Example #1
    def install_binaries(self, url):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to install FSL using binaries hosted
        on FSL's website.
        from neurodocker.generate import _add_to_entrypoint

        cmd = self._install_binaries_deps()
        cmd += ('\n&& echo "Downloading FSL ..."'
                '\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 {}'
                '\n| tar zx -C /opt'.format(url))

        if self.version >= LooseVersion('5.0.10'):
            fsl_python = "/opt/fsl/etc/fslconf/fslpython_install.sh"
            cmd += "\n&& /bin/bash {} -q -f /opt/fsl".format(fsl_python)

        if self.eddy_5011:
            cmd += self._install_eddy_5011()

        ent_cmds = ["echo Some packages in this Docker container are non-free",
                    ("echo If you are considering commercial use of this"
                     " container, please consult the relevant license:"),
                    "echo https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/Licence",
                    "source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh"]
        cmd += "\n&& {}".format(_add_to_entrypoint(ent_cmds, with_run=False))
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = ("FSLDIR=/opt/fsl"
        env_cmd = indent("ENV", env_cmd)

        return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
Example #2
    def install_miniconda(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to install Miniconda."""

        install_url = ("https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/"
        if self.check_urls:

        env_cmd = ("CONDA_DIR={0}"
        env_cmd = indent("ENV", env_cmd)

        cmds = ['echo "Downloading Miniconda installer ..."',
                "curl -sSL --retry 5 -o $miniconda_installer {url}",
                "/bin/bash $miniconda_installer -b -p $CONDA_DIR",
                "rm -f $miniconda_installer",
                "conda config --system --prepend channels conda-forge",
                "conda config --system --set auto_update_conda false",
                "conda config --system --set show_channel_urls true",
                "conda clean -tipsy && sync",
        if self.miniconda_version == 'latest':
            cmds.insert(-1, 'conda update -n base conda')
        cmd = indent("RUN", '\n&& '.join(cmds).format(url=install_url))

        Miniconda.INSTALLED = True

        return "\n".join((env_cmd, cmd))
Example #3
    def install_miniconda(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to install Miniconda."""

        install_url = ("https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/"
        if self.check_urls:

        env_cmd = ("CONDA_DIR={0}"
        env_cmd = indent("ENV", env_cmd)

        cmd = ('echo "Downloading Miniconda installer ..."'
               "\n&& miniconda_installer=/tmp/miniconda.sh"
               "\n&& curl -sSL -o $miniconda_installer {url}"
               "\n&& /bin/bash $miniconda_installer -b -p $CONDA_DIR"
               "\n&& rm -f $miniconda_installer"
               "\n&& conda config --system --prepend channels conda-forge"
               "\n&& conda config --system --set auto_update_conda false"
               "\n&& conda config --system --set show_channel_urls true"
               "\n&& conda update -y -q --all && sync"
               "\n&& conda clean -tipsy && sync"
               "".format(Miniconda.INSTALL_PATH, url=install_url))
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        Miniconda.INSTALLED = True

        return "\n".join((env_cmd, cmd))
Example #4
    def create_from_yaml(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to create conda environment from
        a YAML file.
        tmp_yml = "/tmp/environment.yml"
        cmd = ("conda env create -q --name {n} --file {tmp}"
               "\n&& rm -f {tmp}")

        if is_url(self.yaml_file):
            get_file = "curl -sSL {f} > {tmp}"
            cmd = get_file + "\n&& " + cmd
            if self.check_urls:
            cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
            get_file = 'COPY ["{f}", "{tmp}"]'
            cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
            cmd = "\n".join((get_file, cmd))

        cmd = cmd.format(n=self.env_name, f=self.yaml_file, tmp=tmp_yml)

        if self.add_to_path:
            bin_path = posixpath.join(Miniconda.INSTALL_PATH, 'envs',
                                      self.env_name, 'bin')
            env_cmd = "ENV PATH={}:$PATH".format(bin_path)
            return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
        return cmd
Example #5
def test_indent():
    pre = "FROM"
    cmd = "centos:latest"
    indented = ' '.join((pre, cmd))
    assert utils.indent(
        pre, cmd) == indented, "error prepending Dockerfile instruction"

