Example #1
    def test_directed(self):
        """Tests that each pair of nodes in the directed graph is
        counted once when computing the Wiener index.

        G = complete_graph(3)
        H = DiGraph(G)
        eq_(2 * wiener_index(G), wiener_index(H))
Example #2
    def test_directed(self):
        """Tests that each pair of nodes in the directed graph is
        counted once when computing the Wiener index.

        G = complete_graph(3)
        H = DiGraph(G)
        eq_(2 * wiener_index(G), wiener_index(H))
def ustrezna_drevesa(sez):
    #funkcija, ki iz seznama dreves pobere tista, ki se jim index spremeni za ena pri zamenjavi ene povezave pri listu
    novi = []
    for T in sez:
        w = nx.wiener_index(T, weight=None)
        for lis in listi(T):
            for vozlisce in T:
                G = T.copy()
                G.add_edge(lis, vozlisce)
                v = nx.wiener_index(G, weight=None)
                if abs(w - v) == 1:
    return novi
def networkx_to_outp_format(graph, index, type):
    return {
        "index": index,
        "graph_type": type,
        "wiener_index": nx.wiener_index(graph, weight='weight'),
        "edges": list(graph.edges())
def wiener_impact_e_removal(g: nx.Graph) -> List[float]:
    Calcula os impactos de Wiener para cada remoção de arestas possível em um grafo.
    M = g.number_of_edges()

    return wiener_indices_e_removal(g) - nx.wiener_index(g) * np.ones(M)
Example #6
    def test_path_graph(self):
        """Tests that the Wiener index of the path graph is correctly

        # In P_n, there are n - 1 pairs of vertices at distance one, n -
        # 2 pairs at distance two, n - 3 at distance three, ..., 1 at
        # distance n - 1, so the Wiener index should be
        #     1 * (n - 1) + 2 * (n - 2) + ... + (n - 2) * 2 + (n - 1) * 1
        # For example, in P_5,
        #     1 * 4 + 2 * 3 + 3 * 2 + 4 * 1 = 2 (1 * 4 + 2 * 3)
        # and in P_6,
        #     1 * 5 + 2 * 4 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 2 + 5 * 1 = 2 (1 * 5 + 2 * 4) + 3 * 3
        # assuming n is *odd*, this gives the formula
        #     2 \sum_{i = 1}^{(n - 1) / 2} [i * (n - i)]
        # assuming n is *even*, this gives the formula
        #     2 \sum_{i = 1}^{n / 2} [i * (n - i)] - (n / 2) ** 2
        n = 9
        G = path_graph(n)
        expected = 2 * sum(i * (n - i) for i in range(1, (n // 2) + 1))
        actual = wiener_index(G)
        eq_(expected, actual)
Example #7
    def test_path_graph(self):
        """Tests that the Wiener index of the path graph is correctly

        # In P_n, there are n - 1 pairs of vertices at distance one, n -
        # 2 pairs at distance two, n - 3 at distance three, ..., 1 at
        # distance n - 1, so the Wiener index should be
        #     1 * (n - 1) + 2 * (n - 2) + ... + (n - 2) * 2 + (n - 1) * 1
        # For example, in P_5,
        #     1 * 4 + 2 * 3 + 3 * 2 + 4 * 1 = 2 (1 * 4 + 2 * 3)
        # and in P_6,
        #     1 * 5 + 2 * 4 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 2 + 5 * 1 = 2 (1 * 5 + 2 * 4) + 3 * 3
        # assuming n is *odd*, this gives the formula
        #     2 \sum_{i = 1}^{(n - 1) / 2} [i * (n - i)]
        # assuming n is *even*, this gives the formula
        #     2 \sum_{i = 1}^{n / 2} [i * (n - i)] - (n / 2) ** 2
        n = 9
        G = path_graph(n)
        expected = 2 * sum(i * (n - i) for i in range(1, (n // 2) + 1))
        actual = wiener_index(G)
        eq_(expected, actual)
Example #8
    def test_complete_graph(self):
        """TestData that the Wiener index of the complete graph is simply
        the number of edges.

        n = 10
        G = complete_graph(n)
        assert wiener_index(G) == (n * (n - 1) / 2)
def wiener_indices_v_removal(g: nx.Graph) -> List[int]:
    Calcula os índices de Wiener para cada remoção de vértice possível em um grafo.
    deck = deck_of_graphs(g)
    wieners = np.squeeze(np.asarray([nx.wiener_index(x) for x in deck]))

    return wieners
Example #10
    def test_complete_graph(self):
        """Tests that the Wiener index of the complete graph is simply
        the number of edges.

        n = 10
        G = complete_graph(n)
        eq_(wiener_index(G), n * (n - 1) / 2)
Example #11
    def test_complete_graph(self):
        """Tests that the Wiener index of the complete graph is simply
        the number of edges.

