def save_celltype_graph(self, filename='celltype_conn.gml', format='gml'): """ Save the celltype-to-celltype connectivity information in a file. filename -- path of the file to be saved. format -- format to save in. Using GML as GraphML support is not complete in NetworkX. """ start = if format == 'gml': nx.write_gml(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == 'yaml': nx.write_yaml(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == 'graphml': nx.write_graphml(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == 'edgelist': nx.write_edgelist(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == 'pickle': nx.write_gpickle(self.__celltype_graph, filename) else: raise Exception( 'Supported formats: gml, graphml, yaml. Received: %s' % (format)) end = delta = end - start 'Saved celltype_graph in file %s of format %s in %g s' % (filename, format, delta.seconds + delta.microseconds * 1e-6)) print 'Saved celltype connectivity graph in', filename
def save_celltype_graph(self, filename="celltype_conn.gml", format="gml"): """ Save the celltype-to-celltype connectivity information in a file. filename -- path of the file to be saved. format -- format to save in. Using GML as GraphML support is not complete in NetworkX. """ start = if format == "gml": nx.write_gml(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == "yaml": nx.write_yaml(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == "graphml": nx.write_graphml(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == "edgelist": nx.write_edgelist(self.__celltype_graph, filename) elif format == "pickle": nx.write_gpickle(self.__celltype_graph, filename) else: raise Exception("Supported formats: gml, graphml, yaml. Received: %s" % (format)) end = delta = end - start "Saved celltype_graph in file %s of format %s in %g s" % (filename, format, delta.seconds + delta.microseconds * 1e-6) ) print "Saved celltype connectivity graph in", filename
def __update_status(self): #getting the proportion of non empty feature sets evaluated self.status_=np.mean([y is not None for x,y in nx.get_node_attributes(self.G,'score').items() if x!=0]) self.leaves_={n:self.G.node[n]['score'] for n,deg in self.G.out_degree if deg==0 and self.G.node[n]['score'] is not None} nx.write_yaml(self.G,self.file) #self.verboseprint('Crawler status: progress: {0.status_}, leaves: {0.leaves_}.'.format(self)) return self
def write_graph(graph, filename, file_type=None): if not file_type: file_type = get_graph_type(filename) if not file_type: raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine graph file type.") if file_type == "adjlist": networkx.write_adjlist(graph, filename) elif file_type == "edgelist": networkx.write_edgelist(graph, filename) elif file_type == "gexf": networkx.write_gexf(graph, filename) elif file_type == "gml": networkx.write_gml(graph, filename) elif file_type == "gpickle": networkx.write_gpickle(graph, filename) elif file_type == "graphml": networkx.write_graphml(graph, filename) elif file_type == "yaml": networkx.write_yaml(graph, filename) elif file_type == "pajek" or file_type == "net": networkx.write_pajek(graph, filename) elif file_type == "adjmat": #sparse_matrix = networkx.adjacency_matrix(graph) #dense_matrix = sparse_matrix.todense() #dense_matrix.tofile(filename, sep=",", format="%g") matrix = networkx.to_numpy_matrix(graph) numpy.savetxt(filename, matrix, delimiter=",", newline="\n", fmt="%g") else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized output graph file type.")
def main(inname='submission.yaml'): try: submission = nx.read_yaml(inname) except ScannerError as se: print( 'Unable to read file: {} Please ensure file has properly formatted YAML.' .format(inname)) print(se) sys.exit(125) # No submission, case of an update to deprecated IDs if submission is None: indications = nx.read_yaml('indication_paths.yaml') indications = filter_deprecated_ids(indications) nx.write_yaml(indications, 'indication_paths.yaml', indent=4) print('Paths writen successfully with deprecated IDs removed') sys.exit(0) # Prep the submission fixing simple common errors and throwing excptions when not simple fixes submission = test_and_fix(submission) # Determine if Update or new submission has_identifier = ['_id' in rec['graph'].keys() for rec in submission] if all(has_identifier): update_existing_records(submission) elif any(has_identifier): print('Mixed submissions and updates are not allowed. Please ensure that either all records ' +\ 'contain an `_id` feild in the `graph` feild if updating, or none contain the `_id` ' +\ 'field if submitting new records') sys.exit(400) else: add_new_submission(submission)
def export_graph(graph, directory): # write to GraphML file nx.write_graphml(graph, directory + "/" + prefix + ".graphml") # write to Yaml file nx.write_yaml(graph, directory + "/" + prefix + ".yaml") # write to Gexf file nx.write_gexf(graph, directory + "/" + prefix + ".gexf") # write to JSON file json.dump(json_graph.node_link_data(graph), open(directory + "/" + prefix + ".json", 'w'), indent=2) # write to CSV files with open(directory + "/" + prefix + '_pages.csv', 'w') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow([ 'id', 'label', 'title', 'url', 'hub', 'authority', 'pagerank', 'in_degree', 'out_degree', 'closeness', 'betweenness' ]) for node, data in graph.nodes(data=True): writer.writerow([ node, data['label'], data['title'], data['url'], data['hub'], data['authority'], data['pagerank'], data['in_degree'], data['out_degree'], data['closeness'], data['betweenness'] ]) with open(directory + "/" + prefix + '_pages_links.csv', 'w') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow(['from', 'to']) for f, t, a in graph.edges(data=True): writer.writerow([f, t])
