Example #1
    def abstract(data, fields):
        """Search in the fields/symbols the first one that can abstract the data.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = ["{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]

        >>> f1a = Field("netzob")
        >>> f2a = Field(", what's up in ")
        >>> f3a = Field(Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4a = Field(" ?")
        >>> s1 = Symbol([f1a, f2a, f3a, f4a], name="Symbol-netzob")

        >>> f1b = Field("zoby")
        >>> f2b = Field(", what's up in ")
        >>> f3b = Field(Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4b = Field(" ?")
        >>> s2 = Symbol([f1b, f2b, f3b, f4b], name="Symbol-zoby")

        >>> for m in messages:
        ...    abstractedSymbol = AbstractField.abstract(m, [s1, s2])
        ...    print(abstractedSymbol.name)

        :parameter data: the data that should be abstracted in symbol
        :type data: :class:`str`
        :parameter fields: a list of fields/symbols targeted during the abstraction process
        :type fields: :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`

        :return: a field/symbol
        :rtype: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractionException` if an error occurs while abstracting the data
        from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.DataAlignment import DataAlignment
        for field in fields:
                DataAlignment.align([data], field, encoded=False)
                return field

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.UnknownSymbol import UnknownSymbol
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.RawMessage import RawMessage
        unknown_symbol = UnknownSymbol(RawMessage(data))
            "Impossible to abstract the message in one of the specified symbols, we create an unknown symbol for it: '%s'",

        return unknown_symbol
Example #2
    def readSymbols(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a flow and abstract it with one or more consecutive symbols
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbols = []

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
                symbols_and_data = self.flow_parser.parseFlow(
                    RawMessage(data), self.symbols)
                for (symbol, alignment) in symbols_and_data:
            except Exception as e:

            if len(symbols) > 0:
                self.memory = self.flow_parser.memory
                self.specializer.memory = self.memory

        if len(symbols) == 0 and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)

        return (symbols, data)
Example #3
    def readSymbol(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a message and abstract it
        into a message.
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbol = None

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
            for potential in self.symbols:
                    self.parser.parseMessage(RawMessage(data), potential)
                    symbol = potential
                    self.memory = self.parser.memory
                    self.specializer.memory = self.memory
                except Exception:
                    symbol = None

        if symbol is None and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)
            symbol = UnknownSymbol(message=msg)
        elif symbol is None and len(data) == 0:
            symbol = EmptySymbol()

        return (symbol, data)
Example #4
    def abstract(data, fields):
        """Search in the fields/symbols the first one that can abstract the data.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> messages = ["{0}, what's up in {1} ?".format(pseudo, city) for pseudo in ['netzob', 'zoby'] for city in ['Paris', 'Berlin']]

        >>> f1a = Field(name="name", domain="netzob")
        >>> f2a = Field(name="question", domain=", what's up in ")
        >>> f3a = Field(name="city", domain=Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4a = Field(name="mark", domain=" ?")
        >>> s1 = Symbol([f1a, f2a, f3a, f4a], name="Symbol-netzob")

        >>> f1b = Field(name="name", domain="zoby")
        >>> f2b = Field(name="question", domain=", what's up in ")
        >>> f3b = Field(name="city", domain=Alt(["Paris", "Berlin"]))
        >>> f4b = Field(name="mark", domain=" ?")
        >>> s2 = Symbol([f1b, f2b, f3b, f4b], name="Symbol-zoby")

        >>> for m in messages:
        ...    (abstractedSymbol, structured_data) = AbstractField.abstract(m, [s1, s2])
        ...    print(structured_data)
        ...    print(abstractedSymbol.name)
        OrderedDict([('name', b'netzob'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Paris'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'netzob'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Berlin'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'zoby'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Paris'), ('mark', b' ?')])
        OrderedDict([('name', b'zoby'), ('question', b", what's up in "), ('city', b'Berlin'), ('mark', b' ?')])

        :parameter data: the data that should be abstracted in symbol
        :type data: :class:`str`
        :parameter fields: a list of fields/symbols targeted during the abstraction process
        :type fields: :class:`list` of :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`

        :return: a field/symbol and the structured received message
        :rtype: a tuple (:class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField`, dict)
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractionException` if an error occurs while abstracting the data
        from netzob.Common.Utils.DataAlignment.DataAlignment import DataAlignment
        for field in fields:
                # Try to align/parse the data with the current field
                alignedData = DataAlignment.align([data], field, encoded=False)

                # If it matches, we build a dict that contains, for each field, the associated value that was present in the message
                structured_data = OrderedDict()
                for fields_value in alignedData:
                    for i, field_value in enumerate(fields_value):
                        structured_data[alignedData.headers[i]] = field_value
                return (field, structured_data)

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.UnknownSymbol import UnknownSymbol
        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Messages.RawMessage import RawMessage
        unknown_symbol = UnknownSymbol(RawMessage(data))
        structured_data = OrderedDict()
            "Impossible to abstract the message in one of the specified symbols, we create an unknown symbol for it: '%s'",

        return (unknown_symbol, structured_data)