        n = 10
        G = complete_graph(n)
        eq_(wiener_index(G), n * (n - 1) / 2)
Example #12
def compute_wiener_index(G):
    '''If graph is not connected returns -1'''
    projected_graph = projected_graph.project_oxygen_role_based_graph(G)
       wiener = nx.wiener_index(projected_graph)
       return wiener
       return -1
Example #13
def wiener_impact_v_removal(g: nx.Graph) -> List[float]:
    Calcula os impactos de Wiener para cada remoção de vértices possível em um grafo.
    n = g.number_of_nodes()
    transmissions = np.squeeze(
        np.asarray(np.dot(distance_matrix([g]), np.ones(n))))

    return wiener_indices_v_removal(
        g) + transmissions - nx.wiener_index(g) * np.ones(n)
Example #14
def projected_oxygen_graph_metrics(projected_graph):
    communities = community.greedy_modularity_communities(projected_graph)
    mod_score = modularity(projected_graph, communities)  #not returned
        aspl = nx.average_shortest_path_length(projected_graph)
        wiener = nx.wiener_index(projected_graph)
        aspl = -1
        wiener = -1
    return aspl, wiener, len(communities), communities, mod_score
Example #15
    def get_structural_virality(self):
        Returns a measure of structural virality.

            Structural virality: float
        import networkx as nx
        from networkx.algorithms.wiener import wiener_index
        n = self.diffusion_tree.number_of_nodes()
        return nx.wiener_index(self.diffusion_tree) / (n * (n - 1))
def moc_mnozice_novih_indeksov(graf):
    n = len(graf)
    osnovni_index = nx.wiener_index(graf)
    najkrajse_poti = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(graf)
    I = set()
    for i in range(n):
        vozlisce, slovar_poti = next(najkrajse_poti)
        vsota_poti_iz_vozlisca = sum(
            len(slovar_poti[kljuc]) for kljuc in slovar_poti) - n
        nov_index = osnovni_index + vsota_poti_iz_vozlisca + n
    return len(I)
Example #17
    def nodal_wiener_impact(self) -> Tuple[List[float], float]:
        Calcula o impacto nodal de Wiener para o grafo.
        impacts: List[float] = []
        for i in range(self.graph.number_of_nodes()):
            T_v = 0.0
            graph_copy = deepcopy(self.graph)
            for j in range(self.graph.number_of_nodes()):
                T_v += self.distances[i][j]
            W_v = nx.wiener_index(graph_copy)
            I_v = W_v + T_v - self.wiener

        return (impacts, sum(impacts))
Example #18
 def _graph(self, graph):
     """Generate graph-based attributes."""
     graph_attr = pd.DataFrame()
     graph_attr['number_of_nodes'] = [nx.number_of_nodes(graph)]
     graph_attr['number_of_edges'] = [nx.number_of_edges(graph)]
     graph_attr['number_of_selfloops'] = [nx.number_of_selfloops(graph)]
     graph_attr['graph_number_of_cliques'] = [
     graph_attr['graph_clique_number'] = [nx.graph_clique_number(graph)]
     graph_attr['density'] = [nx.density(graph)]
     graph_attr['transitivity'] = [nx.transitivity(graph)]
     graph_attr['average_clustering'] = [nx.average_clustering(graph)]
     graph_attr['radius'] = [nx.radius(graph)]
     graph_attr['is_tree'] = [1 if nx.is_tree(graph) else 0]
     graph_attr['wiener_index'] = [nx.wiener_index(graph)]
     return graph_attr
Example #19
    def compute_features(self):

        wiener_index = lambda graph: nx.wiener_index(graph)
            "wiener index",
            "The wiener index is defined as the sum of the lengths of the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices",

        estrada_index = lambda graph: nx.estrada_index(graph)
            "The Estrada Index is a topological index of protein folding or 3D compactness",
Example #20
def add_features(G):
    L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G).todense()
    eig = LA.eigvals(L)
    avg_deg = 2 * (G.number_of_edges() / G.number_of_nodes())
    lap_energy = sum([abs(i - avg_deg) for i in eig])
    dist_matrix = np.array(
        nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G, nodelist=sorted(G.nodes())))
    eccentricity = dist_matrix * (dist_matrix >= np.sort(
        dist_matrix, axis=1)[:, [-1]]).astype(int)
    e_vals = LA.eigvals(eccentricity)
    largest_eig = np.real(max(e_vals))
    energy = np.real(sum([abs(x) for x in e_vals]))
    wiener_index = nx.wiener_index(G)
    trace_DS = trace_deq_seq(G)
    return {
        'lap_energy': lap_energy,
        'ecc_spectrum': largest_eig,
        'ecc_energy': energy,
        'wiener_index': wiener_index,
        'trace_deg_seq': trace_DS
    def get_subgraph_features(self, atoms_idx, name_space):
        :param atoms_idx: subgraph node indices
        :param name_space: name space
        :return: features dict
        res = {}
        res[f'{name_space}#atoms_num'] = len(atoms_idx)
        res[f'{name_space}#electronegativity_sum'] = np.sum(
        atoms_num_dict = {'C': 0, 'H': 0, 'O': 0, 'N': 0, 'F': 0}
        for i in atoms_idx:
            atoms_num_dict[self.atoms[i]] += 1
        for atom_type, num in atoms_num_dict.items():
            res[f'{name_space}#{atom_type}_num'] = num
        s = np.linalg.eigvalsh(np.cov(self.coordinates[atoms_idx, :].T))[::-1]
        eigen_ratio = np.cumsum(s) / np.sum(s)
        res[f'{name_space}#eigen_ratio_1d'] = eigen_ratio[0]
        res[f'{name_space}#eigen_ratio_2d'] = eigen_ratio[1]
        sub_dist_matrix = self.dist_matrix[atoms_idx][:, atoms_idx]
        res[f'{name_space}#bond_length_max'] = np.max(sub_dist_matrix)