def save(G, file_name): """Save the graph to .yaml format .. note:: Yaml was the only format that supported utf-8 attributes and dictionary attributes """ import networkx as nx nx.write_yaml(G, file_name, encoding="utf-8")
def save(self, G, Epoch): result_dir = './result/' info = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format(self.network_type, self.player_type, self.update_rule, Epoch) Epoch_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, self.dir_str, info) if not os.path.exists(Epoch_dir): os.mkdir(Epoch_dir) graph_path = os.path.join(Epoch_dir, info + "_Graph.yaml") nx.write_yaml(G, graph_path)
def convert_graph_to_yaml(graph, filename): """ convert from a networkX graph object, to yaml format. :param graph: the networkX graph object. :param filename: the name of the file to write to. :return: """ networkx.write_yaml(graph, filename) return
def update_existing_records(submission, outname='indication_paths.yaml'): if submission is not None: print('Updating Indications...') indications = nx.read_yaml('indication_paths.yaml') current_ids = [ind['graph']['_id'] for ind in indications] submission_prepped = {rec['graph']['_id']: rec for rec in submission} # Make sure new recrods have unique IDs if len(submission_prepped) != len(submission): submitted_id_counts = Counter( [rec['graph']['_id'] for rec in submission]) duplicated = [k for k, v in submitted_id_counts.items() if v > 1] print( 'Error, the folling identifiers were used for multiple paths:\n{}' .format(', '.join(duplicated))) sys.exit(400) # Make sure the Updated records exist diff = set(submission_prepped.keys()) - set(current_ids) if diff: print( "Error, the following path id's submitted for update do not exist:\n{}" .format(', '.join(diff))) sys.exit(400) out = [] errors = [] for ind in indications: _id = ind['graph']['_id'] if _id in submission_prepped.keys(): # Previous checks will have ensured that the `graph` data matches the `nodes` and `links` data # To ensure that we're updating the right path we can simply check that the identifier # is correct for the info found in `graph` try: validate_path_id(_id, submission_prepped[_id]) out.append(submission_prepped[_id]) except AssertionError as ae: errors.append(ae) else: out.append(ind) if errors: print('Update Unsuccessful') print('There were {} paths that produced errors'.format( len(errors))) print('Please see error messages below\n') for error in errors: print(error, end='\n\n') sys.exit(400) else: out = filter_deprecated_ids(out) print('Update Successful') nx.write_yaml(out, outname, indent=4)
def write_yaml(self, yaml_file_name): r"""Export to YAML format Parameters ---------- yaml_file_name : str Path to the YAML file """ nx.write_yaml(self, yaml_file_name)
def assert_equal(self, G, data=False): (fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp() nx.write_yaml(G, fname) Gin = nx.read_yaml(fname) assert_nodes_equal(list(G), list(Gin)) assert_edges_equal(G.edges(data=data), Gin.edges(data=data)) os.close(fd) os.unlink(fname)
def assert_equal(self, G, data=False): (fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp() nx.write_yaml(G, fname) Gin = nx.read_yaml(fname); assert_equal(sorted(G.nodes()),sorted(Gin.nodes())) assert_equal(G.edges(data=data),Gin.edges(data=data)) os.close(fd) os.unlink(fname)
def main(): G = nx.Graph() G.add_node("조준영") G.add_node("김영진") G.add_edge("조준영","김영진") nx.write_yaml(G, "data.yml") nx.draw(G)
def combineAll(bucket): bucket=str(bucket) folder='/Users/Ish/Documents/OSM_Files/haiti_earthquake/networks/overlapping_changesets_by_'+bucket+'_hour/' B=nx.Graph() for file in os.listdir(folder): G=nx.read_gml(folder+file) G=nx.Graph(G) B=composeWeights(B,G) #return B nx.write_yaml(B,'../results/'+bucket+'hourBigNetwork.yaml') combineAll(8)
def prune_reconstructed_architectures(archs): tot_archs = [] # remove the architecture doesn't make any sense for each_arch in archs: """ 1: Check if the narrow connection is sane """ if not _sane_narrow_connection( \ each_arch, '[0] Embedding', '[12] Sigmoid'): continue # add the survived ones tot_archs.append(each_arch) # end for each... # check if the store location exists store_loc = os.path.join(_save_dir, 'architectures') if not os.path.exists(store_loc): os.makedirs(store_loc) # store the architecture as a graph and data options = { 'node_color': 'red', 'node_size': 40, 'width': 1, 'alpha': 0.8, 'arrowstyle': '-|>', 'arrowsize': 8, 'font_size': 10, } for aidx, each_arch in enumerate(tot_archs): # : write the edgelists to a YAML file nx.write_yaml( \ each_arch, \ os.path.join(store_loc, 'architecture_{}.yaml'.format(aidx))) # : relabel the node names to include the attribute parameters new_nodes = {} for each_node, each_data in each_arch.nodes(data=True): each_attr = '{}'.format(each_node) if ('attr_param' in each_data) \ and each_data['attr_param']: each_attr += ' - {}'.format(each_data['attr_param']) new_nodes[each_node] = each_attr new_each_arch = nx.relabel_nodes(each_arch, new_nodes, copy=True) # : networkx - draw the graphs nx.draw_networkx(new_each_arch, arrows=True, **options) plt.savefig(os.path.join(store_loc, 'architecture_{}.pdf'.format(aidx))) plt.clf() # end for aidx... return tot_archs