    pre = "RUN"
    cmd = ("echo 'green eggs'\n" "&& echo ' and'\n" "&& echo ' ham'")
    indented = ("RUN echo 'green eggs' \\\n"
                "    && echo ' and' \\\n"
                "    && echo ' ham'")
    assert utils.indent(
        pre, cmd) == indented, "error indenting multi-line instruction"
Example #6
    def build_from_source(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to build dcm2niix from source.
        pkgs = {
            'apt': 'cmake g++ gcc git make pigz zlib1g-dev',
            'yum': 'cmake gcc-c++ git libstdc++-static make pigz zlib-devel'

        url = ("https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix/tarball/{}".format(
        if self.check_urls:

        workdir_cmd = "WORKDIR /tmp"
        cmd = ("deps='{pkgs}'"
               "\n&& {install}"
               "\n&& {clean}"
               "\n&& mkdir dcm2niix"
               "\n&& curl -sSL {url} | tar xz -C dcm2niix --strip-components 1"
               "\n&& mkdir dcm2niix/build && cd dcm2niix/build"
               "\n&& cmake .. && make"
               "\n&& make install"
               "\n&& rm -rf /tmp/*"
        cmd = cmd.format(pkgs='$deps')
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        return "\n".join((workdir_cmd, cmd))
Example #7
    def create_conda_env(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to create conda environment with
        desired version of Python and desired conda and pip packages.
        cmd = "conda create -y -q --name {}".format(self.env_name)

        if self.conda_opts:
            cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, self.conda_opts)

        cmd = "{} python={}".format(cmd, self.python_version)

        if self.conda_install:
            if isinstance(self.conda_install, (list, tuple)):
                self.conda_install = " ".join(self.conda_install)
            cmd += "\n\t{}".format(self.conda_install)

        cmd += "\n&& sync && conda clean -tipsy && sync"

        if self.pip_install:
            cmd += self._install_pip_pkgs()

        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        if self.add_to_path:
            bin_path = posixpath.join(Miniconda.INSTALL_PATH, 'envs',
                                      self.env_name, 'bin')
            env_cmd = "ENV PATH={}:$PATH".format(bin_path)
            return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
        return cmd
Example #8
    def install_spm(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to install standalone SPM."""
        from neurodocker.generate import _add_to_entrypoint

        url = self._get_spm_url()

        mcr_path = posixpath.join(SPM.MCR_DEST,

        spm_cmd = '/opt/spm{0}/run_spm{0}.sh {1}'.format(
            self.version, mcr_path)
        spmmcrcmd = 'export SPMMCRCMD="{} script"'.format(spm_cmd)
        entrypoint_cmd = _add_to_entrypoint(spmmcrcmd, with_run=False)

        comment = "# Install standalone SPM"
        cmd = ('echo "Downloading standalone SPM ..."'
               "\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 -o spm.zip {url}"
               "\n&& unzip -q spm.zip -d /opt"
               "\n&& chmod -R 777 /opt/spm*"
               "\n&& rm -rf spm.zip"
               "\n&& {spm_cmd} quit"
               "\n&& {entrypoint_cmd}"
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = self._get_spm_env_cmd(mcr_path, spm_cmd)

        return '\n'.join((comment, cmd, env_cmd))
Example #9
    def conda_and_pip_install(self, create=True):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to create conda environment with
        desired version of Python and desired conda and pip packages.
        conda_cmd = "conda create" if create else "conda install"
        cmd = "{} -y -q --name {}".format(conda_cmd, self.env_name)

        if self.conda_opts:
            cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, self.conda_opts)

        if self.conda_install:
            if isinstance(self.conda_install, (list, tuple)):
                self.conda_install = " ".join(self.conda_install)
            cmd += "\n\t{}".format(self.conda_install)

        cmd += "\n&& sync && conda clean -tipsy && sync"

        if not self.conda_install and not create:
            cmd = ""
        if self.pip_install:
            if self.conda_install or create:
                cmd += "\n&& "
            cmd += self._pip_install()

