def __init__(self, special_symbols, enc_n_units, attn_type, n_heads, n_layers, d_model, d_ff, pe_type, layer_norm_eps, ffn_activation, vocab, tie_embedding, dropout, dropout_emb, dropout_att, lsm_prob, ctc_weight, ctc_lsm_prob, ctc_fc_list, backward, global_weight, mtl_per_batch, param_init): super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__() self.eos = special_symbols['eos'] self.unk = special_symbols['unk'] self.pad = special_symbols['pad'] self.blank = special_symbols['blank'] self.vocab = vocab self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.d_model = d_model self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_heads = n_heads self.pe_type = pe_type self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.bwd = backward self.global_weight = global_weight self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch self.prev_spk = '' self.lmstate_final = None if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=self.eos, blank=self.blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=0.1) if ctc_weight < global_weight: self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab, d_model, padding_idx=self.pad) self.pos_enc = PositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout_emb, pe_type) self.layers = repeat( TransformerDecoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, attn_type, n_heads, dropout, dropout_att, layer_norm_eps, ffn_activation, param_init), n_layers) self.norm_out = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=layer_norm_eps) self.output = nn.Linear(d_model, vocab) if tie_embedding: self.output.weight = self.embed.weight if param_init == 'xavier_uniform': self.reset_parameters()
def __init__(self, special_symbols, enc_n_units, attn_type, n_heads, n_layers, d_model, d_ff, ffn_bottleneck_dim, pe_type, layer_norm_eps, ffn_activation, vocab, tie_embedding, dropout, dropout_emb, dropout_att, dropout_layer, dropout_head, lsm_prob, ctc_weight, ctc_lsm_prob, ctc_fc_list, backward, global_weight, mtl_per_batch, param_init, mma_chunk_size, mma_n_heads_mono, mma_n_heads_chunk, mma_init_r, mma_eps, mma_std, mma_no_denominator, mma_1dconv, mma_quantity_loss_weight, mma_headdiv_loss_weight, latency_metric, latency_loss_weight, mma_first_layer, share_chunkwise_attention, external_lm, lm_fusion): super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__() self.eos = special_symbols['eos'] self.unk = special_symbols['unk'] self.pad = special_symbols['pad'] self.blank = special_symbols['blank'] self.vocab = vocab self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.d_model = d_model self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_heads = n_heads self.pe_type = pe_type self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.att_weight = global_weight - ctc_weight self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.bwd = backward self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch # for cache self.prev_spk = '' self.lmstate_final = None self.embed_cache = None # for attention plot self.aws_dict = {} self.data_dict = {} # for MMA self.attn_type = attn_type self.quantity_loss_weight = mma_quantity_loss_weight self._quantity_loss_weight = mma_quantity_loss_weight # for curriculum self.mma_first_layer = max(1, mma_first_layer) self.headdiv_loss_weight = mma_headdiv_loss_weight self.latency_metric = latency_metric self.latency_loss_weight = latency_loss_weight self.ctc_trigger = (self.latency_metric in ['ctc_sync']) if self.ctc_trigger: assert 0 < self.ctc_weight < 1 if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=self.eos, blank=self.blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=0.1, backward=backward) if self.att_weight > 0: # token embedding self.embed = nn.Embedding(self.vocab, d_model, padding_idx=self.pad) self.pos_enc = PositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout_emb, pe_type, param_init) # decoder self.layers = nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(TransformerDecoderBlock( d_model, d_ff, attn_type, n_heads, dropout, dropout_att, dropout_layer, layer_norm_eps, ffn_activation, param_init, src_tgt_attention=False