Example #1
def test_segment_path_length():
    leaves = [l for l in tr.ileaf(NEURON_TREE)]
    for l in leaves:
        nt.ok_(path_length(l) == 9)

    leaves = [l for l in tr.ileaf(SIMPLE_TREE)]
    for l in leaves:
        nt.ok_(path_length(l) == 8)
Example #2
def _check_trees(trees):
    for t in trees:
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ileaf(t))) == 11)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iforking_point(t))) == 10)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipreorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipostorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.isegment(t))) == 210)
        leaves = [l for l in tree.ileaf(t)]
        # path length from each leaf to root node.
        branch_order = [21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 111, 111]
        for i, l in enumerate(leaves):
            nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iupstream(l))) == branch_order[i])
Example #3
def _check_trees(trees):
    for t in trees:
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ileaf(t))) == 11)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iforking_point(t))) == 10)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipreorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipostorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.isegment(t))) == 210)
        leaves = [l for l in tree.ileaf(t)]
        # path length from each leaf to root node.
        branch_order = [21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 111, 111]
        for i, l in enumerate(leaves):
            nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iupstream(l))) == branch_order[i])
Example #4
def test_ibifurcation_point_upstream():
    leaves = [l for l in ileaf(REF_TREE2)]
    ref_paths = [[11, 0], [11, 0], [11, 0], [11, 0], [1211, 12, 0],
                 [1211, 12, 0], [12, 0]]

    for l, ref in zip(leaves, ref_paths):
            [s for s in val_iter(ibifurcation_point(l, iupstream))], ref)
Example #5
def test_ibifurcation_point_upstream():
    leaves = [l for l in ileaf(REF_TREE2)]
    ref_paths = [
        [11, 0], [11, 0], [11, 0], [11, 0],
        [1211, 12, 0], [1211, 12, 0], [12, 0]

    for l, ref in zip(leaves, ref_paths):
        nt.assert_equal([s for s in val_iter(ibifurcation_point(l, iupstream))], ref)
Example #6
def test_leaf_iteration():
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE))) == [111, 112, 12111, 12112, 122])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[0]))) == [111, 112])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[1]))) == [12111, 12112, 122])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[0].children[0]))) == [111])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[0].children[1]))) == [112])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[1].children[0]))) == [12111, 12112])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[1].children[1]))) == [122])
Example #7
def test_section_upstream_iteration():
    leaves = [l for l in ileaf(REF_TREE2)]
    ref_paths = [[(1111, 11111), (11, 111, 1111), (0, 11)],
                 [(1111, 11112), (11, 111, 1111), (0, 11)],
                 [(1111, 11113), (11, 111, 1111), (0, 11)], [(11, 112),
                                                             (0, 11)],
                 [(1211, 12111), (12, 121, 1211), (0, 12)],
                 [(1211, 12112), (12, 121, 1211), (0, 12)], [(12, 122),
                                                             (0, 12)]]

    for l, ref in zip(leaves, ref_paths):
        nt.assert_equal([s for s in val_iter(isection(l, iupstream))], ref)
Example #8
def test_leaf_iteration():
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE))) == [111, 112, 12111, 12112, 122])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[0]))) == [111, 112])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[1]))) == [12111, 12112, 122])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[0].children[0]))) == [111])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[0].children[1]))) == [112])
        list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[1].children[0]))) ==
        [12111, 12112])
    nt.ok_(list(val_iter(ileaf(REF_TREE.children[1].children[1]))) == [122])
Example #9
def test_section_upstream_iteration():
    leaves = [l for l in ileaf(REF_TREE2)]
    ref_paths = [
        [(1111, 11111), (11, 111, 1111), (0, 11)],
        [(1111, 11112), (11, 111, 1111), (0, 11)],
        [(1111, 11113), (11, 111, 1111), (0, 11)],
        [(11, 112), (0, 11)],
        [(1211, 12111), (12, 121, 1211), (0, 12)],
        [(1211, 12112), (12, 121, 1211), (0, 12)],
        [(12, 122), (0, 12)]]

    for l, ref in zip(leaves, ref_paths):
        nt.assert_equal([s for s in val_iter(isection(l, iupstream))], ref)
Example #10
def compare_trees(tree1, tree2):
    Comparison between all the nodes and their respective radii between two trees.
    Ids are do not have to be identical between the trees, and swapping is allowed