        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)


        if self.add_to_path:
            bin_path = posixpath.join(Miniconda.INSTALL_PATH, 'envs',
                                      self.env_name, 'bin')
            env_cmd = "ENV PATH={}:$PATH".format(bin_path)
            return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
        return cmd
Example #10
    def conda_and_pip_install(self, create=True):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to create conda environment with
        desired version of Python and desired conda and pip packages.
        conda_cmd = "conda create" if create else "conda install"
        cmd = "{} -y -q --name {}".format(conda_cmd, self.env_name)

        if self.conda_opts:
            cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, self.conda_opts)

        if self.conda_install:
            if isinstance(self.conda_install, str):
                self.conda_install = self.conda_install.split()
            pkgs = _indent_pkgs(len(cmd.split('\n')[-1]), self.conda_install)
            cmd += pkgs
            # cmd += "\n\t{}".format(self.conda_install)

        cmd += "\n&& sync && conda clean -tipsy && sync"

        if not self.conda_install and not create:
            cmd = ""
        if self.pip_install:
            if self.conda_install or create:
                cmd += "\n&& "
            cmd += self._pip_install()

        if self.activate:
            cmd += self._get_source_activate_cmd()

        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
        return cmd
Example #11
def _add_install(pkgs, pkg_manager):
    """Return Dockerfile RUN instruction that installs system packages.

    pkgs : list
        List of system packages to install.
    pkg_manager : {'apt', 'yum'}
        Linux package manager.
    comment = ("#------------------------"
               "\n# Install system packages"
    installers = {
        'apt': apt_get_install,
        'yum': yum_install,
    # pkgs = ' '.join(pkgs)
    # cmd = "{install}\n&& {clean}".format(**manage_pkgs[pkg_manager])
    # cmd = cmd.format(pkgs=pkgs)
    flags = [jj for jj in pkgs if jj.startswith('flags=')]
    pkgs = [kk for kk in pkgs if kk not in flags]

    if flags:
        flags = flags[0].replace('flags=', '')
        flags = None
    cmd = installers[pkg_manager](pkgs, flags)
    cmd += "\n&& {clean}".format(**manage_pkgs[pkg_manager])
    return indent("RUN", cmd)
Example #12
    def build_from_source(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to build MRtrix from source. Checkout
        to git_hash if specified.
        # QUESTION: how to download eigen3-devel? Have to add EPEL.
        pkgs = {
            'apt': 'g++ git libeigen3-dev zlib1g-dev',
            'yum': 'eigen3-devel gcc-c++ git zlib-devel'

        if self.git_hash == None:
            checkout = ""
            checkout = ("\n&& git checkout {}".format(self.git_hash))

        workdir_cmd = "WORKDIR /opt"
        cmd = ("deps='{pkgs}'"
               "\n&& {install}"
               "\n&& {clean}"
               "\n&& git clone https://github.com/MRtrix3/mrtrix3.git"
               "\n&& cd mrtrix3"
               "\n&& ./configure -nogui"
               "\n&& ./build"
               "\n&& rm -rf tmp/* /tmp/*"
               "\n&& {remove}"
        cmd = cmd.format(pkgs='$deps')
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = ("ENV PATH=/opt/mrtrix3/bin:$PATH")

        return "\n".join((workdir_cmd, cmd, env_cmd))
Example #13
    def install_binaries(self):
        """Return command to download and install FreeSurfer binaries."""
        from neurodocker.generate import _add_to_entrypoint

        url = self._get_binaries_url()

        if self.check_urls and self.version == 'dev':
            raise ValueError(
                "check_urls=True and version='dev' cannot be used "
                "together. Set check_urls to False.")
        elif self.check_urls:

        if self.exclude:
            excluded_dirs = _get_dirs_to_exclude(self.exclude)
            excluded_dirs = ''

        cmd = self._install_binaries_deps()
        ent = _add_to_entrypoint("source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh",
        cmd += ('\n&& echo "Downloading FreeSurfer ..."'
                "\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 {url}"
                "\n| tar xz -C /opt\n{excluded}"
                "\n&& {entrypoint_cmd}"
                "".format(url=url, excluded=excluded_dirs, entrypoint_cmd=ent))
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = "ENV FREESURFER_HOME=/opt/freesurfer"

        return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
Example #14
    def build_from_source_github(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to build ANTs from source. Checkout
        to commit based on git_hash or version. If 'latest', build from master.
        pkgs = {
            'apt': 'cmake g++ gcc git make zlib1g-dev',
            'yum': 'cmake gcc-c++ git make zlib-devel'

        if self.git_hash is None:
                self.git_hash = ANTs.VERSION_HASHES[self.version]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError("git hash not known for version {}"

        if self.version == "latest":
            checkout = ""
            checkout = ("\n&& cd ANTs"
                        "\n&& git checkout {}"
                        "\n&& cd .."