        subgraph = nx.Graph(self.graph_edges[atoms_idx][:, atoms_idx])
        res[f'{name_space}#edges_num'] = len(subgraph.edges)
        cycle_basis = nx.cycle_basis(subgraph)
        res[f'{name_space}#cycle_basis_num'] = len(cycle_basis)
        res[f'{name_space}#triangle_num'] = sum(
            len(cycle) == 3 for cycle in cycle_basis)
        res[f'{name_space}#wiener_index'] = nx.wiener_index(subgraph)
        res[f'{name_space}#algebraic_connectivity'] = \
        res[f'{name_space}#algebraic_connectivity_normalized'] = \

        bond_length = [sub_dist_matrix[i1, i2] for i1, i2 in subgraph.edges]
        res[f'{name_space}#bond_length_mean'] = np.mean(bond_length)
        res[f'{name_space}#bond_length_max'] = np.max(bond_length)
        res[f'{name_space}#bond_length_min'] = np.min(bond_length)
        res[f'{name_space}#bond_length_std'] = np.std(bond_length)
        return res
Example #22
def calculate_features(filename):
    graph = open(filename, "r")

    G = nx.Graph()
    nbColors = 0
    nbPrecolor = 0

    for line in graph:
        split = line.split(' ')
        if split[0] == 'p':
            nbColors = int(split[4])
            for i in range(int(split[2])):
        elif split[0] == 'e':
            n1 = int(split[1]) - 1
            n2 = int(split[2]) - 1
            G.add_edge(n1, n2)
        elif split[0] == 'n':
            nbPrecolor += 1

    degrees = np.array(G.degree)
    centrality = np.fromiter(nx.betweenness_centrality(G).values(), dtype=int)
    eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))
        eigenvector_centrality = np.fromiter(
            nx.eigenvector_centrality(G).values(), dtype=float)
    except nx.PowerIterationFailedConvergence:
        eigenvector_centrality = np.array([0.])
    cycles = list(map(lambda x: len(x), nx.cycle_basis(G)))
    components = [nx.subgraph(G, comp) for comp in nx.connected_components(G)]

    return G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges(), nx.density(G), np.mean(degrees, axis=0)[1], \
           np.std(degrees, axis=0)[1], sum([nx.average_shortest_path_length(g) for g in components]), \
           sum([nx.diameter(g) for g in components]), "inf" if len(cycles) == 0 else min(cycles), np.mean(
        centrality), np.std(centrality), nx.average_clustering(G), nx.wiener_index(G), np.mean(
        np.fromiter(map(lambda x: abs(x), eigenvalues), dtype=float)), np.std(eigenvalues), -1, \
           np.mean(eigenvector_centrality), np.std(eigenvector_centrality), \
           nbColors, nbPrecolor / float(G.number_of_nodes())
Example #23
 def _graph(self):
     """Generate graph-based attributes."""
     self.graph_attr['number_of_nodes'] = [nx.number_of_nodes(self.graph)]
     self.graph_attr['number_of_edges'] = [nx.number_of_edges(self.graph)]
     self.graph_attr['number_of_selfloops'] = [
     self.graph_attr['graph_number_of_cliques'] = [
     self.graph_attr['graph_clique_number'] = [
     self.graph_attr['density'] = [nx.density(self.graph)]
     self.graph_attr['transitivity'] = [nx.transitivity(self.graph)]
     self.graph_attr['average_clustering'] = [
     self.graph_attr['radius'] = [nx.radius(self.graph)]
     self.graph_attr['is_tree'] = [1 if nx.is_tree(self.graph) else 0]
     self.graph_attr['wiener_index'] = [nx.wiener_index(self.graph)]
     return self.graph_attr
Example #24
def cpip_stats(filepath, core):

    # Read in the network data for the full network

    W = __pd__.read_csv(filepath)

    # Rename columns to match pulp formatting

    cc = list(W.columns)

    for c in range(len(cc)):

        cc[c] = __pulp_names__(cc[c])

    W.columns = cc

    # Create the core and periphery of the network

    c_ids = [list(W.columns).index(c) for c in core]
    p_ids = [i for i in range(len(W.columns)) if W.columns[i] not in core]
    C = W
    P = W

    for c in [c_ids[len(c_ids) - 1 - i] for i in range(len(c_ids))]:

        P = P.drop(P.columns[c], axis=1).drop(c, axis=0)

    for p in [p_ids[len(p_ids) - 1 - i] for i in range(len(p_ids))]:

        C = C.drop(C.columns[p], axis=1).drop(p, axis=0)

    # Preparing some arrays of binary adjacency matrices for generating function outputs

    M = W.values
    MC = C.values
    MP = P.values

    for row in range(len(M)):

        for col in range(len(M)):

            if W.values[row][col] > 0:

                M[row][col] = 1

    for row in range(len(C)):

        for col in range(len(C)):

            if C.values[row][col] > 0:

                MC[row][col] = 1

    for row in range(len(P)):

        for col in range(len(P)):

            if P.values[row][col] > 0:

                MP[row][col] = 1

    # Creating the output object

    output = __network_object__()

    # Number of vertices

    output.order = __network_object__()
    output.order.network = len(M)
    output.order.core = len(c_ids)
    output.order.periphery = len(p_ids)

    # Number of edges

    output.size = __network_object__()
    output.size.network = sum(sum(M)) / 2
    output.size.core = sum(sum(MC)) / 2
    output.size.periphery = sum(sum(MP)) / 2
    output.size.between = output.size.network - output.size.core - output.size.periphery

    # Ratios of order and size

    output.ratio_v = __network_object__()
    output.ratio_v.network = 1
    output.ratio_v.core = output.order.core / output.order.network
    output.ratio_v.periphery = 1 - output.ratio_v.core

    output.ratio_e = __network_object__()
    output.ratio_e.network = 1
    output.ratio_e.core = output.size.core / output.size.network
    output.ratio_e.periphery = output.size.periphery / output.size.network
    output.ratio_e.between = 1 - output.ratio_e.core - output.ratio_e.periphery

    # Densities

    output.density = __network_object__()
    output.density.network = output.size.network / ((len(M) *
                                                     (len(M) - 1)) / 2)
    output.density.core = output.size.core / ((len(MC) * (len(MC) - 1)) / 2)
    output.density.periphery = output.size.periphery / ((len(MP) *
                                                         (len(MP) - 1)) / 2)

    # Degree statistics (mean, min, max)

    output.within_degrees = __network_object__()
    output.total_degrees = __network_object__()

    output.within_degrees.average = __network_object__()
    output.within_degrees.average.network = sum(sum(M)) / len(M)
    output.within_degrees.average.core = sum(sum(MC)) / len(MC)
    output.within_degrees.average.periphery = sum(sum(MP)) / len(MP)

    output.within_degrees.min = __network_object__()
    output.within_degrees.min.network = min(sum(M))
    output.within_degrees.min.core = min(sum(MC))
    output.within_degrees.min.periphery = min(sum(MP))

    output.within_degrees.max = __network_object__()
    output.within_degrees.max.network = max(sum(M))
    output.within_degrees.max.core = max(sum(MC))
    output.within_degrees.max.periphery = max(sum(MP))

    output.total_degrees.average = __network_object__()
    output.total_degrees.average.network = output.within_degrees.average.network
    output.total_degrees.average.core = sum([sum(M)[c]
                                             for c in c_ids]) / len(c_ids)
    output.total_degrees.average.periphery = sum([sum(M)[p]
                                                  for p in p_ids]) / len(p_ids)

    output.total_degrees.min = __network_object__()
    output.total_degrees.min.network = output.within_degrees.min.network
    output.total_degrees.min.core = min([sum(M)[c] for c in c_ids])
    output.total_degrees.min.periphery = min([sum(M)[p] for p in p_ids])

    output.total_degrees.max = __network_object__()
    output.total_degrees.max.network = output.within_degrees.max.network
    output.total_degrees.max.core = max([sum(M)[c] for c in c_ids])
    output.total_degrees.max.periphery = max([sum(M)[p] for p in p_ids])

    # Number of connected components

    output.components = __network_object__()
    output.components.network = __nx__.number_connected_components(
    output.components.core = __nx__.number_connected_components(
    output.components.periphery = __nx__.number_connected_components(

    # Radius and diameter

    output.radius = __network_object__()
    output.diameter = __network_object__()

    if output.components.network != 1:

        output.radius.network = 'inf'
        output.diameter.network = 'inf'


        output.radius.network = __nx__.radius(__nx__.Graph(M))
        output.diameter.network = __nx__.diameter(__nx__.Graph(M))

    if output.components.core != 1:

        output.radius.core = 'inf'
        output.diameter.core = 'inf'


        output.radius.core = __nx__.radius(__nx__.Graph(MC))
        output.diameter.core = __nx__.diameter(__nx__.Graph(MC))

    if output.components.periphery != 1:

        output.radius.periphery = 'inf'
        output.diameter.periphery = 'inf'


        output.radius.periphery = __nx__.radius(__nx__.Graph(MP))
        output.diameter.periphery = __nx__.diameter(__nx__.Graph(MP))

    # Maximium clique size

    output.clique = __network_object__()
    output.clique.network = len(max(__nx__.find_cliques(__nx__.Graph(M))))
    output.clique.core = len(max(__nx__.find_cliques(__nx__.Graph(MC))))
    output.clique.periphery = len(max(__nx__.find_cliques(__nx__.Graph(MP))))

