (YP[0, u[0], u[1], 0] + YP[0, v[0], v[1], 0]) / 2.0
            nlabels_dict[u] = YN[0, u[0], u[1], 0]
            nlabels_dict[v] = YN[0, v[0], v[1], 0]

        [posCounts, negCounts, mstEdges, totalPos,
         totalNeg] = ev.FindRandCounts(G, nlabels_dict)

        # start off with every point in own cluster
        posError = totalPos
        negError = 0.0

        WY = np.zeros((1, INPUT_SIZE[0], INPUT_SIZE[1], 1), np.float32)
        SY = np.zeros((1, INPUT_SIZE[0], INPUT_SIZE[1], 1), np.float32)

        for i in range(len(posCounts)):
            posError = posError - posCounts[i]
            negError = negError + negCounts[i]

            WS = posError - negError

            (u, v) = mstEdges[i]

            WY[0, u[0], u[1], 0] = abs(WS) / 2.0
            WY[0, v[0], v[1], 0] = abs(WS) / 2.0
            if WS > 0.0:
                SY[0, u[0], u[1], 0] = 1.0
                SY[0, v[0], v[1], 0] = 1.0
            if WS < 0.0:
                SY[0, u[0], u[1], 0] = -1.0
                SY[0, v[0], v[1], 0] = -1.0

        # Std normalization
        totalW = np.sum(WY)
        if totalW != 0.0:
            WY = np.divide(WY, totalW)

        return [WY, SY]
Example #46
def load_data(dataset):
    """ Load datasets from tkipf/gae input files
    :param dataset: 'cora', 'citeseer' or 'pubmed' graph dataset.
    :return: n*n sparse adjacency matrix and n*f node features matrix
    # Load the data: x, tx, allx, graph
    if dataset == 'karate':
        graph = nx.karate_club_graph()
        graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(10, 10)
        adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph)
        features = sp.eye(*adj.shape)

        names = ['x', 'tx', 'allx', 'graph']
        objects = []
        for i in range(len(names)):
            with open("../data/ind.{}.{}".format(dataset, names[i]),
                      'rb') as f:
                if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
                    objects.append(pkl.load(f, encoding='latin1'))
        x, tx, allx, graph = tuple(objects)
        test_idx_reorder = parse_index_file(
        test_idx_range = np.sort(test_idx_reorder)

        if dataset == 'citeseer':
            # Fix citeseer dataset (there are some isolated nodes in the graph)
            # Find isolated nodes, add them as zero-vecs into the right position
            test_idx_range_full = range(min(test_idx_reorder),
                                        max(test_idx_reorder) + 1)
            tx_extended = sp.lil_matrix((len(test_idx_range_full), x.shape[1]))
            tx_extended[test_idx_range - min(test_idx_range), :] = tx
            tx = tx_extended

        features = sp.vstack((allx, tx)).tolil()
        features[test_idx_reorder, :] = features[test_idx_range, :]
        graph = nx.from_dict_of_lists(graph)
        adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph)

    return adj, features
Example #47
def test_simple_lattice():
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(10, 10)

    def oracle(vert):
        return ((vert[0] < 3) and (vert[1] < 3)) or ((vert[0] > 6) and
                                                     (vert[1] > 6))

    # enum: 638 ms ± 22.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
    # moss: 18.1 ms ± 75.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

    G_cut = s2(G, oracle, lambda G, U, V: moss(G, U, V))

    fig = plt.figure()
    draw_labeled_graph(G, oracle)

    draw_labeled_graph(G_cut, lambda v: G_cut.node[v].get('label'))

Example #48
 def feature_maker(imgs):
     #expected 4D arrays NxHxWxC
     X = np.zeros((NUM_SAMPLES, SIZE[0] * (SIZE[0] - 1) * 2, 3),
     G = nx.grid_2d_graph(SIZE[0], SIZE[1])
     for i in range(imgs.shape[0]):  #for each sample
         aimg = np.zeros((SIZE[0] * (SIZE[0] - 1) * 2, 3))
         for j in range(imgs.shape[-1]):  #for each channel
             img = imgs[i, :, :, j]
             img = signal.convolve2d(img,
                                         (KERNEL_SIZE, KERNEL_SIZE)) / 9.0,
             upto = 0
             for (u, v) in G.edges():
                 aimg[upto][j] = (img[u] + img[v]) / 2.0
                 upto = upto + 1
         X[i, :, :] = aimg
     return X
Example #49
def _get_9q_square_qvm(name: str,
                       noisy: bool,
                       connection: ForestConnection = None) -> QuantumComputer:
    A nine-qubit 3x3 square lattice.