        workdir_cmd = "WORKDIR /tmp/ants-build"
        cmd = ("deps='{pkgs}'"
               "\n&& {install}"
               "\n&& {clean}"
               "\n&& git clone https://github.com/stnava/ANTs.git"
               "\n&& mkdir build && cd build"
               "\n&& cmake ../ANTs && make -j 1"
               "\n&& mkdir -p /opt/ants"
               "\n&& mv bin/* /opt/ants && mv ../ANTs/Scripts/* /opt/ants"
               "\n&& rm -rf /tmp/*"
               "\n&& {remove}"
        cmd = cmd.format(pkgs='$deps')
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = ("ANTSPATH=/opt/ants\n" "PATH=/opt/ants:$PATH")
        env_cmd = indent("ENV", env_cmd)

        return "\n".join((workdir_cmd, cmd, env_cmd))
Example #15
    def _install_pkgs(self):
        """Return instruction to install NeuroDebian packages."""
        if isinstance(self.pkgs, (list, tuple)):
            self.pkgs = " ".join(self.pkgs)

        cmd = ("{install}\n&& {clean}".format(**manage_pkgs['apt']).format(
        comment = "\n# Install NeuroDebian packages"
        return "\n".join((comment, indent("RUN", cmd)))
Example #16
def _add_run_bash(bash_code, **kwargs):
    """Return Dockerfile RUN instruction to execute bash code."""
    import json

    comment = "# User-defined BASH instruction"
    escaped_bash_code = json.dumps(bash_code)
    cmd = 'bash -c {}'.format(escaped_bash_code)
    cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
    return "\n".join((comment, cmd))
Example #17
def _add_common_dependencies(pkg_manager):
    """Return Dockerfile instructions to download dependencies common to
    many software packages.

    pkg_manager : {'apt', 'yum'}
        Linux package manager.
    deps = ['bzip2', 'ca-certificates', 'curl', 'unzip']
    if pkg_manager == "apt":
    if pkg_manager == "yum":
    deps = " ".join(sorted(deps))
    deps = "\n\t" + deps

    comment = ("#----------------------------------------------------------"
               "\n# Install common dependencies and create default entrypoint"

    env = ('LANG="en_US.UTF-8"'
    env = indent("ENV", env)

    cmd = "{install}\n&& {clean}".format(**manage_pkgs[pkg_manager])
    cmd = cmd.format(pkgs=deps)

    cmd += (
        "\n&& localedef --force --inputfile=en_US --charmap=UTF-8 C.UTF-8"
        "\n&& chmod 777 /opt && chmod a+s /opt"
        "\n&& mkdir -p /neurodocker"
        '\n&& if [ ! -f "$ND_ENTRYPOINT" ]; then'
        "\n     echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' >> $ND_ENTRYPOINT"
        "\n     && echo 'set +x' >> $ND_ENTRYPOINT"
        "\n     && echo 'if [ -z \"$*\" ]; then /usr/bin/env bash; else $*; fi' >> $ND_ENTRYPOINT;"
        "\n   fi"
        "\n&& chmod -R 777 /neurodocker && chmod a+s /neurodocker")
    cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
    entrypoint = 'ENTRYPOINT ["{}"]'.format(ENTRYPOINT_FILE)

    return "\n".join((comment, env, cmd, entrypoint))
Example #18
    def install_binaries(self):
        """Return command to download and install ANTs binaries."""
            url = ANTs.VERSION_TARBALLS[self.version]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Tarball not available for version {}."