def save_graph(self, filename, fileType): """Write graph to GML or Adjacency list or YML format Args: filename : File or filename to read fileType (str): Type of file to write, should be "GML Format" or "Adjacency list" or "YAML" """ if fileType == "GML Format": nx.write_gml(self.graph, filename + ".gml") if fileType == "Adjacency list": nx.write_adjlist(self.graph, filename + ".adjlist") if fileType == "YAML": nx.write_yaml(self.graph, filename + ".yaml")
def combineAll(in_folder, out_folder): #expFolder='/Users/Ish/Dropbox/OSM/results/TwoWeeks/overlapping_changesets/ExpAnnotNets/\ #overlapping_changesets_by_'+bucket+'_hour/' B = nx.DiGraph() for file in os.listdir(in_folder): if file != '.DS_Store': #weird MAC thing path = in_folder + file G = getJsonNet(path) #G=nx.read_gml(path) G = nx.DiGraph(G) B = composeWeights(B, G) #return B nx.write_yaml(B, out_folder)
def save(self,G,Epoch): #Save Graph result_dir = './result/' info = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format(self.network_type,self.player_type,self.update_rule,Epoch) Epoch_dir = os.path.join(result_dir,self.dir_str,info) if not os.path.exists(Epoch_dir): os.mkdir(Epoch_dir) graph_path = os.path.join(Epoch_dir,info+"_Graph.yaml") nx.write_yaml(G,graph_path) #Save strategy p_vector = self.get_all_values(G,'p') q_vector = self.get_all_values(G,'q') pq_array = np.vstack((p_vector,q_vector)) pq_path = os.path.join(Epoch_dir,info+"_strategy.csv") pq = pd.DataFrame(data = pq_array) pq.to_csv(pq_path)
def graph_generator(self, graph_model, graph_param, save_path, file_name): """ Create random graph """ graph_param[0] = int(graph_param[0]) if graph_model == 'ws': graph_param[1] = int(graph_param[1]) graph = nx.random_graphs.connected_watts_strogatz_graph( *graph_param) elif graph_model == 'er': graph = nx.random_graphs.erdos_renyi_graph(*graph_param) elif graph_model == 'ba': graph_param[1] = int(graph_param[1]) graph = nx.random_graphs.barabasi_albert_graph(*graph_param) if os.path.isfile(save_path + '/' + file_name + '.yaml') is True: print('graph loaded') dgraph = nx.read_yaml(save_path + '/' + file_name + '.yaml') else: dgraph = nx.DiGraph() dgraph.add_nodes_from(graph.nodes) dgraph.add_edges_from(graph.edges) dgraph = nx.DiGraph() dgraph.add_nodes_from(graph.nodes) dgraph.add_edges_from(graph.edges) in_node = [] out_node = [] for indeg, outdeg in zip(dgraph.in_degree, dgraph.out_degree): if indeg[1] == 0: in_node.append(indeg[0]) elif outdeg[1] == 0: out_node.append(outdeg[0]) sorted = list(nx.topological_sort(dgraph)) if os.path.isdir(save_path) is False: os.makedirs(save_path) if os.path.isfile(save_path + '/' + file_name + '.yaml') is False: print('graph_saved') nx.write_yaml(dgraph, save_path + '/' + file_name + '.yaml') return dgraph, sorted, in_node, out_node
def generate_cpt_graph(self, inputfile): output = self.config.OUTPUT_DIR concepts = self.parser.parse_cpt(inputfile) name = ntpath.basename(inputfile) graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() for concept in concepts: graph.add_node(f"Step:{}", smell=False, smell_names=list()) for i, step in enumerate(concept.steps): graph.add_node(f"Step:{step}", smell=False, smell_names=list()) graph.add_edge(f"Step:{}", f"Step:{step}", label=i + 1) nx.write_yaml(graph, f"{output}/{name}.yaml") return name
def dump_digraph(filename, G): """! Functions writes networkx Digraph as gpickle, adjacency list, gexf and gml file @param [in] filename as string @param [in] G as networkX DiGraph """ print_info("Dumping digraph to " + filename) nx.write_gpickle(G, filename + design_name + ".gpickle") nx.write_adjlist(G, filename + design_name ) nx.write_yaml(G, filename+ ".yaml") nx.write_gml(G, filename + design_name + ".gml") nx.write_gexf(G, filename + design_name + ".gexf" , prettyprint=True) nx.write_gml(G, filename + design_name + ".gml") return
def draw_graph(node_list, edge_list): G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(node_list) G.add_edges_from(edge_list) all_node_degrees = list( sum_degree = 0 for (u, v) in all_node_degrees: sum_degree += float(v) print("Average node degree: {}".format(sum_degree / len(node_list))) print(len(G)) #nx.draw_shell(G, with_labels=True, node_size=200) #plt.savefig('apartment_high.png') if nx.is_connected(G): print("graph is being saved") print(len(G)) nx.write_yaml(G, 'singlehouse_extreme.yaml')