        False if the trees are not identical. True otherwise.
    leaves1 = list(tr.ileaf(tree1))
    leaves2 = list(tr.ileaf(tree2))

    if len(leaves1) != len(leaves2):

        return False


        nleaves = len(leaves1)

        for leaf1, leaf2 in product(leaves1, leaves2):

            is_equal = True

            for node1, node2 in izip(tr.val_iter(tr.iupstream(leaf1)),

                if any(node1[0:5] != node2[0:5]):

                    is_equal = False

            if is_equal:
                nleaves -= 1

    return nleaves == 0
Example #11
def n_terminations(tree):
    Return number of terminations in tree
    return sum(1 for _ in tr.ileaf(tree))
Example #12
    soma = neuron.make_soma([rd.get_row(si) for si in get_soma_ids(rd)])

    for tr in trees:
        for p in point_iter(tree.ipreorder(tr)):
            print p

    print 'Initial segment IDs:', init_seg_ids

    nrn = neuron.Neuron(soma, trees)

    print 'Neuron soma raw data', [r for r in nrn.soma.iter()]
    print 'Neuron soma points', [as_point(p) for p in nrn.soma.iter()]

    print 'Neuron tree init points, types'
    for tt in nrn.neurites:
        print tt.value[COLS.ID], tt.value[COLS.TYPE]

    print 'Making neuron 2'
    nrn2 = make_neuron(rd)
    print 'Neuron 2 soma points', [r for r in nrn2.soma.iter()]
    print 'Neuron 2 soma points', [as_point(p) for p in nrn2.soma.iter()]
    print 'Neuron 2 tree init points, types'
    for tt in nrn2.neurites:
        print tt.value[COLS.ID], tt.value[COLS.TYPE]

    print 'Print neuron leaves as points'
    for tt in nrn2.neurites:
        for p in point_iter(tree.ileaf(tt)):
            print p
Example #13
    for tr in trees:
        for p in point_iter(tree.ipreorder(tr)):

    LOG.info('Initial segment IDs: %s', init_seg_ids)

    nrn = neuron.Neuron(soma, trees)

    LOG.info('Neuron soma raw data % s', [r for r in nrn.soma.iter()])
    LOG.info('Neuron soma points %s', [as_point(p)
                                       for p in nrn.soma.iter()])

    LOG.info('Neuron tree init points, types')
    for tt in nrn.neurites:
        LOG.info('%s, %s', tt.value[COLS.ID], tt.value[COLS.TYPE])

    LOG.info('Making neuron 2')
    nrn2 = make_neuron(rd)
    LOG.debug('Neuron 2 soma points %s', [r for r in nrn2.soma.iter()])
    LOG.debug('Neuron 2 soma points %s', [as_point(p)
                                          for p in nrn2.soma.iter()])
    LOG.info('Neuron 2 tree init points, types')
    for tt in nrn2.neurites:
        LOG.info('%s %s', tt.value[COLS.ID], tt.value[COLS.TYPE])

    LOG.debug('Print neuron leaves as points')
    for tt in nrn2.neurites:
        for p in point_iter(tree.ileaf(tt)):
Example #14
def n_terminations(tree):
    Return number of terminations in tree
    return sum(1 for _ in tr.ileaf(tree))
Example #15
def path_end_to_end_distance(path):
    '''Calculate and return end-to-end-distance of a given path.'''
    trunk = path.value
    return max(morphmath.point_dist(l, trunk) for l in tree.val_iter(tree.ileaf(path)))