    # Global clustering

    output.clustering = __network_object__()
    output.clustering.network = __nx__.average_clustering(__nx__.Graph(M))
    output.clustering.core = __nx__.average_clustering(__nx__.Graph(MC))
    output.clustering.periphery = __nx__.average_clustering(__nx__.Graph(MP))

    # Connectivity statistics

    output.connectivity = __network_object__()
    output.edge_connectivity = __network_object__()
    output.algebraic_connectivity = __network_object__()

    if output.components.network > 1:

        output.connectivity.network = 0
        output.edge_connectivity.network = 0


        output.connectivity.network = __nx__.node_connectivity(__nx__.Graph(M))
        output.edge_connectivity.network = __nx__.edge_connectivity(

    if output.components.core > 1:

        output.connectivity.core = 0
        output.edge_connectivity.core = 0


        output.connectivity.core = __nx__.node_connectivity(__nx__.Graph(MC))
        output.edge_connectivity.core = __nx__.edge_connectivity(

    if output.components.periphery > 1:

        output.connectivity.periphery = 0
        output.edge_connectivity.periphery = 0


        output.connectivity.periphery = __nx__.node_connectivity(
        output.edge_connectivity.periphery = __nx__.edge_connectivity(

    output.algebraic_connectivity.network = __nx__.algebraic_connectivity(
    output.algebraic_connectivity.core = __nx__.algebraic_connectivity(
    output.algebraic_connectivity.periphery = __nx__.algebraic_connectivity(

    # Energies and Laplacian energies

    output.energy = __network_object__()
    output.laplacian_energy = __network_object__()

    output.energy.network = sum(abs(__nx__.adjacency_spectrum(
    output.energy.core = sum(abs(__nx__.adjacency_spectrum(__nx__.Graph(MC))))
    output.energy.periphery = sum(

    output.laplacian_energy.network = sum(
    output.laplacian_energy.core = sum(
    output.laplacian_energy.periphery = sum(

    # Transitivity

    output.transitivity = __network_object__()
    output.transitivity.network = __nx__.transitivity(__nx__.Graph(M))
    output.transitivity.core = __nx__.transitivity(__nx__.Graph(MC))
    output.transitivity.periphery = __nx__.transitivity(__nx__.Graph(MP))

    # Wiener index

    output.wiener = __network_object__()
    output.wiener.network = __nx__.wiener_index(__nx__.Graph(M))
    output.wiener.core = __nx__.wiener_index(__nx__.Graph(MC))
    output.wiener.periphery = __nx__.wiener_index(__nx__.Graph(MP))

    # Check if the core is a dominating set

    output.dom_set = __network_object__()
    output.dom_set.core = __nx__.is_dominating_set(__nx__.Graph(M), c_ids)
    output.dom_set.periphery = __nx__.is_dominating_set(__nx__.Graph(M), p_ids)

    return output
Example #25
    def test_disconnected_graph(self):
        """Tests that the Wiener index of a disconnected graph is
        positive infinity.

        eq_(wiener_index(empty_graph(2)), float('inf'))
Example #26
import networkx as nx

n = 10
G = nx.complete_graph(n)
print(nx.wiener_index(G) == n * (n - 1) / 2)
Example #27
    def test_disconnected_graph(self):
        """Tests that the Wiener index of a disconnected graph is
        positive infinity.

        eq_(wiener_index(empty_graph(2)), float('inf'))
Example #28
def compute_summaries(G):
    """ Compute network features, computational times and their nature.
    Evaluate 54 summary statistics of a network G, plus 4 noise variables,
    store the computational time to evaluate each summary statistic, and keep
    track of their nature (discrete or not).
            G (networkx.classes.graph.Graph):
                an undirected networkx graph.
            resDicts (tuple): 
                a tuple containing the elements:
                - dictSums (dict): a dictionary with the name of the summaries
                as keys and the summary statistic values as values;
                - dictTimes (dict): a dictionary with the name of the summaries
                as keys and the time to compute each one as values;
                - dictIsDist (dict): a dictionary indicating if the summary is 
                discrete (True) or not (False).

    dictSums = dict()  # Will store the summary statistic values
    dictTimes = dict()  # Will store the evaluation times
    dictIsDisc = dict()  # Will store the summary statistic nature

    # Extract the largest connected component
    Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)
    G_lcc = G.subgraph(Gcc[0])

    # Number of edges
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_edges"] = G.number_of_edges()
    dictTimes["num_edges"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_edges"] = True

    # Number of connected components
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_of_CC"] = nx.number_connected_components(G)
    dictTimes["num_of_CC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_of_CC"] = True

    # Number of nodes in the largest connected component
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_nodes_LCC"] = nx.number_of_nodes(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["num_nodes_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_nodes_LCC"] = True

    # Number of edges in the largest connected component
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_edges_LCC"] = G_lcc.number_of_edges()
    dictTimes["num_edges_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_edges_LCC"] = True