if lth < mma_first_layer - 1 else True, mma_chunk_size=mma_chunk_size, mma_n_heads_mono=mma_n_heads_mono, mma_n_heads_chunk=mma_n_heads_chunk, mma_init_r=mma_init_r, mma_eps=mma_eps, mma_std=mma_std, mma_no_denominator=mma_no_denominator, mma_1dconv=mma_1dconv, dropout_head=dropout_head, lm_fusion=lm_fusion, ffn_bottleneck_dim=ffn_bottleneck_dim, share_chunkwise_attention=share_chunkwise_attention)) for lth in range(n_layers)]) self.norm_out = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=layer_norm_eps) self.output = nn.Linear(d_model, self.vocab) if tie_embedding: self.output.weight = self.embed.weight self.lm = external_lm if external_lm is not None: self.lm_output_proj = nn.Linear(external_lm.output_dim, d_model) self.reset_parameters(param_init)
def __init__(self, special_symbols, enc_n_units, rnn_type, n_units, n_projs, n_layers, bottleneck_dim, emb_dim, vocab, dropout=0., dropout_emb=0., lsm_prob=0., ctc_weight=0., ctc_lsm_prob=0., ctc_fc_list=[], lm_init=None, global_weight=1., mtl_per_batch=False, param_init=0.1): super(RNNTransducer, self).__init__() self.eos = special_symbols['eos'] self.unk = special_symbols['unk'] self.pad = special_symbols['pad'] self.blank = special_symbols['blank'] self.vocab = vocab self.rnn_type = rnn_type assert rnn_type in ['lstm_transducer', 'gru_transducer'] self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.dec_n_units = n_units self.n_projs = n_projs self.n_layers = n_layers self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.global_weight = global_weight self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch # for cache self.prev_spk = '' self.lmstate_final = None self.state_cache = OrderedDict() if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=self.eos, blank=self.blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=0.1) if ctc_weight < global_weight: # import warprnnt_pytorch # self.warprnnt_loss = warprnnt_pytorch.RNNTLoss() # Prediction network rnn_l = nn.LSTM if rnn_type == 'lstm_transducer' else nn.GRU self.rnn = nn.ModuleList() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) if n_projs > 0: self.proj = repeat(nn.Linear(n_units, n_projs), n_layers) dec_idim = emb_dim for l in range(n_layers): self.rnn += [rnn_l(dec_idim, n_units, 1, batch_first=True)] dec_idim = n_projs if n_projs > 0 else n_units self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab, emb_dim, padding_idx=self.pad) self.dropout_emb = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_emb) # Joint network self.w_enc = nn.Linear(enc_n_units, bottleneck_dim) self.w_dec = nn.Linear(dec_idim, bottleneck_dim, bias=False) self.output = nn.Linear(bottleneck_dim, vocab) self.reset_parameters(param_init) # prediction network initialization with pre-trained LM if lm_init is not None: assert lm_init.vocab == vocab assert lm_init.n_units == n_units assert lm_init.n_projs == n_projs assert lm_init.n_layers == n_layers param_dict = dict(lm_init.named_parameters()) for n, p in self.named_parameters(): if n in param_dict.keys() and p.size() == param_dict[n].size(): if 'output' in n: continue = param_dict[n].data'Overwrite %s' % n)
def __init__(self, eos, unk, pad, blank, enc_n_units, attn_type, attn_n_heads, n_layers, d_model, d_ff, vocab, tie_embedding=False, pe_type='add', layer_norm_eps=1e-12, dropout=0.0, dropout_emb=0.0, dropout_att=0.0, lsm_prob=0.0, focal_loss_weight=0.0, focal_loss_gamma=2.0, ctc_weight=0.0, ctc_lsm_prob=0.0, ctc_fc_list=[], backward=False, global_weight=1.0, mtl_per_batch=False, adaptive_softmax=False): super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__() logger = logging.getLogger('training') self.eos = eos self.unk = unk self.pad = pad self.blank = blank self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.d_model = d_model self.n_layers = n_layers self.attn_n_heads = attn_n_heads self.pe_type = pe_type self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.focal_loss_weight = focal_loss_weight self.focal_loss_gamma = focal_loss_gamma self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.bwd = backward self.global_weight = global_weight self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=eos, blank=blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=0.1) if ctc_weight < global_weight: self.embed = Embedding( vocab, d_model, dropout=0, # NOTE: do not apply dropout here ignore_index=pad) self.pos_enc = PositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout_emb, pe_type) self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ TransformerDecoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, attn_type, attn_n_heads, dropout, dropout_att, layer_norm_eps) for _ in range(n_layers) ]) self.norm_out = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=layer_norm_eps) if adaptive_softmax: self.adaptive_softmax = nn.AdaptiveLogSoftmaxWithLoss( d_model, vocab, cutoffs=[ round(self.vocab / 15), 3 * round(self.vocab / 15) ], # cutoffs=[self.vocab // 25, 3 * self.vocab // 5], div_value=4.0) self.output = None else: self.adaptive_softmax = None self.output = Linear(d_model, vocab) # Optionally tie weights as in: # "Using the Output Embedding to Improve Language Models" (Press & Wolf 2016) # # and # "Tying Word Vectors and Word Classifiers: A Loss Framework for Language Modeling" (Inan et al. 2016) # if tie_embedding: self.output.fc.weight = self.embed.embed.weight # Initialize parameters self.reset_parameters()
def __init__(self, eos, unk, pad, blank, enc_n_units, rnn_type, n_units, n_projs, n_layers, bottleneck_dim, emb_dim, vocab, tie_embedding=False, attn_conv_kernel_size=0, dropout=0.0, dropout_emb=0.0, lsm_prob=0.0, ctc_weight=0.0, ctc_lsm_prob=0.0, ctc_fc_list=[], backward=False, lm_fusion=None, lm_fusion_type='cold', discourse_aware='', lm_init=None, global_weight=1.0, mtl_per_batch=False, param_init=0.1, replace_sos=False, soft_label_weight=0.0): super(CIFRNNDecoder, self).__init__() logger = logging.getLogger('training') self.eos = eos self.unk = unk self.pad = pad self.blank = blank self.vocab = vocab self.rnn_type = rnn_type assert rnn_type in ['lstm', 'gru'] self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.dec_n_units = n_units self.n_projs = n_projs self.n_layers = n_layers self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.bwd = backward self.lm_fusion_type = lm_fusion_type self.global_weight = global_weight self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch self.replace_sos = replace_sos self.soft_label_weight = soft_label_weight self.quantity_loss_weight = 1.0 # for contextualization self.discourse_aware = discourse_aware self.dstate_prev = None # for cache self.prev_spk = '' self.total_step = 0 self.dstates_final = None self.lmstate_final = None if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=eos, blank=blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=param_init) if ctc_weight < global_weight: # Attention layer self.score = CIF(enc_dim=self.enc_n_units, conv_kernel_size=attn_conv_kernel_size, conv_out_channels=self.enc_n_units) # Decoder self.rnn = nn.ModuleList() if self.n_projs > 0: self.proj = nn.ModuleList( [Linear(n_units, n_projs) for _ in range(n_layers)]) self.dropout = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Dropout(p=dropout) for _ in range(n_layers)]) rnn = nn.LSTM if rnn_type == 'lstm' else nn.GRU dec_odim = enc_n_units + emb_dim for l in range(n_layers): self.rnn += [rnn(dec_odim, n_units, 1)] dec_odim = n_units if self.n_projs > 0: dec_odim = n_projs # LM fusion if lm_fusion is not None: self.linear_dec_feat = Linear(dec_odim + enc_n_units, n_units) if lm_fusion_type in ['cold', 'deep']: self.linear_lm_feat = Linear(lm_fusion.n_units, n_units) self.linear_lm_gate = Linear(n_units * 2, n_units) elif lm_fusion_type == 'cold_prob': self.linear_lm_feat = Linear(lm_fusion.vocab, n_units) self.linear_lm_gate = Linear(n_units * 2, n_units) else: raise ValueError(lm_fusion_type) self.output_bn = Linear(n_units * 2, bottleneck_dim) # fix LM parameters for p in lm_fusion.