        if self.check_urls:

        cmd = ('echo "Downloading ANTs ..."'
               "\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 {}"
               "\n| tar zx -C /opt".format(url))
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = ("ANTSPATH=/opt/ants" "\nPATH=/opt/ants:$PATH")
        env_cmd = indent("ENV", env_cmd)

        return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
Example #19
    def install_with_pyinstaller(check_urls=False):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to install FSL using FSL's Python
        installer. This will install the latest version and only works on
        workdir_cmd = "WORKDIR /opt"
        url = "https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsldownloads/fslinstaller.py"
        if check_urls:
        cmd = ("curl -sSL -o fslinstaller.py {url}"
               "\n&& python fslinstaller.py --dest=/opt --quiet"
               "\n&& . /opt/fsl/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh"
               "\n&& rm -f fslinstaller.py"
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        path_cmd = ("FSLDIR=/opt/fsl" "\n&& PATH=/opt/fsl/bin:$PATH")
        path_cmd = indent("ENV", path_cmd)

        return "\n".join((workdir_cmd, cmd, path_cmd))
Example #20
 def install_mcr(self):
     """Return Dockerfile instructions to install MATLAB Compiler Runtime."""
     url = self._get_mcr_url()
     comment = "# Install MATLAB Compiler Runtime"
     cmd = self._install_libs()
     cmd += ('\n&& echo "Downloading MATLAB Compiler Runtime ..."'
             "\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 -o /tmp/mcr.zip {url}"
             "\n&& unzip -q /tmp/mcr.zip -d /tmp/mcrtmp"
             "\n&& /tmp/mcrtmp/install -destinationFolder {dest}"
             " -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes"
             "\n&& rm -rf /tmp/*".format(url=url, dest=SPM.MCR_DEST))
     cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
     return '\n'.join((comment, cmd))
Example #21
    def install_binaries(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to download and install PETPVC
        petpvc_url = self._get_binaries_urls(self.version)
        if self.check_urls:

        cmd = self._get_install_cmd(petpvc_url)
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        env_cmd = ("ENV PATH=/opt/petpvc/bin:$PATH")

        return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
    def install_binaries(self):
        """Return command to download and install C3D binaries."""
            url = Convert3D.VERSION_TARBALLS[self.version.lower()]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported version: {}".format(self.version))

        if self.check_urls:

        cmd = ('echo "Downloading C3D ..."'
               "\n&& mkdir /opt/c3d"
               "\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 {}"
               "\n| tar -xzC /opt/c3d --strip-components=1".format(url))
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)

        c3d_path = "/opt/c3d"
        c3d_bin_path = posixpath.join(c3d_path, 'bin')
        env_cmd = ("C3DPATH={}"
                   "\nPATH={}:$PATH").format(c3d_path, c3d_bin_path)
        env_cmd = indent("ENV", env_cmd)

        return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
Example #23
def _add_common_dependencies(pkg_manager):
    """Return Dockerfile instructions to download dependencies common to
    many software packages.

    pkg_manager : {'apt', 'yum'}
        Linux package manager.
    deps = "\n\tbzip2 ca-certificates curl unzip"
    if pkg_manager == "yum":
        deps += " epel-release"

    comment = ("#----------------------------------------------------------"
               "\n# Install common dependencies and create default entrypoint"

    env = ('LANG="C.UTF-8"'
    env = indent("ENV", env)

    cmd = "{install}\n&& {clean}".format(**manage_pkgs[pkg_manager])
    cmd = cmd.format(pkgs=deps)

    cmd += (
        "\n&& chmod 777 /opt && chmod a+s /opt"
        "\n&& mkdir /neurodocker"
        "\n&& echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' >> $ND_ENTRYPOINT"
        "\n&& echo 'set +x' >> $ND_ENTRYPOINT"
        "\n&& echo 'if [ -z \"$*\" ]; then /usr/bin/env bash; else $*; fi' >> $ND_ENTRYPOINT"
        "\n&& chmod -R 777 /neurodocker && chmod a+s /neurodocker")
    cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
    entrypoint = 'ENTRYPOINT ["{}"]'.format(ENTRYPOINT_FILE)