    # Diameter of the largest connected component
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["diameter_LCC"] = nx.diameter(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["diameter_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["diameter_LCC"] = True

    # Average geodesic distance (shortest path length in the LCC)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_geodesic_dist_LCC"] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["avg_geodesic_dist_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_geodesic_dist_LCC"] = False

    # Average degree of the neighborhood of each node
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_deg_connectivity"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["avg_deg_connectivity"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_deg_connectivity"] = False

    # Average degree of the neighbors of each node in the LCC
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_deg_connectivity_LCC"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["avg_deg_connectivity_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_deg_connectivity_LCC"] = False

    # Recover the degree distribution
    start_degree_extract = time.time()
    degree_vals = list(dict(G.degree()).values())
    degree_extract_time = time.time() - start_degree_extract

    # Entropy of the degree distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_entropy"] = ss.entropy(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_entropy"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_entropy"] = False

    # Maximum degree
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_max"] = max(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_max"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_max"] = True

    # Average degree
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_mean"] = np.mean(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_mean"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_mean"] = False

    # Median degree
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_median"] = np.median(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_median"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_median"] = False

    # Standard deviation of the degree distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_std"] = np.std(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_std"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_std"] = False

    # Quantile 25%
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_q025"] = np.quantile(degree_vals, 0.25)
    dictTimes["degree_q025"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_q025"] = False

    # Quantile 75%
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_q075"] = np.quantile(degree_vals, 0.75)
    dictTimes["degree_q075"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_q075"] = False

    # Average geodesic distance
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_shortest_path_length_LCC"] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(
    dictTimes["avg_shortest_path_length_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_shortest_path_length_LCC"] = False

    # Average global efficiency:
    # The efficiency of a pair of nodes in a graph is the multiplicative
    # inverse of the shortest path distance between the nodes.
    # The average global efficiency of a graph is the average efficiency of
    # all pairs of nodes.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_global_efficiency"] = nx.global_efficiency(G)
    dictTimes["avg_global_efficiency"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_global_efficiency"] = False

    # Harmonic mean which is 1/avg_global_efficiency
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["harmonic_mean"] = nx.global_efficiency(G)
    dictTimes["harmonic_mean"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["harmonic_mean"] = False

    # Average local efficiency
    # The local efficiency of a node in the graph is the average global
    # efficiency of the subgraph induced by the neighbors of the node.
    # The average local efficiency is the average of the
    # local efficiencies of each node.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_local_efficiency_LCC"] = nx.local_efficiency(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["avg_local_efficiency_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_local_efficiency_LCC"] = False

    # Node connectivity
    # The node connectivity is equal to the minimum number of nodes that
    # must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial.
    # Only on the largest connected component here.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["node_connectivity_LCC"] = nx.node_connectivity(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["node_connectivity_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["node_connectivity_LCC"] = True

    # Edge connectivity
    # The edge connectivity is equal to the minimum number of edges that
    # must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial.
    # Only on the largest connected component here.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["edge_connectivity_LCC"] = nx.edge_connectivity(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["edge_connectivity_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["edge_connectivity_LCC"] = True

    # Graph transitivity
    # 3*times the number of triangles divided by the number of triades
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["transitivity"] = nx.transitivity(G)
    dictTimes["transitivity"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["transitivity"] = False

    # Number of triangles
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_triangles"] = np.sum(list(nx.triangles(G).values())) / 3
    dictTimes["num_triangles"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_triangles"] = True

    # Estimate of the average clustering coefficient of G:
    # Average local clustering coefficient, with local clustering coefficient
    # defined as C_i = (nbr of pairs of neighbors of i that are connected)/(nbr of pairs of neighbors of i)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_clustering_coef"] = nx.average_clustering(G)
    dictTimes["avg_clustering_coef"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_clustering_coef"] = False

    # Square clustering (averaged over nodes):
    # the fraction of possible squares that exist at the node.

    # We average it over nodes
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["square_clustering_mean"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["square_clustering_mean"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["square_clustering_mean"] = False

    # We compute the median
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["square_clustering_median"] = np.median(
    dictTimes["square_clustering_median"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["square_clustering_median"] = False

    # We compute the standard deviation
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["square_clustering_std"] = np.std(
    dictTimes["square_clustering_std"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["square_clustering_std"] = False

    # Number of 2-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_2cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=2))
    dictTimes["num_2cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_2cores"] = True

    # Number of 3-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_3cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=3))
    dictTimes["num_3cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_3cores"] = True

    # Number of 4-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_4cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=4))
    dictTimes["num_4cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_4cores"] = True

    # Number of 5-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_5cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=5))
    dictTimes["num_5cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_5cores"] = True

    # Number of 6-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_6cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=6))
    dictTimes["num_6cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_6cores"] = True

    # Number of k-shells
    # The k-shell is the subgraph induced by nodes with core number k.
    # That is, nodes in the k-core that are not in the k+1-core

    # Number of 2-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_2shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 2))
    dictTimes["num_2shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_2shells"] = True

    # Number of 3-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_3shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 3))
    dictTimes["num_3shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_3shells"] = True