    This uses a "generic" lattice not tied to any specific device. 9 qubits is large enough
    to do vaguely interesting algorithms and small enough to simulate quickly.

    :param name: The name of this QVM
    :param connection: The connection to use to talk to external services
    :param noisy: Whether to construct a noisy quantum computer
    :return: A pre-configured QuantumComputer
    topology = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(nx.grid_2d_graph(3, 3))
    return _get_qvm_with_topology(name=name,
Example #50
def cal_cost_with_maxdist(t):
    conn = db_connection()
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(numCells, numCells)
    for e in G.edges_iter():
        if cell_connected(e[0], e[1], conn):
            G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] = 1
            G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] = 10000
            print e

    maxdist = round(maxspeed * 60 /
                    (float(boundary_size) * 111 * 1000 / numCells) *

    matrix = [[0 for i in range(numCells * numCells)]
              for j in range(numCells * numCells)]
    for i in G.nodes_iter():
        row_index = rowcol_to_index(*i)
        for j in G.nodes_iter():
            col_index = rowcol_to_index(*j)
            if row_index < col_index:
                if manhanton(i, j) <= maxdist:
                    matrix[row_index][col_index] = nx.shortest_path_length(
                        G, i, j, 'weight')
                    matrix[row_index][col_index] = 10000
        print row_index

    result_folder = folder_check(t)
    with open(result_folder + '/costlist.txt', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(numCells * numCells):
            orowcol = index_to_rowcol(i)
            for j in range(numCells * numCells):
                drowcol = index_to_rowcol(j)
                if i < j:
                    cost = matrix[i][j]
                    cost = matrix[j][i]
                f.write('''%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n''' %
                        (orowcol[0], orowcol[1], drowcol[0], drowcol[1], cost))
Example #51
def get_cohesive_small_world(n=25, threshold=1.5):
    def build_net(G, edges):
        nodes = list(G.nodes())
        while G.size() < edges:
            a = random.choice(nodes)
            b = random.choice(nodes)
            if a != b:
                G.add_edge(a, b)
        return G

    nedges = nx.grid_2d_graph(int(n**0.5), int(n**0.5)).size()
    i = 0
    swi = 0
    while swi < threshold or swi > threshold + 0.1:
        seed = nx.cycle_graph(n)
        G = build_net(seed, nedges)
        swi = get_swi(G)
        i += 1
    msg = 'We needed {:d} runs to obtain a cohesive small world with {:d} nodes and swi={:.2f}'
    print(msg.format(i, n, threshold))
    return G
Example #52
 def initCostMapGrid(self, costMap):
     cellSize = 16
     frameSizeX = 3488
     frameSizeY = 2560
     cols = int(frameSizeX / cellSize)
     rows = int(frameSizeY / cellSize)
     self.n = cols * rows
     #self.costmapViz = np.reshape(costMap[:,2],(rows,cols))
     self.costMap = dict(
         zip(zip(costMap[:, 0], costMap[:, 1]), costMap[:, 2]))
     self.G = nx.grid_2d_graph(rows, cols, periodic=False)
     for e in self.G.edges():
             'weight'] = self.straightWeight  #set edge weights for N,S,E,W, neighbors
     for n in list(self.G.nodes()):
         r, c = n
         if 0 < r < rows - 1 and 0 < c < cols - 1:
             self.G.add_edge(n, (r - 1, c - 1), weight=self.diagWeight)
             self.G.add_edge(n, (r + 1, c - 1), weight=self.diagWeight)
             self.G.add_edge(n, (r + 1, c + 1), weight=self.diagWeight)
             self.G.add_edge(n, (r - 1, c + 1), weight=self.diagWeight)
Example #53
    def test_dijkstra_predecessor(self):
                     ({0: [], 1: [0], 2: [1], 3: [2]}, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}))
                     [((0, 0), []), ((0, 1), [(0, 0)]), 
                      ((1, 0), [(0, 0)]), ((1, 1), [(0, 1), (1, 0)])])
                     [((0, 0), 0), ((0, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((1, 1), 2)])