def build_cgraph_lib(ffn_netlist, dir_graph_out=None, ground=0, remove_dummy=False, dir_node_edge_list=None, dir_lib_out=None, guess_by_name=True, add_edge_annotation=False): """ ffn_netlist: full file path of netlist to parse dir_graph_out: directory path to save the resulting circuit topology graph in yaml format dir_lib_out: directory path to save circuit topology graph lib in pickle format remove_dummy: when True, remove dummy mos guess_by_name: when True, some attributes such as signal type is inferred/guessed from net/instance name add_edge_annotation: when True, add matching/group edge constraints to the graph return dict (i.e. {circuit_name:networkx.Graph}) """ from PySpice.Spice.Parser import SpiceParser parser = SpiceParser(path=ffn_netlist) circuit = parser.build_circuit(ground=ground) cgraph_dict = {} top_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ffn_netlist)) G = build_cgraph(circuit, top_name, guess_by_name=guess_by_name, add_edge_annotation=add_edge_annotation) cgraph_dict[top_name] = G for c in (circuit.subcircuits): for e in (c.elements): G = build_cgraph(c,, guess_by_name=guess_by_name, add_edge_annotation=add_edge_annotation) cgraph_dict[] = G for name, G in cgraph_dict.items(): if(dir_graph_out is not None): nx.write_yaml(G, os.path.join(dir_graph_out, "%s.yaml" % name)) if(dir_node_edge_list is not None): node_number = {} with open(os.path.join(dir_node_edge_list, "%s.nodelist" % name), 'w') as f: for ii, n in enumerate(G.nodes()): f.write("%s %d\n" % (n, ii)) node_number[n]=ii with open(os.path.join(dir_node_edge_list, "%s.edgelist" % name), 'w') as f: for e in G.edges(): f.write('%s %s\n' % (node_number[e[0]], node_number[e[1]])) if(dir_lib_out is not None): with open(os.path.join(dir_lib_out, "%s.cgraph.pkl" % top_name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(cgraph_dict, f, -1) return cgraph_dict
def generate_spec_graph(self, input_file): filename = ntpath.basename(input_file) output = self.config.OUTPUT_DIR scenarios = self.parser.parse_spec(input_file) graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() for scenario in scenarios: graph.add_node(f"Scenario:{}", source_file=scenario.source_file, smell=False, smell_names=list()) for i, step in enumerate(scenario.steps): graph.add_node(f"Step:{step}", smell=False, smell_names=list()) graph.add_edge(f"Scenario:{}", f"Step:{step}", label=i + 1) nx.write_yaml(graph, f"{output}/{filename}.yaml") return filename
def write_graph(graph, filename): """Write graph to file, raise IOError if cannot do it.""" if filename.endswith('.yaml'): try: nx.write_yaml(graph, filename) except ImportError: print('E: cannot write graph to file in YAML format.') print('Please install PyYAML or other similar package ' 'to use this functionality.') raise IOError else: print('Write constructed graph to: {0} ' 'in YAML format.'.format(filename)) elif filename.endswith('.gml'): try: nx.write_gml(graph, filename) except ImportError: print('E: cannot write graph to file in GML format.') print('Please install pyparsing package ' 'to use this functionality.') raise IOError else: print('Write constructed graph to: {0} ' 'in GML format.'.format(filename)) elif filename.endswith('.net'): nx.write_pajek(graph, filename) print('Write constructed graph to: {0} ' 'in PAJEK format.'.format(filename)) elif filename.endswith('.gexf'): graph = exclude_complex_attrs(graph) nx.write_gexf(graph, filename) print('Write constructed graph to: {0} ' 'in GEXF format.'.format(filename)) elif filename.endswith('.graphml'): graph = exclude_complex_attrs(graph) nx.write_graphml(graph, filename) print('Write constructed graph to: {0} ' 'in GraphML format.'.format(filename)) else: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(graph, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print('Write constructed graph to: {0} ' 'in pickle format.'.format(filename))
def save_experiment(self, expr_dir='expr', include_module_classes=False): '''Save your experiment configurations to yaml files''' import yaml # Save locations if not os.path.exists(expr_dir): os.mkdir(expr_dir) loc_file = os.path.join(expr_dir, "locations.yaml") top_file = os.path.join(expr_dir, 'topology.yaml') serv_file = os.path.join(expr_dir, 'services.yaml') self._locs.save_to_yaml(loc_file) if type(self._top) == dict: # Save dict with open(top_file, 'w') as s: yaml.dump(self._top, s) else: # This is networkx file nx.write_yaml(self._top, top_file) dump_serv = {} services = dict() for k, pt in self._servs.items(): new_pt = pt.config.repr() if type(pt.service_map) == dict: serv = dict() for sk, sc in pt.service_map.items(): if not sc: serv[sk.__name__] = sc else: serv[sk.__name__] = sc.repr() services[sk.__name__] = sk if include_module_classes else None else: serv = tuple(k.__name__ for k in pt.service_map) if include_module_classes: services.update({k.__name__: k for k in pt.service_map}) else: services.update({k.__name__: None for k in pt.service_map}) dump_serv[k] = PeerType(new_pt, serv) with open(serv_file, 'w') as s: yaml.dump([dump_serv, services], s)
def write_graph(self, G=None, subgraph_file=None): if G is None: G = self.context_graph if subgraph_file is None: subgraph_file = self.context_graph_file"Writing graph.") # write the graph out file_format = subgraph_file.split(".")[-1] if file_format == "graphml": nx.write_graphml(G, subgraph_file) elif file_format == "gml": nx.write_gml(G, subgraph_file) elif file_format == "gexf": nx.write_gexf(G, subgraph_file) elif file_format == "net": nx.write_pajek(G, subgraph_file) elif file_format == "yaml": nx.write_yaml(G, subgraph_file) elif file_format == "gpickle": nx.write_gpickle(G, subgraph_file) else: print "File format not found, writing graphml." nx.write_graphml(G, subgraph_file)