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False elif discourse_aware == 'hierarchical': raise NotImplementedError else: self.output_bn = Linear(dec_odim + enc_n_units, bottleneck_dim) self.embed = Embedding(vocab, emb_dim, dropout=dropout_emb, ignore_index=pad) self.output = Linear(bottleneck_dim, vocab) # NOTE: include bias even when tying weights # Optionally tie weights as in: # "Using the Output Embedding to Improve Language Models" (Press & Wolf 2016) # # and # "Tying Word Vectors and Word Classifiers: A Loss Framework for Language Modeling" (Inan et al. 2016) # if tie_embedding: if emb_dim != bottleneck_dim: raise ValueError( 'When using the tied flag, n_units must be equal to emb_dim.' ) self.output.fc.weight = self.embed.embed.weight # Initialize parameters self.reset_parameters(param_init) # resister the external LM self.lm = lm_fusion # decoder initialization with pre-trained LM if lm_init is not None: assert lm_init.vocab == vocab assert lm_init.n_units == n_units assert lm_init.emb_dim == emb_dim'===== Initialize the decoder with pre-trained RNNLM') assert lm_init.n_projs == 0 # TODO(hirofumi): fix later assert lm_init.n_units_null_context == enc_n_units # RNN for l in range(lm_init.n_layers): for n, p in lm_init.rnn[l].named_parameters(): assert getattr(self.rnn[l], n).size() == p.size() getattr(self.rnn[l], n).data ='Overwrite %s' % n) # embedding assert self.embed.embed.weight.size( ) == lm_init.embed.embed.weight.size() ='Overwrite %s' % 'embed.embed.weight')
def __init__(self, eos, unk, pad, blank, enc_n_units, rnn_type, n_units, n_projs, n_layers, residual, bottleneck_dim, emb_dim, vocab, tie_embedding=False, dropout=0.0, dropout_emb=0.0, lsm_prob=0.0, ctc_weight=0.0, ctc_lsm_prob=0.0, ctc_fc_list=[], lm_init=None, lmobj_weight=0.0, share_lm_softmax=False, global_weight=1.0, mtl_per_batch=False, param_init=0.1, start_pointing=False, end_pointing=True): super(RNNTransducer, self).__init__() logger = logging.getLogger('training') self.eos = eos self.unk = unk self.pad = pad self.blank = blank self.vocab = vocab self.rnn_type = rnn_type assert rnn_type in ['lstm_transducer', 'gru_transducer'] self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.dec_n_units = n_units self.n_projs = n_projs self.n_layers = n_layers self.residual = residual self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.lmobj_weight = lmobj_weight self.share_lm_softmax = share_lm_softmax self.global_weight = global_weight self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch # VAD self.start_pointing = start_pointing self.end_pointing = end_pointing # for cache self.prev_spk = '' self.lmstate_final = None self.state_cache = OrderedDict() if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=eos, blank=blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=param_init) if ctc_weight < global_weight: import warprnnt_pytorch self.warprnnt_loss = warprnnt_pytorch.RNNTLoss() # for MTL with LM objective if lmobj_weight > 0: if share_lm_softmax: self.output_lmobj = self.output # share paramters else: self.output_lmobj = Linear(n_units, vocab) # Prediction network self.fast_impl = False rnn = nn.LSTM if rnn_type == 'lstm_transducer' else nn.GRU if n_projs == 0 and not residual: self.fast_impl = True self.rnn = rnn(emb_dim, n_units, n_layers, bias=True, batch_first=True, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=False) # NOTE: pytorch introduces a dropout layer on the outputs of each layer EXCEPT the last layer dec_idim = n_units self.dropout_top = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) else: self.rnn = nn.ModuleList() self.dropout = nn.ModuleList([nn.Dropout(p=dropout) for _ in range(n_layers)]) if n_projs > 0: self.proj = nn.ModuleList([Linear(dec_idim, n_projs) for _ in range(n_layers)]) dec_idim = emb_dim for l in range(n_layers): self.rnn += [rnn(dec_idim, n_units, 1, bias=True, batch_first=True, dropout=0, bidirectional=False)] dec_idim = n_projs if n_projs > 0 else n_units self.embed = Embedding(vocab, emb_dim, dropout=dropout_emb, ignore_index=pad) self.w_enc = Linear(enc_n_units, bottleneck_dim, bias=True) self.w_dec = Linear(dec_idim, bottleneck_dim, bias=False) self.output = Linear(bottleneck_dim, vocab) # Initialize parameters self.reset_parameters(param_init) # prediction network initialization with pre-trained LM if lm_init is not None: assert lm_init.vocab == vocab assert lm_init.n_units == n_units assert lm_init.n_projs == n_projs assert lm_init.n_layers == n_layers assert lm_init.residual == residual param_dict = dict(lm_init.named_parameters()) for n, p in self.named_parameters(): if n in param_dict.keys() and p.size() == param_dict[n].size(): if 'output' in n: continue = param_dict[n].data'Overwrite %s' % n)