    # Number of 4-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_4shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 4))
    dictTimes["num_4shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_4shells"] = True

    # Number of 5-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_5shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 5))
    dictTimes["num_5shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_5shells"] = True

    # Number of 6-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_6shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 6))
    dictTimes["num_6shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_6shells"] = True

    start = time.time()
    listOfCliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
    enum_all_cliques_time = time.time() - start

    # Number of 4-cliques
    start = time.time()
    n4Clique = 0
    for li in listOfCliques:
        if len(li) == 4:
            n4Clique += 1
    dictSums["num_4cliques"] = n4Clique
    dictTimes["num_4cliques"] = time.time() - start + enum_all_cliques_time
    dictIsDisc["num_4cliques"] = True

    # Number of 5-cliques
    start = time.time()
    n5Clique = 0
    for li in listOfCliques:
        if len(li) == 5:
            n5Clique += 1
    dictSums["num_5cliques"] = n5Clique
    dictTimes["num_5cliques"] = time.time() - start + enum_all_cliques_time
    dictIsDisc["num_5cliques"] = True

    # Maximal size of a clique in the graph
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["max_clique_size"] = len(approximation.clique.max_clique(G))
    dictTimes["max_clique_size"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["max_clique_size"] = True

    # Approximated size of a large clique in the graph
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["large_clique_size"] = approximation.large_clique_size(G)
    dictTimes["large_clique_size"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["large_clique_size"] = True

    # Number of shortest path of size k
    start = time.time()
    listOfPLength = list(nx.shortest_path_length(G))
    path_length_time = time.time() - start

    # when k = 3
    start = time.time()
    n3Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n3Paths += tmp.count(3)
    dictSums["num_shortest_3paths"] = n3Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_3paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_3paths"] = True

    # when k = 4
    start = time.time()
    n4Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n4Paths += tmp.count(4)
    dictSums["num_shortest_4paths"] = n4Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_4paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_4paths"] = True

    # when k = 5
    start = time.time()
    n5Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n5Paths += tmp.count(5)
    dictSums["num_shortest_5paths"] = n5Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_5paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_5paths"] = True

    # when k = 6
    start = time.time()
    n6Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n6Paths += tmp.count(6)
    dictSums["num_shortest_6paths"] = n6Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_6paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_6paths"] = True

    # Size of the minimum (weight) node dominating set:
    # A subset of nodes where each node not in the subset has for direct
    # neighbor a node of the dominating set.
    start = time.time()
    T = approximation.min_weighted_dominating_set(G)
    dictSums["size_min_node_dom_set"] = len(T)
    dictTimes["size_min_node_dom_set"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["size_min_node_dom_set"] = True

    # Idem but with the edge dominating set
    start = time.time()
    T = approximation.min_edge_dominating_set(G)
    dictSums["size_min_edge_dom_set"] = 2 * len(
        T)  # times 2 to have a number of nodes
    dictTimes["size_min_edge_dom_set"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["size_min_edge_dom_set"] = True

    # The Wiener index of a graph is the sum of the shortest-path distances
    # between each pair of reachable nodes. For pairs of nodes in undirected graphs,
    # only one orientation of the pair is counted.
    # (On LCC otherwise inf)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["wiener_index_LCC"] = nx.wiener_index(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["wiener_index_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["wiener_index_LCC"] = True

    # Betweenness node centrality (averaged over nodes):
    # at node u it is defined as B_u = sum_i,j sigma(i,u,j)/sigma(i,j)
    # where sigma is the number of shortest path between i and j going through u or not

    start = time.time()
    betweenness = list(nx.betweenness_centrality(G).values())
    time_betweenness = time.time() - start

    # Averaged across nodes
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["betweenness_centrality_mean"] = np.mean(betweenness)
    dictTimes["betweenness_centrality_mean"] = time.time(
    ) - start + time_betweenness
    dictIsDisc["betweenness_centrality_mean"] = False

    # Maximum across nodes
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["betweenness_centrality_max"] = max(betweenness)
    dictTimes["betweenness_centrality_max"] = time.time(
    ) - start + time_betweenness
    dictIsDisc["betweenness_centrality_max"] = False

    # Central point dominance
    # CPD = sum_u(B_max - B_u)/(N-1)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["central_point_dominance"] = sum(
        max(betweenness) - np.array(betweenness)) / (len(betweenness) - 1)
    dictTimes["central_point_dominance"] = time.time(
    ) - start + time_betweenness
    dictIsDisc["central_point_dominance"] = False

    # Estrata index : sum_i^n exp(lambda_i)
    # with n the number of nodes, lamda_i the i-th eigen value of the adjacency matrix of G
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["Estrata_index"] = nx.estrada_index(G)
    dictTimes["Estrata_index"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["Estrata_index"] = False

    # Eigenvector centrality
    # For each node, it is the average eigenvalue centrality of its neighbors,
    # where centrality of node i is taken as the i-th coordinate of x
    # such that Ax = lambda*x (for the maximal eigen value)