def save_cell_graph(self, filename='cell_graph.gml', format='gml'): """Save the cell to cell connectivity graph in a file. """ start = if format == 'gml': nx.write_gml(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == 'pickle': nx.write_gpickle(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == 'yaml': nx.write_yaml(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == 'graphml': nx.write_graphml(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == 'edgelist': nx.write_edgelist(self.__cell_graph, filename) else: raise Exception('Not supported: %s' % (format)) end = delta = end - start 'Saved cell graph in file %s of type %s in %g s' % (filename, format, delta.seconds + 1e-6 * delta.microseconds)) print 'Saved cell-to-cell connectivity data in', filename
def save_cell_graph(self, filename="cell_graph.gml", format="gml"): """Save the cell to cell connectivity graph in a file. """ start = if format == "gml": nx.write_gml(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == "pickle": nx.write_gpickle(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == "yaml": nx.write_yaml(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == "graphml": nx.write_graphml(self.__cell_graph, filename) elif format == "edgelist": nx.write_edgelist(self.__cell_graph, filename) else: raise Exception("Not supported: %s" % (format)) end = delta = end - start "Saved cell graph in file %s of type %s in %g s" % (filename, format, delta.seconds + 1e-6 * delta.microseconds) ) print "Saved cell-to-cell connectivity data in", filename
def main(out_dir, direction, num_graphs, num_nodes, graph_type, graph_params, eta, require_connected=False, require_invertible=False, require_stationary=False): graph_params = yaml.safe_load(graph_params) out_path = Path(out_dir) / graph_type out_path = out_path / '/'.join([f'{param}_{graph_params[param]}' for param in sorted(graph_params.keys())]) out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) graph_params_str = out_path / '/'.join([f'{param}_{graph_params[param]}' for param in sorted(graph_params.keys())]) i = 0 while i < num_graphs: i_d = str(uuid4()) graph = make_graph(graph_type, graph_params, eta, require_connected=require_connected, require_invertible=require_invertible, require_stationary=require_stationary) out_loc = out_path / (graph.graph['id'] + '.yaml') nx.write_yaml(graph, out_loc) i+=1
def add_new_submission(submission, outname='indication_paths.yaml'): if submission is not None: print('Building Indications...') indications = nx.read_yaml('indication_paths.yaml') out = [] # Ensure nothing is duplicated for path in indications + submission: # Ensure that we have a list for all references if path.get('reference'): path['reference'] = references_to_list(path) if not is_path_in_paths(path, out): out.append(path) out = create_ids(out) out = filter_deprecated_ids(out) nx.write_yaml(out, outname, indent=4) print('Build Successful') else: sys.exit(125)
def on_actionYAML_activated(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ if nx.write_yaml(, self.filename.split('.')[0]+'.yaml')
def to_yaml(self): "Exports the full graph to yaml" file_name = raw_input("Save as: ") nx.write_yaml(self.graph, file_name+".yaml", encoding='utf-8')
def save_graph(G, path): nx.write_yaml(G, os.path.join('./corpus', path))
def genGraphRAMON(token_name, channel, graphType="graphml", xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, zmin=0, zmax=0): """Generate the graph based on different inputs""" # converting all parameters to integers [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] = [int(i) for i in [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]] proj = NDProject.fromTokenName(token_name) with closing (ramondb.RamonDB(proj)) as db: ch = proj.getChannelObj(channel) resolution = ch.resolution cubeRestrictions = xmin + xmax + ymin + ymax + zmin + zmax matrix = [] # assumption that the channel is a neuron channel if cubeRestrictions != 0: idslist = getAnnoIds(proj, ch, resolution, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) else: # entire cube [xmax, ymax, zmax] = proj.datasetcfg.get_imagesize(resolution) idslist = getAnnoIds(proj, ch, resolution, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) if idslist.size == 0: logger.error("Area specified x:{},{} y:{},{} z:{},{} is empty".format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)) raise NDWSError("Area specified x:{},{} y:{},{} z:{},{} is empty".format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)) annos = {} for i in idslist: tmp = db.getAnnotation(ch, i) if int(db.annodb.getAnnotationKV(ch, i)['ann_type']) == annotation.ANNO_SYNAPSE: annos[i]=[int(s) for s in tmp.getField('segments').split(',')] # create and export graph outputGraph = nx.Graph() for key in annos: outputGraph.add_edges_from([tuple(annos[key])]) try: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() if graphType.upper() == "GRAPHML": nx.write_graphml(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "ADJLIST": nx.write_adjlist(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "EDGELIST": nx.write_edgelist(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "GEXF": nx.write_gexf(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "GML": nx.write_gml(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "GPICKLE": nx.write_gpickle(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "YAML": nx.write_yaml(outputGraph, f) elif graphType.upper() == "PAJEK": nx.write_net(outputGraph, f) else: nx.write_graphml(outputGraph, f) f.flush() except: logger.error("Internal file error in creating/editing a NamedTemporaryFile") f.close() raise NDWSError("Internal file error in creating/editing a NamedTemporaryFile") return (f, graphType.lower())
