Example #1
def kl_connected_subgraph(G, k, l, low_memory=False, same_as_graph=False):
    """ Returns the maximum locally (k,l) connected subgraph of G.

        (k,l)-connected subgraphs are presented by Fan Chung and Li
        in "The Small World Phenomenon in hybrid power law graphs"
        to appear in "Complex Networks" (Ed. E. Ben-Naim) Lecture
        Notes in Physics, Springer (2004)

        low_memory=True then use a slightly slower, but  lower memory version
        same_as_graph=True then return a tuple with subgraph and
        pflag for if G is kl-connected
    H = copy.deepcopy(G)  # subgraph we construct by removing from G

    graphOK = True
    deleted_some = True  # hack to start off the while loop
    while deleted_some:
        deleted_some = False
        for edge in H.edges():
            (u, v) = edge
            ### Get copy of graph needed for this search
            if low_memory:
                verts = sets.Set([u, v])
                for i in range(k):
                    [verts.update(G.neighbors(w)) for w in verts.copy()]
                G2 = G.subgraph(list(verts))
                G2 = copy.deepcopy(G)
            path = [u, v]
            cnt = 0
            accept = 0
            while path:
                cnt += 1  # Found a path
                if cnt >= l:
                    accept = 1
                # record edges along this graph
                prev = u
                for w in path:
                    if prev != w:
                        G2.delete_edge(prev, w)
                        prev = w

#                path=shortest_path(G2,u,v,k) # ??? should "Cutoff" be k+1?
                path = shortest_path(G2, u, v)  # ??? should "Cutoff" be k+1?
            # No Other Paths
            if accept == 0:
                H.delete_edge(u, v)
                deleted_some = True
                if graphOK: graphOK = False
    # We looked through all edges and removed none of them.
    # So, H is the maximal (k,l)-connected subgraph of G
    if same_as_graph:
        return (H, graphOK)
    return H
Example #2
def is_kl_connected(G, k, l, low_memory=False):
    """Returns True if G is kl connected """
    graphOK = True
    for edge in G.edges():
        (u, v) = edge
        ### Get copy of graph needed for this search
        if low_memory:
            verts = set([u, v])
            for i in range(k):
                [verts.update(G.neighbors(w)) for w in verts.copy()]
            G2 = G.subgraph(verts)
            G2 = copy.deepcopy(G)
        path = [u, v]
        cnt = 0
        accept = 0
        while path:
            cnt += 1  # Found a path
            if cnt >= l:
                accept = 1
            # record edges along this graph
            prev = u
            for w in path:
                if w != prev:
                    G2.delete_edge(prev, w)
                    prev = w
#            path=shortest_path(G2,u,v,k) # ??? should "Cutoff" be k+1?
            path = shortest_path(G2, u, v)  # ??? should "Cutoff" be k+1?
        # No Other Paths
        if accept == 0:
            graphOK = False
    # return status
    return graphOK