def __init__( self, special_symbols, enc_n_units, attn_type, n_heads, n_layers, d_model, d_ff, pe_type, layer_norm_eps, ffn_activation, vocab, tie_embedding, dropout, dropout_emb, dropout_att, dropout_residual, lsm_prob, ctc_weight, ctc_lsm_prob, ctc_fc_list, backward, global_weight, mtl_per_batch, param_init, memory_transformer, mocha_chunk_size, mocha_n_heads_mono, mocha_n_heads_chunk, mocha_init_r, mocha_eps, mocha_std, mocha_quantity_loss_weight, mocha_head_divergence_loss_weight, latency_metric, latency_loss_weight, mocha_dropout_head, mocha_dropout_hard, mocha_first_layer, external_lm, lm_fusion, mem_len): super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__() self.eos = special_symbols['eos'] self.unk = special_symbols['unk'] self.pad = special_symbols['pad'] self.blank = special_symbols['blank'] self.vocab = vocab self.enc_n_units = enc_n_units self.d_model = d_model self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_heads = n_heads self.pe_type = pe_type self.lsm_prob = lsm_prob self.ctc_weight = ctc_weight self.bwd = backward self.global_weight = global_weight self.mtl_per_batch = mtl_per_batch self.prev_spk = '' self.lmstate_final = None # for TransformerXL decoder self.memory_transformer = memory_transformer if memory_transformer: assert pe_type == 'none' self.mem_len = mem_len # for attention plot self.aws_dict = {} self.data_dict = {} # for mocha self.attn_type = attn_type self.quantity_loss_weight = mocha_quantity_loss_weight self.headdiv_loss_weight = mocha_head_divergence_loss_weight self.latency_metric = latency_metric self.latency_loss_weight = latency_loss_weight self.mocha_first_layer = mocha_first_layer if ctc_weight > 0: self.ctc = CTC(eos=self.eos, blank=self.blank, enc_n_units=enc_n_units, vocab=self.vocab, dropout=dropout, lsm_prob=ctc_lsm_prob, fc_list=ctc_fc_list, param_init=0.1, backward=backward) if ctc_weight < global_weight: # token embedding self.embed = nn.Embedding(self.vocab, d_model, padding_idx=self.pad) # positional embedding if memory_transformer: self.dropout_emb = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_emb) self.pos_emb = XLPositionalEmbedding(d_model) self.u = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(self.n_heads, self.d_model // self.n_heads)) self.v = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(self.n_heads, self.d_model // self.n_heads)) # NOTE: u and v are global parameters else: self.pos_enc = PositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout_emb, pe_type, param_init) # self-attention self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ copy.deepcopy( TransformerDecoderBlock( d_model, d_ff, attn_type, n_heads, dropout, dropout_att, dropout_residual * (l + 1) / n_layers, layer_norm_eps, ffn_activation, param_init, src_tgt_attention=False if 'mocha' in attn_type and l < mocha_first_layer - 1 else True, memory_transformer=memory_transformer, mocha_chunk_size=mocha_chunk_size, mocha_n_heads_mono=mocha_n_heads_mono, mocha_n_heads_chunk=mocha_n_heads_chunk, mocha_init_r=mocha_init_r, mocha_eps=mocha_eps, mocha_std=mocha_std, mocha_dropout_head=mocha_dropout_head, mocha_dropout_hard=mocha_dropout_hard * (n_layers - l) / n_layers, # the lower the stronger lm_fusion=lm_fusion)) for l in range(n_layers) ]) self.norm_out = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=layer_norm_eps) self.output = nn.Linear(d_model, self.vocab) if tie_embedding: self.output.weight = self.embed.weight self.lm = external_lm if external_lm is not None: self.lm_output_proj = nn.Linear(external_lm.output_dim, d_model) self.reset_parameters(param_init)