def test_all(self): write_yaml(self.parser.merged_graph, 'target/gaf-graph.yaml')
def _dump_graph_yaml(self, path): net.write_yaml(self.graph, path)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self,event): QtGui.QGraphicsItemGroup.mouseReleaseEvent(self,event) self.node.pos = [self.pos().x(),self.pos().y()] networkx.write_yaml(self.graph,"/tmp/test.yaml")
def save(self): nx.write_yaml(self.graph,'graph.yaml')
def create_graph(): g = nx.Graph() xml_docs = Collection() xml_docs_subset = xml_docs.get_docs(author="Wau Holland") docs_no = len(xml_docs_subset) id_dict = dict() stems_dict = dict() doc_id = 1 print "Put stems into a dict for each document (with an uniq id) ..." print "Create nodes with all the documents' relevant information ..." pb = ProgressBar(maxval=docs_no).start() for xml_doc in xml_docs_subset: pb.update(doc_id) id_dict[xml_doc.get_xml_filename()] = doc_id g.add_node(doc_id, id = xml_doc.get_id(), rawlen = xml_doc.get_rawlen(), subj = xml_doc.get_subj(), author = xml_doc.get_author(), date = xml_doc.get_date(), words = xml_doc.get_words(), uniq_stems = list(xml_doc.get_stems(uniq=True, relev=True)), rawcontent = xml_doc.get_rawcontent() ) doc_id += 1 # It seems sometimes a list (-> set conversion) gets returned # ... ugly. XXX stems_dict[doc_id] = set(xml_doc.get_stems(uniq=True, relev=True)) print "Create undirected, weighted graph based on Jaccard similarity ..." no_of_edges = docs_no * (docs_no - 1) / 2 pb = ProgressBar(maxval=no_of_edges).start() count = 1 for doc_idx1 in stems_dict.keys(): doc_idx2 = doc_idx1 + 1 # Nothing left to compare if (doc_idx1 == docs_no): break while True: # print "Comparing: ", doc_idx1, doc_idx2 # Find longer doc doc1_len, doc2_len = len(stems_dict[doc_idx1]), \ len(stems_dict[doc_idx2]) long_doc_len = max((doc1_len, doc2_len)) short_doc_len = min((doc1_len, doc2_len)) # In case a document has no useful stems to classify edge_weight = 0 alias_coeff = 0 if long_doc_len == 0 or short_doc_len == 0: pass else: alias_coeff = float(long_doc_len) / short_doc_len edge_weight = (1 - jaccard_distance(stems_dict[doc_idx1], stems_dict[doc_idx2])) \ * alias_coeff print alias_coeff, edge_weight # Still redundant, only for testing if (edge_weight > 0.3): cluster_stems = stems_dict[doc_idx1].intersection( stems_dict[doc_idx2]) try: g.node[doc_idx1]['cluster_stems'] except KeyError: g.node[doc_idx1]['cluster_stems'] = cluster_stems else: for stem in cluster_stems: g.node[doc_idx1]['cluster_stems'].add(stem) try: g.node[doc_idx2]['cluster_stems'] except KeyError: g.node[doc_idx2]['cluster_stems'] = cluster_stems else: for stem in cluster_stems: g.node[doc_idx2]['cluster_stems'].add(stem) # To be made more flexible if edge_weight > 0.3: g.add_edge(doc_idx1, doc_idx2, weight=edge_weight) doc_idx2 += 1 pb.update(count) count += 1 if doc_idx2 > docs_no: break print "Draw graph showing possible clusters ..." elarge = [(u,v) for (u,v,d) in g.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] > 0.4] emedium = [(u,v) for (u,v,d) in g.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] > 0.2 and d['weight'] < 0.4] esmall = [(u,v) for (u,v,d) in g.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] <= 0.2] print "elarge: ", len(elarge) print "emedium: ", len(emedium) print "esmall: ", len(esmall) pos = nx.spring_layout(g, scale=20) #pos = nx.random_layout(g) dlarge = [n for n,d in g.degree_iter() if d >= 20] dmedium = [n for n,d in g.degree_iter() if d > 1 and d < 20] dsmall = [n for n,d in g.degree_iter() if d == 1] dnone = [n for n,d in g.degree_iter() if d == 0] print "dlarge: ", len(dlarge) print "dmedium: ", len(dmedium) print "dsmall: ", len(dsmall) print "dnone: ", len(dnone) # Draw nodes # nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, node_size=5, linewidths=0) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=dlarge, node_size=20, node_color='b', linewidths=0) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=dmedium, node_size=10, node_color='g', alpha=0.8, linewidths=0) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=dsmall, node_size=5, node_color='b', alpha=0.2, linewidths=0, ) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=dnone, node_size=5, node_color='b', alpha=0.2, linewidths=0) # Draw edges nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edgelist=elarge, width=0.4) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edgelist=emedium, edge_color='g', alpha=0.8, width=0.2) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edgelist=esmall, width=0.1, alpha=0.1, edge_color='b') # Draw labels # nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos, font_size=1, font_family='sans-serif') plt.axis('off') plt.figure(1, figsize=(20,20)) """ print "Print PNG" plt.savefig("graph.png", dpi=600) """ # nx.write_yaml(g, get_graph_file()) d3_js.export_d3_js(g)
