def get_tiunet_preenc(self, k=10, lr=1e-4): """ :param k: :param lr: :param f_out: :return: """ model_encoder = self.get_encoder(k) n_in = get_mod_n_in(self.mod) model_tiunet = ti_unet(n_in, filters=k, w=self.w_patch, ext_in=10 // 2, batch_norm=self.batch_norm) if self.batch_norm: o = model_tiunet.get_layer(f'batchnorm_left{self.depth}_0').output else: o = model_tiunet.get_layer(f'left{self.depth}_0').output model_tiunet_encoder = Model(model_tiunet.input, o) model_tiunet_encoder.set_weights(model_encoder.get_weights()) if self.fixed_enc == 1: for layer in model_tiunet_encoder.layers: layer.trainable = False model_tiunet.summary() compile_segm(model_tiunet, lr=lr) return model_tiunet
def get_tiunet_y(self): from keras.layers import AveragePooling2D n_in = get_mod_n_in(self.mod) model_tiunet = ti_unet(n_in, filters=self.k, w=self.w_patch, ext_in=self.w_ext_in_ti // 2, batch_norm=self.batch_norm) model_ae_example = get_neural_net_ae( self.mod, k=self.k, w_in=self.w_patch, b_double=False, batch_norm=self.batch_norm).get_model() name_dec_in = 'batchnorm_enc_output' if self.batch_norm else 'encoder_output' name_dec_in = f'dec{self.depth}' dec_in = model_ae_example.get_layer(name_dec_in).input ae_decoder = Model(dec_in, model_ae_example.layers[-1].output) # TODO use pretrained AE? name_enc = 'batchnorm_left1_0' if self.batch_norm else 'left1_0' layer_enc = model_tiunet.get_layer(name_enc) # Basically subsample layer (no pooling) l = AveragePooling2D((1, 1), (2, 2))(layer_enc.output) # TODO use crop! return
def model(self, b_optimal_lr=False): features_out = 3 if data_name == '19botrightcrack3' else 2 if model_name == 'ti-unet': model = ti_unet( 9, filters=self.k, w=w_patch, ext_in=w_ext_in // 2, batch_norm=True, max_depth=d, features_out=features_out, ) elif model_name == 'unet': # model = ti_unet(9, filters=self.k, w=w_patch, ext_in=w_ext_in // 2, batch_norm=True, # max_depth=d) print('NO BATCH NORM? (not implemented)') model = unet(9, filters=self.k, w=w_patch, ext_in=w_ext_in // 2, max_depth=d, n_per_block=1) else: raise ValueError(model_name) model.summary() compile_segm(model, lr=lr) if b_optimal_lr: from neuralNetwork.optimization import find_learning_rate global flow_tr find_learning_rate(model, flow_tr) self.neural_net = NeuralNet(model, w_ext=w_ext_in) if data_name[:5] == '1319_': # pre Load model! # TODO which epoch to start from, I guess 10 should have an impact epoch_start = 50 # probably better (learned something) self.neural_net.load( f'C:/Users/admin/Data/ghent_altar/net_weight/1319/{model_name}_d{d}_k{self.k}', epoch=epoch_start)
def get_n_model_regular(self, i_fold=None, k=None, epoch=None): n_in = 9 model_tiunet = ti_unet(n_in, filters=k, w=self.w_patch, ext_in=10 // 2, batch_norm=True, wrong_batch_norm=True) """ TODO wrong tiunet """ n = NeuralNet(model_tiunet, w_ext=10) info = f'10lamb_kfold/ti_unet_k{k}_kfold{i_fold}' folder = os.path.join('/scratch/lameeus/data/ghent_altar/net_weight', info) n.load(folder=folder, epoch=epoch) return n
def get_n_model(self, i_fold=None, k=None, epoch=None): n_in = 9 model_tiunet = ti_unet(n_in, filters=k, w=self.w_patch, ext_in=10 // 2, batch_norm=True) n = NeuralNet(model_tiunet, w_ext=10) info_batchnorm = '_batchnorm' info_fixed = '_encfixed' if self.fixed_enc == 1 else '_prefixed' if self.fixed_enc == 2 else '' info_model = 'tiunet' info = f'10lamb_kfold_pretrained{info_fixed}{info_batchnorm}/{info_model}_d{1}_k{k}_ifold{i_fold}' folder = os.path.join('/scratch/lameeus/data/ghent_altar/net_weight', info) n.load(folder=folder, epoch=epoch) return n
def main_net(self, set_n): from methods.examples import compile_segm from neuralNetwork.architectures import ti_unet, convNet, unet n_name = set_n['name'].lower() if n_name == 'ti-unet': model = ti_unet(9, filters=self.k, w=self.w_patch, ext_in=self.w_ext_in // 2, batch_norm=True, max_depth=self.d) elif n_name == 'simple': model = convNet(9, self.k, w_in=self.w_patch + self.w_ext_in, n_convs=5, batch_norm=False, padding='valid') assert model.output_shape[-3:] == (self.w_patch, self.w_patch, 2) elif n_name == 'unet': print('NO BATCH NORM? (not implemented)') model = unet(9, filters=self.k, w=self.w_patch, ext_in=self.w_ext_in // 2, max_depth=self.d, n_per_block=1) else: raise ValueError(n_name) # raise NotImplementedError('Unet is not well implemented: * Double, batchnorm? f per layer etc?') model.summary() compile_segm( model, # instead of 10e-3, 10e-4 is probs more stable. return model
def neuralNet0(mod, lr=None, k=20, verbose=1, class_weights=None, batch_norm=True): n_in = get_mod_n_in(mod) if 0: model = fullyConnected1x1(n_in, k=k, batch_norm=batch_norm) w_ext = 0 elif 0: model = convNet(n_in, k=k, batch_norm=batch_norm) w_ext = 2 elif 0: model = unet(n_in, filters=k, batch_norm=batch_norm) w_ext = 2 else: w_ext = 10 model = ti_unet(n_in, filters=k, w=10, ext_in=w_ext // 2, batch_norm=batch_norm) if verbose: model.summary() args = {} if lr is not None: args['lr'] = lr if class_weights is not None: args['class_weights'] = class_weights compile_segm(model, **args) n = NeuralNet(model, w_ext=w_ext) return n