        XG.add_weighted_edges_from([('s','u',10) ,('s','x',5) ,
                                    ('u','v',1) ,('u','x',2) ,
                                    ('v','y',1) ,('x','u',3) ,
                                    ('x','v',5) ,('x','y',2) ,
                                    ('y','s',7) ,('y','v',6)])
        (P,D)= nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(XG,'s')
Example #54
    def get_graph_list(num_factors):
        graph_list = []
        # 2, 3 bipartite graph
        g = nx.turan_graph(n=5, r=2)

        g = nx.house_x_graph()

        g = nx.balanced_tree(r=3, h=2)

        g = nx.grid_2d_graph(m=3, n=3)

        g = nx.hypercube_graph(n=3)

        g = nx.octahedral_graph()
        return graph_list[:num_factors]
Example #55
 def __init__(self, input):
     if input[1] = None:
         # random graph
         self.num_nodes = input[0]
         self.primalbound = np.inf
         self.r1star = np.inf
         self.finalpath = []
         self.graph = nx.DiGraph()
         self.r1 = 'r1'
         self.cost = 'cost'
         H = nx.grid_2d_graph(self.num_nodes/4,4).to_directed()
         node_dict = {}
         for (idx, node) in enumerate(H.nodes):
             node_dict[node] = idx
         for (u, v) in H.edges:
             res1 = np.random.random()
             cost = np.random.random()
             self.graph[node_dict[u]][node_dict[v]][self.r1] = res1
             self.graph[node_dict[u]][node_dict[v]][self.cost] = cost
         OD = np.random.choice(self.num_nodes, 2, replace=False)            
         self.start = OD[0]
         self.dest  = OD[1]
         self.R1underbar = nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph, target=self.dest, weight=self.r1)
         self.Cunderbar = nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph, target=self.dest, weight=self.cost)
         self.maxR1 = self.R1underbar[self.start]*1.2
         self.optimal = None
         for path in nx.shortest_simple_paths(self.graph, self.start, self.dest, weight=self.cost):
             cost = 0.0
             res1 = 0.0
             for (idx, n) in enumerate(path):
                 if idx > 0:
                     cost += self.graph[path[idx-1]][n][self.cost]
                     res1 += self.graph[path[idx-1]][n][self.r1]
             if res1 < self.maxR1:
                 self.optimal = cost
Example #56
    def calc_all_pairs_data(self, DSM):
        SIZE_X = 100
        SIZE_Y = 100
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(SIZE_X, SIZE_Y)

        if NUMBER_OF_ACTIONS >= 8:
            Diagonals_Weight = 1
            # add diagonals edges
                                 ((x, y), (x + 1, y + 1))
                                 for x in range(SIZE_Y - 1)
                                 for y in range(SIZE_Y - 1)
                             ] + [
                                 ((x + 1, y), (x, y + 1))
                                 for x in range(SIZE_Y - 1)
                                 for y in range(SIZE_Y - 1)
                             ], weight=Diagonals_Weight)

        # remove obstacle nodes and edges
        for x in range(SIZE_X):
            for y in range(SIZE_Y):
                if DSM[x][y] == 1.:
                    G.remove_node((x, y))

        # nx.write_gpickle(G, 'G_' + DSM_name + '.pkl')

        import bz2
        print("starting all_pairs_distances")
        all_pairs_distances = dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(G))

        with bz2.open('all_pairs_distances_' + DSM_name + '___' + '.pkl', "wb") as f:
        # sfile = bz2.BZ2File('all_pairs_distances_' + DSM_name + '___' + '.pkl', 'wb', 'w')
        # pickle.dump(all_pairs_distances, sfile)
        print("finished all_pairs_distances")

        with bz2.open('all_pairs_distances_' + DSM_name + '___' + '.pkl', "rb") as f:
            # Decompress data from file
            content = f.read()
        print("dist from (5,5) to (5,6) is: ", content[(5,5)][(5,5)])
Example #57
def draw_path(problem, path):
    Draw the graph and the path from initial_state to goal_state, just for visualization.
    -- Creates a jpg in $CWD
    -- Will be able to map multiple goal_src's hopefully.

    :param problem:               An object of type Problem.
    :param path:            The path that AStar's search returns
    :return:                Nothing
    g = nx.grid_2d_graph(0, 0)

    # Get edges and nodes
    prev = None
    for item in path:
        if prev is not None:
            g.add_edge(item, prev)
        prev = item

    path_nodes = {node: node for node in path}
    all_nodes = {node: node for node in problem.graph}
    all_edges = problem.graph.edges()
    path_edges = g.edges()

    # labels
    labels = {problem.initial_state: 'Src', problem.goal_state: 'Dst'}

    # nodes
    nx.draw(g, all_nodes, nodelist=all_nodes, node_size=20, node_color='b')
    nx.draw(g, all_nodes, nodelist=path_nodes, node_size=40, node_color='k', labels=labels, with_labels=True)

    # edges
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, all_nodes, edgelist=all_edges, width=1)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, all_nodes, edgelist=path_edges, width=2, edge_color='k', style='dotted')