def export_yaml(self,fn=None): if not self._graph: self.convert() write_yaml(self._graph, fn)
def write_graph(self, outfile): nx.write_yaml(self.graph, outfile)
import json if __name__ == '__main__': graph = nx.read_edgelist('input/example_graph.edgelist', nodetype=int, data=(('weight', float),)) assert isinstance(graph, nx.Graph) print 'edges:', graph.edges() # raw nx.write_adjlist(graph, 'output_raw/example_graph.adjlist') nx.write_multiline_adjlist(graph, 'output_raw/example_graph.multiline_adjlist') nx.write_edgelist(graph, 'output_raw/example_graph.edgelist') # better serialization nx.write_gpickle(graph, 'output_serialization/example_graph.pickle') nx.write_yaml(graph, 'output_serialization/example_graph.yaml') nx.write_graph6(graph, 'output_serialization/example_graph.graph6') # xml nx.write_gexf(graph, 'output_xml/example_graph.gexf') nx.write_graphml(graph, 'output_xml/example_graph.graphml') # json with open('output_json/node_link.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(json_graph.node_link_data(graph), outfile, indent=2) with open('output_json/adjacency.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(json_graph.adjacency_data(graph), outfile, indent=2) # other nx.write_gml(graph, 'output_other/example_graph.gml')
def gen_data(graph_path, lda_path, user_lim=200, user_wb_lim=200): import jieba import jieba.posseg as pseg jieba.load_userdict(u"/etc/jieba/jieba.dic") G = nx.Graph() ldaf = open(lda_path, 'w') ldaf.write("%d\n" % user_lim) ucnt = 0 for item in Weibo.objects.values('owner').annotate(cnt=Count('owner')): if item['cnt']>450: user = Account.objects.get(id=item['owner'])'%5d Dealing with %s' % (ucnt, user))'Current graph:%d nodes and %d edges' % (G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges())) user_words = [] for wb in user.ownweibo.order_by("-created_at").all()[:user_wb_lim]: #filter(retweeted_status__exact=None).all(): text = wb.text.lower() #TODO #if wb.retweeted_status: # text = wb.retweeted_status.text.lower() + text text = re.sub("@[^\s@:]+", "", text) text = re.sub(u"[^ ]*", u"", text) text = re.sub(u"\[[^ ]{1,3}\]", u"", text) for word in re.findall(u"【.+?】|#.+?#|《.+?》|“.+?”|\".+?\"", text): for w in pseg.cut(word): if len(w.word)<2 or w.word in Config.STOP_WORDS or 'n' not in w.flag: continue wd = w.word.encode('utf-8') if G.has_node(wd) and 'weight' in G.node[wd]: G.node[wd]['weight'] += 1.0 else: G.add_node(wd, weight=1.0) wb_words = [] for w in pseg.cut(text): if len(w.word)>1 and 'n' in w.flag and w.word not in Config.STOP_WORDS: wb_words.append(w.word.encode('utf-8')) if not wb_words: continue for w1, w2, w3 in zip(wb_words[:-2], wb_words[1:-1], wb_words[2:]): if not G.has_edge(w1, w2): G.add_edge(w1, w2, weight=1.0) else: G[w1][w2]['weight'] += 1.0 if not G.has_edge(w1, w3): G.add_edge(w1, w3, weight=1.0) else: G[w1][w3]['weight'] += 1.0 user_words.extend(wb_words) if not user_words: continue ldaf.write(' '.join(user_words)+'\n') ucnt += 1 if ucnt>=user_lim: break if ucnt<user_lim: logging.error("no enough docs, %d/%d" % (ucnt, user_lim)) if graph_path: nx.write_yaml(G, graph_path, encoding='UTF-8') ldaf.close() return G
def write_graph_file(self): ''' Write the graph file to disk. ''' networkx.write_yaml(self.graph, GRAPH_FILE)
def saveUrlGraph(self): filefloder = r'../data/' filename = filefloder + 'whutgraph.yaml' nx.write_yaml(self.DG,filename) nx.draw(self.DG) plt.savefig("whutnetwork.png")
def saveGraph(self, filename): """Saves the graph as a YAML file """ nx.write_yaml(self.G,filename)
def save(self): nx.write_yaml(self.graph, "graph.yaml")
pass try: g.write_picklez("user user org.picz") except: pass g.write_adjacency("user user org.adj") g.write_svg("user user org.svg") """ print('initialising module .. reading graph') # g=Graph.Read_Pickle("user user org.pic") # g2=nx.Graph() # g3=nx.read_gpickle("user user org.pic") g=nx.read_gpickle("user user org.pic") # print g2 g=nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(g) print 'writing pajek' # nx.write_pajek(g,"") nx.write_adjlist(g,"org_mem.adj") nx.write_yaml(g,"org_mem.yaml") # # print('reading graph done.. layout graph initilaizing') # layout = g.layout("") # print('done.. strting to plot graph') # plot(g, layout = layout) # print 'plot done :D'
else: wot_file = open(args.wot_file, "rb") else: wot_file = latest_wot()"Parsing files...") G = read_wot(wot_file)"Read {0} keys, {1} signatures".format(nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.number_of_edges(G)))"Filtering...") if G = G.to_undirected(reciprocal=True) G = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)[0] if args.key: G = nx.ego_graph(G, args.key, radius=args.radius, undirected=True)"Writing output file...") if args.output: outfile = open(args.output, "wb") else: outfile = sys.stdout.buffer if args.file_format == "gexf": nx.write_gexf(G, outfile) elif args.file_format == "graphml": nx.write_graphml(G, outfile) elif args.file_format == "yaml": nx.write_yaml(G, outfile)