    return "\n".join((comment, env, cmd, entrypoint))
Example #24
    def _get_spm_env_cmd(mcr_path, spm_cmd):
        matlabcmd = posixpath.join(mcr_path, 'toolbox', 'matlab')
        spmmcrcmd = spm_cmd + ' script'

        ld_lib_path = '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'
        for relpath in ['runtime/glnxa64', 'bin/glnxa64', 'sys/os/glnxa64']:
            ld_lib_path += ":{}".format(posixpath.join(mcr_path, relpath))
        ld_lib_path += ":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

        env = ("MATLABCMD={}"
            #    '\nSPMMCRCMD="{}"'
               "".format(matlabcmd, ld_lib_path))
        return indent("ENV", env)
Example #25
    def create_from_yaml(self):
        """Return Dockerfile instructions to create conda environment from
        a YAML file.
        tmp_yml = "/tmp/environment.yml"
        cmd = ("conda env create -q --name {n} --file {tmp}"
               "\n&& rm -f {tmp}")

        if self.activate:
            cmd += self._get_source_activate_cmd()

        if is_url(self.yaml_file):
            get_file = "curl -sSL {f} > {tmp}"
            cmd = get_file + "\n&& " + cmd
            if self.check_urls:
            cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
            get_file = 'COPY ["{f}", "{tmp}"]'
            cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
            cmd = "\n".join((get_file, cmd))

        cmd = cmd.format(n=self.env_name, f=self.yaml_file, tmp=tmp_yml)
        return cmd
Example #26
def _add_label(labels, **kwargs):
    """Return Dockerfile LABEL instruction to set image labels.

    labels : dict
        Dictionary of label names and values.
    import json
    out = ""
    for k, v in labels.items():
        newline = "\n" if out else ""
        v = json.dumps(v)  # Escape double quotes and other things.
        out += '{}{}={}'.format(newline, k, v)
    return indent("LABEL", out)
Example #27
    def install_binaries(self):
        """Return command to download and install MRtrix3 binaries."""
        url = ("https://dl.dropbox.com/s/2g008aaaeht3m45/"

        if self.check_urls:

        cmd = ('echo "Downloading MRtrix3 ..."'
               '\n&& curl -sSL --retry 5 {}'
               '\n| tar zx -C /opt'.format(url))
        cmd = indent("RUN", cmd)
        env_cmd = ("ENV PATH=/opt/mrtrix3/bin:$PATH")

        return "\n".join((cmd, env_cmd))
Example #28
 def _add_neurodebian(self):
     """Return instruction to add NeuroDebian repository."""
     pkgs = "dirmngr gnupg"
     cmd = (
         "\n&& {clean}"
         "\n&& curl -sSL {url}"
         "\n> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list"
         "\n&& apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://dl.dropbox.com/s/zxs209o955q6vkg/neurodebian.gpg"
         # Syntax from
         # https://github.com/poldracklab/fmriprep/blob/master/Dockerfile#L21
         "\n&& (apt-key adv --refresh-keys --keyserver"
         " hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 0xA5D32F012649A5A9 || true)"
         "\n&& apt-get update"
         "".format(url=self.url, **manage_pkgs['apt']).format(pkgs=pkgs))
     return indent("RUN", cmd)
Example #29
def _add_env_vars(env_vars, **kwargs):
    """Return Dockerfile ENV instruction to set environment variables.

    env_vars : dict
        Environment variables where keys are the environment variables names,
        and values are the values assigned to those environment variable names.
    import json
    out = ""
    for k, v in env_vars.items():
        newline = "\n" if out else ""
        v = json.dumps(v)  # Escape double quotes and other things.
        out += '{}{}={}'.format(newline, k, v)
    return indent("ENV", out)
Example #30
def _add_install(pkgs, pkg_manager):
    """Return Dockerfile RUN instruction that installs system packages.

    pkgs : list
        List of system packages to install.
    pkg_manager : {'apt', 'yum'}
        Linux package manager.
    comment = ("#------------------------"
               "\n# Install system packages"
    pkgs = ' '.join(pkgs)
    cmd = "{install}\n&& {clean}".format(**manage_pkgs[pkg_manager])
    cmd = cmd.format(pkgs=pkgs)
    return indent("RUN", cmd)