    # Averaged
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_eigenvec_centrality"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["avg_eigenvec_centrality"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_eigenvec_centrality"] = False

    # Maximum
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["max_eigenvec_centrality"] = max(
    dictTimes["max_eigenvec_centrality"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["max_eigenvec_centrality"] = False

    ### Noise generation ###

    # Noise simulated from a Normal(0,1) distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_Gauss"] = ss.norm.rvs(0, 1)
    dictTimes["noise_Gauss"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_Gauss"] = False

    # Noise simulated from a Uniform distribution [0-50]
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_Unif"] = ss.uniform.rvs(0, 50)
    dictTimes["noise_Unif"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_Unif"] = False

    # Noise simulated from a Bernoulli B(0.5) distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_Bern"] = ss.bernoulli.rvs(0.5)
    dictTimes["noise_Bern"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_Bern"] = True

    # Noise simulated from a discrete uniform distribution [0,50[
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_disc_Unif"] = ss.randint.rvs(0, 50)
    dictTimes["noise_disc_Unif"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_disc_Unif"] = True

    resDicts = (dictSums, dictTimes, dictIsDisc)

    return resDicts
Example #29
def closeness_vitality(G, node=None, weight=None, wiener_index=None):
    """Returns the closeness vitality for nodes in the graph.

    The *closeness vitality* of a node, defined in Section 3.6.2 of [1],
    is the change in the sum of distances between all node pairs when
    excluding that node.

    G : NetworkX graph
        A strongly-connected graph.

    weight : string
        The name of the edge attribute used as weight. This is passed
        directly to the :func:`~networkx.wiener_index` function.

    node : object
        If specified, only the closeness vitality for this node will be
        returned. Otherwise, a dictionary mappping each node to its
        closeness vitality will be returned.

    Other parameters
    wiener_index : number
        If you have already computed the Wiener index of the graph
        ``G``, you can provide that value here. Otherwise, it will be
        computed for you.

    dictionary or float
        If ``node`` is ``None``, this function returnes a dictionary
        with nodes as keys and closeness vitality as the
        value. Otherwise, it returns only the closeness vitality for the
        specified ``node``.

        The closeness vitality of a node may be negative infinity if
        removing that node would disconnect the graph.

    >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(3)
    >>> nx.closeness_vitality(G)
    {0: 2.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 2.0}

    See Also

    .. [1] Ulrik Brandes, Thomas Erlebach (eds.).
           *Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations*.
           Springer, 2005.

    if wiener_index is None:
        wiener_index = nx.wiener_index(G, weight=weight)
    if node is not None:
        after = nx.wiener_index(G.subgraph(set(G) - {node}), weight=weight)
        return wiener_index - after
    vitality = partial(closeness_vitality, G, weight=weight,
    # TODO This can be trivially parallelized.
    return {v: vitality(node=v) for v in G}
Example #30
    def getWienerD(self):
        Returns the Wiener distance for a graph.

        return NX.wiener_index(self)
Example #31
    '.json') and not pos_json.endswith('nodes.json')]

with open('./wienerIndexes.json', 'w') as wienerIndexes:
    with open('./graphDegres.json', 'w') as graphDegres:

        wienerIndexesDict = {}
        graphDegreeDict = {}

        for fileName in json_files:
            with open('./Topologias/' + fileName, 'r') as json_file:

                JSONLinks = json.load(json_file)

                G = nx.Graph()

                    (elem['From'], elem['To'], 1)
                    for elem in JSONLinks

                wienerIndex = nx.wiener_index(G)
                graphDegree = sum(
                    map(lambda v: v[1], G.degree())) / len(G.nodes)

                wienerIndexesDict[fileName] = wienerIndex
                graphDegreeDict[fileName] = graphDegree

        json.dump(wienerIndexesDict, wienerIndexes, sort_keys=True)
        json.dump(graphDegreeDict, graphDegres, sort_keys=True)
Example #32
 def __init__(self, graph: nx.Graph):
     self.graph = graph
     self.wiener = nx.wiener_index(graph)
     self.distances = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(graph))
Example #33
 def calculate(graph):
     if nx.is_connected(graph):
         return Utils.approx_to_int(nx.wiener_index(graph))
         return 10**10
Example #34

    return edge_disjoint_shortest_paths

graph = nx.Graph()

with open("TopologiasRedesReais/scteste_nodes.csv") as nf:
    with open("TopologiasRedesReais/scteste_links.csv") as ef:
        nodes = list(map(lambda n: n["Id"], csv.DictReader(nf)))
        edges = list(map(lambda e: (e["From"], e["To"], 1),
        print(nx.wiener_index(graph, weight='weight'))

# get_all_pairs_edge_disjoint_shortest_paths(graph.to_directed())

# graph = nx.Graph()
# graph.add_nodes_from(["s", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"])
# graph.add_edges_from(
#     [
#         ("s", "a"),
#         ("s", "b"),
#         ("s", "d"),
#         ("a", "c"),
#         ("a", "d"),
#         ("a", "e"),
#         ("b", "e"),
#         ("c", "f"),