#data['pwy'] = ','.join(sorted(set(data['pwy']))) for nA,nB,data in G.edges(data=True): w = data['weight'] occA = G.node[nA]['occ'] occB = G.node[nB]['occ'] print(nA, nB, occA, occB, w) data['nw'] = w ** 2 / (occA + occB - w) data['stanza'] = '/'.join(data['stanza']) nx.write_gml(G, 'R_shijing.gml') nx.write_yaml(G, 'R_shijing.yaml') import html.parser with open('R_shijing.gml') as f: shijing = with open('R_shijing.gml', 'w') as f: f.write(html.parser.unescape(shijing)) # get chars which are unresolved M = {} for k in wl: ocbsyun = wl[k,'ocbsyun'] rid = wl[k,'rhymeid'] char = wl[k,'character']
def genGraphRAMON(database, project, channel, graphType="graphml", Xmin=0, Xmax=0, Ymin=0, Ymax=0, Zmin=0, Zmax=0,): cubeRestrictions = int(Xmin) + int(Xmax) + int(Ymin) + int(Ymax) + int(Zmin) + int(Zmax) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=settings.DATABASES['default']['HOST'], user=settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'], passwd=settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'], db=project.getProjectName()) matrix = [] if cubeRestrictions != 0: idslist = getAnnoIds(project, channel, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax) if (idslist.size) == 0: logger.warning("Area specified is empty") raise OCPCAError("Area specified is empty") with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: for i in range(idslist.size): cursor.execute(("select kv_value from {} where kv_key = 'synapse_segments' and annoid = {};").format( channel.getKVTable(""), idslist[i])) matrix.append(cursor.fetchall()[0]) else: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute(("select kv_value from {} where kv_key = 'synapse_segments';").format( channel.getKVTable(""))) matrix = cursor.fetchall() synapses = np.empty(shape=(len(matrix), 2)) rawstring = (matrix[0])[0] splitString = rawstring.split(",") if len(splitString) == 2: # For kv pairs with 127:0, 13:0 (for example) for i in range(len(matrix)): # Get raw from matrix rawstring = (matrix[i])[0] splitString = rawstring.split(",") # Split and cast the raw string synapses[i] = [int((splitString[0].split(":"))[0]), int((splitString[1].split(":"))[0])] else: # for kv pairs with just 4:5 for i in range(len(matrix)): # Get raw from matrix rawstring = (matrix[i])[0] # Split and cast the raw string synapses[i] = rawstring.split(":") # Create and export graph outputGraph = nx.Graph() outputGraph.add_edges_from(synapses) if graphType.upper() == "GRAPHML": nx.write_graphml(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.graphml").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.graphml").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "ADJLIST": nx.write_adjlist(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.adjlist").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.adjlist").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "EDGELIST": nx.write_edgelist(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.edgelist").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.edgelist").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "GEXF": nx.write_gexf(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.gexf").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.gexf").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "GML": nx.write_gml(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.gml").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.gml").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "GPICKLE": nx.write_gpickle(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.gpickle").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.gpickle").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "YAML": nx.write_yaml(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.yaml").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.yaml").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) elif graphType.upper() == "PAJEK": nx.write_net(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.net").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.net").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName()) else: nx.write_graphml(outputGraph, ("/tmp/{}_{}.graphml").format( project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())) return ("/tmp/{}_{}.graphml").format(project.getProjectName(), channel.getChannelName())
for node,data in _G.nodes(data=True): G.add_vertex(name=node, **data) for nodeA, nodeB, data in _G.edges(data=True): G.add_edge(nodeA, nodeB, **data) # do the same for the N graph _N = igraph.Graph() for node,data in N.nodes(data=True): _N.add_vertex(name=node, **data) for nodeA, nodeB, data in N.edges(data=True): if data['occurrence'] >= 10: _N.add_edge(nodeA, nodeB, **data) nx.write_yaml(N, 'R_rime_graph.yaml') if 'communities' in argv: C = _N.community_infomap( edge_weights = 'occurrence', vertex_weights = 'occurrence' ) for community,name in zip(C.membership, _N.vs['name']): N.node[name]['infomap'] = community print('[i] Calculated communities for rhyme groups') # check statistics, for example, get C = G.community_infomap(