Example #58
def get_maximin_weight(YP, Y):
    G = nx.grid_2d_graph(SIZE[0], SIZE[1])
    nlabels_dict = dict()
    for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True):
        if u[0] == v[0]:  #vertical, dy, channel 0
            channel = 0
        if u[1] == v[1]:  #horizontal, dy, channel 1
            channel = 1
        d['weight'] = (YP[0, u[0], u[1], 0] + YP[0, v[0], v[1], 0]) / 2.0
        nlabels_dict[u] = Y[0, u[0], u[1], 0]
        nlabels_dict[v] = Y[0, v[0], v[1], 0]
    WY = np.zeros((1, SIZE[0], SIZE[1], 1), np.single)
    SY = np.zeros((1, SIZE[0], SIZE[1], 1), np.single)
    #build an MST
    mstEdges = ev.mstEdges(G)
    MST = nx.Graph()
    #get a random pair u,v
    u = (randint(0, SIZE[0] - 1), randint(0, SIZE[1] - 1))
    v = (randint(0, SIZE[0] - 1), randint(0, SIZE[1] - 1))
    while u == v:
        u = (randint(0, SIZE[0] - 1), randint(0, SIZE[1] - 1))
        v = (randint(0, SIZE[0] - 1), randint(0, SIZE[1] - 1))
    #find the maximin path between u and v on the MST
    path = nx.shortest_path(MST, source=u, target=v)

    #the maximin edge
    (us, vs) = min([edge for edge in nx.utils.pairwise(path)],
                   key=lambda e: G.edges[e]['weight'])

    WY[0, us[0], us[1], 0] += 0.5
    WY[0, vs[0], vs[1], 0] += 0.5

    if Y[0, u[0], u[1], 0] == Y[0, v[0], v[1], 0]:
        SY[0, us[0], us[1], 0] += 0.5
        SY[0, vs[0], vs[1], 0] += 0.5
        SY[0, us[0], us[1], 0] += -0.5
        SY[0, vs[0], vs[1], 0] += -0.5
    return [WY, SY]
Example #59
def generate_graph(type='PL', n=100, seed=1.0, parameter=2.1):
    if type == 'ER':
        G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p=parameter, seed=seed, directed=True)
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type == 'PL':
        z = nx.utils.create_degree_sequence(n,
        while not nx.is_valid_degree_sequence(z):
            z = nx.utils.create_degree_sequence(n,
        G = nx.configuration_model(z)
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type == 'BA':
        G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, 3, seed=None)
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type == 'grid':
        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))),
        G = nx.DiGraph(G)
    elif type in [
            'facebook', 'enron', 'twitter', 'students', 'tumblr', 'facebookBig'
        #print 'start reading'
        #_, G, _, _ = readRealGraph(os.path.join("..","..","Data", type+".txt"))
        _, G, _, _ = readRealGraph(os.path.join("..", "Data", type + ".txt"))
        print 'size of graph', G.number_of_nodes()
        #Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G.to_undirected()), key = len, reverse=True)
        #print Gcc[0].number_of_nodes()
        #print 'num of connected components', len(sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G.to_undirected()), key = len, reverse=True))
        if G.number_of_nodes() > n:
            G = getSubgraph(G, n)
        #G = getSubgraphSimulation(G, n, infP = 0.3)
    return G
Example #60
def Sample(p='train', ID=None):
    if ID == None:
        print('TrainSample needs to know the sample id.')
        segId = 0
        if p == 'train':
            image = io.imread(TRAIN_IMG_DIR + ID + IMG_EXT)
            groundTruth = loadmat(TRAIN_GT_DIR + ID + GT_EXT)
        elif p == 'val':
            image = io.imread(TRAIN_IMG_DIR + ID + IMG_EXT)
            groundTruth = loadmat(VAL_GT_DIR + ID + GT_EXT)

        gtseg = groundTruth['groundTruth'][0,
                                           segId]['Segmentation'][0, 0].astype(
        if image.shape[0] < image.shape[1]:
            image = np.rot90(image, k=1, axes=(0, 1))
            gtseg = np.rot90(gtseg, k=1, axes=(0, 1))

        #delete one row and one column so the data fits the unet
        image = np.delete(image, 0, 0)
        image = np.delete(image, 0, 1)
        gtseg = np.delete(gtseg, 0, 0)
        gtseg = np.delete(gtseg, 0, 1)

        elabels = np.ones((gtseg.shape[0], gtseg.shape[1], 2), np.float32)

        G = nx.grid_2d_graph(gtseg.shape[0], gtseg.shape[1])
        for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True):
            if u[0] == v[0]:
                channel = 0
                channel = 1

            if abs(gtseg[u] - gtseg[v]) > 0.0:
                elabels[u[0], u[1], channel] = -1.0

        nlabels = np.expand_dims(gtseg, axis=2)
        return (image, nlabels, elabels)