Example #1
def Biophys1(cell, template_name, dynamic_params):
    """Loads a biophysical NEURON hoc object using Cell-Types database objects."""
    morphology_file = cell.morphology_file
    hobj = h.Biophys1(str(morphology_file))
    #set_params_peri(hobj, dynamic_params)
    return hobj
Example #2
def Biophys1_dict(cell):
    """ Set parameters for cells from the Allen Cell Types database Prior to setting parameters will replace the
    axon with the stub
    morphology_file = cell['morphology']
    hobj = h.Biophys1(str(morphology_file))
    return hobj
Example #3
def Biophys1_adjusted(cell_prop):
    morphology_file_name = str(cell_prop['morphology_file'])
    hobj = h.Biophys1(morphology_file_name)
    # set_params_peri(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)
    set_params(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)
    return hobj
Example #4
def Biophys1(cell_prop):
    morphology_file_name = str(cell_prop['morphology_file'])
    hobj = h.Biophys1(morphology_file_name)
    set_params_peri(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)

    return hobj
Example #5
def Biophys1_dict(cell):
    """ Set parameters for cells from the Allen Cell Types database Prior to setting parameters will replace the
    axon with the stub
    morphology_file = cell['morphology_file']
    hobj = h.Biophys1(str(morphology_file))
    set_params_peri(hobj, cell.model_params)
    return hobj
Example #6
    def __init__(self, swc_file, random_seed=10):
        nrn.load_neuron_modules(None, None)
        self._hobj = h.Biophys1(swc_file)
        self._morphology = Morphology(self._hobj)
        self._prng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        self._secs = []
Example #7
def Biophys1(cell_prop):
    Set parameters for cells from the Allen Cell Types database
    Prior to setting parameters will replace the axon with the stub


    morphology_file_name = str(cell_prop['morphology_file'])
    hobj = h.Biophys1(morphology_file_name)
    # set_params_peri(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)
    set_params(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)
    return hobj
def Biophys1(cell_prop):
    Set parameters for cells from the Allen Cell Types database
    Prior to setting parameters will replace the axon with the stub


    morphology_file_name = str(cell_prop['morphology_file'])
    hobj = h.Biophys1(morphology_file_name)
    # set_params_peri(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)
    set_params(hobj, cell_prop.model_params)

    def calc_density_exp(dist):
        # FILL IN HERE
        g_max = 2.84922026765e-07
        density = g_max * (-0.8696 + 2.087 * np.exp((dist) * 0.0031))
        #return dist
        return density

    targeted_sections = ['apic']  # only apply to these types of segements
    )  # need this to set all distances relative to soma (not sure if from center?)
    for sec in hobj.all:
        sec_type = sec.name().split(".")[1][:4]
        if sec_type in targeted_sections:
            # sec.insert('Ih_mod')  # insert channel mechanics
            for seg in sec:
                dist = h.distance(seg.x)
                sec_density = calc_density_exp(
                    dist)  # calculate the channel density
                setattr(seg, 'gbar_Ih_mod', sec_density)  # 0.0166428509042)

    for sec in hobj.all:
        sec_type = sec.name().split(".")[1][:4]
        if sec_type == 'axon':

# print the distance!

#if sec_type in targeted_sections:
        print sec.name()
        for seg in sec:
            print h.distance(seg.x), seg.gbar_Ih_mod

    return hobj
Example #9
    def __init__(self, swc_path, fix_axon=True):
        self._swc_path = swc_path
        self._swc_df = pd.read_csv(
            sep=' ',
            names=['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'r', 'pid'],

        nrn.load_neuron_modules(None, None)
        self._hobj = h.Biophys1(swc_path)
        self._sections = []
        self._swc_ids = []
        section_list = list(self._hobj.all)
        for ln in range(len(self._swc_df)):
            sec_id = int(self._hobj.nl.point2sec[ln])
            swc_id = int(self._hobj.nl.pt2id(ln))
            sec = section_list[sec_id]

        self._swc_df['section_name'] = self._sections

        # self._swc_table = pd.DataFrame({
        #     'section_name': self._sections,
        #     'swc_id': self._swc_ids
        # }).

        if fix_axon:
            axon_indices = [
                i for i, sec_name in enumerate(self._sections)
                if 'axon' in sec_name
            self._sections = [
                self._sections[i] for i in range(len(self._sections))
                if i not in axon_indices
            self._swc_ids = [
                self._swc_ids[i] for i in range(len(self._swc_ids))
                if i not in axon_indices
Example #10
def NMLLoad(cell, template_name, dynamic_params):
    """Convert a NEUROML file to a NEURON hoc cell object.

    Current limitations:
    * Ignores nml morphology section. You must pass in a swc file
    * Only for biophysically detailed cell biophysical components. All properties must be assigned to a segment group.

    :param cell:
    :param template_name:
    :param dynamic_params:
    # Last I checked there is no built in way to load a NML file directly into NEURON through the API, instead we have
    # to manually parse the nml file and build the NEUROM cell object section-by-section.
    morphology_file = cell.morphology_file
    hobj = h.Biophys1(str(morphology_file))
    # Depending on if the axon is cut before or after setting cell channels and mechanism can create drastically
    # different results. Currently NML files doesn't produce the same results if you use model_processing directives.
    # TODO: Find a way to specify model_processing directive with NML file

    # Load the hoc template containing a swc initialized NEURON cell
    if template_name in nml_files:
        nml_params = nml_files[template_name]
        # Parse the NML parameters file xml tree and cache.
        biophys_dirs = cell.network.get_component(
        nml_path = os.path.join(biophys_dirs, template_name)
        nml_params = NMLTree(nml_path)
        nml_files[template_name] = nml_params

    # Iterate through the NML tree by section and use the properties to manually create cell mechanisms
    section_lists = [(sec, sec.name().split(".")[1][:4]) for sec in hobj.all]
    for sec, sec_name in section_lists:
        for prop_name, prop_obj in nml_params[sec_name].items():
            if prop_obj.element_tag() == 'resistivity':
                sec.Ra = prop_obj.value

            elif prop_obj.element_tag() == 'specificCapacitance':
                sec.cm = prop_obj.value

            elif prop_obj.element_tag(
            ) == 'channelDensity' and prop_obj.ion_channel == 'pas':
                setattr(sec, 'g_pas', prop_obj.cond_density)
                for seg in sec:
                    seg.pas.e = prop_obj.erev

            elif prop_obj.element_tag(
            ) == 'channelDensity' or prop_obj.element_tag(
            ) == 'channelDensityNernst':
                setattr(sec, prop_obj.id, prop_obj.cond_density)
                if prop_obj.ion == 'na' and prop_obj:
                    sec.ena = prop_obj.erev
                elif prop_obj.ion == 'k':
                    sec.ek = prop_obj.erev

            elif prop_obj.element_tag() == 'concentrationModel':
                setattr(sec, 'gamma_' + prop_obj.type, prop_obj.gamma)
                setattr(sec, 'decay_' + prop_obj.type, prop_obj.decay)

    return hobj